  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    An analytical study of why the MBAdegree is desirable and choice of

    preparation institute.






    Topic page

    Acknowledgement 03

    Introduction 04

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    Methodology 05

    What is MBA? 06

    Why should someone pursue MBA? 09

    Value of MBA 11

    Factors to considered before choosing the

    best MBA institute. 14

    MBA overview 16

    Scope of MBA 17

    Companies 19

    1- Adroit Prudential Career Planner 19

    2- Erudite 20

    3- TIME 21

    4- IMS 23

    5- Career Launcher 24

    Questionnaire 25

    Results 26

    Analysis 27

    Conclusion 34

    Bibliography 35


    I am indebted to a number of individuals without whose assistance this research

    could not have been completed in time. My first gratitude goes to Fr. Felix Raj the

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    principal of St Xaviers college, B.Com(Morn.) without whose support this project

    would never been possible.

    I owe a great deal of gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Saha and my academic guide

    Mr. T Sengupta .They offered me constant guidance and many insightful and

    constructive observations throughout the study. Basically, their support,

    encouragement and availability to discuss ideas and problems have contributed

    much in completing this study. They always kept me on task and pointed out to

    me my research objectives. I really appreciate them, for his patience and high

    efficiency in guiding me in a proper way in conducting this research. His friendly

    guidance and cooperation which is very rare, inspired me to complete the whole

    work timely. They deserve my special thanks.

    I am also grateful to all other teachers of St. Xaviers college for guiding and

    upgrading the knowledge through fulfilling the gap between previous and up to

    date knowledge which will be useful in our future career. Thanks to all other staffs

    of the college for their nice cooperation during the whole study.

    The author would like to convey the thanks to the authority of Adroit Prudential

    Career Planner for providing necessary data and related literature.


    India is estimated to have in excess of 1,600 management schools spread out

    across the country. Of these only a few dozen offer a quality brand with all its

    incumbent attributes: good curriculum and faculty inputs, infrastructure,

    international exposure, industry interaction and finally, excellent placements. Inthe final tally, theres only space enough at the top for a few thousand students

    from the lakhs of annual MBA aspirants.

    Yet, the changing dynamics of the MBA aspirant pool is opening

    up new options that students would do well to consider. The experience of the

    Indian School of Business, Hyderabad the first B-school in the country to
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    demand prior work experience from incoming students for its one-year, full-time

    MBA course is a pointer in this direction. More and more people with

    experience feel that there is a real opportunity to get a good education with real

    opportunities for career shifts. points out that the number of students with quality

    work experience of as much as eight to 10 years (including international

    exposure) is increasing every year.


    Type of research technique

    The technique we used in our research is exploratoryresearch technique.

    Sampling design

    Stratified random sampling was used .

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    Place of study - Barrackpore

    Source of collection of primary data Questionnaires

    Field work

    The quantity of field work is high as the data collectionprocess is streamline and well controlled. For collecting the

    data we went to Surendranath College and Maha Deva Nanda

    College , both in barrackpore.

    What is MBA?

    The MBA (Master of Business Administration) is an internationally recognised and

    geographically portable post-graduate, post-experience academic course in a

    number of subjects that together can be said to constitute the science of


    It is intended for those who work in business and management who seek careeradvancement, business ownership, or technical skills and business knowledge.

    The challenges imposed by the 21st Century place a high premium on upgrading

    skills and qualifications in order to meet the demands set by companies,

    customers and the environment that managers operate in.

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    Management areas

    Functional areas of management comprise Human Resource Management,

    Operations Management, Marketing Management, Information Management,

    Financial Management, Strategic Management and Organisational Behaviour. At

    the end of an MBA programme, the graduate emerges with an upper level

    knowledge of functional managerial and business issues as well as new conceptual

    skills ready to meet the demands that are set by

    the competitive business environment.

    However, in addition to developing strong technical skills, todays managers must

    be able to influence people, interact with a broad spectrum of colleagues,

    customers and suppliers; and negotiate with individuals from all walks of life.

    They must know how their company relates to competitors in both the micro and

    macro business environments.

    Prior experience essential

    The MBA programme, which was first launched in the US in the 1950s as a two-

    year post-graduate course and exported to Europe in the 1960s, was initially

    rejected as irrelevant to the world of business and the schools were viewed as

    second rate.

