Page 1: Animal and plant adaptions

Animal and plant adaptions

By Jillian Nava Street

Page 2: Animal and plant adaptions


• slide 1: the possum

• slide 2: the introduction to the animal the possum and the specific one I will be talking about

• slide 3: how the animal adapts to their surroundings and survives

• slide 4: the cactus plant

• slide 5: introduction to the cactus plant and how it survives it surroundings and adapts

• slide 6: thank you for watching

Page 3: Animal and plant adaptions

The animal the pygmy

possum(the animal the pygmy possum)

Page 4: Animal and plant adaptions

The pygmy possum

introductionThe pygmy possum lives in a cold

habitat up in the mountains and are currently an endangered species of

animals. Due to the hot weather, the melting snow and the killing of its food. As you know possums are nocturnal animals and usually hunt at night so the best snack, and the snack that they prefer is the moth.

A simple moth is all they like.

Page 5: Animal and plant adaptions

The pygmy possum. How

does it adapt to it’s surroundings?

The pygmy possum as I said lives is a rocky habitat and are currently endangered because of the: lack of snow, the over

heating weather and the pesticides that are killing it’s food. the moth. The reason

why the pygmy possum needs snow is because the snow acts like a thick blanket so when is comes to hibernating when the pygmy possum decides that it is too cold

then it eats all it can then buries it self under the snow because the snow traps all the warm air inside to keep it warm during the cold winter. And as you know possums are nocturnal so they go out at night. The

reason is because it is too hot for them out at night and they see better at night. So

when it is too hot the snow melts and even at night the cannot go out.

Page 6: Animal and plant adaptions

The cactus plant(the cactus plant)

Page 7: Animal and plant adaptions

How does the cactus plant adapt, live and

survive?Well being a plant is very hard because you cannot run away from thirsty predators if you’re a cactus or any other plant so you

need protection. If any animals come thirsty and looking for food, you will give

them a little prick saying to the animal ‘keep out of my water!’ Cacti need very

little water. but they need some once in a while. So the perfect habitat would usually

be some where hot and it does not rain very often. The cactus is a well kept plant

that not any animal in the desert would be willing to have as their every day snack.

The cacti’s roots grow very deep down so it can catch any water floating by in the soil or sand. That is how the cactus can survive in even the harshest conditions.

Page 8: Animal and plant adaptions

Thank you for watching !!!!!!!!!!