
The Analysis of External Communication Strategy on Customer Loyalty Year of 2014-2015(Case Study on Citra Kasih Secondary School Jakarta)


Deswita Erini Manik55213110036




1.1.Background of ProblemThe competition in education industry has been increasing every year. It has been indicated with all the demands from the customers to have an innovative education. And today, the competition between schools is more rapidly. This can be seen by the wide range of creative and innovative efforts of education providers to continue to explore the uniqueness and superiority of the school to be more attractive to users of educational services. According to Belfield (2002), he mentioned that when one corporate strives to survive in a rapid competition, one corporate should be more innovative to be more significant in making its organization well known by public.In the education sector, where "consumers" are parents/children and "suppliers" are schools/districts, theoretically, more competition should translate into higher quality schooling and enhanced educational outcomes. It is where parents become the most important part in giving positive contributions to strengthen and make the school more qualified. In the era of globalization raises the development in all sectors of life both individually and institutionally. Particularly in sectors educational institutions inevitably have to strive because of the large offer. People today are so smart to choose educational institutions quality and in accordance with the desired service. Institute education reaches a level of effectiveness that is reasonable in quality, price and services so that educational institutions need to improve the performance of meeting the customer expectations and satisfaction. Parents will surely choose one educational institution that meets their requirement and owns greater achievements in reputation. The absolute thing in this case is to bring out the unique and innovative education that can meet the parents expectations as there are more educations that can even strive in this era of competition thus the most unique one will be chosen by the parents themselves. Generally, when there are more choices, there is more rivalry. Greater rivalry may have varied outcomes. It may enhance students' motivation, effort, and interest if it allows them to enrol at a school that better suits their preferences. It may improve a school's output, leading to better teacher selection. As quoted by Stuart and Whetten (1983:263), overall, education systems should be more efficient, likely leading to more positive outcomes. Yet, rivalry may enhance the performance of schools in other ways.Challenge between institutions is an undeniable reality and lasted strictly. Such conditions should be addressed by the educational institution anticipatory measures if they want the existence and development in a sustainable manner Rivalry among educational institutions is increasingly stringent and thus requires serious attention if they want to survive, strive, and excel. Excellence is relatively specific for each institution so that they can thrive. If they are not able to keep up and race in the development of complex educational institution it will be less competitive and folded. Furthermore, because most of the educational institutions managed by the community, then it requires innovation that requires creativity and sensitivity reading people's needs and capabilities amid expectations educational institutions in serving. Growing needs of the community would not want to be addressed as a challenge, not an obstacle. Rampant growth of educational institutions should be addressed as an effort to improve quality through professional rivalry (Howell Patrick and Paul Peterson, 2002:275).Consequently, the institution must be able to understand the demands and expectations of the customers so that they can survive and thrive. According to Teske, Paul and Mark Schneider (2001:609), educational institution that is able to exist relative to have specific advantages, so they are able to meet the expectations of society and develop its full potential.According to Zamroni (2007:9), the practice of education that is able to respond to globalization has three main characteristics: integrity, diversity and independence. Wholeness is the quality of the output which has: high intellectual ability, strong personal ability and dynamic social skills. Diversity is showing the diversity of the educational process in accordance with local and global demands. Independence is demonstrated how decisions involving the school specified in the closest place to the learning process that is the school itself.Competition as experienced by the company profit includes competition in the field of quality, price and service. Educational institutions as a non-profit entity to face the same thing. Based on industry competition, Alma (2007:102) argues in education due to competition: There is a change and improvement needs of the user community graduate educational institutions, occurrence change and improvement of students /parents on the type and desired educational services, threat of rivalry from existing educational institutions. Conditions of rivalry between schools, especially private schools are basically going back to the school management itself in the extent to which managing external factors which are a source of opportunities or threats and internal factors that are a source of strength or weakness that became the basis of a strategy for winning the sustainability.With all the effectiveness that occur in the education industry thus the use of communication strategy can make the sustainability relationship with the customers. As a matter of fact, it is undeniable that schools need to be competitive to have sustainability of customers by implementing the communication strategy (K. Ima Ismara, 2005).Communication strategies can be done in various ways, either verbal or non-verbal as well as directly and indirectly. In a formal organizations such as companies, external communication strategies are the responsibility of the entire section and the communication must be established well without good communication a relationship between part in the organization and the organization's relationship with outside parties will be difficult intertwined.According to Michael Porter (2001:63-78), strategy is how to be different (unique). Value lies in the uniqueness and is determined by the target consumer. Competition: choose a different path, serving different markets and create "rules of the game" itself, to achieve stable profitability. The focus of the competition is to obtain a stable profitability by serving the needs of consumers who are selected rather than replicate and destroy competitors. He emphasizes that a company must continually increase its operational effectiveness and actively try to shift the productivity boundary; at the same time, there needs to be ongoing effort to extend its uniqueness while strengthening the fit among its activities, a company may have to change its strategic position due to a major structural change in the industry, a company should choose its new position depending on its ability to find new compromises and power a new system of complementary activities into a maintainable advantage.Organizations are social establishments in which people interact in a complicated way (Roberts, 1984). A school is one of such social organizations (Getzels and Guba, 1970). Within school organizations, there are students, teachers, administrators and parents. Members of each of these groups occupy distinctive positions and are expected to behave in certain ways. The role expectations of these groups and norms ascribed to them are different from each other. Clearly, the relationships among many people in schools are varied and complex. Only after those relationships are understood, and generally accepted, can the school organization function effectively (Campell et. al, 1983).The effort of the corporate to hold the positive communications among the stakeholders would be improvable with the implementation of how the corporate communicates with the stakeholders. In education, the term stakeholder typically refers to anyone who is invested in the welfare and success of a school and its students, including administrators, teachers, staff members, students, parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and elected officials such as school board members, city councillors, and state representatives (Hellriegel, D et al, 1995).Sometimes the problem of school organizations in maintaining customer loyalty due to the lack of external communication strategy undertaken by the organization. Lack of attention to creating loyal stakeholders can adversely impact the company's reputation especially in the face of intense competition in the industry the company. Lack of innovative strategy in implementing the external communication to the stakeholders who are loyal. Therefore, because the corporate organizational unit is a set of interacting where organizations exist in a dynamic social setting, then the organization should be able to modify the external communications strategy in response to intense competition in the education industry.Thus, it needs a two-way communication process between the two parties, the school and the stakeholders which could lead to a positive communication and it requires cooperation that is expected to achieve the goals of an organization. Connections made by the school include creating partnerships with the stakeholders so that any communication strategy that makes this school organization can maintain the customer loyalty. Open communication, vibrant, structured, balanced, wording, professional and develop a comprehensive understanding of the stakeholders so that the organization knows how to respond and to know how the right strategy to deliver messages either to the relevant stakeholders. Which can be a set of example of positive communication that can be implemented by the school to maintain the customer loyalty (Rabinowitz, P, 2013).The key is how this school can make a sustainability of its message to the customers. The style message that brings out the effective external communication that the school delivers to the customers which can generate to customer loyalty. "External communication focuses on audiences outside the organization as consumers, investors, regulatory bodies (Saunders, 1999:35). Along with the tactics as speeches, conferences, open houses and tours, public projects include tactics directed to external audiences. The external communications itself holds an important role in conveying the message to public. If the organization does not have a good relationship with the organization's environment then the organization will not run, because the external communication is one of the means used to convey the message about what is being done.School organizations are also parts of the community so that organizations also have to establish a good relationship with the external environment of the organization. This interdependence which creates a statement that an organization must establish an external communication. The formation of good communication will affect the success of an organization. Communication is the initial phase can be of good relations with all environment. Both internal and external environment of the organization. Several attempts an organization does to establish relationships with external parties intended for some benefits. Like, if an organization experiencing a downturn then to improve a situation that is not good becomes easier, because an organization already has a good relationship with the stakeholders.Every organisations must have their own strategies to have success. Therefore, it is stated that most of the organizations are unique. The uniqueness creates different performances among other organizations, which implies that effective communication can affect the value-added of an organization (Christensen, 1997:141-142). The final outcome that one organization can gain after implementing the positive communication to the stakeholders is the customer loyalty. When an organization offers details to them, the more specific the service is the most people will appreciate the efforts. When customers are offered details, they feel that the employees are willing to be thorough and complete as they help them. Moreover, the organization is telling them it knows what it is doing. Details give the service model credibility. Finally, customer loyalty is all about trust and experience. As Stirtz (2011) says, Giving customers a better experience will make your business stand out from the coupon-printing and discount-offering crowd. There's always room for amazing customer service as a way to attract and keep more customers.When it comes to a loyalty, it brings out the customer loyalty that shows the reputable school with the services provided by the school and is a very important thing in achieving the company's goal to obtain the loyalty of stakeholders. Both the poor quality of service in a school will be determined by the feedback given to customers with the services desired by the customer in general.The organization of the school in its communication activities must be able to understand that customers require the best service so that they can know for sure that it gives a good communication strategy to stakeholders is a must for every school if they expect the goals can be achieved.Researcher is interested in doing the research in the school which is a forum for the researcher to investigate the problem of external communications strategy in maintaining customer loyalty.Through this external activity, is expected to create closeness and external public confidence to the company. By doing so it will create a harmonious relationship between the organization/company with its external public, so as to give rise to the good image of the company in the eyes of the public and to maintain the customer loyalty.The concern that one school has is to give a good impression to the stakeholders which are the parents and always innovate its communication strategy to external public in the process of maintaining the customer loyalty and can get through every competitions to be more unique than the competitors.Thus the researcher concludes as the utmost case of the organization is the efforts of maintaining the customer loyalty is to be unique and innovative in giving the external communication to the external stakeholder such as to parents, therefore the researcher intends to make a thesis entitled The Analysis of External Communication Strategy on Customer Loyalty (Case Study on Citra Kasih Secondary School Jakarta).