    Albeit, the MBA qualification grew largely within the framework of their non-

    vocational universities; the first year was devoted to the core disciplines of thescience of management and the second year offered more specialisation through

    a choice of electives. Specialist MBAs were introduced with modular topics such as

    international business, finance, the public sector and even football. While the US

    model enrolled students after taking a first degree, business schools in Europe

    placed much greater emphasis on practical work experience prior to entering the

    MBA programme. By comparison, the learning curve of entrants with prior

    business knowledge and work experience played a significant role in re-writing

    the criteria for universal MBA enrolment.

    Over a period of almost 30 years, from the beginning of the 1960s to the end of

    the 1980s, the MBA was transformed from being the Cinderella of professional

    qualifications to a coveted tool to be utilised in building existing competencies to

    find plausible solutions to concurrent business issues. By the late 1970s, the

    battle for respectability had been won and the number of universities

    sprouting businessschool and MBA courses increased dramatically. Today,
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    increased globalisation and changing lifestyles has meant that thousands of

    universities worldwide present the MBA qualification, offering more flexible ways

    of learning, including: distance learning, modular, in-company, and part-time


    New developments

    Driven by competitive factors, new developments over the past 20 years have

    successfully changed the primary two-year MBA programme to offer entrants

    shorter programmes (the one-year programme being the norm in some

    countries); running different programme structures such as modular, consortium,

    international and joint, as well as programmes accommodating diverse groups of

    people from different business sectors or different age groups; and

    internationalisation of curriculum content.

    While most established programmes around the world have adopted the MBAtitle, there are programmes that are similar to what other schools would call an

    MBA, which also lead to degrees with other titles. Such titles include MBL (Master

    of Business Leadership), which is a post-graduate degree in the management

    sciences, and MBS (Master of Business Studies).

    Choose your course carefully

    While entrants may benefit from the wide choice of programmes, making the right

    choice of programme is paramount. In choosing a school and an MBA programme,the entrant should bear two main considerations in mind: what he or she wants to

    gain from the programme in terms of the skills or competence they wish to

    develop, and what is appropriate for their personal constraints such as budget,

    time availability, location, etc. Competition is strong for enrolment at the best

    business schools and employers also place a high premium on the criterion to

    attract the best graduates.

    The MBA programme of the 21st Century is in a state of perpetual change

    continually adding value through creativity, knowledge, innovation and learningfor the benefit of our future business leaders. It has become one of the most

    sought after qualifications in todays corporate world as a prerequisite to most

    topmanagement positions. Possibly even more important is the fact that an MBA

    is a dynamic qualification that is qualitatively linked to the continuous change and

    growth associated with the management of global economic models.
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    Worldwide, the best business leaders consider an MBA qualification key to the

    continual success of careers in sectors like manufacturing, business, education,

    healthcare and other service sectors. A good business programme offers skills not

    ordinarily mastered in a conventional work environment such as Finance,

    Statistics, and Managerial Economics. While electives may opt to specialise within

    specific business components such as International Management, Human

    Resources, and Finance, the MBA is clearly a process of lifelong learning. Besides

    equipping managers with executive skills, it is a medium that encourages self-

    motivated continual learning not just as a means to career progression, but also

    to make a viable contribution to stimulate growth and development of the global


    Yet, at the dawn of the 21st Century, the classic profile of the MBA student is

    changing. Just a decade ago, MBAs were arming themselves with a qualification

    that would pave the way to a top managerial position with a multinational

    corporation. Today, the MBA is also relevant to those opting for a position with asmaller, but progressive company as well as business tycoons wanting to run

    their own company or join new-economy start-ups. This means that the

    traditional MBA is entering its most progressive stage of development.

    Why should someone pursue MBA?

    The MBA qualification broadens and enhances knowledge and should be viewed in asense of building up skills. Although the most popular reasons for undertaking theMBA is to increase salary, other reasons include wideningcareer opportunities,furthering ones career and/or to extend personal networks.

    There are other equally important reasons that any prospective MBA student willstate, but by far the most compelling is to create career opportunities for oneself.The challenges imposed by the 21st century have made it an essential componentthat we upgrade skills and qualifications in order to meet the demands set by

    companies, customers and the environment we operate within.
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    This is where the MBA becomes a tool to be utilised in building up existingcompetencies - the theory learned can be utilised to find plausible solutions toconcurrent business issues. At the end of an MBA programme, one emerges with anupper level of functional managerial and business issues as well as new conceptualskills ready to meet the demands that are set by the competitiveness around us.

