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Angels Path to Soul Training with Rev. Kimberly Marooney, Ph.D.

Class 2 The Manifesting Angels

©Kimberly Marooney 2008

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The Manifesting Angels

Welcome to Class 2 of the Angels Path to Soul Training. This week, you will meet the angels who help you create, manifest and receive money, work, love, health, anything you desire. You'll learn to use divination to reveal how The Law of Attraction is operating in your life. Your angels will help you gain awareness about what you are broadcasting through your thoughts, emotions, desires and soul so you can consciously direct The Law of Attraction rather than feel victimized by it. To help you really get everything you are receiving, a Manifestation Journal will help you to recognize how loved and supported you are as your desires are manifest in your life. Learn and practice two new Angel Readings: ♥ "Ask a Question" and receive information about your current situation, your challenge and

the gift being offered by your angels ♥ "Attunement Sacrament" to reveal what you are broadcasting through your Mind, Body

and Soul This class teaches you to receive responses from your angels through: ♥ Channeling Angels ♥ Invoking Infusions of Angel Energy ♥ Music and Prayer

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♥ Non-dominant Handwriting

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Message from the Angels to You June 1, 2008 ............................................................... 4 Jophiel’s Manifestation Process..................................................................................... 6 Manifestation Your Project of Desire ............................................................................ 8 The Attunement Sacrament........................................................................................... 9 Ask a Question ........................................................................................................... 12 Non-Dominant Handwriting....................................................................................... 14 Zadkiel Angel of Prayer .............................................................................................. 18 Israfel, Angel of Music ................................................................................................ 20

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Class 2 Instructions ..................................................................................................... 22

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Message from the Angels to You June 1, 2008

We are here. We are with you Always. Relax and listen. We ask you to relax because our messages stir up fears. The fear that we won’t speak to you. The fear that what you hear is false. The fear that what you hear is merely wishful thinking. Relax. Breathe. Trust. Relaxing and breathing are components of trust. It is difficult to trust when you are in fear and cringing. Trust is expansive energy. Manifestation is an expansive energy. Fear is constricting. Guilt is constricting. So breathe - and relax. Open your body, heart, mind and soul to your deepest desires. Trust that you soul is guiding you. Trust that we are guiding you. Now – what do you truly want? What is your deepest desire? Not what you think may be possible. Your deepest desire. Yes. Relax. Breathe – Open – Let your deepest desire immerge from the secret depths of your soul. Let it unfurl from the tight little ball of darkness. Breathe it open full and wide in the Glory of Divine Light. Bring it into your heart – wide open, brilliant! Claim it.

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Invite your deepest desire to fill every cell of your body.

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Allow it to expand and satisfy your heart. Relax. Breathe. Sink deep within to the Temple of your Soul. Bask in the Glory and Magnificence of The Presence. The Presence of Divine Love. The Presence of Eternal Peace. Can you feel it? Love and peace are all around you and within you. Believe. Trust. Relax and allow the Presence of Divine Love and Eternal Peace to infuse you. Allow your Self to be immersed in the Glory and Magnificence of your true being. Drink it in deeply. From this place, Ask and you shall Receive. Pray Believing – because it is already real and true for you. Ask for your deepest desire to become manifest in your life. And so it is. In this Temple of Soul – see it, feel it, taste it – Imagine your deepest desire fully manifest in your life in every detail. Receive. Receive. Fully receive the benediction of your deepest desire manifest in life. As you experience your desire manifesting, allow a deep healing to release fear, old pain, old stories, old behaviors – They simply dissolve and disappear in The Presence of Divine Love, Eternal Peace, and the manifestation of your deepest desire. Ask and you shall Receive. Pray Believing. And so it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Gratitude fills your heart, expanding out into all parts of life, giving that which you are receiving. Give generously. Give lovingly. Give deeply. And so it is.

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Jophiel’s Manifestation Process It is God’s intent that your desires be fulfilled. The creative center of your heart holds the power to transform your thoughts and feelings into manifested form. This process happens automatically, often resulting in unintentional creations that aren’t what you really want. Seize control of your creations! Empty out your emotional baggage and change the focus of your mind from the ordinary to the Eternal.