1.2.Problem Identification and FormulationSometimes the problem of school organizations in maintaining customer loyalty due to the lack of external communication strategy undertaken by the organization. Lack of attention to create loyal stakeholders can adversely impact the company's reputation especially in the face of intense competition in the industry the company.When communicating with the external publics, the external communication strategy needs to be improved to notify that the school somehow can even improve that they have been keeping up or not with the loyal customers. One would for instance ask how do schools rate their relationships with their publics. It is likely therefore that lack of proper external communication by schools negatively affects the loyal customers of the schools.As one of the most noticeable entrepreneurship based schools in Indonesia, The trending issue of discussion has always been the external communication strategy that this school needs to implement, which has an effect on its customer loyalty.Thus, based on the reasoning above, this research starts with the following analyses within the scope of Citra Kasih Secondary School, Jakarta:.1. How does Citra Kasih Secondary School implement the external communication strategy in maintaining the customer loyalty?2. How does Citra Kasih Secondary School manage the obstacles of implementing the external communication strategy?

1.3.Research PurposesThis study focuses on external communications strategies undertaken by Citra Kasih Secondary School in maintaining and keeping the customer in order to always be loyal to the school, considering so much competition among educational institutions to insist on stabilizing its school.

1.3.1.AimBased on the issues that have been raised, the aim of this research is to analyse the external communication strategy of Citra Kasih Secondary School in maintaining customer loyalty.

1.3.2.PurposeBased on the issues that have been raised, the aim of this research is:1.Analysing how Citra Kasih Seondary School implements the external communication strategy in maintaining the customer loyalty2.Analysing how Citra Kasih Secondary School manages the obstacles of implementing the external communication strategy.

1.4.Significance of Study1.4.1.Academic AspectsThe benefit of this research is to prove whether the concept put forward by the experts really happened in real life, in addition to contributing to the development of knowledge in particular communication sciences study of external communication strategy process in a school in connection with efforts to maintain the loyalty of customers.

1.4.2.Practical AspectsThis research is expected to broaden the management or organization Citra Kasih Secondary School in conducting effective external communication strategies and thorough in maintaining the customer loyalty.In another study it is also expected to provide guidance on effective external communication strategies in managing which the school performs its activities to achieve its objectives.