    With an MBA, you can:

    Advance your career

    Whether you're a doctor, an engineer, or an editor for your local newspaper, agraduate business degree can prepare you to move into a managerial positionwithin your field.

    Change your career

    If your current career path is a less than perfect fit for your aptitudes andinterests, business school can give you the opportunity to explore youroptions, then provide you with the training you needto change careersentirely.

    Set up your own business

    Interested in starting your own business, but not sure that you have thenecessary expertise to launch a start-up in a high-growth industry? An MBAcan prepare you to do everything from writing a business plan to acquiringventure capital to launching an IPO. Research has shown that the failure ratefor small businesses started by an MBA is about 50 percent less than thestandard failure rate.

    Develop technical skill and business knowledge

    Can you advance to a managerial position or launch your own businesswithout the benefit of a graduate degree in business? Yes. There is much tobe learned from on-the-job training and employers certainly value workexperience. However, an MBA programme will put you on the fast-track tocareer advancement by offering you the chance to develop a wide range of

    general business knowledge and a broad base of technical skill in a relativelyshort period of time.

    Become a leader in an emerging field

    Innovative education can lead to an exciting career in a newly emerging field,such as brand management, information technology, e-commerce, or mobile
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    Networking is another key benefit. Business school teaching styles encourage

    teamwork and, over the course of an MBA programme, you'll developimportant relationships that can serve you well throughoutyour businesscareer. And no matter the school, you can often get pluggedinto a network of alumni working at a wide range of companies. This is usefulfor professional contacts.

    Although the degree is considered the pathway to a successful career, it still doesnot guarantee a flood of job offers, but when one considers the positive options, itfar outweighs the negative issues. It is a costly course and the time constraints that

    are associated with the study load are legendary. Thats why, in some circles, it hasbeen termed Married, but away.

    Approach the studies with an open mindset and let your intentions be to developyourself to your full capacity. Accept the programme as a challenge, set yourpersonal as well as career objectives and, most importantly, utilise the Masters ofBusiness Administration degree to close gaps that may exist within your skills andqualifications, so that you can facilitate and expedite your management career

    Value of MBA

    The MBA - is it worth it? More importantly, is it worth the investment made bycompanies in sponsoring developing leaders on the programme? It can beargued that underdeveloped managers are a greater cost to a company thanthe once-off investment of a qualification such as the MBA.

    However, such a statement needs some substance - therefore one has to look

    at "What value can an MBA graduate add to your company ? "
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    The fact is, we are operating in an ever-changing, fast-paced, highlycompetitive and global world of work, but how does one respond to thisenvironment. According to Dr Charlene Lew, former dean of theDamelin International Collegeof Postgraduate Business Sciences, the first stepwould be to gain an understanding of this distraught business world. It allstarts with an understanding of the economy and how businesses cancontribute to the invention of products that will increase the countrysresources. With that is an understanding of economic concepts, such as inflation and consumer price index. A simple insight into managerialeconomics, such as supply and demand and opportunity costs assists MBAgraduates understand the role of profit maximisation endeavours in the firmand how economics inform organisational decision-making,said Dr Lew.

    In aligning the company with the governments economic policies, the managerwith an MBA can then oversee the financial management of the firm. And, byunderstanding the company accounts, the manager can assess the performance

    of the business. With the well-acclaimed holistic viewpoint of MBA graduates,productivity is seen in terms of the input that all the role-players in the firm mustplay. Of course the MBA also equips the manager, as a strategist, with analyticaltools to assess profitability, through, for example, indicators of return oninvestment (ROI) or residual income (RI), to mention but two illustrations.

    Up to this point it is clear that the manager with an MBA understands theeconomic pressures on the company and has a firm grip on the financial conditionof the firm. The MBA manager also understands to what extent the currentfinancial situation is aligned with the strategy for profitability. The next logical

    step is for the MBA manager to know how to discover, predict and fulfilcustomers needs, so the company can show true profits. It is all about knowinghow to compete. And it is about that winning relationship with customers andother stakeholders and, throughmarketing research skills, finding out what thecustomer wants a true value-add to the company.

