

An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ 7834 Tennyson Street NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122 Office: 505-856-1004

No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


December 10 , 2017

Chuck Qualley, Worship Leader

(*** Indicates to stand, if able)

PRELUDE ......................................... “December Morning” ..................... Dorenda Morse, piano

-by Mark Kellner

***CONGREGATION SINGS .................... Hymn #108 .. “Isaiah the Prophet Has Written of Old”

Verses 1: Solo

Verses 2 and 4: All

WELCOME ...................................................... ........................................... Rev. TevisTownes

OPENING MEDITATION .......... “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” ............. Patricia Oakley, organ

- arr. Lynn Trapp

Lighting of the Christ and Agape Candles is a symbol of Jesus coming into the presence of this

worshiping community.





One: Advent is a time of preparation.

Many: Open our hearts, O God, and prepare us to receive the Good News.

One: Give us the courage and confidence to repent and forgive as we prepare

ourselves for God’s peace.

Many: Enrich us with humility that we might open ourselves to change.

One: The time of peace is upon us. Let us celebrate God together

***MORNING PRAYER One: Please pray with me...

Many: Patient and loving God, we so easily lose ourselves in

preparations for Christmas festivities and gift-giving; and yet we

sometimes forget that the true preparation is the readiness of our

hearts to receive you. Help us look again at our lives and turn them

toward your will. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

ANTHEM .................................. “Comfort Ye” and “Every Valley” ................ Lucien Daigle, tenor

- Recitative and Aria from Messiah by G.F. Handel



Matthew 18: 15-22

from The New Testament and Psalms, and Inclusive Version

If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one.

But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses.

If the member refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if the offender refuses to listen even to the church, let such a one be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by our Heavenly Parent. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.

CONGREGATION SINGS ....................... Hymn #127 ............. “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”

SERMON ...................................... “Lighting a Path to Peace” ...................... Rev. TevisTownes




Our Father, our Mother, who is in heaven, Holy be your name.

Your Kin(g)dom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For yours is the Kin(g)dom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


OFFERTORY ..................................... “Carol of the Bells” ..................... Joyful Noise Bell Choir

-arr. Jason Krug


Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God all creatures here below.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God the source of all our gifts.

Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts.

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!



Dec. 10 Rev. Sarah TevisTownes

Worship Leader : 11:00 am Chuck Qualley Friendship Time: 11:00 am

Christian Ed: Maribeth Bohley, Ashley Daigle, Christa Manning, Barbara Wolfe Sound System Operators: B.D. Shafer, Ivan Mackenzie Nursery Care: John Leppala, Miles Mitchell

Usher/Greeter Team: 11:00 am

Music: Linda Gilmour, Director of Music; Michelle Sault, Bell Choir Director; Dorenda Morse, Piano; Patricia Oakley, Organist

***CONGREGATION SINGS .................... Hymn #609 .............. “Now Is the Time Approaching”

CLOSING MEDITATION .................... “The Huron Carol” ...................... Dorenda Morse, piano Traditional French-Canadian text and melody Arr. by Brent Edstrom

Extinguishing of the Christ and Agape candles symbolizes our

taking the light of Jesus Christ out into the world, where as

believers, we are to serve.



POSTLUDE ............................. “Keep Awake, Be Always Ready” ........... Patricia Oakley, organ

-arr. Lynn Trapp

As you depart, please greet one another with the spirit of Christ’s love. We also welcome you to

join us in the Hospitality Room for friendship time.


Next week, at the 11 a.m. service, we will celebrate the

season with the choir’s Christmas Cantata, “The Promise of

Light: A Christmas Musical by Joel Raney.”

In the 9 a.m. service, we will sing Advent and Christmas

hymns together as we prepare ourselves for the celebration of

Jesus’ birth on Christmas day.

At both services, we will read from Isaiah 58:6-9. This beautiful

text reminds us that the light of Christmas comes not only from

the birth of Jesus, but also from our actions in Jesus’ name:

feeding the hungry, loosening the bonds of injustice,

welcoming the homeless, and reconciling with one another.

