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    “Historically most patients of lung cancerwere smokers with advanced lung disease,advanced cancer and treatments were notvery successful. So there was high degree of

     pessimism about lung cancer and lung cancertherapy. There was no way to diagnose lungcancer early and most patients presented withmetastatic disease which could not be curedthereby further increasing the pessimism

    about it” said Dr Paul A Bunn Jr, DistinguishedProfessor, Division of Medical Oncology,University of Colorado and James Dud-ley Chair in Lung Cancer Research, USA.Dr Bunn is also the former President ofIASLC; former CEO of IASLC; and formerPresident of American Society of ClinicalOncology (ASCO) and the 2016 ASCOKarnofsky award recipient.

     Early diagnosis of lung cancer is possible

    Early diagnosis of lung cancer helps savelives. “For early detection, annual low doseCT scans can reduce lung cancer mortalityand they can lead to detection of more stage-1

     patients early on that can be cured. So lungcancer ‘cure’ is not a mere hype rather has

     become a reality! Cure rate can be higherfor lung cancer by adoption of low dose CTscans for early diagnosis, though there arechallenges still – such as, high false-positiverate of these scans. Hopefully currentlyongoing research might improve the accuracyof these scans in future” said Dr Bunn.

    (Cont. on page 2)

    As lung cancer treatment outcomes aredicult and ve-year survival is abysmallylow, preventing lung cancer is a top publichealth priority. Up to 90% of lung cancercases are because of tobacco use. “Thereforeeective implementation of evidence-basedand comprehensive tobacco control policieswill make a huge dierence in slashing newcases of lung cancer as well as preventinga large number of other diseases, disabilitiesand premature deaths attributed to tobaccouse” said Professor (Dr) Prakit Vathesatogkit,Executive Secretary of Action on Smokingand Health Foundation of Thailand.

    “More than 100,000 deaths occur each year because of lung cancer in ASEAN. Newcases of lung cancer and deaths too are risingeach year in ASEAN. That is why tobaccocontrol attains a never-before urgency”added Prof Prakit Vathesatogkit.

    He added: “Out of the 50,710 tobaccorelated deaths occurring in Thailand everyyear, 11,740 or 23% were because of lung

    cancer. In ASEAN region, it is estimatedthat out of the total 467,194 smokingrelated deaths every year, 107,454 were dueto lung cancer. Tobacco-related lung cancerdeaths will keep growing in catastrophic

     proportions with ageing 121 million smokersin ASEAN region if we fail to act now. Alsoit is important to underline that tobaccorelated lung cancer rate might shoot up

     because of the combined eect of tobaccoindustry’s aggressive marketing, weak

     political will on tobacco control and otherkey factors. Therefore while making progressin treatment of lung cancer is very welcome,more contribution from healthcare workersin tobacco control is direly needed.”

     Healthcare workers can bolstertobacco control 

    Health professionals including lung cancerexperts have a prominent role to play in tobaccocontrol. They have the trust of the population,the media and opinion leaders, and theirvoices are heard across a vast range of social,economic and political arenas.

    “At the individual level, they can educate the population on the harms of tobacco use andexposure to second-hand smoke. They canalso help tobacco users overcome theiraddiction” said Dr Prakit.

    (Cont. on page 2)

    Platinum: Gold: Silver:Hosted by Supported by Conference Secretariat




     Dr Prakit Vathesatogkit 

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    directed to proteins called checkpointinhibitors. Checkpoints are proteinsthat cancer cells make to protect themfrom being killed by lymphocyteswhich are part of our immune system.These monoclonal antibodies block

     proteins which were protecting cancercells so that our lymphocytes cankill those cancer cells. Monoclonalantibodies are proteins that have to

     be given intravenously. The responseof immunotherapy with monoclonalantibodies lasts much longer and hasfar less toxicity” said Dr Bunn.

    But immunotherapy does not workon all patients of lung cancer becauseall patients do not have checkpoint

    inhibitors. “That is why we are tryingto find biomarkers to define which

     patients may respond to immunotherapy.These monoclonal antibodies are veryexpensive which makes it even moreimportant to nd which patients aremore likely to respond. Alsocurrently scientists are evaluatingwhether these monoclonal antibodiesare more likely to cure advanced stageor early stage patients of lung cancer.Currently it is likely that these

    monoclonal antibodies may improvecure rate for early stage patients oflung cancer” shared Dr Bunn.