    In the quest for productivity, top managers need to consistently determinewhether the company is capable of surpassing problems in the process ofsuccessfully delivering products or services to the customer, and is the customerprepared to pay for these. If not, management needs to know when to introducedrastic actions. Productivity is clearly dependent on the decision-making ability of

    the leaders of the firm. Leaders with a purely financial or marketing backgroundare not sufficiently knowledgeable regarding the decisions required for aproductivity and competitive analysis.

    Now, with the company riding the waves of the economy, forecasting its financialneeds, controlling its funds and adding to its bottom line by getting the rightproduct at the right price to the right place for the right person, while promoting
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    all this in the most effective manner, the MBA manager can also do a bit ofhealthy introspection. It is now when the MBA manager can have an intelligiblelook at how the company has been put together, how effectively communicationflows among the various elements and how valuable the learning is that is takingplace. Here the top manager with the MBA is equipped to forecast trends and

    developments in the organisational design and use techniques to improve theperformance of the organisation as a whole. Based on that, intelligent actions canthen be taken in terms of the people in the company and how their performanceand development are managed,said Dr Lew.

    With the organisation designed to run like clockwork, and where the delicatebalance has been reached between giving to employees and gaining from theirskills and endeavours, the MBA manager can evaluate the degree to whichoperation management is contributing to the competitiveness and profitability ofthe company. It is accepted that the MBA qualification will have given theindividual the ability to have a strategic outlook on how operations can adhere toworld-class standards and how they can operate in synergy with the otherbusiness functions.

    Dr Lew said that of course, the manager must then also be able to turntechnological advancement to the benefit of the company, rather than seeing itas a threat. An understanding of information systems and knowledge technologythen underpins the success of the MBA manager in this regard. This producesinformation that is useful to the company.

    Clearly each element of value that the MBA adds builds on the others, but these

    values reach a different level when the skills of international business strategy are included. Consider just a few of the skills thatthe MBA manager has in this regard: He/she can manage the strategic options forthe company, implement an effective team process, formulate strategies for thevarious business functions, gauge product-market demand and competitiveinterdependencies, including the scope of proposed businesses strategies, showflexibility and creativity in response to changing markets, identify and balanceany competing forces for localisation or globalisation for the business and itsfunctions such as marketing and production. These are only few of the veryconvincing arguments of the value that the MBA holds for the employer.

    Yet, there is more, said Dr Lew. The MBA manager can also tackle complexresearch endeavours to bring specific solutions to the company. The power of thislies in that the MBA manager does not only have extensive managementknowledge, but also unusual insight into the firm he/she is operating in. With thatcombined knowledge, and with access to appropriate secondary data and newlygained primary data, the research yields recommendations and plans that could
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    not be generated in any other way.

    Overall, there is one key as to how the MBA programme facilitates improvedcompany performance and increases managerial effectiveness and efficiency. Thekey lies in the new way of thinking that the MBA programme provides to its

    students. It is accomplished by developing a holistic understanding of business,leading to the detection of business problems and the recognition ofopportunities. Through such insights, students can then creatively define andanalyse alternatives before deciding on an appropriate course of action. This isthe essence of the strategic MBA outlooksaid dr. lew.

    Convincing. The MBA manager can truly add value to any firm. And the value isadded where it really matters in improved performance of the manager and inincreased profitability of the company. But, a principle condition to this increasedvalue-add needs to be clearly stated - the value added is proportional to thedegree to which the MBA knowledge is applied, concluded Dr Lew.

    The conclusion? The MBA qualification that manifests in applied skills is ofimmense worth to the employer.

    Factors to be considered before choosing the bestMBA institution.

    With the rising popularity of an MBA degree as one of the best post graduate

    courses worldwide, there are now practically thousands of business schools and anequal number of MBA programs available to those who wish to obtain an MBAdegree. With such a huge and diversified choice, it becomes very difficult to knowwhich program is right for you. Choosing an MBA course that serves your needsbest is indeed a tough job. Here are some things to consider when deciding on anMBA program.

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    1) Your Expectations from the MBA Program

    No two MBA programs are absolutely alike and even though they teach you thesame basics, they do not offer the same syllabus. So you need to ask yourself:

    Does this course give me the experience I am looking for?

    Does the syllabus include topics that are relevant to my chosen career?

    What electives does the program offer and am I interested in them?

