
US 01 / R



Ind hers * ,• prci snt am 11 u I i' lohn i .M.I ,i, m ol

..i i i ii, i ....i

ii i"'1 i" • • ■■ d<1. 1 ii then foi .II i i ... n i.i. him Go > i end .1 i ilnti.i

Banquet of W.A.A, Is BeM at King's;

Hoimis Awanln!

f i,, ..i Next ■- ear's stall ol Officials I

Feature. LOIS HOUTCHENS l'in:\'.

Kuih Williamson Is Presented W'ijt h Blanket. Highesl

Award for Glrla.

]ViiSs Lois Houtchens, | n-si- dent of the Woman's Athletic Association of Texas Christian University, was toaatmaster al the annual banquet of the club held at King's Tea Room on th« -veniiiK of May 4.

Two features of the program were

the election of officers for next

in<| the awarding of W. A A, honors

for this year. Talks wer ade by

the honor guests ol th< i . i; M. Waits, Prof. E. W.

McDairmid, L. I . Wright, Butler S.

Mi,. Helen Walker

rod Misi Eula Lee Carl of the athletic council '■' Williams spoke on the progi by the organization this :■ eai

The progTam also included »ti i ...., . . ai li athletic teai

th» leadership of the mai riirocUniorton Excur- sion Enlivened By T(T

Frog Nine Holds Bottom Rung in

Baseball Season i wo Games w ills Rice

\K Lost i;\ 6 5 and I I 'I Scores.


Mustangs' Track Squad Take: Purple liiii> (amp Bj 99'/j

i o i-

Frog Band Makes Good Will Trips

number of other song - and Award- oi letters, "'I "

ITS and a blanket were made, ing 10 the W. A. A. noinl a number of girls. Mis hum

Noise Blowers. The Keened Frog Band of T. C. U

v, nade two good «ill I rips recent ly

I .„■• Worth, who hai I 100 point-, was the only girl to receive a ••T" blanket. BOO i its each, wen- av ■ ers. Th«.\ are Mis i I Martha Van Zundt. Betty Glenn, Man rim Ranktn, Dorothy Stow, Edith

:, and Kate Phillip of Forl Worth and Miss Gladys Van Horn, Iowa Park. Virginia Greer was awarded ■ sweab i

l oi Routi hens, Mei Ii Vt iiums Elizabeth Harris, Sui B Aliens Allen and Pauline Bain I Port Worth and Miai D hj Denbj . i lacksonville reoeivi d the 600 i I sward whii h are " I " plm ^lr

i . o Hutu 11 wa .i« aid. .1 .. ll » lllll:

'.ill win, ware given lettei '■ ;

the different athli tic U am for the fit ' iHI.,, this year are. Mr -, i Ira < laire Humphi ies, Lorena Hi Cecelia Byrne, Mildred Megs , l ran

d Lewis, Loul e W s ' Vlvalene Lawrence, Bernlce Schmidt, I ad; Mil tired Thomas, all of Worl Worth, and Kmh Burnam, Loveland, Okla.; I hel ma Nelson, Harllngen; Elberta Sturm, Wichita, Kan.; Beatrix Schallhorn, De Witt, Ark.; Billy Jo Davis Mi Ul n Lydia Kiley, Wortham; Mary Eliza beth Cunningham, San Angelo; Eu gi nia Ba I.m. Bellinger, and Eral

he Forl Worth \ r. The firsl i

Throckmorton, T lay 4, and the ... May 8.

The band went i i bearing the Fott Worth representa-

, to Throckmorton, Friday ing. They weri bration banquet. The the i elel the completion "i i he T. a P railroad to


tun Worth delegation. They latei ,. iv,. a concert. Returning I • i hej stopped in Breckenridge end were : i. ' at a dinner given by lhal cit;

Haj I , the (in , I w ill tOUl' was

I he program there was practically i thai gl • n in I brock

morion, A banquet, a parade and a public concert being partii ipated in.

The o the Greenville tri] wu i he com enl ion ol I he I o i hamber oi Comi cc Appri ximate Iv 50,000 i pie ail,nded this conven- tion.

