Page 1: Angels Butterflies Peacocks - Jean Berry Presents · cures: Attracting, Activating and Accelerating to turn your business into exactly how you envisioned it: Freedom, Joy, Connections

Angels, Peacocks

& Butterflies

Discover your Miracle Archetype Learn why you are not Allowing Miracles in your Life & How to

Fix that Align your Business Chakras

By Jean Berry

Miracle Mastery

Page 2: Angels Butterflies Peacocks - Jean Berry Presents · cures: Attracting, Activating and Accelerating to turn your business into exactly how you envisioned it: Freedom, Joy, Connections

Welcome! You are Amazing!

I have lots to share with you. Here is your fast start guide:

Read about Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies Do the Detailed Quiz Find your Overview Page Align your Chakras using the Resource Guide. Go back to the individual Chakra pages and do the balance exercises that call to you for all the types. Go to the Resource Guide and the Last Page and get all the Cool Freebies I have for you.

If you received this ebook, and didn’t come from my website or Facebook group, go ahead and go to and sign up to stay

connected and get all the free resources!

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Introduction 4

Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies Angel Overview 8 Peacock Overview 10 Butterfly Overview 13 Chart & Quiz 15

Your Business Chakras 19 Business Chakra Chart 20 1st Chakra Overview 21 2nd Chakra Overview 22 3rd Chakra Overview 23 4th Chakra Overview 24 5th Chakra Overview 25 6th Chakra Overview 26 7th Chakra Overview 27

Resource Guide 28 Action Guide 31 How Can I Help You? 32

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Introduction to Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies

Are you an Angel, a Peacock or a Butterfly? Why would you want to know? What if it will help you end shutting down, burning out or eliminate frustration, confusion and overwhelm? Imagine your spiritually-aligned business attracting the right people, making money….Soul Guided and Joyful!

That is what we are going to create together. When you are clear about how you approach running your business, then align your business chakras within that model, miracles happen.

This is so exciting, because, what if your way of BEing, when you approach a new project, is a beacon or message, pinpointing your next correct step to cause success? What if your body, your business and yes, your challenges, are pointing the way to success?

Once you discover your natural archetype, you will learn how to use your main cures: Attracting, Activating and Accelerating to turn your business into exactly how you envisioned it: Freedom, Joy, Connections and Money!

This ebook is going to walk along with you in these areas: 1. Learn if you are an Angel, Peacock or Butterfly. 2. Pinpoint how you are being in that Archetype. 3. Learn about Business Chakras & see your “Stuck” Patterns 4. Find your issues on the Chakra Chart and learn the Balancing Activities for

You. 5. Get into alignment using the Cures outlined in the Resource & Chakra

sections (or create your own).

I invite you to print the whole book and get out your pen and highlighter. Circle the things that apply to you. Highlight the actions (and then get them on your calendar). Write in the margins any Soul-guided messages that pop up along the way.

Let’s get going!

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Why Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies?

As an intuitive artist, I paint what shows up on my canvas. The process works somewhat like instant manifestation. I put color on the canvas, and then step back to see what’s there…and then I paint that! It’s an act of faith and obedience to my Trusted Source for Soul’s Guidance. When I do that, I get more: more creativity, more joy, more sales, and on and on.

After a while, I started to notice that I had a lot of angels, peacocks and butterflies in my paintings. So I started to ask my Guidance, what is this all about? Why are there so many angels, peacocks and butterflies in my paintings? Using Automatic writing (where you get into a meditative state and with a pen in hand, write what flows to you) I asked this, and as the answers began to flow, I got excited, because finally my art and my business mentoring business were becoming one. In addition, I had long been giving talks about basic physics and how they work with manifesting, using the laws of attracting, activating and acceleration together. I started to see how all three, the imagery, the insights I gained from working with clients and the physics of manifesting were all one thing. And, ultimately, it’s WAY more FUN to talk about Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies than science and physics. Here’s the basic overview of what the three archetypes are all about:

Angels Throughout history, angels have been messengers that deliver divine information and give support to humanity. In addition, natural attraction to what you desire is created when you listen to and act on those messages. This law of attraction creates a powerful force in the world. In physics, this is the third law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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Like attracts like. You cannot create an outcome different than what you set out to create. If you plant corn, you grow corn.