    Is the content of the course suited to my needs?

    Do I have the required aptitude to successfully finish the course?

    Does the program offer practical training and real life experiences as well?

    2) Your Physical Circumstances

    You need to assess if a particular MBA program is feasible in terms of:Does thestructure suit you?

    Whether you can do the full-time two year course or you need a shortened course.

    Is the program in your area or will you need to travel daily?

    Are the timings of the course suitable for you?

    Are you free to join the course on its start date?

    3) Financial Considerations

    An MBA program is an expensive program and thus you have to consider thefinancial impact of a particular program on yourself. Ask yourself:

    Can I afford the program fees?

    Will the living expenses, travel costs, and other expenses involved in the particularprogram put an immense financial burden on me?

    Will I have to borrow a loan to cover the costs and do I even want to?

    If I do take a loan, will I be able to bear the interest on the loan and how long will itbe before I can repay it?

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    4) Impact on Your Lifestyle

    Will I be able to balance work and studying?

    Will I have to give up my job?

    How will a particular course affect my family life?Once you have asked yourself theabove questions in relation to the different MBA programs that may interest you,you can determine which of those programs is best for you and positively addressesall the above areas in which an MBA program can impact you.

    Most people want to go in for an MBA program that is offered by the top A gradebusiness schools and which have the highest ratings. If given a chance to enroll insuch a program, they jump at it without considering how it can affect them, andlater have to live with the consequences. Although an education from the topbusiness schools cannot be compared to other programs, you have to decide which

    course is best for you according to the above guidelines.

    If you choose to enroll into an MBA program just because it is THE best oneavailable, but are unable to stay with the program or complete the course, theneven the best of programs will not do you any good. So determine which program isbest for YOU and then make the most of it.

    MBA overview

    The MBA degree opens up worlds of opportunity for its bearers. Many business

    positions require an MBA for advancement. For example, investment banking and

    management consulting firms hire large classes of newly minted MBAs each yearat six-figure salaries into the "associate" level -- those without MBAs generally

    don't advance past the "analyst" level. At major consumer products companies

    like Procter & Gamble, Kraft and Colgate-Palmolive, MBAs are hired as "assistant

    brand managers" into the brand management department --those without MBAs

    are generally not eligible for the department. And it is from this function that

    these companies' senior executives are generally drawn.

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    There are two kinds of MBA institutes in India -- a handful from which you leave

    with a pedigree and the vast majority which offer just degrees. In the first

    category lie the IIMs, XLRI and, to a lesser extent, FMS and Bajaj -- the

    institutions which pioneered the concept of management education at a time

    when the IAS was a far more wanted career path.

    In the second lies a vast array of institutes -- the good, the mediocre and thedubious. Evaluating the value proposition in the latter category is the daunting

    task faced by the majority of MBA aspirants.

    Although numerous B school rankings may be published every year, it rarely if

    ever alters the recruiter's pecking order. For 'class' or the jobs requiring

    brainwork, it's a select few institutes. For 'mass' or the groundwork jobs, it's

    down the B school ladder. And how low down this ladder a company will go

    depends on how many fresher it requires.With so many new sectors opening up --

    retail, insurance, BPO, telecom -- it would seem the job pie has grown

    exponentially. True, except that B school you graduate from often still determines

    whether you eat your slice at the chairman's table. Many companies follow

    differential recruitment policies. Better salary, designation and job profiles are

    offered to the more premium grads.

    But, in an ironic twist, one man's Cat can be another's Dog. Several reputed

    companies -- especially indian ones -- prefer to recruit from less elite campuses.

    These MBAs, they believe, work harder to prove themselves and are far more

    loyal to the organisation.It's a different thing that, given half the chance, the

    same MBAs would jump to join the very MNCs that won't touch them!

    Scope of MBA

    The scope for a MBA graduate is unparalleled. Apart from attractive pay packets

    and placements being offered at college-level itself, it opens doors to various

    sectoral opportunities. The Indian Corporate world has seen many MBA

    professionals occupying top slots in the corporate ladder.

    Apart from Corporate careers, one can opt for entrepreneurship, work in co-

    operatives, NGO's as the opportunities are literally unlimited.Even when the

    industry goes through trends/fads, like the recent dot com fad, MBAs are the first

    in and among the first out, thereby reaping the benefits of a rising industry and

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    the smartness of exiting to a different industry when the fall happened. This is

    due to the multi-dimensional, multi-tasking quality an MBA possesses.