The land wa( under guidance of . • Directoi Waltei Hurst and

., Bl l I Wilm ttl . dl 'mi nia.i'ii and

Vera Turberville of Fort u/orth, weethi arl of the bi nd, ai rompanied n on both ti

l eemi as though the T. C. I'

Horned Frogs can not gel going in

n, a total of four

games have been won and ten have OSt. The I'i< ■ I >w!s made a

clean sweep ol s two-gam

Hou ton last Friday and Saturday.

re ol the firsl contest was ii to 5 while the he I encounter ended, 11 tn 9, in Kiie': favor. The Frogs are i.M I lie bottom,

The Frogs' inability I" win has • In an i xl la good I,ran,I ,d

I he parl of i he oppo. the .'iieniv

have I ring ing I rue and have the Meyer men a great deal oi

difficulty. Prior in ih" opi ning of the current

the 1 n n,■ was dealt a

. ere blow when i he promising Gene i rner broke eg while practicing. i oil has not been overcome and a- a rei alt the club as a whole is

■ T nei' services eavily i i unted upon. Frogs entertain the S 11. U.

n t In- Fr ig diamond May : 12. Tin- is the first time

il..,: the two promise

to l>e colorful, as tl f rog had rather win over S. M. U. ihan any other club in i he i onference,

<£ BEF'ORE WE GO - ~ Q2

The Athletic Department of T. C. ented the IPL'S lettermen In all wiih e. laters lasl Wed-

[ I,.. teen !,, gel weatel are Captain Steadman, Acker, Matthews. Parrish, i aptain i leet Wallin, Eury, McDonnell and Student Managei Rob

. rid i lippei I leoi re

hi pi of I , piece, hei

The Irael,

hattered i when the S. 'd U ti si

into camp i,\ a to I. ' Bud Norman, I ai v a Inch I afternoon, his total was Brown, Pony captain, wa

II. were . :i1'll',lil.\

took the re ol 99Vi ill around nan of the n , Max next with

10 points, he wi dai hi: However wen the llik'll sci firsts except

n the 100 and 220 ....

re honor with four the fact thai he

Debate Triangle Ends in 3-Way Tie

Proctor and Armstrong Win, Bui Krisman.

Schnlor Lose. The triangle debate bi I w H n T. ''

f., S. M. U. and Texas \ .V- M Friday evening resulted in a i ripie i school winning one and losini del,ale

Fred Erisman and Robert Schuler, representing T. C. U., l"-t I" Hie S. M r, team in the T. C U auditorium, Lloyd Armstrong and Cl ior, represent ing T C. ''.. won from \ ,v M ai i ollege . I ii

Th,. A. * M debater won their ,I,.hair ..Hi, S d I' . held al Dallai

The qu< i i"'i ,i, bati ' wa " r lolved, that the United States lioiild

, ease to protect bj :, rce of arm ill capital invested in foreign Ian eepl after formal ,le, dual i,,n ■ i Ine ti 'ii" from each -• I I il the affirmative of He' que il thei lean, the negative,

Last year T. C. U. won tl

Sigma Tau Delta Convention Held At Baylor; Ten Represent T. C. U

Hall Attends Registrars Meeting in Dallas.

Jahn, Cmzales. ° , , „ Others present wen- the following: Speaks Oil Stanaaras

di ,. , Phyllis Pope, Sarah Beth Bo

iv i, Lag Hubert, Hattis Thompson, Dean Crolna Garrison and Laura Lee B day and Valleda I'eniy.

The presentation of officers for next year marked the close of lie program, The newly elected officer! are Lois Houtchens, president; Edith Hudson, vice-president; Gladys Van Horn, corresponding secretary; Man rme Bankln, recording secretary, ami ■Sarah Beth Boggss, treasurer,

dr, ppi d mil. uf two events, the •- yard hurdles and broad jump, t" al

, r membei of In quad to earn letter. This was a commendable a,.i on the pan of the Pony athlete, for he nave up the chance tO gain

,, honor, in thinking of his teammate - and I hi reby giving them a , hance i" letter.

Brown bad the T. C. U, flash, Ken- n,ili McCorkle, bested In both the 100 ami '_"Jii dashes, lie beat the Frog en i,, the lap.' h.v a J aid In Ihe , en

tiny event, but in the 220-yard dash the Pony captain won by five yards.


the \

1928 Graduates To Hear Rogers

Harry II. Rogers of San Antonio, member of the T. C. U. board of trustees, will deliver ihe commence went address for Texas Christian University at B:80 p. m, mi Monday. ■lime ii. According t" the usual eustom, ih" commencement exercises will i„. held on ihe university campus, Mr, Bogi ra was president of Rotary International lasl year.

