Download pdf - Amit BIO DATA (1)

  • 8/17/2019 Amit BIO DATA (1)



    Name : Amit Gupta

    Age : 30 Years

    Place : Jaipur 

    Height : 5 Feet & 7 Inches

    Gotra : Singhal

    Personality : Fair, Smart, Handsome and Teetotaler 

    Qualification : B!om & !hartered "ccountant #Final one group remaining$Employment : %oring as "ccounts '((icer )ith *aramount +roup, one o( the largest

    eal -state !ompan. in /oida & ased at +urgaon

    Pacage :  s 5 1acs

    !amily Details:Gran" Parents : retired li(e at Jaipur!ather : etired Superintending -ngineer )ith *%, +o4t o( a2asthan "lso

    )ored as Sr !onsultant )ith /H"I and *+SY#other : Home aer Bhua $ Phupha : Both are in +o4ernment Ser4ice & residing at JaipurBrother : -lder is married, B- #echanical$, & B" #IT & S.stems$ and )oring

    as )ith Sapient !onsulting *4t 1td as "ssistant anager & ased in

    +urgaon6 %ister&in&'a(  is B!om, I!%", !S and )oring )ith Solaris !hemtech

    Industries 1td as anager #Finance$ The. are lessed )ith a 3 .ears oldson

    %isters : Three: -ldest sister is B", iploma in Fashion esigning and is currentl. a

    homemaer and ased in aigarh & lessed )ith t)o sons -lder iscurrentl. pursuing engineering (rom /IT Institute & Younger is pursuingHigher Secondar.

    6 Brother&in&'a( is B- etallurg. is )oring as + in Jindal Steelsat aigarh

    6 8 -lder sister is )oring as a so(t)are pro(essional in So(t)are !ompan.

    at 9S", +reen card holder & lessed )ith t)o ids Son anddaughter, oth are in school and 9S" citi:enshipBrother&in&la( is Tech in !omputer & )oring in icroso(t #9S"$as Senior So(t)are -ngineer & +reen !ard holder

    6 3 -lder sister is Sc #Home gt & Int esigning$, /-T cleared &currentl. a homemaer residing at Jaipur & lessed )ith t)odaughtersBrother&in&la(  is B" #areting$ & is egional Head in /! atJaipur

    )ncles : T(o6 Younger )as Honorale Justice o( a2asthan High !ourt & (amil. is

    settled in Jaipur

    6 8 Youngest is etired !hie( -ngineer )ith *H-, +o4t o( a2asthan &no) )oring as Senior !onsultant at "gra Famil. is settled in Jaipur

    #ama : Three6 'ne is in usiness at herli +an2 #"l)ar$6 T)o are etired li(e at Jaipur 

    *ontact at : H!+upta

     ";7, Saet !olon., "darsh /agar, Jaipur ; 30800<e;mail 6 hcsinghal=.ahoocoin*hone6 00 ? + @?;?0 03A

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Amit BIO DATA (1)
