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4750 UNIT PLAN GUIDELINES for ART EDUCATION Sharyn Hyatt-Wade, MFA Your written unit plan document and Prezi will be a hybrid of the expectations and formats of MU and the Columbia Public Schools Art Curriculum and should include: 1. UNIT TITLE - I am Man/Woman 2. ENDURING IDEAS - Throughout time and across cultures artists have challenged and embraced stereotypes between the male/female genders. 3. COURSE - Advanced Placement Art (college level expectations). 4. ELO - Demonstrate fluency using multiple processes to show the exploration os a variety of two dimensional media, techniques and tools. Demonstrate creative problem solving through the production of art that investigates formal and conceptual art problems. 5. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS - What are gender stereotypes? Which ones do you

challenge, which ones do you embrace? Are there differences between how men see women and women see women and vice versa?

6. EXEMPLAR ARTISTS -Angela Fraleigh The paintings of New York-based artist

Angela Fraleigh question the social issues of beauty, class and gender. Ambiguous figures occupy space bound in tension as they struggle for power within their surrounding environments. The artist’s formal process of painting allows the figures to be dominated by a wash of seductive intensity that captures the passion of her subjects.

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Until This Then for Just a moment

Boys don’t cry - artist unknown 7. OBJECTIVES - Artists will be able to: 1) Discuss and analyze stereotypes in our culture, 2) Bring own experiences into artwork relating to gender stereotypes, 8. MATERIALS - Just about anything 2D, may end up being a bit a of a relief with collage and mixed media. 9. PROCEDURES - Artists will....explore by separating into gender groups and discuss stereotypes. This will bring about engaging conversations between the sexes about how they see themselves and each other, play with materials to apply paint, along with challenging stereotypes of gender we will challenge stereotypes of artists by not being able to use brushes to apply paint, the students will also be allowed to bring other media into the piece to create layers and dimension. relate own experiences with gender to artwork, choose, reflect on artwork and discuss meanings

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10. ASSESSMENT - Critique, three critiques, Males critiquing male work/female

critiquing female, male critiquing female work/female critiquing male. Both groups together reflecting on works. For those uncomfortable discussing this, written responses are accepted.

11. UNIT EXEMPLAR - By Erika Atterbury, Embracing the stereotype of women by being “made-up” with flower in the hair and in a natural environment. but challenging how women are generally posed for artists by being nude but turned away from camera so the back is seen. Also, the woman is looking up, we are at the same level and the woman. 12. EVIDENCE of Prior Knowledge - Students are faced everyday with stereotypes. Boys play sports, girl cheerlead. Boys play in mud and play with tractors, girls play with dolls and have tea parties. Boys do not care about appearances, girls spend hours getting ready. All of these stereotypes are common and students will bring the knowledge of these stereotypes that they see everyday and discuss them and put them into their work.