Dr. Floyd Bush, pastor of I In-

First Christian church of Wichits Falls, will give the baccaleureati bunion in the university chapel, Sun day morning, June 10, al II o'clock

"The Regi trar' Pari In M I ing Standards in Texas," was

jeel oi an address by Dean Colby Mall al the annual meeting of I, ,i branch of lb,' Amei nan nociation uf Collegiate Registrars in

I Hall., Fridaj E, R. Tucker, regis i i l i U . i- secretary of 'he

' inn. Dean Hall also served mi a com

„,!!,.,. of standards at the npring of ihe Association ol Texas

, alleges, which convened Friday ami Saturday, Otheri from T C U who ,,it,.nded the joint meeting wi re

,., E, M, Waits, Prof. Ray \, Smith, I'm1'. Franklin G,

and Arthur Curry, librarian.


Plans for Annual Banquet Are Made

Committee is Appointed Tor Pi Kappa Delia Affair for

Mas 1«.

To Study Lubin Camp Sociology (las- of T. ('. l Will

(io tn Lake Maj Is

Th,. junior sociology clai« of T. C II, will make a sociological the Ruth Lubin Camp, Lake Friday, May 18, Earlj ning a basket picnic will be held ai Hi,. Mosque Park,

Tin v^ ill I e Ihe la I ol I v, field

iritis which have I,. ,M taki n during the year. The first trip wa

Tairari County Poor Farm, end tn I. M. Terrell neg ro bull side,"I. ihe third was Hi,' Welfare I urn the fourth was t he tudy of an isolated Mexican community ami the fifth wa - a in!, "f community proh le ins

I i. . ' i l., i

for W

Sienna Tail I Baylor

IN, ' in th,- fannHI- Baj lor "Browning



i. r '• tool i ai ' i' inly House in o'clock. Each uf the foul chapters

■ he hi, en y work uf t men i try

All Student Body I Officers Elected

For Coming Year

Weir Melt! W .th ba I.,, n eh lander .

. ,,, .1 i hai lotti


urer id' lb, T C '

I 1 year 1!) the mil ' "llneed

president. Ra mond Copeland

Ol tie

nl cheer leader and member

,,: ih,. Scholarship ■ only a I th,. varied of Mc

ib ,r iduated tun I I

■ he Each advisor spoke of th,. work nf his chapter. A luncheon

::u o'clock and a for I he ,,ei a-

ade that t h<

Sigma Tau I telta i om enl ion be mad*

lal affair. In. Herbert I. , the T. i' i ' -

Alpha chapter, mad,, tin- iu| A i m ■' rong appoint a com

■ i ',i.. a ipeaker I

Ten . i,mi I ''. U. who ait,nded the convention wet,, Dr. and Mi Herl t' L. Hughes, Prof, Josiah ('limit M i - Artetne sat Bryson

Anna .Mar.v Well-, ('

i arter, Elizabeth Carter and Messrs. M.ri ill ami but her Mansfield.

Eight Intramural Baseball Clubs in

Action for Title

.ill pot under «v»y

al the Rrog institution lasl week.

, ilayed on t h«-

lai - i Mall. The

I ive inning contc I

L and 5 o'clock,

direi i"i •>'■

■ ■ being run oft

[lent shape, due tn ,us diligent

i i teams art' in th« run-

ning, tin- seniors have a team, 'tie

juniors have two teams -s <\<- the nop hum i eshmen, Ths band

May Fete Honors Visiting Mothers;

Aids Music Week Girls* Physical Trainine

Department Offers Festival.


Indian Slory lo Be Portrayed, By Dances, Sellings; M00 to


The "Indian Spring Festival ' ei'.ml annual pageant stageil

tiy the girls' physical training •lasses of Ttxas Christian Uni- versity, wilJ he presented on Vlay IS in the T. C. U. stad- um.

This pugeuut i- a part of T, C. U contribution to Music Week and is also yiven in honor of the visiting

who will be here foi Moth

■i Daj services, Mrs. Helen Walker

Murphy, director of physical e,iu,.»

i Eon for women at the university, has

written and directed thi^ festivul, in

winch more than 800 indents will

participate. Mrs. Murphy, who haw

had wide experience in this work, will

teaeh a class in folk dam dot; and

pageantry at the T. ('. U. summer

melon this year.

