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By AmeliaHistory Major Project

CONTENTS PAGE Slide 1: Title Slide 2: Contents Slide 3: Athens – A day in the life Slide 4: Athens – Government Slide 5: Sparta – A day in the life Slide 6: Sparta – Government Slide 7: Alexander the Great – Personal information Slide 8: Alexander the Great – Alexander’s empire Slide 9: Bibliography

Note: I did not do my own choice slides because I was away.

ATHENS- A DAY IN THE LIFEThe daily life of Athens was copied by most city states except for Sparta. To start the day, if you were a boy you would be sent off to school as soon as the sun rose and if you were a girl you would be at home learning how to cook, clean and be respectful and dainty.Men were the most important people in the household as they were the ones who decided everything, they decided when and who their daughters married.The only times a woman could leave the home was if they were going to a funeral or they were going on the only daily trip allowed, to collect water from the public fountain. They carried the water in an amphora.

Ancient Athenian Amphora

ATHENS - GOVERNMENTThe Athenian Government was a type of democratic government. Athenian democratic government is where all the citizens got to vote and everyone had a say. Except for women, children, metics and slaves who didn’t get a vote or a say. Only about 45,00 people were citizens out of about 300,000 people on Athens. Only men could be citizens and if you were not born in Athens you couldn’t be a citizen. There were six groups of people who made up the Athenian government:War Generals- ten men were chosen and they all had to be citizens with military experience, they often served for more than one year and they had special powers. Religious Officials- Nine men were chosen and they had to be citizens, they also had special powers.Assembly or ecclesia- This was comprised of Athenian citizens who met every nine days to debate and vote on all the Athenian policies, they elected the war generals, religious officials, council of 500 and the jury courts.Council of 500- This was comprised of 50 men from each of the ten tribes in Athens chosen by lot and they took action on laws passed by the ecclesia. Citizens could only be members twice in a lifetime and the leaders changed daily.Committee- They helped to man specific aspects of government (e.g. markets), each comprised of ten chosen citizens. Minor officials were elected to help committees , they worked with the council.Jury courts- Comprised 6000 citizens from which were drawn by lot, they dealt with all crimes except murder.

SPARTA – A DAY IN THE LIFESparta had a very different culture to any other city-state in Ancient Greece. The culture in Sparta was tough and rough- The word Spartan means tough and severe in the dictionary- this word came from describing Spartan culture.The daily life in Sparta was hard, if you were a boy you went to school as little as possible and you only learnt to read and write as much as necessary (which was low standard) otherwise your whole education was aimed at developing smart obedience, strength under pressure and victory in battle, you would also leave home at the age of seven to complete this training. Women were not wimpy, they were warriors. Women were also taught to be brave and outspoken, however they could not be citizens but they could own land and represent themselves in court, they also were the hunters of the family as they had to go and hunt the dinner for the men.

Spartan shield

SPARTA - GOVERNMENTSpartan government is known as an oligarchy*. Sparta was ruled by two kings who inherited their position . Sparta only became an oligarchy in about the seventh century BC. Most power was in the hands of a few families who controlled the Ephorate and dominated the council of elders. The two groups (kings, families) decided what laws and polices the Spartan citizens would vote on. Spartan citizens only got to vote on a few things and like Athens, women could not be citizens, if you were voting the only answers would be yes or no. Spartan kings did not like people questioning their work.

*Oligarchy – to rule by a few.

SPARTA - GOVERNMENTThere were only four groups of people who contributed to ruling Sparta.Two kings: One led the army while the other ruled from home. Council of Elders: Comprised of the two kings and 28 respected citizens over the age of 60 who were elected for life, they were given membership on the basis of their achievements. They were selected by the applause in the apella. They also tried treason cases. They advised the kings and referred laws and policies to the apella for voting.Ephorate: Comprised of five men which were elected for one year and met daily. They were responsible for law and order, they also ran the army and the secret police force. They advised the kings as well as calling meetings with the apella and referring laws and policies for voting to the apella.Assembly of Spartiates or apella: Comprised of men over the age of 30, they met every month.


Alexander was one of the most famous people in the ancient world amongst Zeus and Aristotle. He was a prince, the son of the king of Macedon. He was not born in Greece but he grew up there from a very early age*. He conquered so many countries that he was the most appreciated king in the whole of the ancient Greece world. He never died in battle but he very nearly died in an Indian battle after falling off of his horse when the king of the Hydaspes king porus charged him from behind. After this battle he recruited King Porus for his own army because he was astounded by the quality of Porus. Alexander conquered almost the whole area around Macedon.


Google Images SOSE Alive 1 – Chapter 3 - Ancient Greece – By Mark

Easton, Ross Smith, Stephen Chapman, Maggy Saldais, Peter van Noorden. Last updated, 2003

• , last modified on 4 September 2011 at 08:37.

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