    For example: A MBA with Finance specialization does not necessarily fare poorly

    when the industry hits the doldrums. He gets onto marketing of financial services

    (say, marketing of mutual funds or insurance products), thereby reducing career


    Today, a Management Degree has become an attractive proposition, as there are

    attractive entry level salaries (including $ salaries offered by some MNC's) and

    typically, a Management Graduate gets absorbed into a Company through the

    Campus Placement Program of the Institute. The MBA Program offers a lucrative

    career option to both experienced professionals as well as fresh graduates.

    For those in the business world, networking is key to getting ahead. With an

    online degree program, students are given the opportunity to network across a

    broad range of people, because they are studying with students from all aroundthe globe. MBA degrees obtained online means you are not limited to networking

    with people within your county. This provides you incredible opportunities to

    connect with people in positions all across the country and acquire invaluable

    contacts within the business world.

    Additionally, MBA degrees allow students to learn from a variety of top level

    professionals across the country. Because online colleges recruit professors,

    teachers and top executives from all around the world, students are able to

    interact with a variety of people completely through an online degree program.

    Anyone who desires to share their real world experience and are learned and

    experienced in their field can be a candidate for a teaching position at one of the

    top distance learning institutions. As a result, a student can have a professor from

    Stanford University for one class and another from Harvard the next.

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    Adroit prudential career planner.

    -Adroit is a leading Kolkata based organization for management and engineering


    -Adroit provides quality training for entrance examination like CAT/ MAT for MBA

    and CET for BBA , BCA , BHM.

    -Adroit also provides quality training for other entrance examinations like CET for

    BBA, BCA, BHM.

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    -Adroit also provides a special course called CAMPUS CALL which is a course

    designed specially for the HR rounds in Corporates.

    -Adroit also provides training programs for competitive entrance examination

    including XAT, FMS, IIFT and international examination for education abroad like


    -Adroit caters to the need for Spoken English in the form of a power pack

    program like POWER ENGLISH.

    -Adroit also provides a special counseling package for study in the UK, US,

    Australia, etc.


    - CAT/MAT/JEMAT-MBA Entrance

    - MCA Entrance

    - Power English

    - CET

    - Campus Call


    - Guidance for BBA, BCA, B-TECH

    - Guidance for MCA, MBA.


    A name to reckon with in the current educational scenario, ERUDITE is renowned

    for providing quality training for MBA entrance examinations in India like CAT,

    XAT, MAT, IIFT, FMS, BBA and RTP. ERUDITE has catered to more than 10,000

    students in the last nine years since its inception in 1998. In addition to this,ERUDITE also provides special counseling packages for study in countries like the

    US , UK , Australia etc.


  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    To be a name synonymous with quality education, mentoring students and

    helping them change their aspirations to reality. ERUDITE strives towards

    excellence through qualitative enhancement programmes by being a friend,

    philosopher and guide to its students. It is an institute with a difference, which

    looks at holistic student development.


    To be a world leader in career-building and development through extensive and

    dynamic classroom coaching as well as personalized counseling by understanding

    students' needs and aspirations and equipping them with the winning edge to

    always be a step ahead of competition.


    To impart quality education with the students' perspective in mind.

    To provide personalized services adapted to individual needs.

    To focus on improving performance by accurately identifying students' strengths

    and eliminating chronic weaknesses.

    To provide the required educational tools and methods in training, not offered by

    any other conventional sources.

    To help students identify their career paths through proper guidance and


    TIME(Triumphant Institute of Management

    Education Pvt. Ltd.)

    Three management graduates two of them from IIM, Ahmedabad and the third

    from XLRI, Jamshedpur, envisioned an opportunity in Professional Entrance

    Training for CAT exams to qualify for admission to IIMs Indias most reputed

    and among the worlds best B-Schools. They went on to set up a training institute

    Triumphant Institute of Management Education (T.I.M.E.) in 1992 at


    An indigenously developed training programme they formulated started bringing

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    in the results. Recognition followed with more and more students

    from T.I.M.E. making it into the IIMs and other reputed B-Schools across the


    However Manek Daruvala, Pramod Kumar and P. Viswanath the entrepreneur

    trio didnt stop there. They established more centres at Hyderabad and gradually

    moved into other cities, responding positively to the trends that emerged. More

    professionals qualified and experienced in Training and Management, joined

    the T.I.M.E. team and its faculty ensuring quality with growth. Constant

    innovation, excellent classroom teaching, quality course material, and careful

    evaluation have brought about excellent results year after year.