Worship Services (Date and Times)

Dec. 17: 9 am Worship Service 11 am (Christmas Cantata) Dec. 24: 11 am regular service plus special evening 4 pm and 6 pm services Dec. 31: 11 am only


Our members:

Audra Bond, Shantih Bisland, Renee Crowder, Nancy Eberhardt, Wanita Eberhardt, Frank

Harrison, David McElhaney, Penny McElhaney, Kay Main, Lester and Mildred Hoak, Stewart

Johnson, Elizabeth Lewis, Martha and Michael Tucker, Paula Paul, Ethel Shepard, Lynne and

Patrick Xavier.

Long-term care:

Dalton Kessler (grandson of Susan Olson and son of Amy Mueller), Charles Lamb (son of Diana

Lamb), Kira Marie McSherry (daughter of Linc Nagle).

Our extended family:

Austin (grandson of Paula Paul), Tille and Viginia Attencio (friends of Katherine and Brent

Williams), Lynne Aube (cousin of Susan Mackenzie), Roland Birkner (friend of Christina Moss),

Pepa Brown (Friends of Asaera Cote and Deb May), Ben Church (son of Ed Church), Charlie

(friend of Vicki McNown Miller), Susan Cokel (sister-in-law of Kennette Weatherford), Taylor Ann

Coppage (granddaughter of Floyd and Shirlee Coppage), Cynthia Copper (friend of Beth Clark),

Dave Crosby (brother of Doug Crosby), The Debussman Family, Jana Eiche (friend of Brent and

Katherine Williams), Lee and Bill Evans (grandparents of Mackenzie Hill), Elizabeth Galloway

(sister of Christin Dobbeck), Troy Garrett (husband of Chloe Winegar-Garrett), Rusty Henle (friend

of Brent and Katherine Williams), Erica Hernandez (niece of Jill Marjama-Lyons), Bill Hill

(grandfather of MacKenzie Hill), Ian Hucke (friends of Jill and Rick Crawley), Fred Hurd (friend of

Carol and Hal Henthorne), Tammy Hurst (friend of Deborah May), Michael Kuhlmeyer (friend of

Christina Moss), Kate Laning (niece of Nancy Kolenc), Chris Loring (sister-in-law of Jenny

Sanchez), Luana Mansfield (friend of Susie Tagliapietra), Kyle Maggert (friend of COGS), Owen

Marjama (dad of Jill Marjama-Lyons), Mark Miller (friend of Maribeth Bohley and Frances Clark),

Kevin Moore (friend of Chris Connor), Venn Moore (cousin of Dew Williams), Roy Morgan (father

of Ashley Daigle), Shelly Moriston and her family and friends (friends of Brad Measures), Amy

Mueller (daughter of Susan Olson), Paul Nagle (brother of Linc Nagle), Margot Nelson (friend of

Main family), Don and Sue Newman (friends of COGS), Lupe Nuedecker (mother of Becky

Leppala), Nan Olszewski (grandmother of Ashley Daigle), Mike Parman (brother of Nancy Kolenc),

Colt Salerno, Margaret Sanger (friend of Kennette Weatherford), Dayton Shaw (friend of Deb

May), Susan Smith (daughter of Ethel Shepard), Aurelio Soto (cousin of Lucien Daigle), Rhys and

Kaylee Weatherford (family of Kennette Weatherford), Jack Williams (brother of Dew Williams),

Gerald Wolfe (husband of Barbara Wolfe), Vincent Xavier (father of Patrick Xavier), Andrew and

Bridget Xavier (children of Patrick Xavier)


Bulletin Board

Adult Only Game Night Contact: Donna Lockridge

Phone: (505) 280-5210

E-mail: [email protected]

Date: Friday, December 15

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Place: Hospitality Room

Details: They say playing games is bad for relationships, but they're perfect for game night!!!! Join us in the hospitality room for some good old fashion fun. Games include everything from Mexican Train Dominoes to Settlers of Catan. Don't know how to play? Don't worry, there is always someone to teach you. Bring a game, play a game, or learn a new one! It changes every time. We do the food potluck style. Finger food works great, so we can play games and munch on some grub. All are welcome. Sign up on the Connection Card to let is know you are coming!

The Promise of Light: A Christmas Cantata

Contact: Linda Gilmour, Director of Music

Date: Sunday, December 17

Time: During 11:00 am Worship Service

Place: Sanctuary

Details: "The Promise of Light," a Christmas

cantata by Joel Raney, will be presented at the

11:00 a.m. worship service on December 17,

2017. Experience a journey of hope, promise and

light through music and inspirational readings,

with additional carols written and arranged by

Ola Gjeilo, Peter Anglea and Philip Kern.

