

  • /


    BlViAlOKS"That” time of year

    is upon us again.Jack oXantern

    time . . . candle-litpumpkin time . . .sheet and maskThe favorite time

    of the year for alltrue-blue ghouls.Read this issue of

    Famous monsters— it will give you

    -inspirations on howto scare your


    Dear Blood Brothers— and Sisters;-


    In my previous column I promised tohave a surprise for you in tne following

    . issues- but I didn't realize that the sur-' prise in the next issue wouid be that mycolumn didn’t appear!

    However, in a way I’m almost grateful,for since the last issue came out. I’ve had3 flood of letters asking what happened tothe column. I'm glad you missed it, buthere It is, if even one Issue later thanscheduled.

    By the time you read this, the first ofa brand new line of ‘‘William Castle Hor-

    I ror Cards” will be available all over thecountry.Topped by a weird green little monster

    who IS peering through a window, point-ing his finger right at you and saying "ISAW WHAT YOU DID!'’, there are 13 dif-ferent kinds of Horror Cards in the first

    set, each with it's own distinct gruesomefigure and blood-chilling message.

    You shouldn't have any difficulty infinding the new William Castle HorrorCards when they’re Issued. Made byBuzza-Cardozo, one of the world’s largestgreeting card manufacturers, they'll beat your favorite greeting card store, andif you find they don’t yet have them instock, ask them to order some.

    All of the first collector’s edition of 13

    cards will be on special display standswhich have a picture of me, sitting in mydirector's chair and in big, shivery lettersacross the top it says "'William Castle

    Horror Cards."Think of the fun you'll have if you're

    the first in your ghoulish gang to get acomplete set of these ghastly cards, andof all the card trading you can do withyour fiend friends when they start col-lecting them.

    But this isn't all.Just as the "I Saw What You Did!" card

    In the first series is named after my newpicture, each time one of my suspenseshockers is released by Universal Pic-tures, a new Horror Card will be issuedbearing the name of the movie and giving 'a grisly hint of what the story is about.

    Furthermore, in order to prove that my Iheart and other vital organs are all still '

    in the right places, If you’ll send me your ‘William Castle Horror Cards as you col-lect them, I will personally autograph

    each one and return it to you.Just send them to me at Universal

    Studios, Universal City, Cal., and I’ll re-turn them autographed in my own 22-carat blood.

    And don't forget— keep those letterscoming, tell me how you liked “I SawWhat You Did" and the kind of moviesyou'd like in the future from

    Your blood brother

    1966 YEARBOOK!


    better, gruesomore . . . ghastlier than ever. Just coming off the,giant monster presses. 100

    PAGES, and horror-packed with page after page of KARLOFF, LUGOSI, CHANEY, LEE, AND ALL

    your old favorites from the Monster Screen! HERE, in a huge, scare-packed 100 pages,are

    hundreds of exclusive FAMOUS MONSTERS photos, stories, articles and background items. A

    RARE COLLECTOR'S YEARBOOK, sure to increase in value and interest year afteryear.

    nonCD DV II All 1 A LIMITED NUMBER of reserved copies will be mailed to theUnllCn Dl RlfULi first readers who fill out the coupon below. Act now! Let usknow that you want one of the 1st copies of the 1966 FAMOUS MONSTERS YEARBOOK. It will

    be rushed to you. And you can thrill to this TRULY AMAZING, 100-PAGE MONSTERANNUAL.

    Get one of the Reserved COPIES Delivered by Your Mailman!




    1426 East Washington Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19138 for safe,

    > PLEASE RUSH ME one of the 1st copies of your huge100 PAGE 1966 FAMOUS MONSTERS YEARBOOK. 1 encloseonly 60c (the cost of the Yearbook plus 10c for postage

    & handling. Please send it fast!

  • ^ A FAMOUS

    Monsters^ " OF FILMLAND

    . • K«g>>»^ U. S. PoMnt OKic*

    DECEMBER 1965 Number 36


    OUR COVER: Artist Vic Prezlo's Inter-pretation of the Mummy's Face. Observethe stone-llke effect of deofhless lifethot Vic conveys to the beholder. Kharisnever lo'oked so good.


    Confidential photos from the pages of Dr. Acula’s pri-vate album

    10 THE ALLIGATOR PEOPLERecommended by the Bayou Scouts of America

    JAMES WARRENFounder & Publisher

    HARRY CHESTERWay Out layout

    LEE IRGANGManaging Edttor

    14 ST. GEORGE AND THE SEVEN CURSESWhat Mortal Man ever faced such Perils, dared suchdangers, defied Death in over half a dozen Horrifyingforms. . . Bert Gordon

    23 RIP VAN DRACULAFormerly unknown episodes in the unearthly existencesof Famous Monsters


    24 THE MUMMY’S GHOSTThe scary story of the Haunter from the past.

    WAinR X DAUGHERTYSpecial Photography


    Mkhei Coen Jean-Claude MichelChris Collier Jean-Ctaude Romer -Luigi Coxii Giovanni ScognamlUoPeter J. Jarman Klaus Unbehaun

    FAAtOUS MOtOTEIS OF FlUMANONumbei 36 . Published bt-menthly byWarren Publishing Co.; Edlterlal edver*thing and Svbscripllan Offices et 1436E. Weshinman lene, PhUadelphla 3S,Fb. Secontf^less moll privileges outb-

    arhed at Philadelphia. Fenna., witheddttlonel entry at Sparta, Illinois.

    Printed In U.S.A. Entire contents copy-

    rlghlsd 9 1965 by Warren PublishingCo.

    SubKrIpIleas: 1 Year: S3.00 In Ihe U.S.and Canada. Ebewhere: S4.00. CoMrhbullant ore Invited provided returnpoitegs It encloted; however no reipon-slbllHy can be accepted lor unselklledmonuKrlpti. photographs, art-work orletters. HalMtg may be reprinted inwhole or In port without written per-mission iron Iho puhllsbor.

    SUBSCRIUI CHANCE OF ADOMSS:Give t weokt notke. Send on addressImi^lnt Ireoi recint Issue or state ez-

    o^ hew lobel Is eddressecL Send oldaddress at wsti os now.

    35 MYSTERY PHOTOOur popular puzzle department. Will YOU be able torecognize the Head of Horror or figure out from theclues what film it appeared in?

    36 MONSTER MAKE-UP ARTICLEMonster Make-Ups you can do yourself!

    40 FM’S 2nd AMATEUR MAKE-UP CONTESTWin a Fabulous Trophy in Our Fantastic Contest forReaders who Like to Make-Up as Monsters

    42 TO KILL A MOCKING BATTelevision’s most horrible hour . . . the day Dr. Acula’sbrain went down Memory Lane

    54 HOUSE OF WAX, FACE OF FIREAnother Famous Monsters’ horror uncovery!

    56 THE RETURN OF THE FLYEverybody was Buzzin’ about this Terror-Flying Film.

    64 YOU AXED FOR ITFavorite fright fotos requested by Readers

    68 MAKE-UP FEATURETTEWhen actor Bull Montana became the missing link!

    71 MONSTERAMA QUIZCalling all monster fans . . . test your Eye-Q

    72 HEADLINES FROM HORRORSVILLEThe noosepaper of monsterdom


  • the pages of Dr. Acula’s private album reveal

    Hollywood’s Secret plans for future pix6

  • J*-'

    Boris Karloff, his head a mass of glowing, green light, lunges toward his victim in DIE. MONSTER. DIE!


  • John





















  • One of the Out-Of-This-Worid creatures to be found in the new science-fiction Thriller PLANET OFBLOOD.MONSTER A GO GO features an Astronaut whobecomes a 10-foot tall monster after exposure •* 't King Leer? No, just an unfriendly chap into radioactivity. DEAD EYES OF LONDON.


  • Beware the swamps

    of Louisiana

    and the Things (Half Human, Half Reptile]

    that Lurk in the Bayous!10

  • Now this won't hurt one little bite.

    Of course I love you, Al — but I could never live in theswamp.



    PEOPLELon Chaney Jr.’s back and THE ALLI-

    GATOR PEOPLE’S got him


    THE ALLIGATOR PEOPLE also has oneof the former Tarzans, Bruce Bennett.

    And, as heroine, the screaming beauty

    who’s previously been menaced by CURUCU,beast of the Amazon; Cucumbro, creature ofIT CONQUERED THE WORLD land a terrorthat was out of this world in NOT OF THISEARTH ;—brave, brunet Beverly Garland.

    Charles O’Neal, author of THE ALLIGA- ,TOR PEOPLE, reveals that “researchershave discovered repeated references to the

    existence of such half-human monsters as

    described — and seen — in the picture.”_

    Producer Jack Leewood adds : “By piecingtogether all available information, we haverecreated startlingly real monsters, monsters

    which, according to local Louisiana folklore,

    once roamed and preyed on the surroundingcountryside in the late 18th and early 19thcenturies.”

    from altar to


    Jane Marvin (Bev Garland) is aboard ahoneymoon train with her bridegroom, Lt.Paul Webster (Richard Crane)r, when he re-ceives a mysterious telegram. He does notreveal its contents to her, but instead dis-

    appears.Altering her plans, Jane makes frantic

    efforts to locate Paul, but a whole year passesby in the process and she is about to give upall hope of ever seeing him again. Was it alla dream? Did she marry a man or a ghost?Then suddenly Jane discovers a university

    record that indicates there might be someknowledge of Paul’s whereabouts at a place

    called The Cypresses at Bayou Landing.Hurrying there, Jane receives a cold recep-tion from a woman claiming to be a Mrs.Hawthorne and denying that she knows any-thing about Paul. Jane is put up for the nighti

    but cautioned to keep close to her room. I

  • I

    $0 there I was. Myrtle, lying in the Swamp, mindingmy Own Business, when this Mad Producer from Holly-wood came along and said, "Come, Al, I'll make aMAN of you!"