2.1.Accomplished Research StudyResults of previous studies considered relevant researchers to critically discuss in the context of this study:2.1.1.Thesis by Tanto Siregar "Work Culture Communication Strategies In Maintaining The Image And Employee Productivity", Mercu Buana University, in 2012. This thesis discusses a communication strategy to maintain the image of the work culture and employee productivity itself, so that the advanced research strategy and the communication process should be done by every employees, the research method using qualitative method with case studies and his research paradigm using descriptive analysis, this type of research aims to describe accurately the properties of the individual, the state, or the symptoms of a particular group to determine the frequency or distribution of a phenomenon in society.The difference is that previous study has examined the communication flow between employees or the internal communication yet the similarity is both examining the communication strategy by using a case study.2.1.2.Thesis by Syerli Haryati "Operational Process Media Relations Plaza In Maintaining Good Relations With The Media In Order To Maintain A Positive Image" Mercu Buana, 2012. This thesis discusses the process is done through communication to foster good relations with the media in order to maintain a positive image in order to avoid image, this thesis research method using qualitative methods and her research is case study using this paradigm of interpretive that assumes the social reality is a social construction based social situations and experiences of people in it. The difference is that previous study has examined the media relation as the function to show the positive image between employees or the internal communication yet the similarity is both using the paradigm of interpretive with a case study research.2.1.3.Thesis by Hiswanti "Marketing Communication Strategy Asri hospital in an effort to increase the number of patient visits" Mercu Buana, in 2011. In this study, Hiswanti discusses innovative product development services in order to further increase the number of patient visits from in and outside of the city. The difference is that previous study has examined the media relation as the function to show the positive image between employees or the internal communication yet the similarity is both using the paradigm of interpretive with a case study research.2.1.4.Thesis by Mohd. Isnaini, Indonesia Communication organization in the library: a case study to perform the library techniques., Indonesia University in 2011. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study and the research paradigm is descriptive. He sees the indication of the conflict between superiors and subordinates, with the onset of the conflict makes the situation becomes conducive organizations. He assumes all the problems occur due to a lack of communication and coordination between superiors and subordinates, resulting in the organization of work system becomes impaired. The difference is that previous study has examined the communication barrier from the point of view of the internal communication yet the similarity is both using the case study research.2.1.5.Thesis by Mery Paramita,Communication Strategy Information Center, Ministry of Education and Cultural Relations in Socializing Program of School Operational Assistance (BOS) (Case Study of SD Gunung 05 Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta), Prof.Dr. Moestopo University in 2012. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study and the research paradigm is descriptive. She examines that the strategy of the ministry of education and culture of PIH in disseminating the BOS program, has not run smoothly.2.1.6. Dewi Winami Susyanti, Jakarta Polytechnic University completed journal entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility and Internal Media as Shaping Corporate Image in the Public Sector Relations "in 2012 to make observations on the PT. Energizer Indonesia, PT. Trakindo Utama, and PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk.The findings are of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) done in PT. Energizer Indonesia to hold a Waste Water Treatment improve people's attention and can form the image company. Internal media activities at PT. Trakindo Utama managed by internal communication section under the Corporate Division Communication (CorComm) that serves as a bridge of communication between superiors and subordinates and fellow employees. Its main task is making activities that can strengthen the relationship in the internal companies, especially in managing the company's internal media. And communication with the internal public activities at PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk is managed through the media. Indofood special media published only to internal company as a means of communication with the public internal. The role of internal media is very important, both for communication vertical and horizontal. Vertical communication occurs when the management deliver the new policy, the achievement achieved, and information that can make employees well informed. While communication horizontal occurs when each employee in each division or subsidiary unit has an activity or information that can be informed to other employees. In this paper says that CSR and internal media is a tool to form the image. Adjust the present study, it will be more focused on the media used internally to form the image in the presence of internal company. The difference is the previous explains the establishment of corporate image, and this journal also examined regarding CSR. Form of internal communication examined in this journal more leads the communication media. Similarly, the study uses qualitative method.2.1.7.In the journal made by Agnes Datuela in 2013, found that communication strategy of Telkomsel is not only focused on publicity and sales but trying to keep the image in the public eye. The main strategy is carried out by coordinate existing problems with the centre and the area. In addition, the strategy is also done with the planning and management strategy. The difference is the journal focuses on the image of the corporation. The similarity is that this journal also uses the communication strategy.2.1.8. Macmillan explained in his journal that the image conceptualization has changed into an image as a social process that is created by the stakeholders. This is because, it is now no longer a results-oriented, but in a process implementation. Image assessed by customers and stakeholders is no longer assessed unilaterally by the company concerned. Therefore, the public relations seeks to establish and maintain good relations and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics. In reaching the purpose, public relations is not only to build and maintain relationships with customers but also to approach the stakeholders although they have no direct involvement with the company. The difference is the journal focuses the public relations approach. The similarity is that this journal also uses the mentions how the organization can maintain the relationship with the stakeholders.2.1.9.Dr Priti Verma is an Assistant Professor at Sharda University, India. She completed his journal, entitled "Relationship between Organisational Communication Flow and Communication Climate "in 2013 by using several case studies. This research raised the relationship between the flow of information and communication climate. This research is important in communication contributes an organization. The ideal climate necessary communication within the company. Climate communication itself is influenced by the pattern or flow of information in the organization. The main focus of this research is the vertical information flow, mainly vertically downwards, but the study of information flow vertically upward and horizontal also remain covered with several case studies on research. This research can be useful to avoid pattern information that is unproductive. The difference is that this journal focuses on the climate organization that is done with the internal communication while the current research focuses on the external communication. The similarity is both using qualitative research method.2.1.10.Shahrina Md Nordin, Nehru Sivapalan, Ena Bhattacharyya, Hezlina Fatimah Wan Hashim Wan Ahmad, Azrai Abdullah, Petronas Technology University, Malaysia wrote a journal entitled "Organizational Communication Climate and Conflict Management: Communications Management in an Oil and Gas Company "in 2013. In this journal stated that climate essential communications within a company, because can support or hinder the flow of communication within the company, good communication flows downward, upward, and fellow employees. Result findings discussed the impact of various communicative strategies used in the management of conflicts of organizational communication climate. The findings showed that overall management-related conflicts with the role of personnel within the organization. The difference is that this journal is now investigating the effect of management conflict, and current research examines the external communication strategy to maintain the customer loyalty. The similarity is both using case study.2.1.11.Aloys Nyagechi Kiriago, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, School of Human Resource Development (SHRD)International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences wrote a journal entitled External Communication and Its Influence on Secondary Schools Corporate Image: A Case Study of Kitale Academy Secondary School. They concluded that are communication concepts that negatively affect the image of the school. Such include the way the message is communicated, feedback from the target audience and channels of communication. If professionally handled, the said concepts can be utilized so as to positively influence the cooperate image of the school. The difference is that this journal is investigating the corporate image conflict, and current research examines the external communication strategy to maintain the customer loyalty. The similarity is both focusing on the external communication.2.1.12.Kenan Spaho, Center for Techological and Economical Development Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011 wrote a journal entitled with Organizational Communication As An Important Factor Of Company Success: Case Study Of Bosnia And Herzegovina. The researcher discussed that relationship building will provide strong basis in case of crisis management and help in facing the changes in the organization. This will raise moral of employees and make contribution to strategic goals of the organization. The difference is that this journal is investigating the crisis management in an organization, and current research examines the problem that the organization is facing due to the customer loyalty. The similarity is both discussing the organizational communication.2.1.13.Al-Rousan, M. Ramzi, Badaruddin Mohamed, International Journal of Human and Social Sciences 5:13 2010 with their journal entitled Customer Loyalty and the Impacts of Service Quality: The Case of Five Star Hotels in Jordan. The findings of this study indicate that the most important factor in predicting tourism service quality evaluation was tangibility, followed by empathy, reliability, and responsiveness. The findings of this study suggest that among the five dimensions of service quality, assurance has emerged as the best predictor of tourism service quality. The difference is that this journal is investigating the five dimensions of service quality, and current research examines the external communication strategy due to the customer loyalty. The similarity is both discussing the customer loyalty.2.1.14.Tiur Asi Siburian, Department of Indonesian Education, State University of Medan, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013 entitled The Effect of Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, and Achievement Motivation to Organizational Commitment of State High School Teacher in the District Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The researcher concluded that it is necessary to study teachers 'organizational commitment by involving other relevance in order to improve teachers' organizational commitment, and take a larger sample that could represent areas of North Sumatera province in order to reach a broader generalization of research results. The difference is that this journal is investigating the organizational commitment, while current research examines the external communication strategy due to the customer loyalty. The similarity is both discussing the organizational communication.2.1.15.Kirti Rajhans, National Institute of Construction Management & Research,India, 2012 made a journal entitled Effective Organizational Communication: a Key to Employee Motivation and Performance. The journal mentioned that there has to be downward and upward communication. Effective downward communication allows decisions taken by the management of the organisation to be converted into action by employees, also boosts teamwork, trust, better relations, productivity and fewer chances of rumours and miscommunication. The difference is that this journal is investigating the flow of internal communication, while current research examines the external communication. The similarity is both discussing the organizational communication.Below are considered relevant research references67

Researcher Research TitleResearch Methodology Result

Tanto Siregar, Mercu Buana University, in 2012"Work Culture Communication Strategies In Maintaining The Image And Employee Productivity",This study uses a qualitative method with case study and the research paradigm is descriptive.Being able to find and develop how communication within an organization that is good to maintain a positive image

Syerli Haryati, Mercu Buana University in 2012Operational Process Media Relations Plaza In Maintaining Good Relations with the Media In order to maintain a positive imageThis study uses a qualitative method with case study and interpretive research paradigm. This research looks at and analyzes the ways and strategies to be able to maintain a positive image in the Media.

Hiswanti, Mercu Buana University in 2011Marketing Communication Strategy of Rumah Sakit AsriThis study used a qualitative method with case study and interpretive research paradigm. Is able to perform product development of innovative services in order to further increase the number of patient visits within and outside the country

Mohd. Isnaini, Indonesia University in 2011

Communication organization in the library: a case study to perform the library techniques. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study and the research paradigm is descriptive.Sees the indication of the conflict between superiors and subordinates, with the onset of the conflict makes the situation becomes conducive organizations.He assumes all the problems occur due to a lack of communication and coordination between superiors and subordinates, resulting in the organization of work system becomes impaired.

Mery Paramita, Prof.Dr. Moestopo University in 2012Communication Strategy Information Center, Ministry of Education and Cultural Relations in Socializing Program of School Operational Assistance (BOS) (Case Study of SD Gunung 05 Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta)This study uses a qualitative method with a case study and the research paradigm is descriptive.The outline, from the overall analysis of the data that researchers can be argued that the strategy of the ministry of education and culture of PIH in disseminating the BOS program, has not run smoothly.