Accompanied by piano, keyboard, percussion

and the Joyful Noise Bell Choir, this year's

Chancel Choir presentation is sure to leave you

humming and smiling.

Date Time Event Location

Mon., Dec. 11 1:30 PM Generosity Team Meeting Parlor

Tues., Dec. 12 11:00 AM Pastor Bible Study Adult Learning Center

6:00 PM Church Council Meeting Social Hall

Wed., Dec. 13 10:00 AM Extended Hours: COGS Crafters Adult Learning Center

6:00 PM Bell Choir Practice Sanctuary

Thurs., Dec. 14 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Practice Sanctuary

Fri., Dec. 15 6:00 PM Adult Only game Night Hospitality

Sat., Dec. 16 10:00 AM Cantata Practice Sanctuary

Sun., Dec. 17 9:00 AM Worship Service Sanctuary

11:00 AM Christmas Cantata Worship Service Sanctuary

Upcoming Week at COGS:


December 10, 2017

Christmas Posole Dinner is On!

Contact: Donna Lockridge

Phone: (505) 280-5210

E-mail: [email protected]

Date: Sunday, December 24

Time: 7:15 p.m.

(After the 6 pm Christmas Eve Service)

Place: Social Hall

Details: Come and celebrate the season with our

Annual Christmas Posole Dinner. Last year was a

smashing success with over 60 people in

attendance, so we will be doing it again this year.

Sign up will begin on this week's Connection Card.

You will have an opportunity to sign up to help out

and to bring a dish to share.

2017 COGS Giving Tree

Contact: Donna Lockridge, Phone: (505) 280-5210

E-mail: [email protected]

Date: Accepting items beginning Dec 01 and

ending December 24.

Place: Hospitality Room

Details: Each year COGS sponsors a "Giving

Tree" and this year the benefactor is Casa Q, a

place providing safe haven and help to youth of the

LGBTQ community.

The tree will have cards with specific gift requests

hanging on the tree. Please feel free to grab one

and then bring the full-filled wish back to the

church and leave it under the tree. There will also

be a place to leave monetary donations to help


Project Share Returns!

Contact: Jenny Sanchez

Phone: (941) 724-0238

E-mail: [email protected]

Date: Saturday, December 30

Details: A couple times a year, COGS, in

association with St. Martin's Hospitality Center,

prepares and serves a meal to the homeless


St. Martin's mission is to assist people who are

experiencing homelessness by providing

resources, opportunities, and hope. With a vision

of ending homelessness, one person at a time.

This is your chance to be involved.

We start the day in the COGS kitchen at 10 am

where we cook and prepare the meal. There are

ample opportunities to help during the day with

babysitting the food as it cooks, then transporting

the meal to St Martins, and ending with serving

food the people who come by. Join us in closing

out the year with purposeful intent!

Sign up in the hallway continues today!

Have a Need?

Ask the Care Team Lead!

Our Care Team Lead for the month of December

is Donna Lockridge. If you have or know of a need

that you feel the Care Team can assist with,

please call Meg in the church office at (505) 856-


You may also contact Donna directly

at (505) 280-5210 or email her at

[email protected]


We are delighted to have you worshiping with us today!

Church of the Good Shepherd, UCC is a dynamic congregation with a rich history and an exciting ministry in the community.

Our church is a part of a blend of four major Protestant denominations that united together in 1957 to form the United Church of Christ.

We claim the early Pilgrim and Puritan settlers of this country as part of our heritage, and celebrate the words of Pastor John Robinson, who in his farewell remarks to the Pilgrims as they were leaving for the “new world,” said,

“There is still more light and truth to break forth from God’s holy word.”

We are a church that:

• Takes the Bible seriously, but not literally.

• Worships God with joyful hearts and open minds.

• Includes children in the life and ministry of the church.

• Celebrates creativity and the arts.

• Seeks to be inclusive of ALL people.

• Believes that growth in wisdom and understanding happens at all

stages of life.

• Is committed to work for justice for all people and for the environment.

• Cares for one another, laughs easily, and rests in God’s love.

• Looks to Jesus as teacher, prophet and Child of God.

The mission of Church of the

Good Shepherd is to build a

just world through community

one life at a time.

Church of the Good Shepherd desires

to be an inclusive community that

shares Divine love as a path to peace

and justice in the world.
