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Ovreview• Let’s face it, most dieters and fitness enthusiasts find it hard to stick through with a diet plan

because the meals are usually too bland to be enjoyed yet proper feeding is a key feature of a good fitness plan. Even if you have the best training, you will not gain muscle or lose fat if the nutrition is wanting. The simple truth is that you need the right nutritious foods in the right proportions to get the expected results.

Fortunately, many people know the importance of food when building quality muscle mass or losing weight. However, they still overlook one important factor – preparation. People always go for the easy option such as take-out meals and shakes. And the few who manage to stick to their diet plans soon find it hard to cope with the boring meals. Moreover, the misconceptions about food only make matters worse.

But thank God for Dave Ruel’s Anabolic Cooking eBook. This cookbook has changed the fortunes of thousands of fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders with its tasty, delicious, and nutritious meals. The Anabolic Cooking eBook is touted as the best nutrition guide in the fitness and health realm. Thousands of bodybuilders have used it to successfully build muscle while many aspiring muscle builders are eager to use it too.

There’s a wealth of information in the Anabolic cooking eBook and not just tasty meal recipes. You will learn why the majority of bodybuilders never achieve their dream of a ripped, defined physique even though they workout so hard in the gym. You will also learn how eating spinach lasagna and beef can lead to more lean muscle mass. There’s also information on how crispy chicken nuggets can give you that ripped physique you’ve always craved. You’ll get all this and more in Dave Ruel’sAnabolic Cooking eBook.

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Good to know

• One of the most interesting pieces of information in this eBook is about the misconceptions surrounding cooking, and Dave really did a good job explaining these falsehoods. Here are some of the leading misconceptions about food you’ll learn about:

• Nutrition for people on fitness programs as well as bodybuilders has to be plain and boring to get the most out of it.

• It’s widely believed in the fitness industry that delicious meals that taste like restaurant foods are detrimental to muscle building and do not promote fat loss.

• Most people think that they cannot cook, and so they feel so uncomfortable in the kitchen that they cannot make a tasty meal.

• There’s this popular misconception that it takes a great deal of time to prepare good meals, thus it’s time saving to depend on pre-made and take-out meals.

• Again with time, people have this misconception that going to the grocery store takes a lot of time, let alone money.

These five misconceptions are some of the most common in the fitness industry and sadly, most people don’t realize their fitness dreams because of such false notions. But fortunately, Dave aptly breaks down these misconceptions in a very clear and concise way that will make you wish you had found his eBook earlier.

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Final Words• The best thing about the Anabolic Cooking eBook guide is that it helps

people who want to achieve a ripped, muscular body as well as those who want to cut fat. It’s a known fact that diet is the key to building quality muscle is diet. But most diet programs and cookbooks aim at definition only, not muscle growth. But with this eBook, a different approach is used altogether as it’s primarily intended to build more muscle mass.

The logic is that muscle mass will rev up your metabolism, thus more calories burnt. So besides gaining lean muscle mass, you will be burning off fat in the process, and therefore reap two benefits. However, you can also use the eBook solely for weight loss.

• If you still fret at the idea of standing in the kitchen, there are ‘virtual cooking classes’ included in the eBook to help you cope with the nervousness. This eBook is really packed with a wealth of information which can be practically applied at your earliest convenience. So if you want a diet that can greatly boost your body’s potential to build lean muscle, look no further than the Anabolic Cooking eBook by the renowned ‘muscular cook’ Dave Ruel.