Dewi Winami Susyanti, Jakarta Polytechnic University in 2012Corporate Social Responsibility and Internal Media as Shaping Corporate Image in the Public Sector RelationsThis study uses a qualitative method with a case study and the research paradigm is descriptive.Make observations on the PT. Energizer Indonesia, PT. Trakindo Utama, and PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. The findings are of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) done in PT. Energizer Indonesia to hold a Waste Water Treatment improve people's attention and can form the image company. Internal media activities at PT. Trakindo Utama managed by internal communication section under the Corporate Division Communication (CorComm) that serves as a bridge of communication between superiors and subordinates and fellow employees. Its main task is making activities that can strengthen the relationship in the internal companies, especially in managing the company's internal media. And communication with the internal public activities at PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk is managed through the media. Indofood special media published only to internal company as a means of communication with the public internal.

Agnes Datuela in 2013Public Relation Strategy of PT Telkomsel Manado In Maintaining the Company Image.This study used a qualitative method with case study and interpretive research paradigm.Finds that communication strategy of Telkomsel is not only focused on publicity and sales but trying to keep the image in the public eye. The main strategy is carried out by coordinate existing problems with the centre and the area. In addition, the strategy is also done with the planning and management strategy.

Macmillan, 2010From image management toRelationship building: A public relations approach to nation branding.This study used a qualitative method with case study and interpretive research paradigm.Finds that public relations is not only to build and maintain relationships with customers but also to approach the stakeholders although they have no direct involvement with the company.

Dr. Priti Verma, 2013Relationship between Organisational Communication Flow and Communication Climate.This study uses a qualitative method with case study and the research paradigm is descriptive.The main focus of this research is the vertical information flow, mainly vertically downwards, but the study of information flow vertically upward and horizontal also remain covered with several case studies on research.

Shahrina Md Nordin, Nehru Sivapalan, Ena Bhattacharyya, Hezlina Fatimah Wan Hashim Wan Ahmad, Azrai Abdullah, Petronas Technology University, Malaysia in 2013.Organizational Communication Climate and Conflict Management: Communications Management in an Oil and Gas Company.This study used a qualitative method with case study and interpretive research paradigm.Result findings discussed the impact of various communicative strategies used in the management of conflicts of organizational communication climate. The findings showed that overall management-related conflicts with the role of personnel within the organization.

Aloys Nyagechi Kiriago, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, School of Human Resource Development (SHRD)International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, August 2013, Vol. 3, No. 8.External Communication and Its Influence on Secondary Schools Corporate Image: A Case Study of Kitale Academy Secondary SchoolThe research was an in-depth investigationThe researcher concluded that are communication concepts that negatively affect the image of the school. Such include the way the message is communicated, feedback from the target audience and channels of communication. If professionally handled, the said concepts can be utilized so as to positively influence the cooperate image of the school.

Kenan Spaho, Center for Techological and Economical Development Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011.Organizational Communication As An Important Factor Of Company Success: Case Study Of Bosnia And HerzegovinaThe research was an in-depth investigationThe researcher discussed that relationship building will provide strong basis in case of crisis management and help in facing the changes in the organization. This will raise moral of employees and make contribution to strategic goals of the organization.

Al-Rousan, M. Ramzi, Badaruddin Mohamed, International Journal of Human and Social Sciences 5:13 2010.Customer Loyalty and the Impacts of Service Quality: The Case of Five Star Hotels in JordanUsing SPSS to analyze the data.The findings of this study indicate that the most important factor in predicting tourism service quality evaluation was tangibility, followed by empathy, reliability, and responsiveness. The findings of this study suggest that among the five dimensions of service quality, assurance has emerged as the best predictor of tourism service quality.

Tiur Asi Siburian, Department of Indonesian Education, State University of Medan, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013The Effect of Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, and Achievement Motivation to Organizational Commitment of State High School Teacher in the District Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatera, Indonesia.The method used in this study is a survey method with the approach path analysis (path analysis)The researcher concluded that it is necessary to study teachers 'organizational commitment by involving other relevant variables in order to improve teachers' organizational commitment, and take a larger sample that could represent areas of North Sumatera province in order to reach a broader generalization of research results.

Kirti Rajhans, National Institute of Construction Management & Research,India, 2012Effective Organizational Communication: a Key to Employee Motivation and Performance. The methodology used was interviews of the employees.Mentioned that there has to be downward and upward communication. Effective downwardcommunication allows decisions taken by the management of the organisation to be converted into action by employees, also boosts teamwork, trust, better relations, productivity and fewer chances of rumours and miscommunication.

