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Encore Instructor – Joe Boisvert

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118th Pyramids Discovered so far in Egypt. (Xinhua Photo - 2008)

The newly-found pyramid is five meters in height, although it originally reached 14 meters , with each side having a length of 22meters

He added that the pyramid may belong to a queen named Sesheshet, the mother of King Teti, the first King of the sixth Dynasty in ancient Egypt.

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Pharaohs During the Ancient Egyptian Ages

We are not sure how many pharaohs ruled Ancient Egypt, but we know a great deal of them.

In Egypt’s ancient times, the country had been split up and there were a number of different Pharaohs at the same time.

In addition, there were more than likely kings who ruled other regions of Egypt before history started to be recorded.

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Divine Right of Kings

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Egypt Had Strong Advances in Technology leading to Longer Life Spans

Also one witnessed remarkable increase in the development as far as the comfort level of the person, who lives in that particular civilization. The technological advancements include advancements in medicine field. This has paved way for longer life expectancy of the people living in that particular locality. Medicine for various communicable diseases was meted out with shrubs and medicinal plants available in the locality. 

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Application or Medicine Ancient Egypt

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Egyptians Concerned with Medicine Even from Early Times Pre-Dynasty

Before Upper (southern) and Lower (northern) Egypt were united around 3100 B.C., it appears that the ancient Egyptians were already concerned with medicine, evidenced by

The Met's famous Bowl with Human Feet 

(ca. 3900-3650 B.C.)

Approximately 6000 Years Old

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Egyptian Medicine and Magic

The ancient Egyptians administered medicine differently than we do in the modern world today.

There were Egyptian priest-physicians and they had a variety of important functions that they had to perform in order to administer the medication.

First, the physician would have to figure out the entity that possessed the body and then they would attack it in order to drive it out or destroy it.

This technique was done by powerful magic where incantations, spells, rituals, amulets and talismans were used.

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Egyptian Used Homeopathic Medicines

The ancient Egyptians did not just use magic, but they administered physical medicines as well. Herbs were the medicines that were used for pain only and magic is what affected the cure. 

The common cold would sweep through ancient Egypt and they would use the milk of a mother as a remedy, with a spell to go along with it. 

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Used What They Had for Medicines

The ancient Egyptians believed that onions and garlic would aid in endurance and they would consume a large amount of them.

For asthmatics, they would give raw garlic. Onions were known for helping with the problems of the

digestive system. They would peal fresh cloves of garlic, mash them up and

mix it up with water and vinegar. This could be used for sore throats along with toothaches.

Another way the ancient Egyptians used garlic as treatment and prevention was to macerate a couple of garlic cloves of garlic that has been mashed up in olive oil. 

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Egyptian Medicine

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The Health benefits of garlic are well known. Garlic has been used for ages in curing various ailments

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The honey from the bees was used for many treatments on the wound. Animal dung was also thought to be effective at times in ancient Egypt as well. Many of these medical techniques are still used.

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Domestication of Cats in Egypt

Animal worship in ancient Egypt is part of the culture of daily life of Egyptians. Animals of every kind were respected and revered, as they were in close contact with deities and gods that the average Egyptian could not reach.

The cat in ancient Egypt, or miw (to see), was a sacred and respected beast. These small companions fascinated the Egyptians, and were venerated by all. It was in Egypt that the cat was first domesticated 4,000 years ago and where they were held in the most admiration and respect. There is evidence of wild felines around the banks of Egypt, but it was not until around 2000 BCE that the fully domesticated cat was brought into the houses of Egyptians.

The first domesticated Egyptian cats in Egypt were more than likely used for warding off the common asp and other snakes, and the typical chasers of rodents. Slowly though, the cat became more to the Egyptians than just a normal animal, the cat became a god.

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Idealized Egyptian Cat

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Bast the Cat-Headed, Ancient Goddess of Egypt

She is the protector of cats, women and children and holds the mysteries of the cat in her power - those magnetic animals with such strong power to fascinate or repel.

For the cat is identified with Bast and she is most recognized for her portrayal as a woman with the head of a cat.

When a cat curls up with its head touching its tail, it forms a circle, the symbol of eternity, the symbol of the goddess in whatever form she has chosen

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The Process of Feline Mummification had Six Steps:

When a cat died their former owners and occupants of the house would go into deep mourning and shave their eyebrows as a sign of grief. People are not the only mummies in Egypt, as the cat was also mummified significantly.

1. Removal of organs2. Body is stuffed with sand or packing material3. Feline is placed in a sitting position4. Body is wrapped tightly5. Faces and designs are painted on wrappings with black ink6. No chemicals, only natural dehydration

In the tombs of the cats were set bowls of milk along with mice and rats.

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Ancient Egyptian Inventions

The Egyptians were great inventors. The made many objects that we still use today. They made such objects like the shadoof, locks, paper, plows, medicine, and eye make-up. 

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Early Compasses – Late Development

The Chinese discovered that magnetic pieces of metal, which would align themselves in a North-South orientation. From this discovery, they made small needles from the magnetic metal. These needles floated on a reed in a bowl of water, so that the needle would be free to spin to align itself along a North-South axis. These primitive compasses were first discovered after the end of the Han dynasty, around 200 AD

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The Egyptians Knew About Direction by Solar Observations

You might think that the compass has long been used by sailors to navigate on the open seas. The truth is, there was no such thing as the compass in ancient times, and even after the compass was invented, it wasn't used all that much for marine navigation.

Sailors in ancient times charted their course by the stars, and did not use a compass. No one knows where or when the first compass was invented. It may have been in China or in the Near East or in Italy.

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Direction and Orientation in Ancient Egyptian Burials

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The Egyptians Knew About Direction by Solar Observations

Along one edge there were two sights forming an alidade. A plumb bob was suspended by a line from the centre of the arc at the top.

In order to measure the altitude of a star, the observer would view the star through the sights and hold the quadrant so that the plane of the instrument was vertical. The plumb bob was allowed to hang vertical and the line indicated the reading on the arc's graduations. It was not uncommon for a second person to take the reading while the first concentrated on observing and holding the instrument in proper position.

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Solar Orientation

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Paper was another remarkable invention the Egyptians came up with.

Their paper was made out of papyrus, a plant very abundant in the Nile area.

First they had to slice the core of the stalk into very fine pieces.

These pieces get submerged in water to remove sugar. The they are pounded to drain the water. The strips are  then lay side by side and are weaved into each other.

The end result is papyrus paper. In fact, the English word “paper” is derived from the word papyrus.

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Egyptian Lock and Key

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Description of Egyptian Lock and Key

Locks were another making of the Egyptians. These were made to prevent the endless

robberies. They made a wooden crossbar that was

almost entirely enclose except for some space for the key and the pins.

They dropped these pins into cavities, which locked the door.

To unlock it, they slid the key into the opening, which pushed the pins out of the way, enabling the door to open.

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Rahotep And His Wife Nofret Egyptian Art(- )

Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt

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The Egyptians had a diverse colorful culture.

They believed in leading a pleasurable life here followed by an eternity in the Afterlife.

They had domestications animals as pets and as beast of burden

They build some of the largest Monuments still existing from Ancient Times