Manifesting your true desires unites you with your Eternal Self and God. Each success builds momentum and further understanding. The more persistent and intense your longings are, the greater your ability to manifest. The following exercise will help empower your vision with purity and desire.

Right desire, when focused with mental clarity is the key! Never give up on the yearnings of your heart. If you have Angel Blessings Cards, find the cards for Jophiel, Paschar, Jamaerah and Fortunata and read their sections as you feel guided.

Step One: Select a definite project or desire to be fulfilled. This can be a thing or an experience. Is it constructive, worthy of your time, and will it bring you closer to God? It must not involve manipulation or be at the expense of another. In the beginning, it helps if your desire is simple and has a tangible result so you will know when it has manifested.

Step Two: State your project clearly and in precise detail. Write it down, making a physical record of your desire. If you enjoy ceremony, this is a good time to declare your intention to your Eternal Self and God in a personal and private way. This could be as simple as playing appropriate music, lighting a candle and reading your plan or desire with feeling and love.

Step Three: Close your eyes and see a picture of your desire or project in its finished, perfect form. Include as much detail as possible: how it would look, sound, smell, taste and feel. See the surrounding circumstances and results. Then pour your feelings of desire into this picture. This should make you feel more alive, energetic and enthusiastic. Concentrate on your desire each morning upon awakening. Select an angel from Angel Blessings or Angel Love Cards, read the message, and place the card where you can observe it as often as possible. Keep your consciousness charged and focused on the creation. Strive to do an especially clear visualization just before sleeping to activate the power of your

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subconscious mind. Be careful when you discuss your vision. Will you open the door to judgments, weakening the energy force you are building? Or will you attract the right people to help you? Listen to your heart and use discretion. Be open to the creative flow that follows your vision. Your awareness and sensitivity will be your guide. You may need to do nothing but wait. People and resources may appear to assist you, so be alert and accept their help! Or, you may need to actively work at your creation by doing research, further refining your vision, getting appropriate permits, funding, training, licenses or documentation. Be willing to change, and be flexible! If you stay attuned to your truth, and let go as needed, you will stay connected to your Eternal Self and God in holding your vision.

Step Four: When your manifestation is complete, celebrate! Give thanks for your achievement! Thoroughly enjoy your creation. Then see what is next. God intended for our lives to be an ever-expanding experience of love and fulfillment. As an example of manifestation, (step one) identify a judgment or unwanted behavior, and (step two) reflect back to see how it has affected your life. Notice what form it has taken this time. Be willing to feel what it has done to you and express your rage, fear, shame, jealousy, worthlessness, or hopelessness. Call on God (step three) to be with you in this feeling and transform it into divine love, power and courage. Celebrate your freedom (step four) from bondage and give thanks! Having courage to dive deeply into feelings, inviting God in with you, will heal and free you from suffering. -- Excerpt from Angel Blessings Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration

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Manifest Your Project or Desire Step One: What do you want to manifest?

Step Two: State your project or desire clearly and in precise detail:

Step Three: Call on your angels and God to guide you. Close your eyes and envision your desire or project in its finished, perfect form. Include as much detail as possible. How would it look, sound, smell, taste and feel? What are the surrounding circumstances and results?

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Step Four: When your Manifestation is complete and each step along the way, celebrate!

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The Attunement Sacrament

A sacrament is an outward expression of an inner spiritual desire that seeks unification with the Eternal Spirit. Sacraments which celebrate marriage, birth, death, communion and baptism are familiar ways of sanctifying vital events in our lives. When the attitude is focused and the heart is open to receive, all attending are joined in the spirit of community and devotion. Use this Sacrament of Attunement to unify with yourself with Eternal Spirit. Your angels are waiting to help you initiate deep growth and transformation through this unification. The power of the response is up to you. The Sacrament of Attunement teaches how to align your body, mind and soul with the angels. In most of us, there is a lack of harmony from not doing in everyday life what our Eternal Self, or soul would have us do. When each part has a different agenda, it is difficult to feel focused and clear. For example, if your job does not bring you closer to God and, in fact, you hate it, your body may become ill as a signal to change. Obstacles confront you, issues can be confusing, and sabotage lurks around every corner. When the body, mind and Eternal Self are in attunement, things fall into place easily, and your will is aligned with the Divine Plan. Concentrate on unity with Spirit as you shuffle the cards. When you are centered, draw three cards and lay them face down as shown. Consider the questions for the body as you turn over the first card and read the section on that angel. Then do the same for the mind and the soul as you turn over cards two and three respectively.