2.2. Corporate Communication2.2.1.Organizational CommunicationStephen W. Littlejohn (2009) provides one form of another metaphor that likens that the organization is as a network (Organizational Network). Networking is the social structures created through communication between individuals and groups. When people communicate with other people, in fact he is making contacts and patterns of relationships and channels have been instrumental in all forms of social function, in organizations and society at large. Organization has to be able to build a social reality. Networks are the channels through which the influence and power run, not only by the management in a formal way, but also informal among members of the organization.Citing the opinion of Joep Cornelissen (2011:5), he mentioned that corporate communication can be characterized as a management function that is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the work done by communication practinioers in different specialist disciplines, such as media relations, public affarirs and internal communication. While R. Wayne Pace and Don F. Faules (2001:31-33) has another meaning of the corporate communication itself as the organizational behavior that occurs or how they are involved in the transaction process and make sense of what is going on. And more details of organizational communication is the process of creating meaning on interactions that create, maintain and change an organization. While according to Redding and Sanborn (Muhammad Arni, 2004: 65) says that organizational communication is sending and receiving information in a complex organization. Which is included in this field is the internal communication, human relations, relationship managers unity, downward communication or communication from superiors to subordinates, upward communication or communication from subordinates to superiors, horizontal communication or communication of those same level/levels within the organization, communication skills and speaking, listening, writing and communication evaluation. With the definition from Goldhaber (1986) Organizational communication is the process of creating and exchanging messages within a network of interdependent relationship to cope with environmental uncertainty. According to Wiryanto, organizational communication is sending and receiving messages within the organization or informal group fomal of an organization. Based on the theory from Karl Weick, he mentioned that "Organizations and their environment is changing so fast that it was unrealistic to show what they are today, because they will not stay that way later." (1969). The assumption proposed by Weick focuses on the existing ambiguity in the information. The messages differ in terms of the extent to which they can be understood. An organization must determine which members are more aware or experienced in dealing with the critical information obtained. A plan must be prepared to understand the information. The messages, according to Weick's theory, is often unclear. Obscurity refers to a complex message, uncertain, and cannot be predicted.From some of the definitions above, it can simply be pulled a conclusion that organizational communication is the process of communicating in an institution which starts from the messages to be delivered by the sender, then transferred through a channel (channel), then received by the receiver.Organizations engaged in human information processing to reduce uncertainty information.According to Amon, F.S. (2004) in the process that communication is a social process for transmitting or convey feelings or information either in the form of ideas or ideas in order to influence others. In order for communication to be effective, communicators should be able to regulate the flow of news in three directions, downward, upward, sideways or horizontally. For each person or group in the organization should be possible to communicate with any other person or group, and for the response receives attitude, it was asked by a communicator.Why is communication important in an organization?. This question is often asked by those who "concern" to study the phenomenon of communication as well as those interested in symptoms organization. In fact, communication problems always arise in the process of organization. Organization without communication is like a car in which there are a series of automotive tools, which forced not to work because of the absence of flow function between one part and another. Communication connection is a system that connects the flow and generate performance between parts of the organization so as to produce. Without having a proper communication, an organization will not be able to reach the goal. It is obviously true that corporate communication demands an integrated approach to managing communication. With the communication form the core of understanding to foster friendships, maintain compassion, spreading knowledge, and preserve civilization. But we also fosters communication divisions, turn hostility, instil hatred, impede progress, and inhibiting thought. So important, so pervasive, and so intimate communication with us so that we all feel no need to learn communication.(Postmes, T et. al, 2001)The purpose of communication in the process of no other organization in order to establish mutual understanding (mutual understanding). In short, in order to occur equalization in the reference frame (frame of reference) and field experience (field of experiences). Although almost impossible to equate the realm cognitive individuals within the organization, but through communication activities planned and substance contents designed, a minimum of dissemination process (defuse) dimensions of the organization in every person. As Baker (2002) explained about the importance of an organization management that the dimensions are meant for example: mini organization, vision, values, strategies, prospects, and so on. If a lot of people who do not understand the essence of the organization, the organization becomes difficult to mobilize, instruction, as well as changes in management. He also explained further about the lack of understanding (misunderstanding) is a source of disintegration and conflict, because ignorance is a stimulus (stimulus) that generate prejudice (prejudice). Various demonstrations (demonstrations) conducted employee or employee is not just a question of dissatisfaction with income and reward (reward), but more came from their ignorance of the existence of the organization. It is when the needs to deliver the messages are not undertaken by the organization while it is necessary to notify every members of the organization to have unity in delivering the messages to achieve the goals. Many leaders in the corporate world now understand that clear, two-way communication is vital to the success of any organization and its leaders. Jim Collins (2001:88), in his bestselling book about making organizations better, Good to Great, writes, A primary task in taking a company (school or school system) from good to great is to create a culture wherein people have a tremendous opportunity to be heard and, ultimately, for the truth to be heard.Communications becomes the buffer between leadership and the stakeholders. Think of communication as a bridging activity, suggests scholar James Grunig (2006:171), an activity in which [a school or district] builds linkages with stakeholders to transform and constitute the organization in new ways. A coordinator, a principal and teachers can create health organizations and democratic values by coordinating the participation of stakeholders in corporate decisions.Thus the task of communication, making them available in the organization as well as to those on the outside to know each other. Study or research associates with many organizational communication management field. Communication in this context from the perspective of technical or operational, communication as an instrument to achieve the objectives of the organization (Pearson, Judy C et. al, 2003).This kind of communication often involves dyadic communication, inter-personal communication and there are times for the public communication. Formal communication is communication according to the organizational structure, namely communication downward, upward communication, and horizontal communication. While informal communication does not depend on the structure of the organization, such as communication between peers, also including gossip. For organizations who realize that communication has been an integral part of the (integrated), the activities of planning, research, implementation, and evaluation of communication. In addition, these organizations will be functioning optimally parts are given the authority to handle the problems of communication, such as "part of a public relations" (public relations officer), protocol, development and cooperation. Communication in a school occurs whenever, at least one person who occupies a position in an organization interpret a show. Because the focus is communication among the members of a school. In implementing an educational program activity spread, convey ideas and intentions to the whole structure of the organization is very important. The process of communication to convey a more purpose than just channelling the thoughts or ideas and intentions verbally or in writing. Verbal communication more generally bring results and a clear understanding of the writing. Similarly, communication informally and formally bring different results influence and clarity. The communication process within an organization or agency that can happen formally or informally, as to which according to Oteng Sutisna (1983:195), he promoted that formal communication occurs, in selecting information for reporting purposes, the bias deviation easily slip. Furthermore, usually people want to hear reports that fun. As a result, the transfer of information is often embellished or refracted. In the communication structure should be the existence of a guarantee of information and thoughts will flow freely in all directions as needed, be it downward, upward, and sideways. One particular formal communication channel or more to and from any personal or member is necessary.Channels for communication should at least be understood by every member. The lines of communication should be made as short and directly as possible. It should be possible for all members to act as a source of communication and as a receiver as Barnard Chester (1999) mentioned about the flow of communication in an organization.Furthermore, according to Maman Ukas (1999:317) that informal communication is not an official communication and the organization when exchanging ideas, suggestions, ideas, or personal information. Informal communication is certainly the way to approach family or social relationships that are not formally. According to Oteng Sutisna (1983:197) that informal communication systems distribute information and important thoughts unthinkable person to formally distribute, foster bonding and friendship that helps the human relations are good. If communicator paying attention to the informal communication channels, he will know the interest and attention of the personnel as well as their attitude towards the organization and its problems, besides the informal communication that led to the decisions made at the people on the stage of the same organization.As Jones Watson said (2010:72), the point is that the communication of one organization is the set of activities involved in managing and orchestrating all internal and external communications, which aims to create a favorable starting point with the stakeholders in a company that depends.Whether it's the body of companies, organizations, institutions, non-governmental organizations or government agencies, all require a positive image and reputation. In the ever increasing competition this time, easy access to information and media, reputation management has become increasingly important. Therefore, corporate communications has become a significant asset for the company's survival.As for the school organization, it comes under the wider umbrella of school management. The school management deals with the complete policy framing and ensuring the smooth functioning of the school, while the school organization is about the actual organization of resources, events, personnel of a school. In a school, we find the circulation of work. Different people are assigned duties and made responsible for the same. They are also given due powers to discharge their duties effectively. Quoted by Arief Furchan (2004), the co-ordination between different personnel is also ensured to organize the activities of the school properly. There is also a clearly laid down organizational structure which exists in the school and which also helps in effective organization of the school activities.Therefore an educational process will succeed if occurrence of a good communication process and in line with expectations, in which ideas or ideas discussed in a consultation between the communicator with the communicant, resulting in an understanding of the information or anything it becomes a staple of discussion for leading to an agreement and unity in opinions. Based on this, that the purpose of an organization or institution can certainly be achieved optimally if the communication process smoothly without any obstacles, although Schminke Met (2002:881) ever mentioned that in doing the communication process there are obstacles, the communicator and the communicant should carefully overcome the problems that led to the case of a barrier, so that the communication process can take place.In school, we can see the flow of information formally move from someone higher authority to the lower authority (communication to the bottom), for example, from the coordinator, as leader of the school to the deputy coordinator. Then the information moves from a lower position of authority to the person a higher authority (communication to the top), say from the principal to the vice principal. Furthermore, the information moves between people and positions the same level of authority (horizontal communication), for example, communication between subject teachers. And moving information between people and positions that are not being superior or subordinate to each other and they occupy different functional parts as Parsons. T (1959:318) explained with a term of cross-channel communication.One way of appreciating the complexity of corporate communication is to consider Bersteins (1984) idea of a corporate communication wheel, or more particularly Balmer and Greysers (2003) adaptation of it. Basically it begins by asking corporate management to identify all of the important audiences with whom they need to communicate. These groups form the outer ring of the wheel. Then it requires a list of all the available channels of communication for delivering the message. These become a circle within the circle of potential target audiences. In the Balmer and Greyser modification, they include eleven potential target audience groups and eleven possible communication channels. But that is not all. A number of other considerations are contained within the two outer circles of the wheel. These include such things as country of origin, business partnerships, and category or industry image, among others. All of these must be considered for each target audience group communications channel combination. And within each target group, there could be segments; and various channels of communication themselves are comprised of multiple delivery vehicles (think of just the alternatives available with mass media alone, which is only a single communication channel) (Bernstein. D, 1984:125).They noted the importance of and argue for the need to consider both horizontal and vertical modes of communication integration in terms of congruency not only through channels but sometimes over time. The three dimensions of total corporate communications are as follows: primary communications the communications effects of products, services, management, staff and corporate behaviour. Primary communication should present a positive image of the company and set the stage for a strong reputation; secondary communications the communication effects of controlled forms of communications (similar to integrated communications). Secondary communication should be designed to support and reinforce primary communication; and tertiary communications the communications effects of communication given by third parties such as competitor, customers and media commentary, the media and that from interest groups. Tertiary communications should be positive and result in a superior reputation if the other two stages of corporate communication are properly conceived. Finally, Balmer and Gray note that corporate communications total corporate communications approach taking account of primary, secondary and tertiary communication provides a tripartite bridge between an organisations identity and corporate image and reputation. In short, it represents the nexus between corporate identity and corporate reputation.The story itself should only be a few pages in length ( Larsen, 2000 ), and use rich narrative to deliver the message ( Shaw, 2000 ). The key is that the corporate story must inform all of a companys corporate communication, including spontaneous day-to-day interactions among employees and between any company representative and its external audiences. It is the sustainable corporate story that helps align all of a companys messages, regardless of the audience. Larsen (2000) has argued that a corporate story can be a powerful tool for differentiating a company and its products from competitors, and even suggests that it may become the primary vehicle for differentiation.The sustainable corporate story provides a way of ensuring consistency in everything the company communicates, planned and unplanned. When there is a corporate story in place, it will set the parameters for the strategic development of all corporate and brand communications. The corporate story acts as a starting point (Van Riel, 2000),and provides the umbrella under which all of the companys communication falls.Key to having a good strategy communication is the notion of a corporate identity: the basic profile that an organization wants to project to all of its important stakeholder groups and how it aims to be known by these various groups in terms of the corporate images and reputations that they hold.To ensure that different stakeholders indeed conceive of an organization in a favourable and broadly consistent manner, and also in line with the projected corporate identity, organizations need to go to great lengths to integrate all of their communications from brochures to websites in tone, themes, visuals and logos (Rawlins, B.L, 2006).