    In just a decade and a half, T.I.M.E. has grown into a specialist, multi-location,

    multi-programme training provider running on corporate lines.

    At T.I.M.E. we believe in letting our results do the talking. Last year students whowere part of our flagship program and were training for the CAT, performed

    impressively with 885 students making it to the IIMs. These results have also

    been validated by KPMG, an independent, internationally reputed audit firm.

    With 175 offices in 87 cities across the country, T.I.M.E. today is truly pan-

    national, but with a local focus as well. WhileT.I.M.E. offers training for national

    level exams like the CAT, NIMCET, IIT-JEE, AIEEE, etc., it also caters to local

    needs with training for exams like the ICET in Andhra Pradesh, the Maharashtra

    CET, and other local exams in different states. T.I.M.E. also offers training forinternational tests such as the GRE test, the GMAT and the TOEFL iBT.

    Besides an expansion in its product portfolio, the company has also grown as an

    organization. Today T.I.M.E. has over 1717 full-time employees (including those

    employed by its franchisees) in its Faculty, Research, Management, Marketing &

    Admin. teams.

    Financially, the last few years have been rewarding. T.I.M.E. achieved an

    impressive brand turnover of Rs. 150 Crores and has been growing at a CAGR of

    over 60% for the last 5 years.

    In the emerging role that India is playing in providing high skill work force, the

    demand from professional institutes is bound to grow. This will add impetus to the

    emerging industry segment of professional entrance exam training.

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    The T.I.M.E. centres across the country are managed and run by highly qualified

    professionals - a number of them from top management institutes like the

    IIMs/XLRI. For all these professionals, education is something that is very close to

    their heart. Such highly qualified professionals with great love for education and

    wedded to the philosophy of T.I.M.E. can only mean one thing - students get the

    best inputs for their preparation.


    What started in a 50 sq. ft. office in 1977 has today become an education

    corporation with forays into test preparation, formal education, language training,

    educational consulting etc. IMS is considered one of the top education service

    providers in the country helping millions of aspirants realize the dreams .

    IMS has been voted as the most trusted test prep brand in India and the 4th most

    trusted education brand in India as per the AC Neilsen and Brand Equity survey


  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    IMS provides help to students right from career counseling to preparation for

    major entrance tests like CAT, GMAT, GRE, MCA and all State Level Management

    Entrance Tests including group discussions and personal interviews.

    At IMS our mission is to help students identify, pursue and achieve their career

    goals. As a mentor, we help realize their strengths by mapping out the career

    path that will suit them best. As a motivator, we make them aspire for best

    institutes and to be the best in their chosen areas. As a guide, we help them

    prepare for and choose the right institute, and eventually, the right career.

    IMS comprises the following divisions to help learners at all stages:

    IMS Test Prep, IMS Centre for International Education, IMS Admissions

    Consultancy, IMS Publications, IMS Pro School, IMS Centre for Communication

    Studies (Speak E), IMS School of Professional Studies and IMS Centre for Career


    IMS has steadily expanded with more than 80,000 students per year and 144+

    centres countrywide. Every year thousands of IMS students enter the portals oftop B-Schools in India and abroad. In the year 2007, IMS had 2421+ interview

    calls from IIMs alone and 1115+ final admits to top B-Schools and international

    technical institutes world wide.


    Career Launcher India Limited (CL) is Asias leading education service provider

    with presence in over 130 locations across India, Middle East and the United

    States. CL provides test-prep education to enable school and college students

    gain admission to professional courses. It is also actively involved in the field of

    mainstream education, mainly through its growing network ofplay

    schools and secondary schools.

    With its focus on the students needs, its foundation firmly set on itsCore Values,

    and technology as a key driver, CL strives to enable people to realize their
  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    potential and make their dreams come true.

    Today over 400+ academicians and professionals around the world work with CL

    to counsel and groom over 50,000+ students across

    130 locations in India, Middle East and the US.