Stadium Transformed.

The stadium, where the festival will

be held, will be transformed into an

Indian reservation -nrrounding the

Zuni Indian Village, the letting of the

story Softly colored lights. Indian

• ','tuni p,,!e- depicting weird

Indian characters Indian costumes

stid music will furnish the

ground for the enacting of the

of an Amen,an girl who has be,-!,

raptured by the braves of the pillage

This pi,' been sele I

take the place ol the chlef'i dai

Silver Heels, whii the na! '

with the -1 ■

All of th,. possessions of the

er princess, including her pi i

maids, are bestowed upon thi

prim si w he i identity a di not i>r

diselosed until ihe evening ,,| ihe


A, tin- tniv goes, the Indian d

enliil with an entry

Standing ol Teams.

Th,. ,-lass t- mi,lei the din■■ ■ i I '

Prof, i'arl D. Well-. Twenty-fl dents will make the i rip.

majoi ii

i, the annual han- \).t\ IK were dis-

ii a , ting of I be ii.ll ional lent.II a' v


Dean Hall Will Speak 'ommerce Normal Scholarshii

Club lo Hear Address.

!.,,,„ Colby I'. Hall will go "| Com „ ,,. Friday, May tl, to deliver the

, mual addre before the Schol - ,,.i, of the In t Ti

■ - i '' "'"

„ i he Attitudes oi America 1 ■ ■ :. liolarshlp "

Ai i sngemi quet to be held o , n ." ,1 la t Pi Kappa I' forensic fratei itj al T, I

Lloyd Armstiong, Fort Worth, i of the 11 eternity, appoint .in \\ III i and Dot \ew

berry as the committee to complete the arrangement ,

Questions were ubmitted by the local chapti t b i the national de l,ate tournament which Ii to be held ,,,.,• year al i II her Redlands, i lei., oi Wichita, Kan, The question sub untied were: "Rei olved, Thil Imme. !,,' sp ii I be taken for the outlawry of war," and 'Ths direct election -tumid in ceed the elei torel

In ti,, lectii ii of the presi- dent."


This year. Inr the firsl time i fell leader will be chosen iii the iprlng. \ committee composed if Billy Ashburn, chairman, Wen McDiarmid, Bill Palmer and Mi I,. ('. (Pete) Wright, athletic di- ■eetnr. passed on ihe following tandldatea, who will be submitted o the student body for vole on

Friday, Maj Hi La Fayette Fail Sidney Latham and "Bobwlre" : opeland. VOTl ON I lill>\\ FOR VKl.l, I t: Millit. GET THE MAN w ROM M>l WAN1 I" HEAR LHAI) T. C. I ■ IN TELLS AT NEXT TEAR'S FOOTBALL IAMBS,

ilready im n tioned, baritone in the liorned I rtet and with the vlei i llee Club ai : wi nl y

i ■ nun .it i ibi

of Pro! I v. tfeDairmid

i the M in' , well as


Hou , I i ■ ■ ■ "i"' oi

. ' oi the uni- . .

. repre

i ;,p, rettet itioi ' Iris In Hall rman oi

'1 earn ior h. A


Jui Fn

ih. B l: id

I.i tioi i:

s. M. r C. l

w 1, Pet. 2 ti Ill,111

2 tl lllllll

I 0 1000 I ! .833 II 2 .000 il 1 11,111

n 1 .000 il 0 11,111

I . Meeting Held Presents Two Papers a'

1 nt irscni i mi r\ Con Terence.

U and S. M U held an In- '.■r einitiarv conference at the lattei cl I May 8, This WM a local meet-

im "t the Natiionjal Intsrssmlnary Movement.

. nte,I tWO papers: Unity" a n il "S|«ritual

,,,,i, " T, C, ('. also presented lb. Historic I'osition ot

i hrist ill Relation to Unity" and "Whet, It Anything

■ , •, i, Up for the Sake ot Unify?"

Zuni village entertain the Am

t erican princess with s numbei of theii

ritualistic dances.

Many Dames Offered. The dance-, in Order III which they

will be given, are as follows: Corn dances. Including the Spirit of Sun. a solo dance. Corn Planters, The Rain Dance, Spirit of Green Corn, a solo dance, The Green Corn Dance; the Hi,in Corn Dance; The Bow and Ar row Drill, a dance of joy; and the 1 WO , Oncluding BOlo dance-, the Spir it of the Hunt and the Lance of the

Medicine Man. The Cast Of chiil a, '■ t nl the pag-

eant is a- follows. "Old Chi.