I started to see that some people naturally are good at this skill of setting powerful intentions. They purposefully look for divine messages and have a natural propensity for being quiet and listening. As I compared how this type of person approached projects by first thinking about it deeply and aligning their time, the Inner Angel archetype was born.

Peacocks If you have ever seen a peacock get into action, it makes a loud call and lifts up it’s plumage and struts, making itself bigger and letting everyone know it’s there and is a force to be reckoned with. Peacocks symbolize getting into action. In many traditions, they are also symbolic of beauty, showing your true colors, royalty and confidence. The idea of getting into action first is the main trait of the peacock archetype. In physics, it is the activator—An object (or you) will stay on the same path unless acted on by an outside force. The only way to change direction is to take bold action. I noticed that people in the peacock archetype took action first. That is the defining characteristic of the peacock archetype.


If you ever read the book, The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews you will begin to understand the huge capacity each one of us have to change the world. In science, the butterfly effect is used mostly as a metaphor to describe how one small change in the wind, such as from a butterfly’s wing, can change a weather system miles away. Although pop culture has created a lore around this phenomena, this metaphor has mostly come to mean that you don’t know what great effect you will have on the world by

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taking your one small action today. This idea naturally flows to the law of physics on acceleration which states that if something is moving faster, there is a force on it. In terms of manifestation, this is where the unseen support from the Universe, collaborations and systems exponentially increase the outcome. The archetype of the Butterfly is the one who looks for support and collaboration on a project first before making any other decisions.

The Archetypes Together The Angel, Peacock & Butterfly traits together create an unstoppable Miracle Manifesting Machine. Create a powerful intention (based on divine messages), followed by getting into bold action on those messages, then add collaborative support from the Universe, joint ventures, friends and aligned systems, manifesting becomes inevitable.

So let’s learn more about the Archetypes, then take the quiz….are you an Angel, a Peacock or a Butterfly?

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Inner Angel Archetype

It is so fabulous to be an Inner Angel! You are thoughtful and smart. People view you as able to create success because of your well-articulated ideas and good structures around your business practices. In making decisions, you weigh all the pros and cons, you look at the quality of your motivation and seek the truth. You love learning and may have lots of certifications in amazing things.

The challenges you may face include overwhelm at the amount of things that need to get done (especially when your structures aren’t in place), being overly concerned about small details, and how it will all work out in the future. You may also have confusion over why all the learning you have done hasn’t resulted in riches and you’ve delayed action until all the details are nailed down. This all can result in shutdown so nothing happens.

The good news is that you simply have a few tweaks to turn it all around! Your main cure is Attracting. Attraction in the law of physics that states like attracts like. This is your natural way of being! It’s about what you do inside you that will shift the outer world. Starting with love and gratitude, you can make things happen today! What business tasks can you do with great love or gratitude that will shift your mindset and move the law of attraction into high gear? Spend time focusing on your inner world (in action) so you can align the outer world. Once that is done, it will be easy to get into BIG action, and make the money and success you crave!

The secondary issue may be self-worth issues. These can often be solved with the above action steps, however, if you find yourself getting really stuck and not moving forward with anything, you may need some reprogramming. I suggest Mindset Magic which is a combination of EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), Inner Parts Work and Angel Alignment. You can find a fabulous (and free) 20-minute session on my website, and click on Courses.

The following Inner Angel chart may help you identify one of the areas where your business chakra is misaligned or not receiving enough energy. From that chart, you can pinpoint the mindset issues and business chakra that may need some clearing and/or support.

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Here’s the Inner Angel chart to help you see where you are at:

See the Resource Guide for Inner Angel Chakra Balancing Activities (page 28).

Indigo/Violet Angel

When all your business chakras are aligned, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to consider the possibilities (think about it) and crunch the numbers (either on paper or in your head). Next, you will use other validated methods to connect with your Soul’s trusted source to make a decision. You will get into big action once you have validated the potential and appropriately scheduled your time. Money and success flow easily.

Green/Blue Angel

When your Green/Blue Chakras are misaligned or unbalanced, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to think about it, but you may feel “cloudy” about the direction and consult your emotions or consider what your clients are saying to you to make a decision. You may get into action if you see that you can truly be of service to people. Money and success can flow, but it may be inconsistent.