Figure 2.1.2. Corporate communication strategy framework

Source: Argenti, 2009:40With the explanations taken from the statement of Paul Argenti (2009:40), the above is outlined in the corporate communication strategy framework. In this model, the feedback cycle of strategic communication is depicted. An organization has to choose how and what to communicate with specific constituencies. These constituencies will form an attitude based on these messages (and other impressions) and will or will not react to it. This feedback might alter an organizations reputation, or might prompt them to change this communicative approach. This framework tells us that organizations should pay careful attention to the form of their messages, approach of constituencies and feedback received. This should all be in line with the corporate and communicative strategy.This leads to a communicative perspective of positioning. As all communications should be in concord with the corporate strategy, they should also be derived from the corporate identity. The positioning strategy is associated with the identity that a company strives for (Melewar & Karaosmanoglu, 2006:862). If an organization does not tailor its messages to its identity, there is likely to be internal or external confusion as what the corporation can offer, which can result in loss of credibility, trust and eventually loss of profits. When one school doesnt manage the corporate communication itself, it will ruin the credibility of the school. The effects of not maintaining the trustworthiness will not gain any benefits to the school. Thus the researcher keens to discover the efforts of the school to run the communication in its organization to have the results on trustworthiness among parents as the schools stakeholder.

2.3.External Communication To The StakeholdersCommunication is a very important part in the management organization, which in essence is to achieve an objective through other people. Therefore, effective communication is important in the activities of the organization. And external communication only done by people who are outside the organization. Activities of external communication can be done in the form of for example: for the general public; to the public press; to the public in the field of education; for public customers; informing company policy through the mass media (Freitag, 1998:42-43). Relationship with the public outside the company is an absolute necessity. Because the company is unlikely to stand alone without cooperating with other companies. Therefore, companies must create a harmonious relationship with audiences in particular and society in general. One of them with the communication with the external public in informative and persuasive. The information presented should be honest, thorough and perfect based on actual facts. Persuasive, communication can be done on the basis arouse the attention of communicants (public) causing an interest. Issues that need to be solved in the external public relations activities include how to expand the market for its production, introduce their products to the public, get the award and acceptance of the public and society, maintaining good relations with the government, knowing the attitudes and public opinion against the company, maintaining good relations with the press and the opinion leader, maintaining good relations with the public and the suppliers are related to operations and achieve a sense of sympathy and confidence of the public in the society (Rudi Ruslan, 2007).Actions should be done external public relations such as: analysing and assessing attitudes and public opinion leaders respond wisdom in moving the company employees and applying methods; conducting corrections and suggestions to the leadership of the company, especially the activities of public scrutiny or criticism; preparing materials and lighting honest and objective explanation that the public still get clear about all the activities and development of the company; volunteering to lead in terms of creating or repairing formation towards effective staff and conducting investigations or research on the needs, interests and the public's appetite for goods produced by the company (Jefkins Frank, 1992).According to Effendy (2009: 129), external communication consists of two lines on a reciprocal basis, the communication of the organization to the audience and from the audience to the organization such as communication from the organization to the audience. Communication to the large public is informative, that is done in a way that audiences feel to have the involvement, at least no inner connection. This activity is very important in the effort to solve the problem if it occurs unexpectedly and the communication from the audience to the organization. This communication from the audience to the society altogether is its feedback as the effects of communication activities undertaken by the organization. If the information is disseminated to the public nature of the effects of controversy then this so-called public opinion. Public opinion often detrimental to the organization and should be arranged so quickly to resolve the matter.External communication is intended to gain understanding, trust, support and cooperation with the community. With external communication we will have a broader connection.According to Karen S. Johnson (2002), external communication is any communication that occurs with someone who is outside of your business. It can be in any form; technology has made external communication simple and commonplace. While based on M. Saunder (1986), he explained that external communication is the exchange of information and messages between an organization and other organizations, groups, or individuals outside its formal structure. The goals of external communication are to facilitate cooperation with groups such as suppliers, investors, and shareholders, and to present a favorable image of an organization and its products or services to potential and actual customers and to society at large. A variety of channels may be used for external communication, including face-to-face meetings, print and broadcast media. From the explanations stated about the external communication, it can be concluded that external communication is a part of the organizational communication and this communication is carried out by the organization to external parties and done more by the head of public relations or the school leaders and can use external communication media utilization. In an organization, communication is divided into two such as internal and external communication. The function of the internal communication is to make the employees comprehend what the management is doing and to have the management has the understanding of what the employees are thinking. While the external communication is the exchange of information and message between an organization and other organization groups, individual outside its formal structure.The External communication activity is intended for external public organization/company, all the elements that are beyond the company which are not directly related to the company, such as the stakeholders, the press, government, consumers and competitors. Through this external activity, is expected to create closeness and external to the company public trust. That way it will create a harmonious relationship between the organization or company with its external public, which can cause both on the company's image in the eyes of the public (Moore Frazier, 1988).This communication is mostly done by the leaders. External communication consists of lines on a reciprocal basis: communication from the organization to the public. This communication is carried out generally informative, which is done in such a way that the audience feels to have involvement, at least there is an inner relationship. This communication can be through a variety of forms, such as: the magazine of the organization; press releases; newspaper or magazine articles; radio speech; documentary; brochures; leaflets; posters; press conference and communication from the public to the organization. Communication from the public to the organization as the effects of feedback and communication activities undertaken by the organization (Tubbset. al, 2005:170).