    ADROITPrudential Career Planner


    Objective: This is a market research questionnaire is required by the B.Com students to determine the

    Factors influencing choice of institutes. Please fill the questions as asked. The data provided by you

    will be used only for analysis purpose and will be kept confidential.

    1) Which course you are currently pursuing? B.Sc B.A Others

    2) What is your Career aspiration?
  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes



    3) Do you want to take coaching for your further studies?

    Yes No

    4) Which of these institutes are you aware of?



    Career Launcher

    5) Rank the following factors that you will take into consideration

    before choosing an institute with 1 being most important and 4

    being least important?

    Course fee

    Faculty Course material Past performance and Brand name

    6) Do you know ADROIT?Yes No

    7) If Yes, How you Came to know About it


    Hoardings Others

    Results(in %)

    Q 1:B.COM=46, B.SC=24, BA= 18, OTHERS=12

    Q2:Mba= 38 ca/icwa=12 6 mcom= 8 ma= 6, oths=30

    Q3:Y=66 n=34

    Q4:T=44, eru=38, ims=58, cl=38


  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    Cf = R1-18, R2-24, R3-28, R4-30

    F= R1-18, R2-16, R3-22, R4-44

    CM= R1-38, R2-34, R3-20, R4-8PP&BN= R1-28, R2-24, R3-30, R4-18

    Q6:Y=56 ,no=44






    The survey was conducted among 100 students. The following is an analysis on a

    question by question basis. (It must be remembered that the research was

    carried out in Barrackpore and the results might vary from place to place.)

    Question 1)

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    The reason behind asking this question was to get a clear idea of what section ofthe students were pursuing their graduation in which field. As from the results we

    got a majority of the students questioned were pursuing their B.Com ,followed by

    B.Sc, B.A and others respectively.

    Question 2)

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    The second question aimed to find out the number of students that were

    interested to pursue further studies and in what field. The results wereoverwhelmingly in favour of pursuing MBA with 38% of the students opting for it ,

    closely followed by students who wanted to do their CA/ICWA at 30%. This

    question shows that there seems to be a rising interest in pursuing MBA while

    professional degrees like CA and ICWA still have a good demand.

    Question 3)

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    This question was asked to find out what section of the students take additional

    classes to better there chances of pursuing the courses they wish to follow in the

    future and not to our surprise institutes providing such services are highly in


    Question 4)

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    This question aimed at finding out the popularity of the different institutes in and

    around Kolkata that are providing such services and the 4 major institutes around

    are recognized by most.

    Question 5)

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    The question informs us that the most Important factor that a student considers

    before joining one of these institutes is the quality of the course material followed

    in importance by the past performance and brand name of the institute, while

    they considered the faculty to be the least important.

    Question 6)

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    The question was meant to find out the popularity of Adroit Prudential Career

    Planner . The study shows that while the majority know about this service

    provider there are still a large number of students unaware of its presence.

    Question 7)

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    This question was asked to find out which was the most successful way ofadvertising for the company. Among the students who were aware of Adroit

    hoardings were the most popular medium of learning about the institute.


    From the research and analysis I was able to find out why the MBA degree is so

    coveted . the additional attributes which it adds to a professional is almost

    unparallel . It prepares one for the toughest of challenges he or she might face

  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    while working for a company. The degree throws you into a world of unparallel

    challenges and trains you to hold your own .

    The scope for a MBA graduate is unparalleled. Apart from attractive pay packets

    and placements being offered at college-level itself, it opens doors to various

    sectoral opportunities .

    It forces a prospective manager to weigh the pros and cons of the different

    scenarios he or she might face while on the field. The MBA manager can truly add

    value to any firm. And the value is added where it really matters in improved

    performance of the manager and in increased profitability of the company.

    Again I have learnt about the different educational institutes that provide

    guidance on how to tackle these entrance examinations and what one should look

    for in a good mba institution.

    The importance of such service providers has also been learnt and how they can

    help one to crack these examinations.

    We have also gained useful information from the survey about what percentage of

    students want to pursue their MBA and the factors they consider before they

    select which preparatory institute they should join , what they expect to gain from

    these institutes , the best way to reach such students, etc.


  • 8/8/2019 Analytical Study of Mba Prep Institutes


    The information has been compiled and collected from various sources and I am

    thankful to all of them.

    1- Survey conducted in Barrackpore among college students.