    IWhere's my teethbrush, Ma?

    boo's in the niteAs she is about to retire, Jane observes

    Mrs. Hawthorne leave the house hurriedly.She decides to risk following her. Her adven-ture as a shadow leads her to a clinic on thegrounds, where she hears Mrs. Hawthornetell a Dr. Mark Wingate, “Paul’s wife hasarrived! What shall we do?”The clinic itself has an aura of strangeness

    about it. As a nurse, Jane senses that some-thing weird, unusual, is going on there. Thepatients seem to be suffering from acute skindiseases that give them a scaly, somewhatdeformed appearance.Shortly after she sneaks back undetected

    to her room, Jane hears a piano being playedin a sad manner and goes downstairs to in-vestigate. Startled, the dark figure darts fromthe room and flees into the swamp. It is Paul


    He has recognized his wife.The next morning Jane faces “Mrs. Haw-

    thorne” and accuses her of hiding Paul. Sheadmits she is his Mother but will not revealthe motive for her mysterious behavior.

    it's a-paulingPerhaps as you’ve suspected, Paul is turn-

    ing into an alligator! Nextime Jane sees himshe attempts to follow him into the swamp,but he manages to lose her. Instead she isfound by— Mannon (Lon Chaney Jr.) . Thisgreat hulking brute menaces her more badlythan an alligator till her alligator-man hus-band comes to her rescue.

    Dr. Wingate now reveals what is going on.“I have been experimenting,” he explains,“with the same glandular secretions that per-mit some reptiles to grow new limbs, attempt-ing to return amputation cases (in humanaccidents) to normal. Unfortunately, I havenot always been successful. In science thereis much trial, much error.”

    Paul’s present condition is the result ofsuch unfortunate experimentation.

    SWAMPED!In a last all-out effort to cure Paul, Dr.

    Wingate subjects him to rays from a cobaltbombardment machine, but the operation isinterrupted by the interference of crazedMannon, and Paul emerges more like an alli-gator than ever! In his horror he staggersinto the swamp and drowns as the cobalt ma-chine explodes and destroys the doctor andhis work.

    Jane survives.Moral : Don’t dig alligators, or you may

    be left holding the bag. END


  • What Mortal Man ever faced such Perils,

    dared such Dangers, defied Death in over a

    dozen Horrifying Forms? Bert I Gordon - who

    thrilled you with CYCLOPS, THE SPIDER, ATTACK


    Stops Out to create this Masterpiece of Monsterdom!




  • victims of the 4A Curto: Knights seorehod by Flro-Bcrils.

    Lodac the Loathsome

    Sinister . . . evil . . . uncanny—they allspell Lodac (Basil Rathbone), most fearedsorcerer of 4th Century England. WhenHelene, daughter of the King, vanishes fromthe Castle, Lodac appears before her Fatherand anjuaints him with the news that hisbeloved child has been spirited away to ap-pease the appetite of Lome's giant Dragon.The King cries: “Half my Kingdom and

    my daughter’s hand in marriage to her res-cuer!” His aide, Sir Branton, accepts thechallenge. Lodac warns: “^ven deadlycurses await would-be rescuers on the wayto my Castle!”, then changes into a buzzardand flaps away.

    Yoimg George, adopted son of the sor-ceress Sybil, is in love with Helene and

    hence is anxious to rescue her for herself


    gifts of magic

    Sorceress Sybil aids George with:Bayard the beautiful; fastest horse in all

    the world

    Ascalon, the sword which defies all othersm battle

    And a set of invulnerable armor andshield.

    George, with the aid of his magic sword,sets free the 6 most valiant knights in theworld, fighting men who have been impris-oned in stone, and they vow to help himsave the Princess.

    Sir Branton at first opposes the rival ef-fort, but after being bested in a fi^t withSt. George, pretends to join forces with himand the Knights and rides forth to face

    the First of the 7 CursesIn the Forest of the Ogre, a 25’ high nx)n-


  • Sere«r*ss Sybil mix«s up o baten of—trouble.

    ster is encountered!

    In the first attack, 2 knights are crushed

    to death by the mighty beast.George, aided by the magic of his horse,

    armor and sword, takes on the Ogre alone.Cleverly galloping around the ungainly

    creature at breakneck speed, George almost

    literally causes it to break its neck and hedispatches it to the next kingdom.

    In the meantime, at Lodac’s Castle, hor-

    rified Helene must watch the Dragon de-vour 2 other imprisoned Princesses: a pre-

    view of her own fate. And, when a pair ofdwarves menaces her, she fle^ to another

    part of the castle where she sees

    Lodac’s horrible

    henchmenAnd a henchwoman: the hideous Hag

    Witch (Vampira).The evil creatures that do Lodac’s bid-

    ding include

    Half-human beings with the heads ofbircb

    . . . Pinheads

    . . . Siamese Twins

    . . . Warlocks and

    Gnomes.To rescue Helene from this domain of di-

    ablerie, George and his Knights are even

    now daring

    the Moor of the

    2nd CurseWhile groping blindly thru the thick fc^,

    one of the knights suddenly plunges scream-

    ing into the vortex of a boiling crater. In

    an unsuccessful rescxie attempt, Geoi^e

    himself is sucked into the steaming pool

    from which only the miraculous power ofhis sword saves him.The 3d Curse copies in the form of a

    beautiful young girl, a treacherous siren whoturns out to be Lome’s hideous Hag when-she reveals her true self. As Vampira isabout to sink her sharp blood-sucking bat-

    fangs into the throat of one of the knights,

    George opportunely arrives and fends heroff with hi^ enchanted sword.

    the spell that is spoilt

    Sorceress Sybil, learning thru her Magic


  • "Good Knight!" says this Mail Man. "Looks like thi:Booutitul Vampira turns into Ugly Witch in his arms.


  • Princ»$$ qHocked by th* Dwarvw of Lodoc!

    Pool of further knavery afoot from Lodac,

    determines to help her son with even strong-

    er magic—but u^ortunately she is getting

    old and careless and thru error robs George

    of his magic powers!

    George, unaware that he is now as vuteer-

    able as other men, rides with his kmghts

    into tiie hot desert land of the 4th Cu^.There they encounter a great blossoming

    fireball, whose atomic-like heat blisters

    Knights Dennis & James to death. Narrow-

    ly escaping the same fate, George suddenly

    realizes that Sir Branton has not been af-

    fected by the heat of the Curse. Challenged,

    Branton flees; and George’s suspicion that

    something is wrong is confirmed when his

    own horse is outrun.

    Following Branton to a cave, George &

    Knight Patrick are trapped inside and at-

    tacked by Fire Devils. As Patrick strikes

    at one of the fiery forms, it envelops him

    like a cloak of lightning. George defends

    himself with pots of flaming liquid. Patrick,

    transformed into a semi-demon, in a dying

    effort to save his friend bums open the wall

    of the cave.

    Blrdmqn who menaces the Captive Princess in theCastle of Evil Sorcery. the 6th Curse

    Alone now, George continues to Lodac’s

    Castle where, under the tmseen eyes of the

    sorcerer, and unknowingly imder the spell

    of the 6th Curse, he finds Helene in her cell.

    Fleeing to the Great Hall of the castle,

    George & Helene are suddenly surroundedby Lodac’s creatures.And confronted by Ixxiac himself and the

    renegade Branton.

    In the fight that ensues, George loses his

    sword to Lodac. Branton gives his Magic

    Ring to Lodac, Lodac gives Helene to Bran-

    ton. But when Branton embraces Helene

    she turns into the hideous Hag in the trait-

    or’s arms] Geoi^e, seeing this, realizes he

    has been vmder the spell of another curse.

    Lodac kills Branton, mounts his head on

    a wall!

    Sorceress Sybil, watching George’s des-

    perate plight in her Magic Pool, transforms

    herself into a small white bird, flies to try

    to rescue George & Helene. She arrives tofind George bound to a rack.

    One of the Pinheads accidentally upsets

    a cage of miniature people, prisoners of Lo-

    dac. Freed, the dozens of puppet-folk com-

    bine their strength to carry the sword of

    Ascalon to George’s cell and cut his bonds.

  • and Palofaeai.

  • The Peuble’Headed Dregen Rears Defianee—and Fire—at St. George.

    He dons his armor and mounts Bayard ina desperate effort to save Helene in spite of

    his lost magical powers.

    George and

    the Dragon

    Courageously George charges the Dragon.

    It is a seemingly uneven battle which the

    mighty beast must inevitably win.But Sorceress Sybil is fortunately able to

    correct her formula, which restores the mag-

    ic qualities to George’s sword, armor and


    Fighting with the fury of 10 men, George

    overcomes the Dragon.Sybil tricks Lodac into letting her grab

    the Magic Ring while he rages at the defeat

    of his Dragon. Lodac now prepares to un-leash the final and most potent of his Curses—Curse No. 7, the sum total of his own evilpowers.

    But, without the aid of the Magic Ring,Lodac’s powers are considerably weakenedwhile Sybil’s are correspondingly strength-

    ened and

    She turns herself into a black panther!The ferocious black feline leaps upon the

    evil sorcerer.

    Clawed, crushed, Lodac dies a bloodydeath.

    At the demise of the sorcerer his magicspells are dissipated and the 6 brave knightsare restored to life.