1 2 3

1. Body. What is happening with your body? Are you healthy or sickly? Is your body

comfortable or in pain? Do you have enough energy or tire easily? Feel balanced or stressed? Does you body feel sensual, pleasurable and orgasmic? Do you eat well, sleep enough, exercise? Weigh too much or too little? Secretly hate being trapped in a body? What message does this angel have for you?

2. Mind. Is your mind supportive of your highest good or destructive? Monitor your self-talk. For several days, write down what you mind tells you about yourself and life. Self-talk is based on what your parents told you as a child and on decisions you’ve made about life. If negative, begin to reprogram your mind chatter with positive scripts. The only way to bring lasting change is to uproot the cause of the negative script through deep release. Clearing out old programming enables your mind to become supportive

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and steady. What clues does this angel give in freeing your mind to become your best friend?

3. Soul. When you pray or meditate, what are your deepest desires? What do you long for? What does that still, small voice within say? How does this angel relate to that?

This is your team of angels for the day. Look for the gifts as well as the challenges that may be presenting an opportunity to heal. Write down guidance from the angels and make a plan for implementation. Open your heart to feel them bath you in loving energy.

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The Attunement Sacrament Your Question or Focus:


1 2 3 Body Mind Soul

Angel Angel Angel

1. Body Angel and Realizations:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Mind Angel and Realizations:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Soul Angel and Realizations:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion:


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Ask a Question Ask a Question when you need specific insight into issues you are presented with or when you are facing a decision. Your question should be as precise as possible. While you are thinking and feeling what this question means to you, shuffle the deck. When the cards feel ready, select three from the top, or any three that feel right, and lay them face down in a row. One at a time, turn them over and find the meanings.

1 2 3

1. Current Reality. The first angel will help you see what force is involved in this issue

or question right now. 2. The Challenge/Opportunity. The second angel will help you identify and

understand the challenge or opportunity this issue is presenting. Be willing to look beneath the surface to the deeper feelings involved. At times this requires admitting certain repressed feelings because you have judged them to be wrong, undesirable, or fearful. What are you afraid to expose and why?

3. The Gift. The third angel brings a gift to help you understand and work through the

challenge, or respond well to a new opportunity. Open your heart to receive the insight, creative solutions and blessings this angel has to offer.

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Ask a Question Sacrament Your Question or Focus:


1 2 3 Current Reality

Challenge/ Opportunity

The Gift

Angel Angel Angel

1. Current Reality Angel and Realizations:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The Challenge/Opportunity Angel and Realizations:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The Gift Angel and Realizations:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion:


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Non-Dominant Handwriting This means that you write with your non-dominant hand. If you are right handed, you write with your left hand. If you are left handed, you write with your right hand. Write what you might ask? As we learn to develop our relationship and connection with soul, the angels and God, we can use this technique to bypass habits. Writing with your non-dominant hand is outside the patterns or habits your have established. This creates an opening for something new to happen. You have to relax and let go to get your other hand to write, moving out of your mind. Try it. After you have selected your focus and your angel, ask a question. Then write the response you feel with your non-dominant hand. Or if you are having difficulty getting to the deepest desires of your soul, use this technique

to write about what you really want.