Yellow/Orange Angel

When your Yellow/Orange Chakras are misaligned or unbalanced, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to think about it, but clear actions do not present themselves. You may also feel shut down from past experiences or mindset issues. Adding a creative process may be helpful in making any decision. You have a very hard time getting into action, because you are never 100% sure it’s the right way to go. Money seems like a far-away dream.

Red Angel

When you have Red Chakra issues in your business, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity will also be to think about it, however, you may be stuck in old patterns, office space that doesn’t work, or thought patterns that sabotage your ability to take action. It is critical that you do mindset and balance work before attempting to get into action because otherwise you will be frustrated with the results.

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Peacock Archetype

If you most identify with the Peacock:

It is exciting to be a Peacock! You have lots of energy and charisma. People view you as able to create success because you make things happen. In making decisions, you quickly assess the situation, choose one, and get moving to make it so. Others are energized by your “can do” attitude and excited to have you on their teams because you move things forward. You jump into new situations with enthusiasm and power. You can be tenacious and if it doesn’t work one way, you will keep going and try another way.

The challenges you may face include jumping into something new without all the information, buy-in or support you need to make it happen. This can cause your results to be inconsistent or others around you to move away from you. You may vacillate on the direction to go and jump around between projects or you may want the perfect outcome and keep pushing after a project is dead. Other frustrations may be overwhelm at all the possible things to do or upset and annoyance with teammates, people you coach or work with who don’t move as fast as you do.

The good news is that you simply have a few tweaks to turn it all around! Your main cure is Activating. Activating is the law of physics that changes the trajectory of another object. Your natural propensity to move is always the answer. Start with moving your body. This will clear your mind enough to get your clear Soul direction. The trick is to slow down enough to ask the right questions of your Trusted Soul Advisor and listen for the answer, then take action on that. It is also important for you to do your actions, then systematize and delegate them. You know you do them best, but to maximize your success and cash flow, learn to put a team around you.

The secondary issue may be physical issues such as injuries or illness that fog your decision making or slow you down. These can be the result of body patterns that do not serve your highest purpose and/or mindset or chakra alignment issues. You may wish to explore body support such as a nutritionist, body or energy worker. In addition, to support your mind, I suggest Mindset Magic which is a combination of EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), Inner Parts Work and Peacock Alignment. You can find a fabulous (and free) 20-minute session on my website, and click on Courses.

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The following Peacock chart may help you identify one of the areas where your business chakra is misaligned or not receiving enough energy. From that chart, you can pinpoint the mindset issues and business chakra that may need some clearing and/0r support.

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Here’s the Peacock chart to help you see where you are at:

See the Resource Guide for Peacock Chakra Balancing Activities (page 29).

Indigo/Violet Peacock

When all your business chakras are aligned, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to get into action. You will also consult your Soul’s Trusted source to make a decision. After time, you analyze your numbers and business plan and make corrections. Money and success flow easily.

Green/Blue Peacock

When your Green/Blue Chakras are misaligned or unbalanced, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to get into action. You may consult clients or friends on what they think to make a decision based on emotions. Your business plan may not be well thought out and not easily articulated. Your creative juices and energies may cause you to jump from one idea to the next without fully developing the last one. Money and success can flow, but it may be inconsistent.

Yellow/Orange Peacock

When your Yellow/Orange Chakras are misaligned or unbalanced, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to get into action, but the lack of alignment creates disruption. This can cause problems for others because you did not consult them, or you didn’t properly assess your client’s needs. When you take action, it may be scattered over too many opportunities to make results happen. Your record keeping and office systems may not be sufficient to support your goals. Money seems like a far-away dream.

Red Peacock

When you have Red Chakra issues in your business, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity will also be to get into action. However, you may be stuck on old patterns, destructive ways of being or an office space that doesn’t work. These challenges sabotage your actions and make them not work. It is critical that you do mindset and balance work before attempting to get into action because, otherwise you will be frustrated with the results.

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Butterfly Archetype

If you most identify with the Butterfly:

It is exhilarating to be a Butterfly! You know people and are connected to all the resources you need. People view you as able to create success because you seem to know everyone and naturally form teams and groups to serve whatever need appears. You live in the world of magic and miracles and often see synchronicities and gifts show up. You have your ear on the pulse of what’s new that’s happening, are connected to your Soul’s Guidance and see the good in all.