Pre Ident E. M Wait-; "Little Broth lack Murphy; Young Chief, John

Simmons; "Breves," AJvaloni law rence, Dorothy West, Kuth Ragun. Margaret Roberts, Doris Newberry, ii-tc Blackwell, Mildred Meggs, MJH

Elizabeth Cunningham, Ore ciaire Humphries, Margaret Carpenter, Ad- Isnt Bounds, Catherine Wills, Anna : ,', Payne, and Moselle Johnson

Seven Maids tNiosen. The seven maids chosen by lb

dent body, one of whom will be the are: Texora Pierce, Dorothy

Nell Broad, Deri- Shaw Jennie Louise Copeland. Pauline Richardson, Frances Fry and Mae Morgan.

"Spirit of the Sun." a solo dance by Carmen Gibson.

"The Spirit of Creep Con, ' a solo dance by Polly Hollingsworth.

The thief's sweetheart, who will sin|{ the "Indian Love Call," is Mota Mae Shaw.

Solo dances. "The Spirit of the Hunt" and "The Daace of the Medi- cine Man." by Hetty Glenn and Arthur Graham, respectively.

Music will lie furnished by the T. C U Band.

I: lyn Tiger will be the interpre- ter, - i


%r Skill lUUtf -.'-."*> • >. •■ZKS™"

j , -*•'

- ■



_* *


- - -

Lovely Lingerie and Negligee:.

. oed Lingr-




M o o r


- ■ .

Ravon and Silk ^r Negligees -




(jive Ji'f

Jeuelry I '>r f»ra/iuatU>n

49c 98c -


Bio Bit -

< H

Frogland Special

• -• - ■



rwmt kmwd—t

thing is |

in »ome Mam i*

the eaticst to I

L^j-r;. u'c .petiai-

ue ixi fashions that

1'c exclujiit at

pn,r. that are


Mother's Dav


Trav. Daniel Co. • Dad was a "Modern Youth"

:. - ~

yaa will be .--...

: : . ; ._ -

. .

: ■



THE s i; i r r


Mutlwr's Day Sun. /.", Remember Mother on Mother** Dan—

Artstj/le Chocolates a lotting gift for a lasting love. Orders are

now being taken at all Renfro Stores for this

beautiful Mother's Day Box of Artztal, Chocolates

$L50,$3.QO $4.50

O. -

it ^mfm§^^atr


4-3589 ;ui(i we will send your Mother

flowers thai will please her

Harrison Brothers Florist:

Flowers, Planti Da orationi. i lora! Designs Phone 4 3 " Park Plarp

Foi t Wortl i ■ •


• :-.


]$etter CANDIES

From Our Attractive Assortment of

MolluVs I);.; Package*

-AT-, i uytm

The Park H ill Pharmacy

MOTHER sayeth not "Will your but GIVES! From cradle days on she's sacrificed mm h foi us ... toiled for our hap piness through the day ... watched o'ei us lnj into the night when illness laid us low. And always... with the same sweet smile'

Remember Mother Sunday

A Gift Always Appropriate and Sure To Be Enjoyed—

Beautiful Mother's Day Package of

The very finest chocolates pack >d in special containers which make a lasting The candy will be enjoyed now and the Motto or Special Container remains a permanent rift to remind Mother of your thoughl fulness. , g

Make Your Selection from Our Complete Assortment

University Pharmacy

Cattle Industry In Texas Is Used

As Thesis Titl< New Scientific Develop

menti in Field Discussed.


i'tihficulosis < Ited bj T. C l Student as Menace to


• ■'II,,. cattle Indu itry, the newly de

v, loped i cientific occuput ion ol i it tie railing*, tipping and ■MB)! to In' 00 I " Of tl •It futuif. The Indu trj i - re plen dent with unlimited produi tion, great consumption ind highi i prlci Allen True, of Fort Worth who Is writing a theiii on "The Cattle I dii .11 y "I the Southwi t' foi hi ma ter'i degree at T. C. U.