Figure 2.3.1 Means of External Communication

Source: Saunder. M, 1999:35This figure 2.3.1 mentions various means or channels or external communication. Two kinds of external communication that can be conveyed from this figure are written and oral. While these two kinds external communication can bring out the best effect on communication with the external public (Saunder. M, 1999:35). To maintain the relationship with the stakeholders, the school should consider to The objective of the external communication is that the company wants to control its image and its ability to maintain good relationships, this kind of communication is almost always formal and controlled. External communication is about building the company's image through its relationships (Smidts.A et. al, 2001:1051).External communication comprehends all information developed by the company, which is related to its activity that is released in the press, for public knowledge. Such information is crucial in order to promote the company's image.When it comes to external communication, or for that matter, any aspect, the most important thing is the customer. The corporate needs to ensure that they deliver what the customer wants. Even when it comes to things like publicity or promotion, we need to show what the customer appreciates and likes. External Communication is used for ensuring the information flow from various stakeholders to the organization, they help to meaningfully define the organization's environmental policy, targets, as well as operational performance, environmental condition and management performance indicators. Through ensuring the information flow from the organization to various stakeholders they promote the credibility of the organization, image management is one of the company's most relevant concerns. It is commonly assumed that the most important image is the perception image, as far as impression formation is concerned. However, this company bets on an aesthetical and a visual approach so as to foment a constant reflection flow on what is seen and how it is seen. In this context, and contrary to the majority of companies, the organization demonstrates a collective motivation in constantly synchronizing its external image to the accessible products (Smidts.A et. al, 2001:1053). External communication should be interactive and work in both ways. External communication should be sensitive to the needs of both the organization and its stakeholders with whom the organization intends to communicate. External communications should not discriminate different audiences based on their language, technical skills, race or other factors. Thus, the content and form of external communications should be developed in a participatory manner. External communications should be objective, use sound data sources, be clear and accessible to its intended audiences (in terms of language, form of presentation).The coordinator, principal and teachers should realize that now, more than ever, they should listen to and communicate with the parents who are still loyal to build and maintain the reputation of the company.The focus of this research is the external communication of the school. This kind of communication will eventually affect the reputation of the school if it is run well.

2.4.Schools Stakeholder2.4.1. The Definitions of StakeholderKotler and Mindak (1978:17) once explained that stakeholders are individuals, group of people, the community or society as a whole or partially with ties and interests of the company. Individual, group, and community and society can be said to be a stakeholder if it has the characteristics that have the authority, legitimacy, and the interests of the company.Freeman (1984), defines stakeholders as a group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of certain goals, Biset (1998), briefly defines stakeholders as those with an interest or concern on the issue, Grimble and Wellard (1996), defines important stakeholders in terms of position and influence them (A. Gronstedt, 1996:287).Based on the above definition can be concluded that the stakeholders are all parties related to the issues and problems are the focus of the study or attention and can basically control or have the ability to influence the use of economic resources used by the company.Stakeholder reveals that the company is not the only entity that operates for the benefit of its own, but must be able to provide benefits to stakeholders. Thus, the existence of a company is strongly influenced by the support provided from existing stakeholders in the company (Ghozali and Chariri, 2007).Edward Freeman was among the first to offer a classification of all those groups who hold a stake in the organization. In his classic book, Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, Freeman considered three types of stakes: equity stakes, economic, or market stakes and influencer stakes. Equity stakes, in Freemans terminology, are held by those who have some direct ownership of the organization, such as stockholders, directors or minority interest owners. Economic or market stakes are held by those who have an economic interest, but not an ownership interest, in the organization, such as employees, customers, suppliers and competitors. And lastly influencer stakes are held by those who do not have either an ownership or economic interest in the actions of the organization, but who have interests as consumer advocates, environmental groups, trade organizations and government agencies. One way of looking at stakes is thus whether the interest of a person or group in an organization is primarily economic or moral in nature. Clarkson suggests in this respect to think of primary and secondary groups of stakeholders, with primary groups being those groups that are important for financial transactions and necessary for an organization to survive. In short, in Clarksons view, a primary stakeholder group is one without whose continuing participation the corporation cannot survive as a going concern. Secondary stakeholder groups are defined as those which generally influence or affect, or are influenced or affected by, the corporation, but are not engaged in financial transactions with the corporation and are not essential for its survival in strict economic terms .( Joep Cornelissen, 2011:62-63).Therefore, the power of stakeholders can be determined by the size of the stakeholder ownership over resources (Ghozali and Chariri, 2007).Therefore, when the controlling stakeholder important economic resource for the company, then the company will react in ways that can satisfy the desires of stakeholders (Ullman, 1985).Communications are most effective at engaging stakeholders when those stakeholders feel there is an opportunity for their voice to be heard, or for them to influence the outcome in some way. So its not just about Symantec telling people what were doing, but its about listening to diverse opinions and giving our stakeholders especially employees a sense of ownership in outcomes. Because of this social channels are definitely emerging as stakeholders Communications channels of choice. This is also consistent with the way in which the world is communicating in general. The world has become a much more open and transparent place. If a company, expect to be able to tell our story, the company has to do so in a way that resonates with its various audiences and gives them an opportunity to participate in a conversation, not just treat them as receptacles for our corporate pitch (Clarkson,1995:92-93).

Figure 2.4.1 Inputoutput model of strategic management

Source: Joep Cornelissen, 2004:59The stakeholder model (Figure 2.4.1) contrasts explicitly with the inputoutput model in all its variations. Stakeholder management assumes that all persons or groups with legitimate interests participating in an enterprise do so to obtain benefits and there is no prima facie priority of one set of interests and benefits over another. Hence, the arrows between the firm and its stakeholder constituents run in both directions. All those groups which have a legitimate stake in the organization, whether purely financial, market-based or otherwise are recognized, and the relationship of the organization with these groups is not linear but one of interdependency (Joep Cornelissen, 2004:59).In other words, instead of considering organizations as immune to government or public opinion, the stakeholder management model recognizes the mutual dependencies between organizations and various stake-holding groups groups that are themselves affected by the operations of the organization, but can equally affect the organization, its operations and performance. The picture that emerges from all this is a far more complex and dynamic one than the inputoutput model of strategic management that preceded it. More persons and groups with legitimate interests in the organization are recognized and accounted for, and these individuals and groups all need to be considered, addressed and/or accommodated by the organization to bolster its financial performance and secure continued acceptance of its operations. One further significant feat of the stakeholder model of strategic management is that it suggests that an organization needs to be found legitimate by both market and non-market stake-holding groups, the notion of legitimacy stretching further than financial accountability to include accountability for the firms performance in social (Joep Cornelissen, 2004:60)

2.4.2.Stakeholder Communication It is important that one organization knows the stakeholders who have an interest in the continuity of the firm. The components in the organization who are in charge to manage this will have to know what kind of communication strategy can be used to maintain support. Two questions should be considered to ask to the organization about the stakeholder, what opportunities and challenges are presented to the organization in relation to these stakeholders? And in what way can the organization best communicate with and respond to these stakeholders and address these stakeholder challenges and opportunities?In order to deliver these questions, coordinator, principal and teachers typically start with identifying and analysing the organizations stakeholders, their influence and interest in the organization. Why there has to be mapping for the stakeholders? Taken from the explanation of Joep Cornelissen (2011:45), there are two general mapping devices or tools that school leaders and communication practitioners can use, such as the stakeholder salience model and the power-interest matrix. These mapping devices enhance practitioners knowledge of stakeholders and their influence, and enable them to plan appropriate communication strategies. Salience is defined with how visible or prominent a stakeholder is to an organization based upon the stakeholder possessing one or more of three attributes, which are power, legitimacy and urgency.When the organization can even classify and prioritize stakeholders according to the presence or absence of three key attributes, power (the power of the stakeholder group upon an organization); legitimacy (the legitimacy of the claimlaid upon the organization by the stakeholder group); and urgency (the degree to which stakeholder claims call for immediate action). Stated by Joep Cornelissen (2011:45-51), there are three classified as latent (existing but not yet developed or manifest) they are dormant (little interaction with the organization), discretionary (have no power to influence the organization) and demanding (have urgent claims, but neither the power nor legitimacy to enforce them). These three other stakeholders are classified as expectant stakeholders, such as dominant (strong influence on the organization), dangerous (have power and urgent claims, but lack legitimacy. May resort to intimidation and even violence), dependent (rely on others for the power to carry out their will). The final type is the definitive stakeholder (powerful, legitimate, need to be communicated with). Once the organization classifies the stakeholders according to their salience, communication practitioners will have an overview of which stakeholder groups require attention and need to be communicated with. Dominant and definitive stakeholders of the organization need to be communicated with an ongoing basis by using the ongoing communication programmes for these stakeholders, including newsletters, corporate events, advertising and promotional campaigns for customers. The organization will not take any communications on an ongoing basis with latent stakeholder groups, including dormant, demanding and discretionary stakeholders, they wont bring continuity to the organization. Figure 2.4.2 The power-interest matrix

