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Andrew Goodwin theory in music videos

Andrew Goodwin theory in music videosBy Sophie Morris Cheryl Cole- Crazy Stupid LoveMusic videos demonstrating genre characteristics

The symbolic codes used in the start of the music video conform to the genre of pop as they have used modern props in order to connote that the artist is current however, the location she is in seems to be a worn down warehouse. This will leave the audience with an enigma (Barthes) immediately and making the protagonist mysterious as she avoids direct address in the beginning of the music video. Low-key lighting is denoted throughout the video, this has been done to make the protagonist mysterious and this disturbs the equilibrium immediately in Todorovs theory. This subverts from the genre characteristics as high-key lighting is typically used in pop music videos. Around half way through the video, as shown in the third picture, Cheryl is denoted in a close up interior shot in the performance section of the music video. The shot is very saturated and it connotes that the protagonist isn't being mysterious anymore as she is also giving direct address which would make the audience feel more involved in the music video which relates to Blumler and Katz personal relationships as the audience will now feel involved in the music video and can build a relationship with the protagonist.The music video seems to connote a dystopian world throughout the video which subverts from the genre characteristics.

There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visualsThe low angle shot is denoted in the scene and reflects the lyrics at the time. Which are You got me flying, dont want to ever come down This is synergistic with the lyrics as Cheryl is denoted as higher up than everyone else, including the audience. She also has her hand the air which makes her appear as if shes higher up. This would create a diversion for the audience as they would want to escape into the world that Cheryl has created according to Blumler and Katz uses and Gratifications theory. Later on in the music video, Tinie Tempah says lips and eyes to which Cheryl is denoted gesturing to her lips and eyes. Which makes a synergistic link between the lyrics and the shots.

There is a relationship between the music and the visualsThe very start of the music video is asynchronous with the music as the music is slow at the beginning however, there is a montage of shots denoted on the screen. This subverts from this rule as there is no relationship between the music and the visuals. This relates to binary opposites by Levi-Strauss as the two features are in juxtaposition therefore making them opposites. However once the beat begins to pick up, the shots now align themselves so that it is synchronous to the music as Cheryls dancing is in time with the beat of the song and the shots are cut in a fast pace to match the rhythm of the song. This is the same for the majority of the song.

The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (e.g a visual style)In the music video, the technological codes used in the video connote that Cheryl is the main focus of attention through the use of the camera shots. For example there is a high amount of close ups of Cheryl throughout the video and in the majority of the shots she is giving direct address to the audience. This could build a personal relationship (Blumler and Katz) with Cheryl as the audience will feel more involved when eye contact is made with Cheryl and the camera , therefore submersing the audience in to her music video as part of Blumler and Katz uses and gratification theory with diversion. This also links in with Laura Mulveys Male Gaze theory as these close up also connote Cheryl as seductive and therefore the music video objectifies her. Also, in the majority of her videos she is represented in the same way. She is represented voyeuristically she is connoted to be the seductress in the majority of her videos, which conforms to the hegemonic view/stereotype of how women are represented in music videos.

There are frequent references to the notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.There are many references to Cheryls body throughout the music video and the clothes that she wears are revealing. Also the way that she moves her body throughout the music video gives the male demographic a voyeuristic feeling whilst watching the video. Cheryl is mainly in low key lighting throughout the music video which makes her more mysterious and therefore more attractive to the male demographic as they will want to find out more by watching the rest of the video. This links in with Laura mulveys male gaze again a s Cheryl is represented in a way that will attract the attention of the opposite sex.

There are often intertextual references At the beginning of the video there is an intertextual link with another media product which is the beats pill handheld stereo. This has been done to promote the beats pill product as part of synergy between the two products. Also as the beats pill is still quite a current product, this connotes that Cheryl is also a fresh music artist and is also easy to relate to with a young demographic as this age type will be keeping up with the latest media trends and so they will associate Cheryl with the beats pill and therefore if they are a fan of Cheryl Cole, they will then buy the product as they have associated it with her from watching her music video. This links in with self-actualization needs in Maslows hierarchy because the audience are building themselves up to be like Cheryl Cole.

Whether the video is primarily performance-based, narrative-based or concept-based and how elements of each are used in itThe video is only performance based for the music video crazy stupid love. This could connote that Cheryl Cole doesnt need the narrative in her music videos to make a successful music video. As it is fully performance based in her music video this could mean that Cheryl is trying to stage her other talents e.g. dancing as she is renowned for her dancing in her music videos. Also, this could relate to self-actualization in Maslows hierarchy as the audience watching her video would want to be able to dance like she does in her music videos. This also connotes that the production company she is with have high production values as they are trying to appeal to a wide demographic which is younger people, as well as males and females. This is connoted from her costume, make-up and location.