Page 1: Annual day celebrations bachche mein chupi hui prat-ibha hoti hai and hume usse bahar nikalna chaiye.” Annual day celebrations THE THIRD ANNUAL DAY WAS CELEBRATED WITH GREAT POMP


The International School Agra’s(TISA) annual day programmestarted with a 'Saraswati

Vandana.' Lighting of the lamp wasdone by Shri Krishan Kalra, chairmanof the school along with the advisoryboard members of the school, whichincluded Shanta Kalra, trustee; MohitGupta, chairman, Baikunthi Devi KanyaMaha Vidyalaya and Meenu Tyagi of'Sabla', an NGO from Lucknow. Alsopresent was Dr Rita Sharma, academ-ic director of the school. Notably, underher guidance, her previous school hadwon the President’s award for the ‘BestAir Force School’ of the year.

'Colours of Life', depicting differentstages of life starting from childhood toold age, was the theme of this year'sannual day programme. Chief Guestfor the occasion was Shri RajaSrivastava, IG, Agra zone. Students ofclasses VI, VII, VIII and IX sung the‘Saraswati Vandana’ melodiously.

Jayati, Shruti, Bhoomi and Nandinigave the vocals. Lead dance was per-formed by Shreshtha, Niharika, Rashmiand Shambhavi.

The show was anchored by Abha

Jain and Siloni Gupta. And the wel-come song was sung by the students ofgrade IV and V. It included Aaditya,Dhananjay, Kabir, Palak, Prateek andShreya. Teachers who trained thesestudents to perfection were Nidhi,Preetika and Amrit.

Other than this, ‘Krishna’ act was adepiction of MD’s vision. Lead artists inthis act were Daksh, Sunny, Abhijeet

and Chirag. Festive songs and danceswere performed by the students of pre-primary wing. The tiny tots brought tolife true colours of the Indian festivals,be it Diwali, Christmas or Baisakhi.They beautifully danced on Arabicnumbers too. A play based on the

‘Snow White and Seven Dwarfs’ wasalso staged by the students of pre-pri-mary section. Their performancebrought to life each of the character.Teachers' in charge of the same wereSteffi and Shalu. 'Quesera' dance per-formance was an answer to every

young girl's question that what destinyholds for them in future. Lead dancerswere Ashi, Moksha, Nandini and Yashiof classes I-III. Teachers incharge of thesame were Ruchi, Chandni and Pooja.'5 Colours of life', a Hindi skit was a

small enactment that showcased theseven stages of life. This skit had abeautiful mime act and it was per-formed by Arpit, Lalit, Abhigyaan, Imonand Ankit from classes VI and IX underthe able guidance of Mrs SuinainaKalra and Mrs Rekha Sharma.

This act was followed by anotherskit that was performed by Humza(class VIII), Lovekush (class V), Harsh(class VII), Daksh (class VIII), andSunny (class VIII). Teachers inchargewere Rekha, Pooja and Samreen.Later, a Sufi song was sung byBhavya, Muazzam, Vineet,Kush and Hardik, studentsof classes VI and IX.Teachers incharge wereVnadana and Raman.

Highlighting socialevils like cyber addic-tion, an English skit wasstaged on the sametheme. Teachers whohelped the students preparethis skit were Abha and Siloni.Students from classes V and IX includ-ing Aarya, Ikhtiyaar, Saiyam, Dhruv,Saket and Tasneem participated in it.Students of classes I and III, Adarsh,Advik, Monish, Anuj and Ibrahimincreased the heart beats with theirfabulous singing. Teachers in chargewere Mona, Santosh and Preetika.

Adding solemnity to the annualday celebrations, a yoga sessionwas also performed by Saiyam,Raxit, Ishan and Sharik, students ofclasses II, IV, V and VI. Teachersincharge were Fehnaz, Tripti, Satishand Raman. The grand finale of theannual day celebrations was apower packed performance withglimpses of the Indian culture andits rich heritage. Bhavya, Nandini,Aditi, Pooja and Mohini from classesIV and IX presented this act. Andteachers who helped them wereTanyali, Vandana, Dheeraj,Anjali, Chandni andRuchi. Other than this,a group of studentsfrom Malaysia per-formed their tradition-al dance as a part ofTISA's foreign collab-oration.

Speaking about theevent, Shri Raja Srivastavaadded, “It was a pleasurewatching students performing on thestage with such energy and enthusi-asm. Har bachche mein chupi hui prat-ibha hoti hai and hume usse baharnikalna chaiye.”

Annual day celebrations


Building the school was easy, but nurturing it into areputed school of Agra was the vision that we strived forand have achieved it in a short span of 3 years. This

would not have been possible without the commitment of ourteachers, director and principal. Moreover, I will remainindebted to the parents of our school students for showingtrust in TISA. We are now a CBSE affiliated school.

Adding an international edge to our curriculum andactivities is one of our mainstays. We are collaborat-

ing with the best schools across the world includ-ing schools in Switzerland and Dubai. Schools

from these places will be visiting TISA in thecoming years and our students will be goingabroad to visit their schools.

At TISA, we have always been proactive inour approach. We started our 2017-18

batches with an interactive session, in whichthe parents and students were educated about

'good and bad touch.' We also compiled an illus-trative booklet and gave it to all the parents, so that

they can teach their children about it.We started TISA with a dream to provide the best of infra-

structure, best education practices as well as sports facilitiesto our students. Our dreams have changed and they are nowaligned with the dreams of our students. And these are notmere dreams; these are plausible aspirations that can beachieved. I request parents to spend quality time with theirchildren, trying to know about their dreams and encouragethem to take the road of success.

Syed Ali Haider Rizvi, principal, TISA

T ISA and I (the proud parent community) came togeth-er in 2015 and made a great beginning, we pro-gressed well in the last two years and now we are

moving towards success as a team. We at TISA, sow theseeds of success. I believe that our students are like seedsand they add wonderful colours to our family garden.

We intend to provide our students the best possiblelearning environment at school. Let them dream big and

allow them to develop skills to achieve those dreams.There is no short cut to success and I am not

aware of any specific formula to achieve it. Butover the years, I have observed that some

attributes of leadership are universal andare often about finding ways of encourag-ing people to combine their efforts, tal-ents, insights, enthusiasm and inspirationto work together.

For this annual day, our theme is'colours of life' that depicts our love and

appreciation for all colours. We must teachour children to accept all shades and enjoy

every moment of life. We either win or learn andthere is nothing called failure. This is the only way to helpour children to understand failure. As a parent and as aschool, we need to give healthy choices to our children tochoose from.

TISA has been striving since the beginning to give itsstudents exposure in most of the areas of learning. Wewere honoured by CBSE in the form of affiliation and thisacademic year we have registered our first batch of gradeIX with CBSE. We strike a balance between academics andco-curricular activities. We have also qualified for thenationals in the Students Olympic Associations in danceand singing. Students of TISA have made us proud in thearena of sports too by winning several inter-school compe-titions. We have been rated among the top green schools in Agra.


Programme House assemblies CPD for teachers to

enhance activity basedlearning

International School Awardfrom the British Council

New and dynamic websitefor parents to stay updatedwith school activities

New curriculum develop-ment

New assessment system Descriptive report card sys-

tem MUN training for students of

the middle-school Launching of the school app

for Android phones

Our dreams havechanged and they arenow aligned with thedreams of our students

– Sanjay Kalra,MD, TISA