Source: Joep Cornelissen, 2011:48In figure 2.4.2, the position of key players (quadrant D) towards the organizations decisions and operations must be given key consideration. They need to be constantly communicated with, but quadrant B needs to be kept informed of the organization, so that they remain committed to the organization and may spread positive word-of-mouth to others. Stakeholders in quadrant C are the most challenging to maintain relationships with as, despite their lack of interest in general, these stakeholders might exercise their power in reaction to a particular decision or corporate activity. School leaders should also remain sensitive to the possible movement of stakeholders from one quadrant to another when, for example, levels of interest in the organization change. Both mapping devices will make the organizations know how intensely they need to communicate with particular groups and also what the key messages should be. In another words, these mappings give an insight into whether stakeholders should only be kept informed of decisions of the organization or its stance on a particular issue, or instead whether stakeholder should actively be listened to and communicated with an ongoing basis. Those stakeholders who are salient or have a powerful interest in the organization need to be communicated with so that they continue to support the organization.

Figure 2.4.3 Stakeholder communication: from awareness to commitment

Source: Joep Cornelissen, 2011:49

Figure 2.4.3 explains about the strategies that the school can apply. The first strategy is an informational strategy which is simply a strategy of informing someone about something by doing press releases, newsletters and reports on a company website are often simply meant to make information available about the organization to its stakeholders. This may create awareness of organizational decisions and may also contribute towards a degree of understanding of the reasons for these decisions. A persuasive strategy can also be applied by an organization, through campaigns, meetings and discussions with stakeholders, tries to change and tune the knowledge, attitude, and behaviour of stakeholders in a way that is favourable to the organization. Educational campaigns that the school can use are often used to create a favourable image for the organization and to sell a particular kind of understanding of the organizations decisions, its corporate values and its products and services. The other strategy that the organization may apply is a dialogue strategy. This is where both parties, the organization and stakeholders mutually engage in an exchange of ideas and opinions. It involves working towards a process of mutual understanding and/or mutual decisions rather than strategic self-interest on the part of organization (Joep Cornelissen, 2011:50).Figure 2.4.4 Models of organization-stakeholder communication

Source: Joep Cornelissen, 2011:50

As shown in Figure 2.4.4. Joep Cornelissen (2011:51) explained that in the first model, communication is always one-way, from the organization to its stakeholder. There is no listening to stakeholders or even an effort to gather feedback. The objective is merely to make an information available to stakeholders. Yet, the relationship between the organization and stakeholders is still symmetrical. In this step, the school leaders aim to report objectively information about the school to relevant stakeholders and do not try to persuade stakeholders regarding particular understandings, attitudes or behaviour. There is no explicit persuasive intent between an organization and its stakeholders. While in the second model, communication flows between an organization and its stakeholders and is labelled two-way communication. But it is still asymmetrical because the school does not change as a result of communicating with its stakeholders: instead it only tries to change stakeholders attitudes and behaviours. While the third model consists of a dialogue rather than a monologue. The communication flows both ways between an organization and its stakeholders and the main goal is to exchange views and to reach mutual understanding between both parties. Both parties participate in the communication activity and provide each other with equal opportunities for expression and for a free exchange information. When the school can develop a focus on the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders from management to collaboration and from exchange to long-term relationships. Collaboration gives the stakeholders actively involved and emphasizes on bridging and creating opportunities and mutual benefits. If the dedicated communication staff or the school leaders listen to the ideas being discussed , provide customers with information on what the school is doing, this may help develop ideas into action. 2.5.Parents As The Schools StakeholderIn education, the term stakeholder typically refers to anyone who is invested in the welfare and success of a school and its students, including administrators, teachers, staff members, students, parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and elected officials such as school board members, city councillors, and state representatives. Stakeholders may also be collective entities, such as local businesses, organizations, advocacy groups, committees, media outlets, and cultural institutions, in addition to organizations that represent specific groups, such as teachers unions, parent-teacher organizations, and associations representing superintendents, principals, school boards, or teachers in specific academic disciplines. In a word, stakeholders have a stake in the school and its students, meaning that they have personal, professional, civic, or financial interest or concern (Hayward, 2008:8).In some cases, the term may be used in a more narrow or specific sensesay, in reference to a particular group or committeebut the term is commonly used in a more general and inclusive sense. The term stakeholders may also be used interchangeably with the concept of a school community, which necessarily comprises a wide variety of stakeholders. The stakeholders in the community of a school is the parents that can bring out the schools performance. As the parents become the external stakeholders that will be the key stakeholders. The efforts that take up space for giving the fundamental contribution that can engage the parents to stay informed, invited and involved.As Hooge and Helderman, 2008 distinguish four different categories of stakeholders: primary, internal, vertical, and horizontal. In education, parents and students are the primary stakeholders. Teachers and other educational and non-educational staff are internal stakeholders with a clear interest in the success of the school. At slightly more distance, governments and organisations formally operating on behalf of government (such as inspectorates or municipalities) operate as vertical stakeholders. Finally, all other organisations, groups, or persons in the schools environment with some level of interest in the school are horizontal stakeholders (Mitchell, R.Ket. al, 1997:853).The idea of a stakeholder intersects with many school-reform concepts and strategiessuch as leadership teams, shared leadership, and voicethat generally seek to expand the number of people involved in making important decisions related to a schools organization, operation, and academics. For example, shared leadership entails the creation of leadership roles and decision-making opportunities for teachers, staff members, students, parents, and community members, while voice refers the degree to which schools include and act upon the values, opinions, beliefs, perspectives, and cultural backgrounds of the people in their community. Parents may participate on a leadership team, take on leadership responsibilities in a school, or give voice to their ideas, perspectives, and opinions during community forums or school-board meetings, for example (Ranson, S, 1993:333).Parents may also play a role in community-based learning, which refers to the practice of connecting what is being taught in a school to its surrounding community, which may include local history, literature, and cultural heritages, in addition to local experts, institutions, and natural environments. Community-based learning is also motivated by the belief that all communities have intrinsic educational assets that educators can use to enhance learning experiences for students, so parents are necessarily involved in the process (Smit, Fet. al, 2006).High quality communication does not occur accidentally. It happens when leaders are thoughtful and intentional about their efforts. It happens when leaders build strong personal relationships with their team and with their stakeholders. High quality communication is both carefully planned and the result of everyday interactions. It is a process, one that has no end. High quality communication rests on a mutual respect built between the school or school system and its various stakeholders. School leaders with good communication skills recognize and serve all the many a