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Angel Manifestation Journal The Manifestation Journal is very important. Without it, you will not notice what you have received – what you have manifested. With it, your heart will experience exquisite appreciation. You will be encouraged. The angels of Encouragement and Appreciation are your guides on this journey into the heart of manifestation in the Temple of Soul. Trust. Ask and you shall Receive. We ask that you form an intimate bond with your Manifestation Journal because so much will happen so quickly that if you wait until night to write it down, you will have forgotten! The purpose of this Manifestation Journal is to provide the full experience of Receiving. You don’t take the time to receive. You hardly notice what comes to you and seldom give yourself the gift of experiencing pleasure! We invite you to break this pattern and learn how to receive the force and energy that is coming with manifestation in deepest appreciation. This will encourage you to try more, risk more, ask for more, reach higher – reach beyond what you think is possible to the deepest desires of your soul! Ask and you shall receive! The Manifestation Journal has 2 pages. One page is your desire and angel guide for the day. Give yourself the gift of Asking and Receiving each day! The second page you fold up and carry with you every minute of the day. Make it simple. Pen and paper. Each time you receive, write it down. Just a quick note. For some, it may be easier to carry a small voice recorder and speak what you receive onto a recording. Then at the end of the day – go back to the other page for your meditation. Take 10 minutes to review the list of what you received. Play music to help your heart, mind and body open to appreciation. Experience deep soul appreciation for your desire and for the support you are receiving. Recognize the miracles and magnificence that are coming to you. Write about your experiences, realizations and results. Be grateful. Thank your angels. Thank God. Thank your Soul. Thank the people in your life.

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Thank you.

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Daily Angel Manifestation Journal

Date: ____________________________ Your Focus for the day – what do you want to manifest? Angel - How does it apply to your Focus? Meditation – Realizations or information received: Bedtime: What did you receive, manifest, experience related to what you asked for and your angel? Realizations: What realizations, experiences, feelings, knowing did you receive regarding your focus? Prayer: Based on your experiences and realizations from the day, write a prayer to continue your spiritual movement while you sleep. Repeat the prayer until you fall asleep.

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Notes for tomorrow:

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Daily Angel Manifestation Journal

Carry this page with you Date: ____________________________

First thing in the morning: What dreams, insight, inspiration, information did you receive during the night or when you first woke up that answers the prayer you feel asleep in?

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Manifestations: What realizations, experiences, feelings, knowing, synergy, gifts, people, resources did you receive?

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Excerpt from

Angel Blessings Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration by Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney

Zadkiel Angel of Prayer

Oh, then, soul most beautiful among all the creatures, So anxious to know the dwelling place of your Beloved

That you may go in quest of Him and be united with Him, Now we are telling you that you yourself are his dwelling…

His secret chamber and hiding place. -- Saint John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle

adkiel guards the powers of invocation. The best known and most powerful form of invocation is prayer. True prayer is the deep call from your heart, focused with awareness of the mind, and intensified by the power of desire. It is not to be uttered

quickly as when in desperation. Instead, learn the art of prayer through simple conversation with God. Brother Lawrence gave us his example: “We must try to converse with God in little ways while we do our work; not in memorized prayer, not trying to recite previously formed thoughts. Rather we should purely and simply reveal our hearts as the words come to us.” Gradually, by attempting to include God in every aspect of life, you replace old thought patterns of judgment, criticism and despair with Ascension Attitudes of Love, Surrender and Gratitude. When you wish to pray for help, be clear, definite and positive in your desire. Enter into deep meditation, calling for the presence of God and your Eternal Self. When you feel anchored in truth and love, envision the highest good and the prefect will of God. Being united with God or your Eternal Self, combined with the burning desire for help, instantly attracts whatever quality is most needed.

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There is no such thing as time or space in the realm of prayer. Feeling that a friend is far away or believing that Spirit is not within you creates a false concept of separation and weakens the power of your effort. Doubt and fear also divert from your good intentions and can cancel the response to your call. Faith will intervene on your behalf as you learn to clear your mind and feelings of false concepts and negative thought patterns. The second part of prayer is to open your heart and mind in thanksgiving to receive the presence of the Eternal. If you do not see results, do not think your prayer has gone unanswered. Many times you simply do not recognize the answer or your doubts prevent you from witnessing the response. Ask to understand any beliefs that block your awareness, and to feel worthy so that you may receive your magnificence. In the meantime, pray without ceasing and have faith in the power of prayer. Music Suggestions: Madonna, “Like a Prayer” Rob Whitesides-Woo, Miracles

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Excerpt from

Angel Blessings Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration by Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney

Israfel, Angel of Music

None sing so wildly well as the Angel Israfel. And the giddy stars (so legends tell)