    Abimdant thrills & chills in Eastman colorand Super Percepto-Vision, under the di-rection and special-effectsmanship of thespectacle’s author, Bert Gordon! END


  • THESE WERE THEIR LIVESFormerly unknown episodes in the

    unearthly existences of Famous Monsters

    The pallid, feeble hand of Count Dracula thrust the coffinlid upward, and his own ghastly figure followed close be-hind. As he arose, he yawned and stretched his arms towardthe beckoning night sky, and he realized that he had over-slept. He was now weaker than he had ever been, but hemanaged to summon enough strength to stagger to the cryptdoor. Leaning against the cold stone wall for support, heagain pondered his misfortune. As he knew not the len^hof time he had been in slumber, he supposed that it wasonly thru one night.The misty veil of night was slowly being drawn over the

    rocky Transylvanian countryside, and soon it was time forDracula’s midnight meal. He stepped out into the arms ofthe icy wind, readying himself to be transformed into abat— the only way to fly!—, but a newspaper was blownat his feet. In curiosity he picked the crumbling wad ofwords up, glancing at the headline. He was immediatelyparalyzed by disbelief, for it read:



    Still gaping, his eyes shifted to the date below: 31 March,2063. His sleep had been longer than suspected — much,much longer.Knowing that, according to the headlines, his blood supply

    would surely be imperilled, and soon destroyed, Draculatearfully retreated to his crypt. There, from a dusty, cobwed-clad panel, he withdrew a wooden stake with his trembling,pale hands. Peering out in the darkness at the world hewould never again see. he plunged the stake thru his heartand moaned in agony, thrashing his head about one lasttime. Then he fell silently, for ashes make no noise.Not more than a moment later, 3 shadowy figures emerged

    from the darkness of the mountains, stepping into the crypt.Holding a candle aloft, one ran his hands thru the ancientdust on the floor, around which an abandoned cape, medallionand ring lay in memorium."He is no more," the stranger said grimly. “The trick

    worked. The phony newspapers were a stroke of genius."“Yes. There are more ways than one to skin a bat,"


  • ,-riKScUHfsha^^

    ihMtMr&ifMii-tbtIMChapter 1

    “Mysteries ofArkhon"

    Near the titanic Sphinx of Egypt, past the rows

    of gigantic statues of Pharaoh Ramses, lies atemple—the Temple of Arkhon. Its columns,eroded by the desert sand, have long since fallen,

    and the stones of its structure are scattered about.The temple has nearly crumbled but its priestshave survived.A tall, dignified Egyptian ascends the steps,

    entering the altar room. There he is met by thereigning Priest of Arkhon, and he bows to thewithering man. As the Priest seats himself uponhis throne, he announces to the visitor, Youssef

    Bey, that he is ready to die. He tells Youssef totake his place as High Priest and that his purposeis to journey to America to retrieve Kharis &

    Ananka, both of whom were shipped there pre-viously.


    Elsewhere, in the small town of Mapleton mNew England, a professor of Egyptology is lectur-ing to a classroom of students at school. The sub-ject of the lecture is Kharis, the Living Mummy,and as Prof. Norman progresses, the students lis-ten in rapt attention. They are told of the secretsociety of Arkhon, which harbors the most sacredmummies throughout the centuries. Norman tellsof Kharis’ destruction:

    “The Monster itself was consumed in the flamesof the burial room.”He continues, telling of Kharis’ fantastic lon-

    gevity due to tana leaves, and the pupils areamazed, shocked to disbelief.“But how they could preserve life indefinitely is

    still a mystery,” he adds, not knowing exactly howthe leaves were used.


  • Carry On, KMrfs! Note Amina-Ananka's hair turning gray—wouldn't yours?


  • "Now swear that you shall never rest until Kharis& Princess Ananka are returned to thesetombs," says George Zucco, as the High Priest.

    Chapter 2“The Legend ofKharis”

    The dismissal bell rings and the class leaves. Onthe outside, one of the students, Tom Herbie, isteased about his fiancee, Amina Mansori, a beauti-ful young lady of Egyptian descent, but Tom justpasses it off. Tom goes to one of the nearby houses,stepping inside, and he finds Amina in her library.They greet each other and he playfully lifts up herpet monkey Walking around the room, Tom hap-pens to see a volume on the tombs of Egypt, and he

    becomes interested in it, remarking that Prof. Nor-

    man might like to read it. But his comments areinterrupted when he sees a pained expression onAmina’s face.“Something happens to me when I think of

    Egypt," she explains.She rises from her seat and almost faints; Tom

    helps her to her room. He asks her to go with himto a theater and she accepts the invitation, butadds that she must first take a rest in order toovercome her weakness.

    In Egypt, at the same time, Youssef Bey & theHigh Priest are gazing into an um from whichvapors of mystic time are billowing, and the HighPriest narrates the story of Kharis and his princessAnanka. He proceeds:Over 3000 years ago, Ananka, daughter of Pha-

    roah Amenophis, died, and she was buried withgreat ceremony. Before her entombment, her fa-ther bade her farewell forever, and nearby, unseenamong the crowd, Ananka's forbidden lover,Kharis, a prince of the royal house, looked on in

    tears. He refused to believe that she would nolonger be with him, so he broke into the sacred

    altar room of one of the temples. There, he re-moved the coffer of tana leaves from its hidingplace at the feet of the idol Isis, knowing that he

    could revive her with them. This act, however,

    angered the gods, and even the idol moved inanger. The ankh held in Isis' hand moved forwardto point accusingly at Kharis. Fleeing in fear,

    he escaped with the leaves and withdrew to hertomb to recite the incantation for resurrection,but the scribes learned of the theft and arrestedhim. Brought before Amenophis, he was adjudged

    guilty of sacrilege and condemend to be mummi-fied alive. It was decreed in the sacred writings

    of Tkoth that all who defile the temple of Isismust die a terrible, agonized death. Kharis wastaken to the embalming room, where he waswrapped in gauze soaked with liquid, and histongue was cut out to prevent his unholy oaths

    from being heard. After the last piece of gauzewas wrapped about him, he was placed in a caseand taken to an unmarked tomb near the Valleyof the Seven Jackals—where Ananka was buried.The case was lowered into it, and the slaves whoparticipated in the burial were slain. No one butthe Priests ofA rkhon would ever know of Kharis’burial place. Immediately after, the priests movedKharis to a tomb at the entrance of Ananka’stomb, along with the tana leaves he had stolen.It was ordained by Amon-Ra that Kharis wouldremain immortal in order to guard Ananka fromdesecration. An American archeologist, thousar^of years later, stumbled upon the two, and they

    were transported to America. One priest had beenrecently sent there to retrieve the two, but he had

  • John Carradino as High Priest Youssef serves the broth of the life-sustaining tana leaves to the30-centuries-old Egyptian.

    failed and he was met by a violent death. Kharissupposedly was destroyed by fire.“But through the secret message brought to us

    by the Holy Spirit of Amon-Ra,” the High Priestsays, “we know that he is still alive.”

    Chapter 3“LiquidLife”

    The High Priest begins to tell Youssef of hisduties as the new High Priest of Arkhon, and hehands him the priestly medallion.“Now swear by the ancient gods of Egypt that

    you shall never rest until Kharis & PrincessAnanka are returned to their rightful restingplaces in these tombs,” he says, pointing to thetombs inscribed upon the medallion.Youssef speaks the oath and the High Priest

    tells Youssef the secrets of the tana leaves. As theHigh Priest finishes, he sits dovm, collapsing inthe arms of Death.

    Elsewhere, that night. Professor Norman is sit-ting in his study in deep contemplation, busilytranslating an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic.Suddenly his face brightens in success. “I have it!”he jubilantly bursts forth.

    Instantly, Ellen, his wife, enters the room, com-plaining that it is far beyond his bedtime, buthe refuses to retire, telling her that he has dis-covered the secret of the tana leaves—9 tanaleaves each night during the cycle of the full moonto keep movement in Kharis’ withering limbs. Notunderstanding her husband’s scientific find, Ellendeparts for bed, and Norman decides to try to putthe knowledge to use—he places 9 of the crumblingleaves into an urn of boiling water, and the vaporsrise mystically into the air.Nearby, in the forest Kharis is limping in his

    rotting rags when he senses the precious tanaleaves. He turns, heading toward Professor Nor-man’s house, and he comes to a fence. He mightilycrashes through, continuing onward. In Norman’s



    Kharis is challenged by a nightwatchman, and .

    home, his houseguest Amina is sleeping, but shebegins to stir restlessly. As if in a trance, shearises from bed, going out of the room, and at thesame time, Kharis is approaching the house. Aminagoes out on the porch, walking out in the yard,and she continues into the woods nearby. Onlymoments later Kharis arrives, stopping before thelibrary of Norman, and he ominously steps to thedoor. In the room before him, Norman sits and heseems to sense Kharis’ presence. As Normanturns in horror, Kharis advances, his hand liftedat Norman’s neck, and Norman moves back withfear spread across his face. Kharis seizes his neck,choking him to death, and the ancient Egyptianlifts the um aside, leaving, and nearby, Aminasees him. She immediately faints from the sight ofthe walking mummy and as her arm lies on thegrass, a scarab-birthmark reveals itself.

    Chapter 4"The Monster Walks"

    The following morning, as Tom is dressing, oneof his friends rushes in excitedly.“Norman’s dead!” he chatters. “Murdered!”Tom then is told that Amina, found outside

    the house when the body was discovered, is the

    prime suspect. Instantly Tom speeds out to investi-gate.

    At Norman’s study, the Sheriff is examining Nor-man’s corpse.“Strangulation,” he mutters. “Traces of foreign

    substance on his throat . . . It's mold!”“The mummy!” someone gasps.Ellen is brought in and tells Sheriff Elwood

    that Norman was working on some Egyptian heiro-glyphics that night. Elwood has Amina questionedand she tells him she cannot remember what hap-pened the night before to make her go out in thegarden. Just then, Tom rushes in angrily, contend-ing that Amina could not possibly be the murder-ess. for she was at the theater with him that nightwhen Norman was murdered. When asked whattime they returned, Tom tells the Sheriff, whoinstantly suspects that the murder took place anhour after they returned, thereby once morepointing a condemning finger at Amina. Aminais released into Tom’s custody with the reminderthat she must stay in Mapleton, and the two leave.Outside, however, Amina turns, startled, andTom inquires what is wrong. She promptly excusesherself by saying nothing but her nerves.Soon, news of the Mummy Murder leaks out.

    and newspapers all around the country spread thefearful rumors. In most of the papers this gaping

  • the nightwatchman finds himself m the grip of a waking nightmare he'd rather not watch.

    headline is screamed:MUMMY BELIEVED TO BE BACK

    IN NEW ENGLAND!People are warned to stay at home in Mapleton,

    and plenty of guards are set up. The police cau-tion a group of women to be careful, while in anold shack -near the swamp, Youssef Bey is mum-bling cryptic chants over a steaming urn. Heprays to Amon-Ra for protection:“0 Mighty Gods of Egypt, protect me with your

    shielding arms. Bring Kharis to me. Guide himhere where I await him."