The challenges you may face include not seeing and/or believing that the gifts and random good that flows to you are part of what you cause. Also, you may not see the value in your offerings because they come so naturally to you. You may be overly concerned with what others think and be especially adverse to “selling” things to the communities that you have built.

The good news is that you simply have a few tweaks to turn it all around! Your main cure is Accelerating. Acceleration is the law of Physics that is the force behind all things that move. You are naturally that kind of force. Gather a group around you that is your support team. Set it up so you can all share feedback with each other on your highest and best and make some accountability so you get things done. Community is very important to you, so align your business, marketing and sales to your Soul’s guidance so it comes through as an authentic expression of you. Serve people by being what you are, an accelerator. (You are the outside force that makes things go faster!) Also, add a daily practice of reading stories of successful people in your field.

The secondary issue may be self-worth issues or not believing in yourself. These can be managed by some of the above actions. In addition, I suggest Mindset Magic which is a combination of EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), Inner Parts Work and Butterfly Alignment. You can find a fabulous (and free) 20-minute session on my website, and click on Courses.

The following Butterfly chart may help you identify one of the areas where your business chakra is misaligned or not receiving enough energy. From that chart, you can pinpoint the mindset issues and business chakra that may need some clearing and/or support.

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Here is the Butterfly chart to help you see where you are at:

See the Resource Guide for Butterfly Chakra Balancing Activities (page 30).

Indigo/Violet Butterfly

When all your business chakras are aligned, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to consult your Soul’s Trusted Source. After validation, you will also analyze your numbers and business plan, and when it all makes sense, gather a team of people to make it happen and get into action. Money and success flow easily.

Green/Blue Butterfly

When your Green/Blue Chakras are misaligned or unbalanced, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to consult your Soul’s Trusted Source. For big projects, you may validate your answers through emotions to make a decision. You most likely will call a group of like-minded people to test out your idea and get feedback. This bolsters your courage to take more action. Money and success can flow, but it may be inconsistent.

Yellow/Orange Butterfly

When your Yellow/Orange Chakras are misaligned or unbalanced, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity is to consult your Soul’s Trusted Source, however, you may not be able to hear its voice with all your inner chatter. If you do not have a team of support, you may also have a problem moving forward. Your creativity and confidence may need a boost to make something happen. Money seems like a far-away dream.

Red Butterfly

When you have Red Chakra issues in your business, your main way to approach a challenge or opportunity will also be to consult your Soul’s Trusted Source. However, you may be stuck on old patterns, are ill or shut down, and can’t hear your guidance. You may see the possibilities but are unable to take action. It is critical that you do mindset and balance work before attempting to get into action because, otherwise you will be frustrated with the results.

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Quiz: Are you an Angel, Peacock or Butterfly?

When life is working magically, and everything seems to be flowing, we have activated all three part of our natural being. Most people, however, favor one area and tend to retreat there when under stress instead of opening up to all three. Here is the overview of the characteristics of each area:

Inner Angels Peacocks Butterflies

Traits: Inner Outer Collective

Be Do Have

Mind Body Spirit

Truth Action Magic/Miracles

Motivation Making Money Makes you Fly

Focus: Me/Inner Me/Outer Us

Do this for me I got this Let’s do it together

Personality: I’ll figure this out…I’ll think about it

What should I DO first?

I’ll get a team (or committee) together

Meditative, and weigh all the pros and cons

I’ll try this and if that doesn’t work, I’ll try another way

Connected/hear input from Soul

Guidance and others

I'll make a plan that will work

I'll make it happen Law of Attraction will make it so

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Strength: Level Headed and Smart

Lots of Energy and Charisma

You Know and Connect People

Secret Desire: One day I will figure this all out and make


If I do enough of the right things, money

will flow to me

Someone else on my team will have the

magic key to help me make money

Because of that, I:

Take one more class, workshop or webinar

Hear about a co0l marketing method

and jump in

Join groups of people that are amazing:

masterminds, joint venture, etc.

Issues: Lack of structure can sabotage your plans

Not sure you are doing the right


You don’t quite get everything done

Overwhelmed with the amount of things that seemingly need to get


Illness or injuries at critical times in your


Self worth can be low, everyone else has cooler things

than me, or “it’s all been done before”

Don’t make enough money

Make money, but it is inconsistent

Hit or miss on money making, either make

lots or very little

Shutdown Burnout Upset and/or feel alone or


Overly concerned about the small details

and how they work together

Overly concerned about the perfect


Overly concerned about what others


Inner Angels Peacocks Butterflies

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Confused why all the things you learned

aren’t working for you

Overwhelmed by all the things that could

be done

Don’t know why you can’t make it work

like the big marketers you meet

Will delay decision making to get it all

aligned and make the numbers or system

make sense.