Ceasing their hymns, attend the spell of his voice, all mute. -- Edgar Allen Poe, Israfel

hough all angels sing mighty praises to God, there is a special order consecrated to bringing us the music of the Spheres. Israfel and his legions embody the creative word of God. Angels speak from the mind and sing from the heart, not as we do

through vocal chords. Their singing is like humming or chanting as they express tones without words. Think back to a time in your life when you heard music that was so powerful and beautiful you were carried away in ecstasy. The angels were there, touching the strings of your heart and spontaneously opening a channel to experience the irresistible force of their expression. Earth music is a weak reflection by comparison. These choirs are always on the lookout for open hearts and ears so that through them our world may be brought into tune. Spirit melodies are far more than material sound waves and carry pulsations of communication that all beings understand. Each of us takes part in the mighty orchestra of the universe, through which the angels send inspiration, purification, instruction, faith and love to our yearning souls. In moments of stress, heroism

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or illumination, the Eternal Self inwardly aligns with the particular anthem it requires for courage, balance or serenity. Pray to be enraptured in this sublime spirit energy. Music is a vibration. It is said that the angels closest to God sing “holy, holy, holy.” Far more than praising God’s greatness, they are gathering waves emanating from God and sending them into space. From their song, worlds are formed. This song of creation is condensed several times, making its way through the angelic hierarchy to be transformed into the archetypes and finally into our physical matter as light, sound, gravity and radio waves. The old Askenasi pronunciation of the Hebrew world of “holy” is Kadoosh. If you repeat this slowly and softly, it sounds like the surf. A gigantic energy field from the angels reaches Earth in waves, just as the ocean pounds the beach. Carried upon these waves is the sacred name of God, the miracle of love available to all. Music is a powerful tool for transformation from the little self to the Eternal Self. Search for music that increases your ability to vibrate and feel. When music makes your body want to dance, you are opening to receive more Light. When music touches your heart, you are opening to receive love. When music unleashes your sensuality and passion, you are becoming more alive. When music helps you express anger and rage, you are opening to make room for the transformation that will ultimately take you Home! When music breaks free the sadness in your heart, you feel an overpowering longing. This vibration is your direct connection with the energy of God, the angels and your Eternal Self. Go beyond your concept of celestial music and seek the heartbeat of God in the rhythm of traffic or machinery. Heavy metal music, drumming and rock and roll also contain the energy and wisdom of the ages, finding ears that might not hear another way. Hear the music of the spheres, become aware of your judgments and how often you stop yourself or close down. Listen for the voice of God where you least expect it, and remember that you are united with the angels and all of creation as an instrument of the Eternal. Join with the angelic host to sing praises in your own special way. Music suggestion: Aeoliah, Angel Love

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Class 2 Instructions Download the recordings and gifts for Class 1 if you haven’t already Print the Class 2 Notes

♥ Put the Class 2 Notes behind the second tab of binder and label it “Class 2”

♥ Download the audio files for Class 2 Ma

escribe your project or desire Pra

and what you need as the

er Pra

using your deepest desires and what you need as the

ng for a friend or family member Non

Manife ournal

♥ take 5 minutes think about what you need help with and find

ice the angel assistance that is coming to you and take action on it. nce. The angels are economical and

eceive with gratitude. Que

♥ questions. I will answer them personally by email or in

♥ Email: [email protected]

nifest Your Project or Desire

♥ What do you want to manifest? Page 8, dctice the “Ask a Question” angel reading:

♥ Print out extra copies of this reading and use it

♥ Do readings for yourself using your deepest desires focus

♥ Do an angel reading for a friend or family membctice the “Attunement Sacrament”:

♥ Print out extra copies of this reading and use it

♥ Do readings for yourselffocus

♥ Do an angel readi-Dominant Handwriting

♥ Experiment with it and see how it helps you. station J

♥ Make 7 copies and use it every day.

In the morning, your Focus or question. Ask the angels and make some notes on what you receive.

Carry the fold-up page with you and write down everything you receive, or use a recorder. voice

♥ At night before bed, review your day and make some notes about what happened. It is vital to notThis stimulates the flow of more angel assistagive to those who actively r


I am happy to receive yourthe next class.

Class 2 Angels Path to Soul 22

Share your experiences with me

♥ I want to know how you are benefiting from this program. Share your realizations and experiences with me!

♥ Email: [email protected]