    Chapter 5“Kharis the Killer"

    Prowling through the forest not far away, Kharissuddenly stops in his path, sensing Youssef’s mes-sage, but he continues. At the same moment, nearKharis, Tom & Amina drive up and stop theircar. Tom tells Amina that she has been actingstrangely lately and his dog “Peanuts” begins tobark nervously. Amina sees Kharis coming fromthe distance but Tom does not and she tries toconceal seeing him. Tom kisses her but Aminasees a shadow in the bushes nearby and Peanutsbarks again. Suddenly, a man bursts forth fromthe brush, carrying a shotgun, and he trips, apolo-

    gizing for scaring them. It is Ben, one of the localfarmers who are hunting for Kharis. Frightened,Amina asks to go home, and Tom drives her.

    Later, Kharis limps into the field near Ben’shome, and Ben’s dog King begins to bark too.Kharis heads toward the bam and King pursueshim, biting the wrappings around his leg. The mon-strous mummy enters the bam, unmindful of thedog, but Ben’s wife hears the commotion and gazesout the window above the bam. Just as she does,Ben himself returns, and he hears King barkingin the barn. Readying his shotgun, Ben cautiouslysteps inside to meet Kharis, who attacks him. Benemits a chilling scream, and his wife runs down-stairs to the bam to find Ben murdered—and thewall tom out. King barks toward the forest.The Sheriff is summoned and he examines Ben.

    Looking at the tom-out wall, he returns with adiagnosis.“No thief killed Ben,” he says. “And nothing hu-

    man tore thru that wall.”

    Chapter 6“The Hour of Death"

    At the shack, Kharis comes to Youssef, whothanks Amon-Ra for answering his prayers.“Mighty Amon-Ra," I thank thee for guiding


  • Kharis to me," he says. Then turning to Kharis,he says, "Come, Kharis.”The two step out into the moonlit night.Miles away, sometime later, inside the building

    inscribed SCRIPPS MUSEUM the guide is lectur-ing to a few people on Princess Ananka, whilethey stare with unbroken attnetion at the mummyof Ananka herself. As they move on to the next

    Another wctim of Kharis the Crumbier.

    exhibit, Youssef remains at the mummy case.There he prays for forgiveness for allowing theunbelieving heretics to look upon Ananka. Aftermidnight, the night watchman peeks into the room,and, seeing no one there, moves on. Unnoticed,Youssef steps out of the darkness. The drowsynight watchman retires for the night to a smallroom in the nearby rear of the museum, and hehangs his cap on the hand of a Greek statue. Tak-ing his shoes off,' he reclines in his favorite chairto read a mystery novel, and for background music,turns the radio on.

    Kharis, outside, gropes to the delivery entranceof the museum, banging on the metallic door, butin vain.

    The night watchman is confronted by a mysteryannouncer instead of music, and the unknowinglyprophetic man declares in somber tones:“This is the hour of death! The forces of evil

    stand at the threshold ... A man will die tonight!"Kharis manages to force his entrance into the

    museum and he limps to the chamber where An-anka lies. There, Youssef is burning two urns ofincense at the head and foot of her mummy case.“The hour of fulfillment is here. Behold Ananka,

    the princess ofyour forbidden love!”Youssef gestures toward the hideous mummy ly-

    ing lifelessly in the case and Kharis gently touchesthe wrappings about her deathly face.At that same instant, Amina awakens from a

    sound sleep and screams hysterically. Her house-keeper, Mrs. Drake, rushes in to try to calm her.

    Kharis sees the magnificent ugliness of hisbride, and the structure beneath the wrappingsof Ananka crumble into thin air. Angered, hehurls the case upon its side, and Youssef offersno hindrance to Kharis’ actions, for he too knowsthat Ananka’s spirit has moved to another body."Our old mission will be fulfilled,” he promises

    Kharis.The sound of Kharis destructive spell has mean-

    while brought the night watchman forward, armedwith a loaded pistol. Finding only Youssef, heorders him to back away, but Youssef stands im-mobile, a wicked smile confidently spread acrosshis Ups. As the watchman approaches Youssef,the reason for his confidence makes itself known—Kharis moves from the shadows, attacking theold man, who is almost instantly slain. The watch-man falls limply to the floor and Youssef leadsKharis away.

    Chapter 7“To Capture Kharis"

    At her home, Amina is weeping and babblingabout a strange feeling she had been struck by,


    and Mrs. Drake comforts her."I could feel his hands touching me,” she cries,

    telling of her sensing someone touching her face.Mrs. Drake tells her that it was only a night-

    mare.The following morning Tom goes to Sheriff El-

    wood, begging him to let Amina go free, but heflatly refuses, saying she is still a suspect—al-tho the Mummy has been declared the murderer.

    “Just to make things a little more involved,”he tells Tom, a man was murdered in the ScrippsMuseum last night.”A police investigator is called in to diagnose

    the murder, and this man, the Inspector, beginsto question Dr. Hyatt, the curator of the Egyptiansection. He inquires if there were anything elsethat occurred out of the ordinary, and Hyatt tellshim in reply that the mummy of Ananka has van-ished in a remarkable manner

    the body wasstolen from inside the wrappings, which wereuntouched! The Inspector sees an inscription onthe side of the overturned case and asks Hyattto decipher it. He obliges:


  • Another sip of what makes the Mummy flip.


  • Kharis the Accursed —he holds a 3000-yearrecord for being one of the greatest Rotters theworld has ever known.

    “Herein rests, and must forever rest, the Princ-ess Ananka, third daughter of Amenophis."Continuing, he reads a passage indirectly men-

    tioning reincarnation, and the Inspector decidesto go to Mapleton to recheck the Norman murder.He requests that Hyatt accompany him to facili-tate translation if necessary.Soon the Inspector, Hyatt & the Sheriff and his

    men are gathered in Norman’s home to examinethe Mad Mummy Murder Mystery, and they ques-tion everyone. The Sheriff forms -a plan to trapKharis should he return—a pit would be dug inthe floor, in Kharis’ probably path, and theywould summon him with tana leaves. Coming forthe lifegiving fluid, he would fall into the pitand be trapped. But how to summon Kharis re-mains a mystery.At his fiancee’s home, Tom talks to Amina,

    asking her to go with him to his house, awayfrom the Mummy, but she is reluctant to breakthe Sheriff’s orders.“My family is busy getting out the heirloom

    jewels for the bride,” he tells her, crypticallyproposing.She recognizes this and chatters, “Bride? Oh,

    no!”She refuses to endanger Tom by marrying him

    but is finally persuaded. Suddenly Mrs. Drakeappears and tells Amina it is time to go to bed.Tom departs, leaving Peanuts with Amina to actas a watchdog.

    Later that night, Youssef & Kharis are in theabandoned shack near the swamp edge, and Yous-sef is attempting to find the whereabouts of An-anka’s spirit, while Kharis stands by anxiously.Everything done unsuccessfully, Youssef resoriteto prayer:“Show me her dwelling place, 0 Amon-Ra.

    Shed your light upon the darkness of my groping.Hear my prayer.”

    Instantly, the shutter of the window is openedby an unseen force, for there is no wind, and amystic moonbeam is focussed on the medallion ofYoussef. He realizes its implications and dis-patches Kharis again.“By the light of the sign you will know her,”'

    he says. "Go.”Meanwhile, the Sheriff and the Inspector are

    questioning Ellen about her husband, and they askher where he was sitting the fatefuj night. Shepoints out the seat and Hyatt is told to sit there.As the interrogation continues, she is asked aboutthe tana leaves.“He was excited about something,” she recalls.

    “I think it was something about 'nine’.”“Nine!” Hyatt jubilantly exclaims. "Nine tana

    leaves, that’s what he meant!”The Sheriff sends Ellen away and Hyatt places

    9 crumbling tana leaves in the boiling um, plan-ning to summon Kharis into their trap.

    Chapter 8“Amina Abducted'

    In the forest far away, Kharis seems to sense thearoma, dnd he turns, limping toward the house.In Amina’s room nearby. Peanuts whimpers, andAmina herself awakens, rising hypnotically. Shegoes out the door to the patio and sees Kharisnearing her. She immediately faints and he bendsawkwardly down beside her. Peanuts is barkinghelplessly as Kharis carries Amina away. Passingnear his home, Kharis & Ananka-Amina are sight-ed by a man, who promptly calls Tom on the tele-phone. Tom is awakened by the call and when hehears of Amina’s abduction he swiftly leaps up,instructing the caller to summon the police also.The Sheriff is giving instructions to his men

    about the ten-foot pit, and he dismisses them totheir outside posts. The Inspector, however, stopshim, contending that all of the men are neededat the pit to catch the maddened mummy. TheSheriff accedes to his wishes.Kharis is carrying Amina across a wooden

    bridge and he turns off the side, going down aswampside path. Peanuts chases him, barkingangrily, and far behind, Tom is following Pea-nuts, through the high brush and weeds.Mrs. Drake, having learned of Amina’s kidnap-

    ping; becomes hysterical and rushes wildly toNorman’s home, where she almost dashes into thepit made for Kharis, but the Sheriff stops herin time. They take her inside to calm her and tohear her story.Tom races across the bridge. He catches up with

    Peanuts, who obediently guides him in Kharis’tracks. He follows the dog in earnest pursuit.

    Kharis reaches the shack, carrying Amina in-side, and he sets her upon a table in the middleof the room. Near the door, Youssef stands, look-ing on enviously as the beautiful raven-hairedlovely—Kharis’ bride—lies unconscious.


