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Ancient Greek Gods


Ailish Bloomer &

Phillip O’Neill

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Did you

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That Athena

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Was the

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Worshiped goddess?

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Also that

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Zeus is the god of

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Thunder and lightning?

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Or that Aphrodite

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Is the goddess of love?

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Or Ares is the god

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Of war?

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Or Hades god of the underworld?

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Did you know

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That one famous story

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Was about Hercules

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And his 12 labors?

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All 12 of the labors are…

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• Labor 1 Nemean lion

• Labor 2 the Hydra

• Labor 3 Cerynitian Hind

• Labor 4 Erymanthian boar

• Labor 5 stables of Augeas

• Labor 6 Stymphalian birds

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• Labor 7 Cretan Bulls

• Labor 8 mares of Diomedes

• Labor 9 belt of hippolyte

• Labor 10 cattle of Geryon

• Labor 11 apples of Hesperides

• Labor 12 hound of Hades

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The Greek gods and goddesses got their names

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Combining their mythological

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tradition with moral concept!

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The Greeks believed that

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The gods would offer

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Protection and guide their city-states.

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They also believed

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That there were

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12 main gods and goddesses,

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Also there was approximately

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370 gods and goddesses from ancient Greece!

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Hermes- The speedy messenger of the gods.

Hera - Wife of Zeus, protector of marriage, familiar with magic.Hephaestus - Lame god of fire and the forge. Demeter - Goddess of agriculture and mother of Persephone

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Athene - Daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts.

Artemis - Independent goddess of the hunt, the forest, wildlife,  and the moon. Sister to Apollo

Ares - Dark god of war.Apollo - Beautiful god of the sun, light, medicine, and music

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Aphrodite - Goddess of love, romance, and beauty. Her son was Eros, god of Love

are a few Greek gods

and their roles

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Three Greek

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Heroes are

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Theseus- was the hero of Athens who saved the people from having to send off their sons and

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daughters as human sacrifices to the monstrous Cretan minotaur

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Hercules- was outwitted by his nemesis Hera from before the time he was born. After his birth she tried to destroy

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him by putting snakes in his crib, but he was too powerful even then. He grew up to become the hero who beat the odds time and again, performed amazing, often helpful tasks, and yet was full of human foibles, even to the point of having to expiate the horrible crime of murdering his own children.

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often helpful tasks, and yet was full of human foibles, even to the point of having to expiate the horrible crime of murdering his own children.

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Achilles- was the Greek's best warrior in the Trojan War. His nymph mother, Thetis, held him by his heel when she dipped him in the River Styx.

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This left him vulnerable in one spot on his body. When he fought in the Trojan War he was unbeatable, until the gods guided the hand of Paris to shoot an arrow into Achilles' heel.

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• Hercules

• Achilles

are two Greek heroes

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We still here about today.

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• 1180 BC: the Trojan War

• 490 BC: The Battle of Marathon

• 776 BC: first recorded Olympic Games.

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are three Greek events.

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The connections between

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The myths that Greece mostly had to do with the Gods and goddesses.

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