Frustrated when others are not as

quick to take action and can’t make a


Will make decisions based on what others

say (or spiritual guidance says)

without vetting or validating it

Your Natural Force:

Attracting Activating Accelerating

Cures: Do your tasks with great love and/or great


Do the tasks that activate/then

systematize and delegate

Create collaborations that have steady

pressure on moving forward

Creative tasks to open up the mind

Physical tasks to align your energetic


Team tasks to create synergy

Plan a spa or beach vacation to rest your


Plan an active vacation to burn off


Plan a group vacation with friend or family

Start a “love” file where you keep messages, pictures and notes

about the impact you make in the world

Start a trusted advisor group of

several people who will give you

feedback on your work/marketing

Start a support team and meet at least

monthly to encourage each


Create structures and stick to them

Create a plan and stick to it

Get in action every day on money

making activities and stick to it

Inner Angels Peacocks Butterflies

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Now, Let’s Dive Deeper:

To find your most Natural way of being, go through the above chart and highlight or circle the one of the three on each line that most resonates with you. Don’t think too much, let the first one you are attracted to be your guide. Total each column and fill in your totals on this page. At the end, in the space below, write which one has the largest number.

Your approach is unique and supports you in living your best life. There is no right or wrong archetype and each brings its own gifts and challenges.

Please note: this can change at different times in your life, for different projects, or with specific people. It is helpful to know how you are approaching a project or opportunity so you can best manage your energy, spiritual connection and take the best actions. You may wish to do this at the beginning of every project or process to maximize your outcomes.


I am a:________

Total for Each


Inner Angels Peacocks Butterflies

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Business Chakra Balancing & Alignment

The chart on page 20 gives an overview of the business areas that are governed by each Chakra. Chakras are energy centers in your body and because YOU are running your business, these energy centers in your body affect your business. This is because your patterns of BEing, emotions and beliefs live in all parts of your body and impact the outcomes of your business. By supporting and balancing the energy systems of the Chakras in each of these areas, you actually support and balance your business (and you may see other things like relationships, your physical health and spiritual life shift in a positive way too!)

By looking over the chart, you can determine, in general, if you are experiencing a pattern of BEing that has you in a stuck pattern and is causing you a challenge in your business. Look over the chart and see if you can identify the area that is causing you a challenge. For instance, if you are having trouble with money, you make some and then something always comes up to spend whatever came in, you may be experiencing a pattern of BEing that is showing up in the energy of Chakra 2.

Next, go to the individual Business Chakras (pages 21-27) that may need balancing, are shut down or need a pattern reset. Read the “Balanced” and “Needs Balancing” sections of each Chakra to identify where you are at and to discover where you may need a reset, clearing or more energy. In the case of the money issue, look at Chakra 2, see that this is the area that is a challenge by reading the overview.

Then find your main style of being: Angel, Peacock and Butterfly to find the exercise that can support your success. Do the exercises designed to support, open up and reset that business chakra. OR do all the exercises for all types to make things happen faster! As you read each of the suggested exercises, see which ones light you up and make you feel expanded. That is a good place to start. In our example, you may choose to do a creative activity. Keep doing that exercise until you feel a shift in your money flow.

If you do not know which area needs balancing, or you want a tune-up or to take your business to the next level, you can go straight to the Resource Guide (Pages 28-30) following each of the individual chakras. This gives all the resources for Angel, Peacock and Butterfly. You can do all the exercises in your main area to make certain all your chakras stay energized and open.

To super-charge and personalize your alignment, create your own exercises by asking your Trusted Source (Soul Guidance) for the best way to proceed for each Chakra.