  • Egypt.

    “And the sign, Ananka,” Youssef says, pointingto the scarab-birthmark of Ananka. "She’s beauti-ful, Kharis—as she was centuries ago. The willof Amon-Ra has been done."

    Mrs. Drake tells the Sheriff her tale and theyrace after Kharis, who has long since gone.

    Presently, Amina awakens and, looking •around,she sees the face of Kharis. Gasping at the sight,she asks where she is and why she is there. Yous-sef tells her that she is the Princess Ananka, butshe confesses she knows nothing of any such per-son.

    "Centuries ago, you died an accursed death,”he says."No!” she says.Tom nears the shack while the Sheriff’s men

    are yet far behind him in pursuit.

    Chapter 9“Life Everlasting"

    Youssef fills a hypodermic needle with tana flu-id for embalming and straps Amina to the table.As he is about to inject the serum into her veins.

    he hesitates. A tiny, whispering voice inside hishead warns him not to do it, but to keep Aminafor himself. It almost convinces him, but he re-members that it was his sacred pledge.“O Mighty Isis," he mumbles, “protect me in

    this hour of temptation."Youssef hears the voice again, and it tells him

    to use tana leaves on Amina to make her immortal,instead of embalming her in horrible wrapping.He surrenders to temptation and unties her, lift-ing a cup of tana liquid to her lips.“Here in this cup is my gift of life to you,”

    he tells her. “I will make you immortal. We willnot return to Egypt.”Kharis overhears Youssef’s treachery, and his

    ashen face becomes aglow with anger. He slowlymoves toward Youssef.“Has any other man offered the gift of eternal

    life to his bride?” he asks her proudly.Kharis suddenly strikes the cup from Youssef’s

    hands and he flees in terror from Kharis. Vainly,Youssef tries to convince Kharis that they willreturn to Egypt, but Kharis knows the truth.Kharis pursues him, seizing him, and Youssefis hurled to the ground below—and his death.


  • The Mummy gazes at his long lost bride—lost for a few centuries!

    Chapter 1


    “The Will of the Gods"

    As Youssef’s body strikes the ground, it fallsbefore Tom, who rushes to the shack There he isconfronted by Kharis, and a battle between thetwo begins. Tom seizes an ax, swinging it at hiswould-be murderer, but in vain. Kharis strikeshim, knocking him backwards into unconcsious-ness. Peanuts runs to Tom.Kharis ascends the ramp to the shack and lifts

    Amina up in his arms. Her hair has turned grayin the brief interval! He carries her out the back,down a series of ladders, and the Sheriff and hismen arrive at last. They rush into the shack, whichthey find abandoned, except for Egyptian pottery.“Looks like somebody else has been messing

    around with tana leaves,” someone says.“And not so long ago.”Kharis carries Amina thru a nearby field, and

    Tom revives. Peanuts begins to bark and renewshis pursuit of Kharis, and they all follow him.Rushing through the swampside reeds, Tom seesKharis limping away, Amina in his arms. As sheis carried onward, Amina is slowly being trans-formed—her hair turns white, her hands & feetwrinkle & shrivel. Tom and the others carry onthe chase to the banks of a swampy pool wherethey look on helplessly. Kharis steps into the water,wading slowly up to waist-level, and Tom attemptsto follow.

    “You can’t go in that swamp!” the Sheriff shouts.“It's certain ^ath!"And Tom steps into the water, when he sees

    the face of his sweetheart—beak nose, wrinkledskin, warts, the complete appearance of a woman200 years old! Kharis sinks under the mud andthe water bubbles over their heads.Tom sadly leaves with the others, going silent-

    ly, and Peanuts surveys the quicksand grave ofAmina &Kharis.The warning of the High Priest to Youssef

    echoes, unheard, through the sky:“The fate of those who disobey the will of the

    gods shall be a cruel and violent death."The last bubbles rise no more.


    LON CHANEY as Kharis, the Living MummyJOHN CARRADINE as Youssef Bey, High

    Priest of ArkhinGEORGE ZUCCO as The High Priest before

    YoussefFrank Reicheras Prof. Norman, EgyptologistRamsay Ames as Amina-Ananka Mansori

    A Universal picture of course.Released in 1944.



  • Last Issue’s Mystery Guest?Well, the German title, translated into Eng-

    lish and unscrambled from PS-EVE, THEBUCK RIDER OF THE GLEN, became THEREVENGE OF THE BUCK SPIDER.

    In America, the Bert Gordon giant insectfilm was known simply as THE SPIDER.And the head at the left is that of a man

    who was a victim of the super spider, suckeddry of his blood and turned into a modernmummy.

    DID IT?Who did it to him?A worewolf?A killer shrew?The claw of a pterodactyl?The answer is contained in

    DASH OF CRUEL BAT RIOE-justproperly re-arrange the lettersand you'll have the titla.

    If you need further help, askPeter Cushing—ha was therewhen it happmied.





    SPLTIHere is a make-up which I got a kick out of be-cause it occurred to me on the spur of the momentand came out very successfully. It is all done withgreasepaint, white, black, red. blue, perhaps somegreen and a black eyebrow pencil.

    STEP 1I started out by covering the entire face with white,including the eyebrows, and I powdered it withwhite talk. Then I drew skull-like teeth over the

    STEP 1I started out by covering the entire face with white,including the eyebrows, and I powdered it withwhite talk. Then I drew skull-like teeth over thelips with the black eyebrow pencil. Of course youshould only do the right half of your face becauseI cleaned off the left side when the idea came tome.

    STEP 2The next step w’as to paint a skull-like hollowaround the eye, at the temple, and under the cheek-


    FAfCStep 1 and 2.

  • Steo 4.

    if the good side had started to sicken. This is a greateffect, and makes the overall disguise look morerealistic.

    STEP 4Finally, I painted black skull-like openings on thenose and red and blue blood vessels over the white.The head bandage helped complete the effect (aspecial gauze that sticks to itself, called Gauztex,is very handy for this kind of job). Before addingthe "blood" over the red. I brushed on lightly alittle regular soap so that the blood would not"crawl" (bunch up into drops) on the greasepaint.

    bone. The vertical black shadow connecting therear of the teeth with the cheekbone shadow repre-sents the opening that appears in skulls at that spot(see the Skull Make-up). I added more while grease-paint to the center of each tooth to make it morethree-dimensional.

    STEP 3Next I painted the irregular red line dividing theface like a jagged line of raw flesh and I accented itwith a thin line of blue (or purple) towards the leftside. Red also went on the right-side eyelids T puta pale green tint to the left of the dividing line as









    CHAPTER 1-GETTING STARTED Whatyou'll need. How to work with simplematerials. Recommended things to use.Important Do's and Don’t's.CHAPTER 2-WHERE TO BUY MATER-IALS A helpful Reference List of placesthat sell Make-up Materials.CHAPTER 3-MAKE-UPS WITH SIMPLEMATERIALS Step-by-Step Make-up in-structions for two Ghouls, "S^lit-Face",Werewolf, Weird-Oh, three Martians,

    Skull and Mummy

    CHAPTER 4 -NOSE PUTTY & MORTI-CIAN’S WAX Changing the shape of yourface with Putty and Wax. How to Mix it.How to Apply it. Making a Putty Nose.

    CHAPTER 5-SCARS, CUTS, BRUISESAND BLOOD Using Collodion and Gela-tine. Making your own "Artificial Blood”.


    Latex and Bread Crumbs. How to useFlour Paste.

    CHAPTER 7-ARTIFICIAL EYES Creatingand Coloring your own Home-Made Eyes.CHAPTER 8-FALSE TEETH Making Wax

    Teeth. What to use. How to attach themto your own teeth.CHAPTER 9-BALD-HEAO CAPS Thingsyou'll need. Making Your Own HeadForm. Constructing the Cap. How to Re-move and Clean the Cap.CHAPTER 10-HAIR, BEARDS ANDWIGS What to use for Hair Substitutes.Selecting and Mixing Hair Coloring. Howto paste the hair. Trimming and dressing.All about Beards. Making a Wig.CHAPTER 11-ADVANCED MAKE-UPSStep-by-Step Directions for making "TheDerelict", Werewolf #2, Quasimodo,Mr. Hyde and New Frankenstein Mon-ster.

  • j]


    1. jii

    1 1


    1 1Jl






    You asked for it-and here it is! Only FAMOUS MONSTERScould brtng you this fantastic Handbook on Monster Make-Up. You ve all read Dick Smith’s articles in the pages of FMand now Dick has put together a COMPLETE 100-PAGE

    secrets for the first time. The DO-IT-YOURSELF MONSTER MAKE-UP HANDBOOK tells you whereto obtain the materials you’ll need (a complete list of names& addresses), as well as how to apply these materials toyour face. The STEP-BY-STEP methods are fully explainedin simple, EASY-TO-FOLLOW terms. Anyone can follow thedescriptions to turn himself easily and quickly into one ofthe exciting monsters shown in this book. It’s all here-andIt costs only 60C. Send away for this book without gamblinga penny! Read it for 5 days. If you are not delighted atthe end of that time— if you can find this information any-where else-then simply return the book for your 60C back'You have nothing to lose-and a world of Monster Make-Uoto gam! Send in the Coupon TODAY!


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    UP KIT FEATURED IN THE CONTEST!The FAMOUS MONSTERS reader seen in the two pictures below turned himself intoan interesting monster, complete with a Phantom of the Opera nose & jagged scars— all with the materials found inside the OFFICIAL CONTEST MAKE-UP KIT. Every-thing necessary to turn you into a monster is included in this OFFICIAL KIT. Anyone

    can have fun applying the make-up & creating all types of characters & monsters.Enter the Contest today— and receive your OFFICIAL MAKE-UP KIT in the mail!

    BEFORE after

    SUBTEENERS and Franken's-teeners, tots from twoto teenagers about to turn 20 — here’s your ghoul-den opportunity to have fun making yourself up asa monster AND WIN SUPER PRIZES like the hugetrophy shown in the picture on the right!

