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Page 1: Analysis of mastheads1

The genre for this magazine is rock. The name, Kerrang!, relates to the genre as it is an onomatopoeia which is a loud noise and rock is known for loud sounds and words. It sounds like metal banging together.The text has the effects of being cracked and broken. This relates to the genre as rock has a edgy theme to it. Rock relates to instruments being broken and smashed so this relates to the cracked font. It also shows that the magazine has an audience that is younger and more rebellious. The exclamation mark also adds to this tone, which shows that it is been shouted out and rock is known for loud sounds. The masthead attracts the reader as text colour is white which stands out from the black background and makes it easier to read. All the letters are in capitals which makes it more noticeable.It is for both genders as white is a neutral colour. The black background relates to the rock genre because people who listen to rock tend to wear black.The title goes across the whole width of the magazine which makes it the focal point and draws people in.

Page 2: Analysis of mastheads1

The genre for this magazine is rock/indie. The style of the masthead doesn’t not relate to this genre.NME stands for New Musical Express but this does not show it is a rock/indie magazine, it sounds more like a general music magazines with all genres. The magazine name is abbreviated which shows that the magazine is well known and does not need the full name.The colours, red, white and black, are bold and bright and contrast with each other which makes it stand out. It relates to both genders as the colour can be for both male and female. The red font indicates passion and love which is what the magazine has for music. The simple colours and block font style creates a basic format for the magazine and gives a serious feel to the magazine.

Page 3: Analysis of mastheads1

Vibe magazine is a R&B magazine. The font is big and bold and stands out in your faceVibe is a common word associated with music and rhythm. It is a word that is usually referred to music that is associated with the younger generation because it is a slang word. The masthead for the magazine is red and red can be associated with hip hop.The background image is black and white which helps the masthead stand out.

Page 4: Analysis of mastheads1

The genre for this magazine is rock.The bold writing makes it stand out against the dark background.This magazine is different from the others as it clearly states what the magazine is about. It says it in small writing underneath the masthead but is still read as the main title attracts the audience. This may help it become more popular as people will know what the magazine is about.

Page 5: Analysis of mastheads1

The big red box stands out and the masthead of the magazine is in white, big and bold writing which also stands out. The contrast of the bright red and white make it attract the buyers.It is just one letter which makes it easier for people to remember the brand. It is a letter that is not commonly used so it makes it popular because its different.