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Business Areas Governed by Each Chakra, Color & Realm 7th Chakra, Crown Chakra

Intuitive Connection, Business Plan, Vision, Divine Guidance

6th Chakra, 3rd Eye (Between the Eyebrows)

Soul Connection, Wisdom to Make Good Decisions,

Business Evaluation

5th Chakra, Throat

Communication, Speaking Your Truth, Sales,

Delivering What You Say You Will

4th Chakra, Heart

Courage, Feelings and Emotions, Marketing, Connection,


3rd Chakra, Solar Plexus (Behind Belly Button)

Ability to Take Action, Self Esteem, Self Confidence & Discipline

Ambition, Networking

2nd Chakra, Sacral

Creativity & Power, Ideas, Money Management & Magnetism

Attracting Partnerships

1st Chakra, Base/Root

Basic Beliefs and Fears, Physical Office, Your

Main Purpose in the World�

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1st Chakra, Base/Root Basic Beliefs and Fears, Physical Office,

Your Main Purpose in the World

Balanced: You have money, time, support and energy.

Needs Balancing: Not enough time, money, support and energy. Physical space

is cluttered or not workable. Electronics don’t work. Other priorities always seem to take your time.

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Use Mindset Magic*, EFT or Meditation to Balance your Money Beliefs with

the Outcomes you Desire.

Also, Look at your Beliefs Around Asking for and

Receiving Support.


Implement a Time Management System to

schedule your time blocks to align with your highest

and best priorities. (Try the Daily Miracles* Program).

Declutter your Office.


Hire or Barter for Office Support/Housekeeping


Join a group Mastermind. Try the Miracles Inner

Circle Group*.

*Mindset Magic, Daily Miracles & Inner Circle are all available at Check out the last page for resources for these programs (Some are free)!

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2nd Chakra, Sacral Creativity and Power, Ideas,

Money Management & Magnetism and Attracting Partnerships

Balanced: You are creative and on, living your BIG self. You attract partnerships and inspire confidence. Your

money management and tracking supports your goals. Money seems to flow to you effortlessly when you deliver your gifts.

Needs Balancing: You lack the zest in life; you have no idea how to move forward. You invest in advertising and website upgrades but get zero response. Your bookkeeping is confusing or not done. Money may come in,

buy it goes right out.

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Connect regularly to your Spiritual Guidance or

Trusted Source.

Do something creative: Paint, zen garden, play or anything that opens you

up and raises your vibration.


Speak in front of people (group or one-on-one) about what you are

creating and why.

Create or hire a bookkeeping system that works for you.

Create a daily practice of visualizing money flowing to you.


Speak with possible business partners (Do the

5/1 challenge: reach out to 5 a day, talk with 1 a day).

Create a collaborative event or support structure.

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3rd Chakra, Solar Plexus Ability to Take Action,

Self Confidence & Self Discipline, Ambition, Networking

Balanced: You are organized, happy and empowered. You are confident

and take massive action on the activities of your business that make a big impact.

Needs Balancing: Things are rushed. You miss deadlines or are late. You feel scared, unsure or overwhelmed by your business. You can

never take time off.

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Read stories of people who have succeeded in your


State daily affirmations of your success and visualize

and feel their outcome.


Plan an “action” day where you work on one project to

get it complete.

Start a 90 day action challenge on the activity that causes sales in your business.


Get an accountability partner.

Plan a vacation with a friend that combines

business and fun.

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4th Chakra, Heart Courage, Feelings & Emotions Around

Your Business, Marketing and Connection; Your Reputation

Balanced: Your marketing materials touch other’s hearts and they buy from you. You give from your talents and receive what you are worth in

return. People think well of you.

Needs Balancing: People click on your website, but don’t buy. You only make small sales or misaligned people show up. You feel bad charging people for your time/product. You feel bad about what others have said.

There are negative reviews online about you and/or your product.

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Do heart-opening exercises (try “turtle breathing”).

Affirm you are safe and visualize your perfect clients

being attracted to you.


Speak your heartfelt offer to your best client and have it


Ask seven people to invest in your product in one day.


Have other people state what they love about you.

Get testimonials.

Ask for referrals.

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5th Chakra, Throat Communication, Speaking Your Truth, Sales, Delivering What You Say You Will

Balanced: You have an irresistible offer that people love and buy. Clients

resonate with you and your message. You deliver more than what you say you will. When you speak, they listen and act.

Needs Balancing: People just don’t get what you are talking about. They love you, but don’t buy. You feel “yucky” asking people to invest in your product/


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Ask your Trusted Source for your Authentic Marketing methods. (Grab my marketing list-it’s in the Inner Circle* Facebook group-and see which ones resonate.)