    BESIDES getting your picture published in FAMOUSMONSTERS if you're one of the 10 first prizewinners, you'll get a FREE Lifetime Subscriptionto FM (and that could mean a cool 3000 years ifyou grow as old as The Mummy). But look at theGRAND PRIZE: a 3-foot tall genuine walnut andgold trophy, engraved with your name — as theOfficial First Prize Winner . . . PLUS a set of anyS of the $34.00 CUSTOM DON POST UNIVERSALPICTURES HOLLYWOOD MASKS (shown in coloron the back cover of this issue).

    SECOND PRIZE is a handsome walnut and gold2-foot tall trophy, engraved with the winner's

    name . . . PLUS a CUSTOM DON POST UNIVERSALPICTURES HOLLYWOOD MASK of your choice.THIRD PRIZE is an impressive walnut and goldAWARD PLAQUE, engraved with the winner's name.The NEXT SEVEN WINNERS will each get BRONZEMEDALS, engraved with their names, complete withsilk Award-Winning Ribbons— all in a distinctivePresentation Box,

    OFFICIAL COIVTEST RULES1. You must be an amateur monster fan, under send color photos. Send black & white photos in each MAKE-UP KIT.21 only. Each Official Make-Up Kit will contain 6. The FAMOUS MONSTERS MAKE-UP CON2. Mail the ENTRY BLANK COUPON (opposite an OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK APPLICATION. TEST closes at midnight, February 15, 1966page), along with $4.95 for the OFFICIAL CON- Send your BEFORE and AFTER photos at- All entries must be postmarked before theTEST MAKEUP KIT. Your complete OFFICIAL tached to this OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK AP- to be eligible. Prize winners will be notified bKIT will be rushed to you immediately. PLICATION. telegram, and prizes '^ill be delivered to wir

    3. Using the materials in the KIT (as well as 5. You may send as many different poses of nerson or before March 31st.other props, etc., you may want to use), make yourself in the same make-up as you wish, with 7. Winners will be judged on the basis of oriiyourself up to the best of your ability. You a single ENTRY BLANK APPLICATION; but if inality and artistry of their make-up creation;can create a new unusual face, or you may you wish to submit a picture or pictures of All photographs become the permanent propre-create a face that appeared in FAMOUS yourself in more than one make-up (such as a erty of Famous Monsters Magazine.MONSTERS. Mummy and a Man from Outer Space), a sep- 8. Anyone may enter-excepting employee4. Send in a nice clear snapshot, Polaroid print arate E^NTRY BLANK APPLICATION must ac- of Warren Publishing Company, its affiliates oor glossy 8" X 10” photograph of yourself- company each different make-up. You wiil their families. Contest is subject to FederaBEFORE and AFTER the make-up job. Do not find seveal ENTRY BLANK APPLICATIONS State and local regulations.



    HOW CAN YOU WIN one of these fantastic prizes?WHAT must you do to have that trophy sitting inyour room? You must convince FAMOUS MON-STERS’ judges that you are the greatest new youngmake-up artist since Lon Chaney. Sr.! You mustshovr us that are as great as— or greater than—the10 Winners of our previous Make-Up Contest.

    HERE'S ALL YOU DO: Send away for the OFFICIALCONTEST MAKE-UP KIT for only $4.95. For thissmall investment (maybe Mom or Pop will advanceit to you as a birthday present, or you could earnit in some way doing extra work) you not only get theprofessional type Make-Up Kit that wilt give youhours of pleasure and make it possible for you tochange your face in dozens of ways, but you willalso receive with the Kit your OFFICIAL CONTESTAPPLICATION BLANK. You attach this to good cleanclear photographs of yourself, Before & After. Bestof all are glossy 8" x 10" enlargements.

    YOU MAY submit as many different poses of your-self as you wish in the same make-up, all with asingle APPLICATION BLANK; but if you want to sendentries of yourself in more than one make-up (suchas a SPIDER and a FLY), a separate APPLICATIONBLANK must accompany each different make-up.Several APPLICATION BLANKS are included in eachOFFICIAL MAKE-UP KIT. You can make up yourface, make a mask, or even turn your entire bodyinto a monster, creature or thing, using the ma-terials found in the OFFICIAL MAKE-UP KIT.

    FAMOUS MONSTERS will inform the delirious Win-ners of their good fortune sometime during themonth of March 1966, and the PRIZES will be de-livered shortly thereafter. Enter TODAY! You canbe one of the Winners!!












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  • television’s most horrible hour—the dayDr. Acula’s Brain went Down Memory Lane





    Cyclops of new york

    r hey gathered ’round the one-eyedmonster, the cyclops known as theTV screen, those hardy souls in New

    TV Star JOE FRANKLIN(right) studies fiendish fotosfrom program guest just be-fore going Down MemoryLane on the air with editorof FM (ieft).

    York City that fateful fright-filled after-noon of 27 August 1963. Suddenly,last summer, a face appeared—Was it Vincent Price in the last stages

    of decay as an Edgar Allan Poecharacter? Was it a creature fromThe Outer Limits?

    Was it Big Brother?No! Slower than molasses . . .higher

    than a kite . . . tamer than a mocking-

    Acula!The Man Who Came to Supper!Supperman!In everyday life, the editor of FM.

    meet mr, filmonster

    Watchers of WOR/TV saw JoeFranklin, master of ceremonies of theDown Memory Lane program, intro-duce Forry Ackerman."Ladies and gentlemen,” Joe began,

    "if you watch TV Guide and the movielisting departments, you’ll findouthowpopular a certain kind of movie is.



  • Lugosi spreads his "wings" as Count Dracula, the greatest vampire of them all.


  • One horn, one eye, one heck of a scary "guy"—Ray Harryhausen's great Cyclops from THE 7THVOYAGE OF SINBAD.

    Right here we’ve shown some of thegreat spectacles of horror, of sciencefiction. We get mail each and everyday from young people saying, 'Bringback Vincent ^ice, bring back BorisKarloff.’ We’ve had them all here.And now, here is a man who is prob-ably the top authority in the wholeworld, if I may say so, bar none, onscience fiction movies.”Mighty Joe introduced Forry by

    remarking that he could almost be arelative of Vincent Price, they’re suchlook-alikes. "Well,” he responded, "if

    I could grow about 6 inches . . .”

    JOE: "Why? What is he, about 6— ?”FJA: "He’s a massive man with a

    mighty, bone-crushing hand-shake.”

    JOE: "You’re pretty tall. What areyou about?”

    FJA: "About six-two.”JOE: "Are you an actor?”FJA: "No. I do allmy acting on paper

    behind the typewriter. I kind of

    take Halloween and wrap it upevery couple of months for hun-dreds of thousands of primarilyyoungsters & nostalgic peoplearound the country that’d like togo back to theeraofLon Chaneyand the original DRACU'LA,great films like METROPOLISthat Fritz Lang made in the 20s.”

    JOE; "I’ve been toldthat’syourfavor-ite, METROPOLIS.”

    JFA (emphatically): "Oh, absolutely.”JOE: "I want to talk about that, but

    let me first identify our segment.We’re talking about science fic-tion & horror, etc. Our guest isthe editor of FAMOUS MON-STERS magazine—by the way,this book is somewhatofalivlnglegend—and we’re going to illus-trate some of the things we saytoday with film clips . . . What’snew at the laboratory?”

    FJA: "Well, I’m just 'fresh' from a5200 mile drive across thecoun-try. I sort of took my life in my

    hands, let the readers know thatI was going off to Washington,D.C., for an annual Science Fic-tion Convention. They’re goingto show the film METROPOLIS,as a matter of fact. Somebody’sbeen able to get it out of thearchives.”

    JOE: "Is your home office in Cal-ifornia?”

    FJA: "I live in—I was bom in Holly-wood, worked with the Academyof Motion Rctures for someyears, and am now busy withmagazines about space & mon-sters & so forth.”

    SBcrets of monsterdom

    JOE: "Well, you’ve got to teD us,Forrest—we’ll get around toMETROPOLIS later— butyou’ve got to tell us, once & forall—and I’ve got to know, 'causeI’m so curious—how do they


  • The Thin Manster, John Carradine, menaces again in CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN, a film of Universal•pe

  • sters’. At the moment he’s stillgoing strong at the age of 76.And Peter Lorre . . . VincentPrice . . . Lon Chaney Jr. . . .John Carradine . . . TTiey’re allnames that are associated withthe monsters & the horror & thespecially entertaining, mysteri-

    ous films of the past & thepresent.”

    the monsters in the box

    JOE: "What can you tell us aboutLon Chaney Sr. that isn’t gen-eral knowledge?”

    FATs Editor looks furtively about,asks if the telecast reaches his homestate, California. Joe Franklin, puzzledas to why he should ask, answers"No—why?’ FJA, still uncertain as tohow far he should go, says "BecauseI might be a Wanted Man if I tell thisstory, This is how Lon Chaney turnedme into a criminal, you might say. Ilearned several months ago that hisactual make-up kit, from which these—”(he shows the audience fotos of Chaneyas Quasimodo, Mr. Wu, The Lon-doner After Midnight, The Phantomof the Opera, comments that he wasknown as The Man of a ThousandFaces, then launches into his story):

    FJA: "I hadn’t realized imtil recentlythat the great kit from which allthose fabulous faces came wasstill in existence, so the momentI learned of that, I couldn’t rest

    until I tracked it down. It was

    The youngsters throng in there,and they never fail as they godown the Memory Lane of Dis-neyland to stop at the marqueeand their eye beattractedbyLonChaney & THE PHANTOM. . .and in they go in droves.”

    JOE: "They laugh at what they oncewere horrified by.”

    FJA: "Yes— they’re more sophisti-cated now.”

    the sinister six

    JOE: "I want to get a brief run-downon Lon Chaney& Buster Crabbe& so forth. We’ve got a goodguest, 'cause we’re learningthings together. How about thegreat horror stars? Name a fewof the past & the present—thegreatest.”

