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Andrew Charlton Essays Man Made World & Dragon’s Tail

Andrew Charlton has written about the issues of poverty, fair trade and environmental sustainability on numerous occasions, including in his book Ozonomics, published in 2007, and in Fair Trade for All, a book he collaborated with Joseph Stiglitz on in 2005. His books and quarterly essays, at least according to some, have helped to create and enhance discussion on the topics of fair trade, environmental sustainability, and more throughout Australia. His essays include Man Made World and Dragon’s Tail.

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Andrew Charlton : Address Issue of Poverty, Development & Fair Trade

Andrew Charlton is the author of both books and essays covering the issue of climate pragmatism; the development of economic policies and solutions that address the issues of poverty, development and fair trade while simultaneously working towards preserving a healthy and sustainable global environment. As Charlton knows, tackling the issue of climate change requires global collaboration, which can only be achieved through the development and implementation of economic policy that properly addresses such things as overpopulation, food scarcity and fair trade.

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As Andrew Charlton knows, the adoption of environmentally-friendly economic policies, technologies and solutions is essential to a sustainable global environment, though these solutions won’t have much of an impact if they aren’t adopted by poorer nations across the Earth. By focusing on policies that encourage and support free and fair trade, and by supporting sustainable and healthy development in poorer nations, the powerful global economies can help to make green technologies more affordable to these nations, and begin to make a real difference in terms of attaining a healthier world for all future generations.

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Andrew Charlton
