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Please complete the “My Response Card” found in your bulletin today and place it in

the offering plate. Thank you.My Response Card □ New address or phone no.

Name ____________________________ Phone ____________

□ 9 a.m. □ 10:30 a.m. □ Member □ 1st Time Visitor □ Visitor □ I desire a call

Address _____________________________________________

City__________________________________ Zip ___________

I desire more information about: (Please check all that apply)

□ Membership □ Small Groups □ Children’s Ministries □ Youth Ministries □ Adult

Ministries □ Senior Adult Ministry

I desire to:

□ Attend the Women’s Fellowship meeting on Aug. 4 #______

□ Attend the Back-to-School Breakfast #______

□ Volunteer to help in the ministry(ies) of ____________________________________

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Let’s Make Room For More!!!Let’s Make Room For More!!!

Please move toward the middle Please move toward the middle of your pew.of your pew.

Thank You!Thank You!

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If you are interested in Electronic Tithing, please fill out a form located at the information center and return to the Church Office.

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The Communion Preparation team is looking for helpers! If you are interested in

preparing communion, please check the box located on “My Response Card”.

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CCCC is looking for a few individuals to extend warm welcomes on Sunday


If you enjoy smiling, shaking hands, and other friendly gestures, you are just what

we need!

Those interested should contact Missy Renforth for more details.

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Snow Removal

For those who need help with snow removal, call the Church Office at 478-5123. CCCC has recently purchased a snow blower and is eager to put it to use!

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These items need donated to the Food Pantry!!

February: Canned SoupMarch: Money for EggsApril: Canned/pre-packaged meat (tuna, chicken, SPAM)Any and Every Month: Paper products (toilet paper, paper towel, Kleenex, etc.) 

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Tuesday Pick-up (2/14): Eric Miles, Bob Webb, Dean King, Gary Delks

Thursday Bagging (2/16): Nancy Alford, Mike Alford, Danny Berry, Ruth Webb, Bob Webb, Maleys

Saturday Pick-up (2/18): ? Saturday Distribution: Debby Webb, Mary

Ferris, Dylan Miller, Adrianna Berry, Newtons, Gretchen Weston, Lindsay Weston, Lauren Weston

Records: Deanna Wade, Sandy Zook