    FJA: "Well, Lon Chaney, in myopin-ion, was the top of all time . . .Senior, that is. I’m speakingabout. I would regard Boris

    Above, in MAD LOVE, in1935, the late, great

    Peter Lorre was ravin'

    mad; below, in 1963, he

    was THE RAVEN.

    Karloff as 'The King ofthe Mon-


  • friend who was taking photo-graphs was fishing around inthe hairbrush, and he said,' Look—a hair from the head ofLon Chaney!’ I thought, 'Why,of course—it’s got to be! Whatelse? He brushed his hair 30years ago with this: it must be ahair from the head of LonChaney!’ So, we surreptitiouslyfished around in the hairbrush,and I didn’t count them until Igot home, but when 1 did, Ifound that I had 13 hairs—


    very supernatural number, youknow. It’s just ideal it turnedout that way— 13 hairs from thehead of Lon Chaney—so I putthem in plastic, and I hope theUniversity will never come afterme & ask for them back. We’llkeep this New York’s guilty se-cret!”

    werewolves and vampires

    JOE: "You’d be a nice guy to bump


    very difficult to do because itwas in a long-disused, forgottenportion of a museum, and thegentleman in charge, the cura-tor, unfortunately wasextremelyill, not expected to live long,and he obviously couldn’t de-vote much time to the public.But thru various ins & outs &rigmarole, I finally did get adate to see the kit."I was frustrated when I arrivedthere to find that they expectedme to come about 2 weeks later,had to do the whole thing overagain, but nevertheless it wasworthwhile, and in the pouringrain I finally got there with afriend. And they brought outthisdusty box from 30 years or soin the past, and it was really amagic moment for me to holdthis in my hands and open itup and to see the very para-phernalia that had turned thisman with such a mobile face in-to a Phantom& Hunchback, andhe’d been legless—and it’s in-credible, all the things he didwith his face & form.

    hairs of the black museum

    "It wasaterrible temptation evento take, say, one bristle out ofthe brush; to have somethingthat belonged to Lon Chaney.This I wouldn’t do, but—: My

    Above, Boris Karloff looksto the future in FRANKEN’STEIN 1970; below, one ofthe 3 Faces of Terror thatKarloff wears in BLACKSABBATH.

  • into on Friday the 13tfa, I want Union, because he’s a fellow tain, so except on the screen,

    you to know that. (Laughs.) who never shaves —he goes we’re not in much danger ofForrest, what’s a werewolf?” around with a fuzzy face!” having them roam around &

    FJA: "A werewolf? Well, I’d say a JOE: "Where does he live?” scare us nowadays.”werewolf is (hesitating) a man FJA: "In Transylvania, and fortun- Joe notices unusual ring on fingerwho’s the enemy of the Barbers’ ately that’s behind the Iron Cur- of "Dr. Acula” (FJA), comments onit.

    A face that Only A Mother could love? Wrongl KING KONG ie loved by millions, both young & old alii


  • One of the Scores of Scenes thst msde KING KONG score sky-high as one of the greatest thrillersof all time. Here is Fay Wray about to meet Kongl

    FJA: "It’s the original ring of BelaLugosi. That is the Dracula ringthat he wore in 1'831 in the Uni-versal film. When he turned intoa vampire, that was theringthatbrought him back into humanform. It has the 'D’ for Draculaand the crest with the bat. I’mvery pleased & proud to havethat ring.’’

    mmmoirs of mr. ffimonster

    JOE: "You look like a nice guy. I betyou eat regular food & drinkregular milk—you don’t drinkany special potion . . .or blood.’’

    FJA: "No, no.”JOE: "Ladies & gentlemen, the editor

    of FAMOUS MONSTERS mag-azine, visiting New York, and amost fascinating guest. I’m go-ing to show a couple of picturesfrom your private MEMORY

    LANE. You can tell us whatwe’re watching as we explore theworld of witches & science Bction& Buster Crabbe. I wapt to talkabout Buster later. What’re weseeing now?”

    FJA: "Hollywood Boulevard,They’ve glamorized the Boule-vard in the last couple of yearsby putting stars on the sidewalkabout every 3 paces. You’ll, asyou walk down—’(It’s a realMemory Lane)—you’ll find Val-entino’s star and Mary Pickford& Fairbanks . . . and from mystandpoint—of course. I’m par-ticularly interested in the science

    fiction people and—”JOE (interrupting): "Lon Chaney. . .”FJA (continuing): "—and makeup &

    so on, so I had my picture takenwith Lon Chaney’s star.”

    JOE: "Great.”FJA: "This is— I doubt anyone would

    recognize it—this was a man then

    about 35 or 40 years old, whohad made himself up to appearas a Chinese mandarin of atleast 100 years of age. And thatwas the original Lon Chaney Sr.He played a dual role in thatfilm called MR. WU—

    JOE: "MR. WU.”FJA: "—his own grandfather, and—”JOE: "W-U?”FJA: "W-U, yes.”JOE: "Here’s the old grandfather and

    —who else?”FJA: "And the grandson. The grand-

    son himself was still about 80years old— quite elderly. Nowthis is an actual drawing by thelate Willis O’Brien, the man whocreated KING KONG in 1933.This was done just about a yearbefore he passed away, when hehad dreams of doing one moregreat KONG film, where KONGwould meet up with a 50-footFrankenstein.”


  • Elsa Lanchester in her fantastic make up as the BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN.

    metropolis revisited

    JOE: "Now, you’ve seen, it goes with-out saying, thousands of films—everything ever done, or most ofthe films done regarding yourparticular specialty, but yourfavorite movie of all time, I’vebeen told, is METROPOLIS.”

    FJA: "’Yes, this is it. This isNew Yorkas Fritz Lang dreamed of itappearing in the year 2026. Bythen, it was believed, the polula-tion would have grown to about50 mUlion people.”

    JOE: "That’s the same movie?”FJA: "Yes—same film. We have the

    scientist on the right, and there’sa mechanical human being—


    woman in metal form.”JOE: "Uh-huh.”FJA: "By then they had— They were

    dreaming up human workers be-

    ing replaced by what they callautomatons, or robots.”

    1: "The screen sensation ofthe ages—that’s METROPOLIS in 1926.What is so very special aboutthe appeal of METROPOLIS,for your money?”

    k: "Well, for my money—and it’sgot plenty of it, because I neverfail to see that film at any pos-sible opportunity—it is a picturethat— It combines mystery, im-agination, wonder & glamor-it’s the sense of the marvellousall wrapped up in this one pro-duction. First of all, practically

    every frame of that film hassomething tremendous going onat all times—there are no lullsin it at all. If your eyes are notfascinated by &e ardiitecture &the sight of those great aerialhiways & the airplanes & Zep-pelins going in & out of the city,then you’ve got the metallic ro-

    bot to entertain you. And it doesinto elements of fantasy—at onepoint there are 9 statues cometo life. There’s several climacticsituations where the great ma-chinery blows up, the whole sub-terranean city is being flooded,and—

    JOE: "Who is your favorite sciencefiction actor?”

    FJA (doubtfully): "Science fictionactorV’

    JOE: "Horror we know must be BelaLugosi, or—

    FJA: "WeU, Lugosi, Karloff & LonChaney are my 'Big 3’ in hor-ror. In science fiction, that’s alittle more specialized. Actually,there isn’t just anyone I think of.Rather than, say who’s myscience fiction actor favorite, inscience fiction the stars really aremore the special effects men, andthen you get into George Pal andthe wonders he weaves—


  • JOE: "The ’Man Behind the Scenes’.”FJA: "—and Ray Harryhausen. Yes.”

    the future of monsterdom

    JOE: 'Tve written— I’ve read—booksabout you & profiles in mag-azines where they call you 'Mr.Science Fiction’, which is nice,but when they call you 'Mr.Film Monster’, I can’t go alongwith this—you’re not a monster.

    \^y don’t you like when theyleave you alone & don’t callyou'Mr. Film Monster’?”

    FJA: "Weil, actually I don’t mindthat, because I feel that it isfrom the— There are a tremen-dous number of intelligent, im-aginative youngsters I’ve foundin this country who might havebeen lost to this generation ofreading. Their parents were be-ginning to despair that theywould ever even pick up a comicbook. But the 'monster’ seems toattract their imagination, andfrom there diey go into science

    fiction. The nextthingyouknow,they’re actually beginning toread and go to the dictionary andpicking up Edgar Rice Bur-roughs, and—by the way, didyou say you wanted to ask mesomething about BusterCrabbe?”

    JOE: "I want to get in about Buster’scareer in about a minute. Lateron, of course, these kids mature,but they’re still science fictionfans.”

    FJA: "Right.”JOE: "You are to science fiction what

    Dick Clark is to Rock 'n’ Roll.(Laughs.) That’s what we liketo think we are to memories. Andwe’re going to show a scene inabout a minute from A TRIP TOTHE MOON, which might havebeen the first science fiction pro-duction of a spectacular nature.It ran about I'A minutes in 1 902,and people said, 'A I'A minutepicture will never go—it’s toolong.’ In those days, you know,pictures ran for 2 minutes."You’re watching 'Memory

    Lane’, Joe Franklin hostingevery day for 1 hour, showbusiness—past, present & future.We’re chatting with a man whospecializes in the eerie & thesupernatural—not the railroadErie. 'This intermission memo,then on with more science fiction& monster movies on film."I tell you, this is the kind of

    show I hope is being video-taped, so we can show it some-time at nite to the working menand to the kiddies who can’twatch us always in the daytime.We’re devoting the entire showtoday to the moviegoers thatare interested in science fiction& space & horror.”

    the dream of dracuta

    "I’ve been told that you’vegot the original catalogs thatbelonged—the scrapbooks thatwere the property of Bela Lu-gosi.”

    FJA: "That’s right. He had, oh, per-haps 15 of these that he hadput together with his own hands,showing—”

    JOE: "How did you happen to getthem?”