True hai gathered Inl n bie theiii from An tin Dallai, Waco and Fort Worth 'i l

paper li divided Into . l« i hapti i "Ik ulupmelil ul the [ndu l I

! I liffel ('llrr.'U < \

. to the In.In

"I in ..lip h I he vat

: mm I he inaug irution

HI tin

Southwi -i. immediately follov

; i he i r. il War, : here ha I" ■ n

I'd in,In I,.

Id the fore i place of iin portunce in all ind i uiti ol

' Port Vi mill Rank I hird in

"According to the mo I reeent tu , ,. tinued, "Koi i U 01

. ■. i ■. ii

nd tl tine and trading. T<

held the foremoi i po it ion in i rodui t ion during i he entire develop in,'in. of the rut' le in,In: i rj At I hi

i iin.. the stati rank firat in i nil ■,! Stati . and ha one-tenth

ni the beef cattle in tli" limit whole of the United State: 1 I i attaim d thi ton moi I posit ion be

BU8I t itS I ■ 1 | ioneeri . hard; ,;

n fault ; also I" it man 'in i! tep always a to control of product i ..n umpi ion and i!

!: ■ i .■,..,. 'i he ' at

Look Your Rest Mother's Day


WE SAVE U)\ I Km ULE WE : AVE i'Ol I! ( l.uTHES


We Save \*m Money! ^

Men's Suits 75c 1

Park Place Cleaners 4-2900

martha ' Washington'


jorj^otlms N Day J


To You T C. U. Students—

;i special 10$ discount on your Mother's Day

Candies! / CM. Students onlu — bring

this ad with you! of ail detail* and your

U1//11 ■■ ai run ./ in- l> candiet

At Either Store H. in,,i,,ii ami Magnolia Van.I I,, yau

Main between 6th and 7th Next to I M U. Bank Bldg

From "Her Baby >»

Rainey Elliott our TCU Rep.

Sfean have rolled bj since Mother cuddled yoa in her arms. Days have flown since your babj smile tlnilleit her and wreathed her face with thai radiance only Mother Love knows.

HIT hair i- white now. Her eyes are dim. You no nestle in her comforting tutus. HIT—tho

there and the old smilt the old thrill i tin still be brought back by you.

SAY IT WITH FLOWERS m Mather's Daj She'll understand. Those old memories will come back to her. For, Flowers ipeak the language of the heart

i he ioy of youth !

The Flower Shop


tl I" Hill,.!', [his, all,HI'

of the er.tin tate beinj

t tin pn .-ni by lomi

icli ,'ia.lii" True stated

" "The railroads have erepl into the re tei i cornet

of the range ami have stolen the ro

" .Mum ,ii the healthie i

".'I i"" i exciting of all frontlet life,

cattle dri\ ing oi bearding ol catl le to

Northi in marl ■ ■ rhey I ave oom

replaced the cattle trail ul old."

1 li.ii.H i I igures Developed

frui ul thai the industi v

i ■ horacterli' ic people

ni,l the cattleman

" ■ "Todaj I in bl eman go from town in ranch In a big cat Dr •■ IIIM.I urn i rain, a hile yesterday hi went from ranch to town on a ,■ >v.

He ay t he cat tie indu I ry hi - el o ■ nil buted a "lingo" ami a literature

ii,' there are three di Poutry, in ii a "Ram h

by Chittenden; prole, l. the Middle Border," by Gar

land, and the ballad, "Remain ot II dktrelicl bai di, of -i danoi iiuti

T. C. U. Will Use Pre-Registratior

,; Upperclasses Will Matriculate for

1928-29 Now. " \n innoval ion which wo

eonipli << junior*

for the next B ■ lai'iui ni i iH'il by Prof I'

R. 'I'll. : I' I I "I luring the last I e weel

pre ''in 'I I tei m those who a ill I ( oi next yeai will

alt with their major profi ami the regtatraj i mi i i ning theu , ouraes, and at that time thej will hi furnished with data on the hav« i ompleted and that a bii h HH'N

: in complete." Pro!

