  • 7/29/2019 An Encounter With Consequences Mt 9 9-13


    Septuagesimae 28 Jan 2012

    Dr Lutz Ackermann (Friedenskirche, Hillbrow)

    Jesus and the tax collector: a meeting with consequences

    (Matthew 9:9-13)

    Jesus left that place, and as he walked along, he saw a

    tax collector, named Matthew, sitting in his office. He

    said to him, "Follow me." Matthew got up and followed

    him. While Jesus was having a meal in Matthew's

    house, many tax collectors and other outcasts came and

    joined Jesus and his disciples at the table. Some

    Pharisees saw this and asked his disciples, "Why does

    your teacher eat with such people?" Jesus heard them

    and answered, "People who are well do not need a

    doctor, but only those who are sick. Go and find out

    what is meant by the scripture that says: 'It is kindness

    that I want, not animal sacrifices.' I have not come to

    call respectable people, but outcasts."

    (Mat 9:9-13)

    Und da Jesus von dannen ging, sah er einen

    Menschen am Zoll sitzen, der hie Matthus; und er

    sprach zu ihm: Folge mir! Und er stand auf und folgte

    ihm. Und es begab sich, da er zu Tische sa im Hause,

    siehe, da kamen viele Zllner und Snder und saenzu Tische mit Jesu und seinen Jngern. Da das die

    Phariser sahen, sprachen sie zu seinen Jngern:

    Warum isset euer Meister mit den Zllnern und

    Sndern? Da das Jesus hrte, sprach er zu ihnen: Die

    Starken bedrfen des Arztes nicht, sondern die

    Kranken. Gehet aber hin und lernet, was das sei: "Ich


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    habe Wohlgefallen an Barmherzigkeit und nicht am

    Opfer." Ich bin gekommen die Snder zur Bue zu

    rufen, und nicht die Gerechten.


    [30 sec silence]

    Are you waiting for something? I bet you are. You are

    waiting for me to start my sermon! Well, the good news

    id: I have started my sermon already 30 seconds ago itsjust that I havent said anything so far

    I greet you all in the name of Jesus. As we are looking at

    this text this morning, of Jesus calling the tax collector

    Matthew, thats the one big question that came to my


    what are you waiting for?

    It is a question I want to as the tax collector in our biblical

    narrative. It is so short, everything goes so quick: Jesus,

    came, said follow me and Matthew got up and followed.

    Thats it. That is the core of the story, one verse. And this

    is the question I want to ask that man: what are you

    waiting for?

    Lets step into that mans world for a moment. The Gospel

    of Matthew calls him Mathew. Or rather, the Gospel of

    Mathew is called the Gospel of Matthew mainly because

    of this verse! We dont know, why the writer calls this

    character Matthew, which was the name of one of the

    twelve apostels but he does. I dont even know, why he

    tells this story, but I know that this little encounter is


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    important. It is a meeting that has got major


    This story is so short that we have to listen very carefully,

    not only to what we are told but equally to what we arenot told.

    We are told, where Jesus came from we are not

    told, where Matthew came from (pops up out of


    We are told, what Jesus said to Matthew we are

    not told what if anything at all Matthew said to


    We are told, what motivates, what drives Jesus to

    say and to do what he says and does (conversation

    with the Pharisees, need, mercy) we are not told

    what drives Matthew to do what he does (get up and


    And the one thing that bugs me most: we are not

    told, what Matthew is waiting for.

    I want to grab him, take him aside and ask: Matthew,

    what are you waiting for? I mean, what have you been

    waiting for, all this time? What made this one day so

    different from all the other days before, when you alsosat there; when you also collected taxes but when you

    didnt get up? So many questions, and we dont know.

    So lets try to step into his world for a moment. So I guess,

    that day he got up like every other day. Was there

    something special? We dont know. He went to work, as

    usual. But wait a minute, why did he work as a tax


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    collector in the first place? We dont know. I mean, who

    wants to be a tax collector? As collaborators with the

    empire, they werent very popular. Maybe he just did it,

    because even his father and his grandfather had been taxcollectors and he didnt know anything else to do. We

    dont know. Maybe it doesnt matter. What does matter is

    that on that morning something was different. Something

    special happened.

    And I get the funny feeling, this is what Matthew has been

    waiting for. Hes been waiting for this, day by day. Hes

    been waiting for this all his life. I mean, just imagine: herecomes someone, says follow me and there he goes.

    Matthew gets up and follows. Thats it. Now that man is

    ready. No debate, no hesitation. He gets up, he goes, he


    This tells me the story about a man who is ready. He

    hears that one word follow and that is what he does.

    This is his chance. This is what hes been waiting for.

    Maybe he didnt know. Maybe he would never have

    imagined that one day he would get up and go. But this

    is his chance. A second one might never come, who

    knows? I dont know. Mathew didnt know. All he knew is

    that he had to get up, there and then and go; and follow.

    And so, this morning, I am asking myself: what is hewaiting for, there, sitting there at the toll office? , I am

    asking Matthew: what are you waiting for? What is it that

    you have been waiting for all your life? And all of a

    sudden that question turns back, and I am asking myself:

    what is it that I am waiting for? And I am asking you:

    what is it that you are waiting for?


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    I am asking this question, Matthew, because you were

    ready. I can see that, because it took only one word

    follow - and you got up and you did it. So I can see, you

    were ready and I am asking: what are you waiting for? Imean, if you are ready to get up today, what were you

    waiting for yesterday? Why didnt you get up yesterday?