Generate gratitude before going into your sales process with a client.


Go back to 10 people who said no (or find 10 new) this week and

then ask them if they will help you by telling you why they said no.

Do a Facebook live video for seven days in a row on something you

are passionate about.


Find someone whose marketing and sales process works for you

and ask if you can buy them lunch and learn about it OR

Partner with them on a program and let them close the sale.

Hire a sales coach who specializes in authentic sales.

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6th Chakra, Third Eye Soul Connection, Wisdom to make Good Decisions,

Evaluating Your Business

Balanced: You clearly know what you have to offer; you have ideas that

enhance your customer experience. You know that you are on the planet to deliver this product. You wake up each day excited to get

to work.

Needs Balancing: You are bogged down in the day-to-day running of the business; you often wonder why you keep doing this. You have a hard time

making a real analysis of your business. You aren’t sure where you business will be in the future.

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Inner Increase your Soul

Connection support: prayer, meditation, regular meeting


Give your own product/service to yourself. Set a time

to experience your own benefit that you deliver to the


Outer Notice the place in your body that experiences the feeling of being stuck or overwhelmed. Lovingly

support that body part with movement, massage, food that

uplifts and serves it.

Analyze your “systems” and see where your business requires too

much of you and update that process.

Collaborative Hire/barter an outside look

at your business: Financial/Marketing/Soul


Create a “Visioning” gathering and invite other

business owners to create a vision board with you.

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7th Chakra, Crown Intuitive Source, Your Business Plan,

Vision and Divine Guidance.

Balanced: Completely purposeful and purpose-driven business. Every day

you get clear direction from your soul guidance what path to take. Your business is profitable and joyful. Miracles and serendipities

happen often.

Needs Balancing: The actions you take are out of alignment with the true purpose of your business. You are distracted by lots of ideas. There is always

too much to do. You may wonder where your Soul Guides are.

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Do the Soul Advisor Guidance System*

Validation experiment to strengthen your belief in your guidance, purpose

and actions.

Create Vision Statements; review and “feel” their

outcome 2-3 times a day.


For 2 weeks add “Soul” food to your diet. Ask your Soul Guides

what they want and feed it to them in a loving and supportive way.

Fill out a Soul Business Plan* form, simplifying to one year, then

break that down by months to make certain you are only taking

action on the things that will cause your desired outcome.


The day before you meet with people that you want

to connect with or who you want to purchase your

product, meditate to have a "Soul" conversation with them, sending them love and asking them to fulfill

your request.

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Resource Guide

Angel (Inner, Mindset, Who you “Be”) 1st Chakra: Use Mindset Magic* or other energy or mindset system to Balance your Money Beliefs with the Outcomes you Desire. Also, Look at your Beliefs Around Asking for and Receiving Support in your business; align to the highest vibration for receiving money and support.

2nd Chakra: Connect regularly to your Spiritual core or Trusted Source. Do something creative: Paint, zen garden, play or anything that opens you up and raises your vibration.

3rd Chakra: Read stories of people who have succeeded in your field. State daily affirmations of your success and visualize and feel their outcome

4th Chakra: Do heart-opening exercises (try “turtle breathing**”). Affirm you are safe and visualize your perfect clients being attracted to you.

5th Chakra: Ask your Trusted Source for your Authentic Marketing methods. (Grab my marketing list-it’s in the Inner Circle Facebook group-and see which ones resonate.) Generate gratitude before going into your sales process with a client.

6th Chakra: Increase your Soul Connection support: prayer, meditation, regular meeting time.Give your own product/service to yourself. Set a time to experience your own benefit that you deliver to the world.

7th Chakra: Do the Soul Advisor Guidance System*** Validation experiment to strengthen your belief in your guidance, purpose and actions. Create Vision Statements; review and “feel” their outcome 2-3 times a day. Create Vision Statements and review and “feel” their outcome 2-3 time a day.

*Mindset Magic You can find a fabulous (and free) 20-minute session on my website, and click on Courses. **Turtle Breathing. Start with your chin on your chest, breath in and raise your eyes & chin to the ceiling, breath out and chin back down. Seven breaths. ***Soul Advisor Guidance System. You can take the Course, or to receive just the experiment for free, join the Facebook group (see the last page) and find the experiment in the “files” section.