from di" meet American \ ociation o| Reg iatrari held at

bind, Ohio 'I he outstanding nbji

a II there, In' says, were Judlclou work

: diuitmant ol educational ideai and

and "Fi I man Week." :i :., :i:: MC of

for four yean and foi a bcttei

i ..'. ,i,i- learned ■ v.. i ii nee of

' ," Tucker says. I mi thod ni attempting to

tudent ■ at the opi n hool, thereby giving each mily

an Cll ntit'ii' ami arehaii I "Wheat the numbers attending college were

an tuns, the mat rll U tudent u.i> a fairly . i. "wmir to the large la

a in enrollment. many colli rsitii an finding it not

only advisable bul neceisarj tu ar- fot pre-registratlor,

"Mam students during the latter i the Bpring semester will ma

late, but many will want t,i wait foi their spring grades. These may lend in oourie rani- during i He i ant IIMT. When the cart Ived at the office, matriculation eerdi will be made out. When the itudent returns in September a visit tu the registrar'! office will be unnecessary! ami lit may

■ ei i tu the im : ft Ii ■ "The consultation i more n

for upper i lai men than undei rltn men t auie only the freshmaa uml sophomore yeara fqr degreei and pi^

lonal coui ICI are outli td m the catalog


IH i s I : t

Kock/ie .-snoot VMU Ura- i ni- .^anu»er K.( .B. Student- H<»ld

«... • ■

1 i ni» .-^ujiiiiier *' T^ » u.v .u. OWKIH UVBM

tDOClCty Banquet at Kings The Passing Shoi

&4A'0V KBR.OS ■

1. C I. I ellows

suns .- - . .. --

-: at

!22' i


. -- — - - 'or Men

ifid 1 hx»r


T.C.I BM Learned U Trade With the Folk/wing I IrBi:


McKEE & SON t l-ll \M» 01 I I H

i IM Hmm IN

PIM l -



rg/foflhi (a M I I K

I S S A 1 I.




I r ui'» * I'd v rgctablt*

I Ml \\ or»h, THH


Merchant Fruit Company

213. Jffett 13th if 1-7^/, f-triffl, I-7UB, MU4

Ft. Worth Poultry and Egg Company j (Incorporated)

• ' - ' §\ WHOLESALE V\4


7UI lu "IS Kill RriBlk Si reel I I. Wurlh. T«u


For the College Girl!

Graduation HaU


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Prof Robert- Talk-

Addre"r~ « lu hi Women: -

"The American Ideal."


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B.B.A. Notes


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B j: as hard as Mr. Ba ■at ■ rndnea Boj • I "Ke the

job aa deep ttk diver Crtek. .'■' . II p*rience in Dallas ha*- serv<- gentle y«-ars

out of the water .;' \\nv . -■■ ■ ", tha*

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I Wild - IllMI K- I nn Worta'a I .


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'••-' i aaHatt- tecs havif a*(l appointed to look aftei tl ■ One of II ■

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It la maoned that "Jolly" Fo:. -

Why. onlv thn oth»r day, he ener roticalh na i .n r Hazel Koanai Mr Bullard

if Jeilv 4 shade Ml"

An^el Orel-, into the Mate of matrimony. We


L.G.Gilbert5Co. : -. i -.j.!-. "■-. . iC

For Senior and Sub-Grad

Satin Pumps D'Orsay or Regent Styles

$ 10 i ■ meal <rtai

■ ''••■ pumpi t« ')\ CHARGE

is and fabrics for y.'ii



The Steve A. Noble, Jr., Agency I.Ir E INSURANT E

FlrH National Hank Hldg. Ste\ :^r. Ben Banks. Spec, top.

Red Fox Athletic Clothing M \111 is rexAS



GERNSBACHERBRO&CO. I ifth and ThrociuRortoa Street]

GUtw - * tic! Chinmware, Kitchen l't.-nsils and I inw are


^ member of.the


European To U r' returns to the ^Campus. m ■tim?y

ifipi mmiL

the Dunhill-^ w»v W

>peab famihiriv of Bood SotA

fo/jes Bergerr, Lanehouat.

Oscar baa b«n to Europe. Ev«v

bodv goei, and Ovrac pd*1

the tour of them all. f^ Hnmor'a—wth a coUege j* band, famous wnten. athlcf*' >" i»ts from twentv cufferent "* puses. A hundred orw rrvtt»- J

broader outlook oc Ofc. I da****1

a> 0»c<r iiai iern JO Ewupc

WINNERS'OFTHE $2,000 ART Contest it pxi of tLc 10.000 dnwag, bv 1.W9 artuu appear compK* »

****■? '■*<« H— — Je Afril fan. Don't mu»aiu»oufflt*


College Horao,', CoUegat* lour to Eu«>p« 10JO Na Ubalk fc, Chicago_I>pc ONi

v , . . I