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Wake Forest University¶s Radical Imam

Posted on January 17, 2012 by creeping

Radical is a subjective term, he¶s no more radical than Mohammed right? Semantics aside,couple this with terror-linked Muslims pushing sharia in elementary schools and pro-sharia

Muslims rewriting textbooks and you can see how quickly a nation can be destroyed from within.

via Wake Forest University¶s Radical Imam by Clare M. Lopez

When Wake Forest University hired Khalid Griggs in February 2010 to be its first MuslimAssistant Chaplain, President Nathan O. Hatch hailed the ³broader dialogue among people of different faith traditions´ and the ³greater awareness of differing beliefs´ that he apparentlysupposed would flow naturally from the appointment.


In the case of Khalid Griggs, Hatch¶s failure has been and continues to be egregious. Even acursory Google search readily turns up the information that Griggs is closely affiliated with theIslamic Circle of North America (ICNA). Had Hatch done even the minimal homework expectedof a college sophomore, he would know that ICNA was included on a Muslim Brotherhood

document submitted (unopposed) into evidence in the Holy Land Foundation trial titled, ³ A listof our organizations and the organizations of our friends ,´ which identified ICNA as an entity or affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood. Further, ICNA was named by the Department of Justice(DoJ), which prosecuted the case, an unindicted co-conspirator .

To make things even worse, it turns out that Wake Forest¶s new imam isn¶t just ³affiliated´ withICNA: he¶s the Chairman for the ICNA Council for Social Justice . This means he¶s a senior

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ranking official of an organization the Justice Department named over three years ago as anunindicted co-conspirator in a terror case.

There¶s more. Khalid Griggs is the Imam and a founding member of the Community Mosque inWinston-Salem, NC. Together with other founding members, including Ibrahim Hanif, Jamal

Abdullah, and Salih Abdul Latif, Griggs is a member of The Islamic Party of North America. Itssignature publication , ³Taking Islam to the Street: The Da¶wah of the Islamic Party of NorthAmerica,´ candidly describes its ideology as ³ a revolutionary Islam ´ grounded in the teachingsof Maulana Abu¶l a¶la Maududi, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Muammar Qaddaffi, and SayyedQutb.

Maududi was the hugely influential Pakistani Salafist who founded J ama¶at-i-Islami (Society of Islam) and effectively bridged the thinking of Hasan al-Banna, founder of the MuslimBrotherhood, and Sayyed Qutb, perhaps the Muslim Brotherhood¶s foremost theoretician.

The Ayatollah Khomeini¶s revolution toppled the Shah of Iran and instituted a savage reign of

jihadist terror whose reverberations continue to destabilize the Middle East and beyond.

Muammar Qaddaffi was the brutal, terror-sponsoring Libyan dictator overthrown and killed inearly 2011.

The Community Mosque of Winston-Salem also features a direct link from its site to the MuslimBrotherhood¶s website where Yousuf al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood¶s modern-day senior ³spiritual leader,´ dispenses fatwas and jihad advice. These are theideologues to whom Khalid Griggs and his Winston-Salem mosque colleagues look for inspiration. Is this the type of thinking that Nathan Hatch finds acceptable for Griggs to sharewith Winston-Salem students?

It gets worse. Griggs is also a member of the Shura Council for the Muslim Alliance of NorthAmerica (MANA), an organization co-founded and led by Siraj Wahhaj , an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. MANA¶s General Secretary, IhsanBagby , is also affiliated with self-identified Muslim Brotherhood front groups that the DoJ listedas unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial, including theCouncil on American Islamic Relations (CAIR²also known as HAMAS in the U.S.), the FiqhCouncil of North America, and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). MANA¶s website includes an essay by Imam Mohamed Balanonie entitled ³The Role of the Masjid,´ whichexplains that the Masjid (mosque) is the headquarters of the ³ Islamic State ,´ a ³ springboard ´ for the ³ implementation of Islam ,´ and ³ the starting point to the expansion of Islam and the Islamicconquests .´ Ensuring there is no mistake about the offensive role of the mosque in the executionof jihad, Balanonie quotes Ibn Taimiyah , who wrote that the mosque is a place where ³matters of

politics were dealt with, troops and platoons were deployed´ and ³the war booties are divided.´

To sum this up, Wake Forest University¶s Assistant Imam, Khalid Griggs, is also the Imam at aWinston-Salem mosque with an aggressively jihadist mission statement. He is a board member of ICNA, a Muslim Brotherhood front organization that the DoJ listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terror funding case. He is a Shura Council member of MANA, which views

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mosques as Muslim community centers where Islamic conquests are planned and launched. Allof this information is freely available on the Internet, as the numerous hyperlinks in this essayattest. The Team B II report, ³Shariah: The Threat to America,´ was published more than a year ago and the Holy Land Foundation trial documents have been posted to the Internet for threeyears now.

What part of a university president¶s job is more important than conduct ing this kind of duediligence on the personnel who will be in direct, perhaps even daily, contact with the youngstudents that parents send to Winston-Salem in the expectation that they will be guided in anacademic environment that is professional, safe, and terror-free? There is none.

President Nathan Hatch owes the alumnae, parents, students, and the Winston-Salem UniversityFoundation Board of Directors a thorough explanation of exactly how Khalid Griggs¶ resumeever made it past the first screening, and how such an individual could have been permittedcontact and interaction with Winston-Salem University students for almost two years.

Call To Action

Are you concerned about the appointment of Imam Griggs as Assistant Chaplain at Wake ForestUniversity?

Contact the university to express your concern.

Write to:

Office of the President Nathan O. Hatch

Wake Forest UniversityPO Box 7226Winston-Salem

NC 27109

Or email [email protected]