    Were you waiting for something specialto happen? Were

    you waiting for someone special to come and say these

    words to you: Follow me

    Follow me: that means, walk with me. Walk the same way

    that I walk, walk behind me on that path. Follow myteaching, live the sort of life I live. And Jesus had told

    people what kind of life that was; it was a narrow and

    difficult path. So yes, when he said to Matthew follow

    me and when he says to you and to me follow me its a

    challenge. But Matthew was ready for that challenge.

    Maybe this is, what he had been waiting for. Maybe he

    had been playing with that thought before. We dontknow. All we are told is that on that day he gets up and

    follows. He is ready. Are you? Are we? Ready to get up

    and follow today?

    But have you noticed, his answer is not one of many

    words. In fact, the gospel narration doesnt even report a

    single word from his mouth. Surely he must have said

    something or maybe not? We dont know? All it says is

    he got up and did it. He followed Jesus. And that is what

    counts, that is what really matters.

    It would have been pretty useless, had he got up to read a

    nicely worded press release and then done nothing

    about it. He got up, it says, and followed him. Next we see


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    him in his house; his friends, his colleagues are there, and

    with him is Jesus. This encounter is one that turns his life

    around, one that has got consequences.

    His answer to the challenge may not be one of manywords but one of actions, of deeds. Jesus says to him

    follow me and that is what Matthew does. And that is

    what counts. Getting up, following him: that is his

    response, his answer. There is no need for pious


    Maybe not everyone was happy about this. Maybe theother tax collectors laughed at him or sneered at him.

    Maybe thats why Matthew invited them, maybe he was

    thinking if only they can meet Jesus they will

    understand. They will see clearer why I did what I did.

    Maybe thats what Matthew thought, we dont know.

    Maybe he was even able to convince some of his

    colleagues to also follow Jesus in the end we dont


    But one thing we do know: the Pharisees didnt like what

    was happening there. If Jesus calls people to be his

    disciples, to follow him, that was ok. But notpeople like


    But you know, Jesus does it: he does call people like

    that to follow. And Matthew does it: he does get up and

    follow. They dont ask what do others say or do or even

    think about it. They just do it. The way is narrow, not

    many will follow it. But thats ok, Mathew, as long as you



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    And then something else happens. When the Pharisees

    launch their complaint, they talk about tax collectors and

    sinners and how they are really so sick. And Jesus says:

    exactly. They are sick, so they need healing. They needthe doctor thats me. Here is another healing story

    but unlike in many other ones you cannot physically

    watch the healing taking place. We wouldnt even notice it

    if Jesus didnt make this comment about himself being

    like a doctor to these people.

    The healing thats going on is an inward one: the healing

    of a person, Mathew; the healing of a community. Andthis healing does not come to Mathew and his friends out

    of the thin air. This healing is a direct consequence of his

    encounter with Jesus. Jesus says: follow me. Mathew gets

    up, follows. That is where his healing begins, where he is

    restored to be a human being of dignity. And immediately

    this healing flows from him into his community, to his

    friends who so desperately need it.

    And now I am asking you again, what are you waiting for?

    Are you like that tax collector, sitting at his tax office day

    in and day out, waiting for something to happening in

    your life. Are you waiting to hear that voice follow me?

    Well, the good news is: in Holy Baptism God in Jesus has

    already called us. He has called you and he has called me:

    follow me. So what are we waiting for? What are you

    waiting for?

    Maybe there is something you know you need to do. What

    are you waiting for?

    Maybe follow me for you means to forgive

    someone what are you waiting for?


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    Maybe follow me for you means to get out of an

    abusive relationship what are you waiting for?

    Maybe follow me for you means to leave some

    unethical conduct behind you what are you waiting


    Maybe follow me for you means to be more

    diligent in prayer or more regular in church

    attendance what are you waiting for?

    Maybe follow me for you means you need to give

    up some worries and anxieties and put more trust in

    God, day by day. What are you waiting for?

    Whatever these words of Jesus mean to you: follow

    me, the important thing is to get up and do it. Jesus

    doesnt need long prayers, he doesnt need pious

    declarations of intentions. All he needs is people who

    get up and do it. Do whatever he calls them to do.

    So if there is one thing in your life that Jesus is calling

    you to do, if there is something and you realize, Ive

    been waiting and waiting, but now I am ready, I will do

    it: if that is the case, as you come up to the altar to

    bring your offering, I challenge you, dont just bringmoney. Bring yourself (mercy, not animal sacrifice).

    Bring that one decision that you have made today. You

    can say a short prayer, you dont need many words.

    You could pray: Jesus, I will do it. And if that is too

    much, you dont even have to say a word. As long as

    you do it like Mathew, get up and follow, you can just


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    walk out of that church door and do whatever you need

    to do. There is no need to wait any longer, because

    what are you waiting for, anyway.

    And if you do that, let me assure you, you are steppingright into the healing presence of our Lord. The

    moment you admit that you are one of these people

    who are broken, who are sick, these people who need a

    doctor he is there for you! The doctor and physician

    of our souls who has come to do exactly that: to call

    and to heal those who need him. To call you and me.

    My prayer for all of us is that when we hear him call:

    follow me we will get up and follow.


    Sieh nicht was andere tun,

    der andern sind so viel.

    Du kommst nur in ein Spiel,

    das nimmermehr wird ruhn.

    Geh einfach Gottes Pfad,

    lass nichts sonst Fhrer sein,

    so gehst du recht und grad

    und gingst du ganz allein.

    Morgenstern Christian

    (1871 1914)

