  • 8/4/2019 Analysing Merlin Screen Shot


  • 8/4/2019 Analysing Merlin Screen Shot


  • 8/4/2019 Analysing Merlin Screen Shot


    Colour:The main colours you see are not very vibrant as this is done in the Medieval times, and

    the colour that dominates this screen shot is brown as most of the set is made of wood. Thecostumes are brighter and very intricate with different layers, although it is very noticeable whichones are expensive and which ones are not. This divide in clothing is due to class, the Kings ward

    Morgana is of high status so her clothes are made of the finest materials and she has a train on herdress, suggesting she does little or no work because this feature is impractical for work. The maid,Guinevere, is of lower class because she is a servant and so her clothes are simple and lessattractive, as the outfit is practical to do chores and work. King Uther is of the highest class and

    status, and so his red cape could symbolise his power and strength. However the other servantsare in dull black and navy to signify their unimportance.

  • 8/4/2019 Analysing Merlin Screen Shot


    Mise en Scene:Candles are to show the era this television drama is set in and so the audience

    know it is a medieval programme and therefore understand the studios layout and props. Thethrone is used to show the kings higher status and is as symbol of his importance and powerbecause he is the only one sitting and it is elaborately decorated, The stairs creates levels betweenthe king and noble men between the servants and his ward because they can be seen as lessimportant. The Lady Morgana is lower and this could be because she is a woman and they have alower status in society. The crown the king is wearing signifies his authority and power as it showshe owns a city and has a mass of followers, which makes him dominant and strong. The servants

    have no jewellery to highlight their low place in society as they cannot afford luxuries, however theking and Lady Morgana wear fancy jewellery which makes them wealthy.

  • 8/4/2019 Analysing Merlin Screen Shot


    Body Language:The servants and other less noble people in the throne room, has respectful body

    language because their hand are in front of their body, which can infer an important person isentering the room or they are in the presence of the king and proper etiquette is required.Guinevere is Morganas lady maid and she can be seen as a high ranked servant and an important

    character in the programme and so her brighter clothes stands out compared to the other servants,however she still has the polite body language as she is in a room full of her superiors. Morgana isthe kings ward and so should show lady like behave always so she does not show him up and that

    is why her hands are together at her front and her head is held high so she has a correct posture.

    King Uther has a relaxed posture because he has no one to impress and no one is facing himwhich infers he is a scary character and has a very high status. The knights also look courteous.

  • 8/4/2019 Analysing Merlin Screen Shot


    Lighting:The lighting is quite poor because the programme is filmed on set of an actual castle inFrance and so there no electrical lighting already in the building. The dimness also shows the era inwhich this is set as they only have candles and the sun for light; the candles are not light so I canpresume it is daytime and so the windows are the only access to light and they are small, so thelighting is limited. The window is on the right and it falls onto the king and I interpreted it as if God is

    shining on him and follows the old belief of the Divine Right of Kings, where God chooses who isking and blesses them.