    FJA: "I had the very good fortimeto be a friend of Mr. Lugosiduring the last 3 years of hislife. At that time he was just ashell of his former self—an old,brittle, aging, ill man— , but hestill had the great dream (It wasaround the time that the 3-dimen-sion 111ms were coming to thefore), and it was his hope thatit would be possible in 3D &Cinemascope & color (theworks)— stereophonic sound—that he could do DRACULA,the role that he had played over1000 times and had brought tothe screen in 1931. He thoughtthat about 30 years later it wastime for a new generation to getacquainted with this fabulous,eerie story.”

    JOE: "He was a great guy, and Ihope that he’ll be properly repre-sented at the HollywoodMuseum.”

    FJA: "Oh, definitely there will— Wewant to have a full-size statueof Lugosi, and fliere is a won-derful painting of him that wasmade by an outstanding Hun-garian artist, that will be do-nated, I believe, by his fifth &final wife to the Museum.”

    the (buster) crabbe monsters

    JOE: "Say something nice about ayoimg fellow who is still withus, a good friend of ours, onceknown as Tarzan for a littlewhile.”

    FJA: "TARZAN THE FEARLESS?Are you talking about Buster'


  • This unfortunate victim met up with Lon Chaney Jr. in THE WOLFMAN.

    Crabbe?”JOE: "Right.”FJA: "Well, he’s a man who has a

    unique distinction, I would say.Not only was he popular in thefantasy territory of films—in theEdgar Rice Burroughs’ TAR-ZAN, and I think he did a filmcalled THE LION MAN-buthe played not only Flash Gor-don but his counterpart—rival,you might say—of the futureuniverses, Buck Rogers. I recallhe did 3 full serials, the longestof which I think had, oh, 15segments.”

    JOE: "Cliffhangers were his meat.”FJA: "Right. He went off to Mars and

    to the mysterious planet Mongo,and whenhegotthru being FlashGordon for 3 full serials, why

    then he turned around & playedBuck Rogers and went into the25th Century!”

    JOE: "He’s a very enterprising & suc-cessful fellow, Buster Crabbe."And now we’re going to have

    one more piece of horror film,a fright film, a spectacular hor-ror-type film of about 1905.”

    the sealed room unsealedJOE: "We’re going to show an excerpt

    from THE SEALED ROOM. Itstars Henry B. Walthall—kind ofsinister for that era or this era.It’s got a kind of a soundtrackadded—kind of a giddy sound-track. I know we don’t like tosee the old films ridiculed. I'dlike not to Infringe on nostalgicrespect. You feel the sameway?”

    FJA; "Absolutely.”JOE: "I like to play ’em straight, but

    now & then we gag it up a little.In this case, we just couldn’tplay it straight— it’s so in-credible. Made about 1905, let’sshow a few minutes of THESEALED ROOM—a movie go-ing 'way back when.”(At this point the film is shown.)

    JOE: "And now, from our ^est the ed-itor of FAMOUS MONSTERS—it’s a good book—a final mes-sage to the world ...”

    FJA: "Keep watching science fiction,fantasy & monster movies sothat in 1984 when Joe takes youDown Memory Lane you’ll havebuilt up memories for the next15 years or so to reminisce withhim.”





    Thirteen long years ago Warner Bros, released the3D thriller HOUSE OF WAX, starring Vincent Priceas the Insane proprietor o* a wax museum knownas The Chamber of Horrors. Hundreds of readershave requested a photo of the Great Price in thisGreat Bole. As a FAMOUS MONSTEBS EXCLUSIVEwe present Sir Vincent (opposite page) as the warped,dlsfigimed Prof. Jarrod, who meets his end in a vatof his own boiling wax.


  • OF





  • This man's ratty for the morgue.

    H5 years ago crowds lined up at the bugs-


    offices of the nation like bees swarming to a


    honeycomb. Object: to see the sensation of Ithe hour, the incredible cinemascope and


    technicolor smash hit . . . THE FLY. Theysaw, in the final reel, the helpless screamingtiny figure of “a fly with a white head” en-meshed in a spider’s web, and they saw thatthat head was— human.Then a rock mercifully smashed down on

    the doomed creature that had once been a iman, extinguishing its life and permittingspellbound audiences to breathe again. ,The fly-man did not escape, to return in a


    sequel as did the Frankenstein monster, the!

    Mummy, the Creature from the Black La- igoon, and other legendary “things” before


    him, but—

    son of the fly|

    Remember at the end of the picture how 1the little boy was told that his Father died \because he was a scientist who made a fatal .mistake while trying to help mankind ? Well,


    in RETURN OF-THE FLY the little guy has Igrown up and inherited his Father’s burning Idesire to pry into the secrets of Nature. IThe sequel opens at the funeral of Helen I

    Delambre, widow of Andre-the-Fly. Her son IPhilippe is now full grown and an ambitious Iyoung scientist, for even time flies. <

    “So you're the kind of guy who wouldn't hurt a fly, eh?"like father,

    like sonAfter leaving the funeral, Philippe insists

    that his uncle Francois reveal to him thefamily secret his Mother would never dis-close, and which he was too young to compre-hend .when it happened. Reluctantly, Francoistakes him to the ruins of the old lab and thererelates to him the nightmarish circumstancessurrounding the death of his Father. WhenPhilippe announces that he wishes to furtherhis Father’s experiments, Francois becomesangry and refuses to give him funds.

    Undismayed, Philippe enlists the aid of a|

    young scientist named Alan Hinds, and to-gether they turn the wine cellar of an oldmansion Philippe has inherited into an im-proved version of Andre Delambre’s originallab. From the old lab they rescue a numberof charred documents which give them someclue as to the construction of the TransmatterMachine.Young and pretty Cecils Bonnard wanders

    around in the atmos-fear of the mansion.

  • Vincent Price doesn't appear to want any help with his necktie, but his helpfulfriend says "Time is

    flying, Vince, and you know I have to return soon."


  • behind the maskPhilippe’s friend and lab assistant, Alan

    Hinds, who has represented himself as beinga scientist, is unmasked as a criminal soughtby the British police as a murderer. His un-doing is when he schemes to sell the plans forthe matter transmitter to an underworldcharacter named Max Barthold. Hinds isfollowed to the lab by a policeman, whom heis forced to kill.Hinds conveniently gets rid of the body by

    transposing it into the “ether,” or 4th dimen-sion. Later, when he brings the policemanback, he is part man and part rat ! — due tothe fact that a rat’s atoms were suspended innearby space as part of a previous experi-ment. There is also the counterpart : a smallrat with human arms and legs! Hinds killsthe little monstrosity. The grotesque body ofthe dead policeman Hinds stuffs into thetrunk of his own car, drives to a meetingplace with Barthold, and disposes of the body.Barthold drives him back to the mansion andleaves.


    Upon entering the lab. Hinds is confrontedby Philippe, who has become suspicious ofHinds' actions. A fight is provoked, andPhilippe is bested. The criminal Hinds putsPhilippe in the disintegrator. As a sadistictouch, he throws in a fly with him


    The atoms of Philippe and the fly aresimultaneously smashed to smithereens andflung into inner space


    As Hinds is on the verge of escaping withthe plans for the revolutionary mechanism,Philippe’s uncle Francois appears and iswounded by a shot from Hinds’ gun. Theweakened Francois manages to operate theTransmatter-mitter, and puts Philippe backtogether again — but as part man, part fly.And a giant fly at that


    the fly fleesThe police arrive, and while they are try-

    ing to batter their way into the locked lab.The Fly escapes.The wounded Francois is rushed to a hos-

    pital. While being treated there he persuadesthe police to contact Inspector Charas, whowas familiar with the case of the originalFly.

    Meanwhile, Philippe-the-monster seeks outBarthold’s establishment and kills the crookwhen Barthold attacks and wounds him.When Philippe finally catches up with

    Hinds he clutches him in his giant claw andsnuffs out his life.

    Inspector Charas and Francois move backto the mansion, to which they believe thebewildered Fly will instinctively return, andthey are right.


    I'ii have a shave and a haircutmuch off the top, please.

    'KISS ME}" And fly to the end of the world!


  • It is now Cecile’s turn to exercise her lungpower, and this she does powerfully when thefly-headed monster creeps into her room andfaints from loss of blood by the side of herbed.

    Between them, the two men and the girlmanage to get the limp body of the half-human downstairs and into the disintegrator.The disintegrator does its job. It is the

    end of The Fly and Philippe returns tonormal. END

    There is no truth to the rumor that Cfawd Rainsplayed the port of The Fly.



    1426 E. Washington Lane, Phila., Pa. 19138 tTilil.iin7«Plaik74Miy

    Dear Uncle Creepy: Please send me the following Back Issues,for which 1 enclose SOC each n Thrilling #3 Issue

    Collector's Edition #1 n Fantastic #4 IssueSecond Great Issue #2 Fiendish #5 Issue






  • Week after week, month aftermonth, year after year, the re-quests keep pouring in. Old Dr.Acuia can never hope to fulfillthem all but this time he triesvaliantly with another halfdozen. If there is some fiendishor fantastic foto YOU wouldlike to see, address your sug-gestion to: Dept. UX4, 1426 E.Washington Lane, Philadelphia,Penna. 19138.


  • TERRY HARDING, MARK PORTER, ROGER CARP, DAVID JARVIS, TOM JACKSON, SUSANBALDWIN, HOPE BEENA, CLAUDE LLOYD, THOS. ROSENBLUM, LOUIS SPITALNICK, MARKMcGEE & JOHN V GAIMARI are a few of the fans of film fiendom who can't get enough of BELALUSOSI— here shown in THE RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE. Frieda Inescort, Nina Foch & MilesMander were also in it.

    DR. WHO, as he appears in the British science-fiction TV series. Shown here for ALAN GREENE,NANCY BRADLEY, JEFFREY PHEASANT & JOHN McMANUS.