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Peacock (Outer, Action, Body, Make it Happen) 1st Chakra: Implement a Time Management System to schedule your time blocks to align with your highest and best priorities. (Try the Daily Miracles* Program). Declutter your Office.

2nd Chakra: Speak in front of people (group or one-on-one) about what you are creating and why. Create or hire a bookkeeping system that works for you.

3rd Chakra: Plan an “action” day where you work on one project to get it complete. Start a 90 day action challenge on the activity that causes sales in your business.

4th Chakra: Speak your heartfelt offer to your best client and have it transcribed. Ask seven people to invest in your product in one day.

5th Chakra: Go back to 10 people who said no (or find 10 new) this week and then ask them if they will help you by telling you why they said no. Do a periscope, blab or Facebook live video for seven days in a row on something you are passionate about.

6th Chakra: Notice the place in your body that experiences the feeling of being stuck or overwhelmed. Lovingly support that body part with movement, massage, food that uplifts and serves it. Analyze your “systems” and see where your business requires too much of you and update that process.

7th Chakra: For 2 weeks add “Soul” food to your diet. Ask your Soul Guides what they want and feed it to them in a loving and supportive way. Fill out a Soul Business Plan** form, simplifying to one year, then break that down by months to make certain you are only taking action on the things that will cause your desired outcome.

*Daily Miracles Program. Find this program at under courses. **Soul Business Plan. This is from of the Money Miracles Bootcamp. To receive the Soul Business Plan for free, join the Miracles Mastery Facebook group (see the last page) and find the plan worksheet in the “files” section.

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Butterfly (Collaborative, Spirit, Miracles) 1st Chakra: Hire or Barter for Office Support/Housekeeping Support. Join a group Mastermind. Try the Miracles Inner Circle Group*.

2nd Chakra: Speak with possible business partners (Do the 5/1 challenge: reach out to 5 a day, talk with 1 a day). Create a collaborative event or support structure.

3rd Chakra: Get an accountability partner. Plan a vacation with a friend that combines business and fun.

4th Chakra: Have other people state what they love about you. Get testimonials. Ask for referrals.

5th Chakra: Find someone whose marketing and sales process works for you and ask if you can buy them lunch and learn about it OR Partner with them on a program and let them close the sale. Hire a sales coach who specializes in authentic sales.

6th Chakra: Hire/barter an outside look at your business. Financial/Marketing/Soul Connection. Create a “Visioning” gathering and invite other business owners to create a vision board** with you.

7th Chakra: The day before you meet with people that you want to connect with or who you want to purchase your product, meditate to have a "Soul" conversation with them, sending them love and asking them to fulfill your request.

*Join the Miracles Inner Circle Group. Get more information at under “courses”. Everyone who purchases a Game gets 45 Days for free! **Vision Board. A fun way to create a vision board without cutting up magazines and getting out the glue stick, go to and click on “send a free card”. This will allow you to create a 5 x 7 greeting card with your own images, or choose from the templates and elements and create a vision board with pictures and/or affirmations of your future success. The card will be mailed to you!

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Action Guide Now it’s time to get into action. Filling out the information below will help

make this program work for you.

My Main Archetype is:

The Biggest Challenge Right Now in My Business is:

This Issue Aligns with the Chakra.

Possible Actions to Resolve Issues, Dissolve Challenges and Accelerate Success:

Guidance That Has Shown Up as a Result of This Work:

Other Actions, Support Structures and People That Align With Me and My Business:

What Structure Will I Put in Place:

When Will I Take These Actions?

Who Will Support Me?

Print this Page and Post it Where it Will Remind & Support You!

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How can I help you? I would love to support you in growing your business and success.

There are some great ways we can work together.

Facebook Miracles Mastery Group (Free!)


Game: Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies: 100 Days of Miracles go to & be part of the Fun!

Cool courses, support & events at

Daily Miracles

Miracles Inner Circle Group

Soul Advisor Guidance System

Mindset Magic (FREE!)

Game Facilitator Training: Use the game in your Coaching Business Create Your OWN Branded Game for your business: Explore the possibilities of creating a game from your work for you and your clients. Miracle Mastery Coaching: get 1-2-1 support, retreats, mindset support and FUN! Email me for more information & to set an appt. to chat (to make sure these are a match for you!) at: [email protected]

Let’s have some fun and make the world a better place together!

Your Co-Creator Friend, Jean Berry

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