     Reverse pessimism and makelung cancer care aordable forall 

    “Outcome for patients of lung canceris much better in 2016 than what itwas in 2000. So lung cancer ‘cure’ isnot a hype. We need to nd ways to

    make these new expensive diagnostictools and therapies appropriatelydelivered in developing countries”said Dr Bunn.

    Sharing more about a couple of newforms of treatment, Dr Bunn added:“Molecular therapies are for patientswho have driver genetic mutation –

     patients receive a pill every day (aform of chemotherapy) – this hasmuch higher response rate, fewerside eects and much longer dura-tion of response. Molecular therapieshave improved outcomes for patientswith metastatic lung cancer butunfortunately these therapies do not

    cure people. Molecular therapieseven if not a cure give lung cancer

     patients way more hope as they makethem live longer and better. It iscertainly hoped that the combinationof dierent treatments may improveoutcomes in future.”

     Immunotherapy: is it a newrevolution?

    Another new form of treatment

    that has boosted hope for cure isimmunotherapy. “First form ofimmunotherapy that has been a

     pproved for lung cancer involvesmonoclonal antibodies that are

    (Cont. from page 1: Tobacco control must

    be a priority for health professionals)

    “At the community level, health

     professionals can be initiators or supporters

    of some of the policy measures described

    above, by engaging, for example, in eorts

    to promote smoke-free workplaces andextending the availability of tobacco

    cessation resources. At the society level,

    health professionals can add their voice and

    their weight to national and global tobacco

    control eorts like tax increase campaigns

    and become involved at the national level

    in promoting the WHO FCTC. In addition,

    health professional organizations can

    show leadership and become a role model

    for other professional organizations and

    society by embracing the tenants of the

    Health Professional Code of Practice

    on Tobacco Control” said Prof PrakitVathesatogkit.

     ASEAN and tobacco control 

    Prof Prakit said: “In 2002, through the

    6th  Health Ministers Meeting, ASEAN

    governments committed to a vision and a

    “Regional Action Plan on Healthy ASEAN

    Lifestyles”. Identifying tobacco control as

    one of the priority policy areas, the Action

    Plan calls upon member nations to

    implement a Programme of Work on

     promoting healthy ASEAN lifestyles. Fortobacco control this includes developing

    and implementing a national action plan,

    consistent with the WHO-FCTC on issues

    such as smuggling, taxation, product

    advertising, distribution, sale and agricultural



     Prof Prakit Vathesatogkit: 

    “  At the very least, all healthcare personnel must provide brief

    advises for smoking cessation to

    every patient who has a smoking

    history, in every consultation visit.

    Worldwide, doctors are among the

    most inuential gures in leading

    the tobacco control movement.

     I urge all doctors to join and

    support tobacco control

    movement, not just by a

    supportive gesture but by action, inwhatever capacity they feel



    (Cont. from page 1: “Cure” for lung cancer: More Hype or New Hope?)

     Dr Paul Bunn

     Better treatment options for lungcancer gives hope

     Not just early diagnosis of lungcancer has become a reality now, but

    new treatment options have come uptoo in the recent years.

    “ There are major improvements in

    lung cancer treatment. For early

    stage patients we have VATS

    (Video Assisted Thoracoscopic

     Surgery) which is eective,

    cheaper and has better outcomes

    in terms of morbidity and

    mortality. Another advancement is Stereotactic Body Radiation

    Therapy (SBRT) which gives

    radiation only to the cancer

    tumour site and thus morbidity

    and mortality due to radiation has

    also declined 

    ”  said Dr Paul Bunn.

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    IASLC Asia Pacic Lung Cancer Conference

    (APLCC 2016) is being organized under

    the aegis of International Association for

    the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), Thai

    Society of Clinical Oncology (TSCO),

    Chiang Mai Lung Cancer Group, Faculty of

    Medicine, Chiang Mai University (CMU)

    and local organizing committee of APLCC


     APLCC comes back home to Chiang Mai 

    APLCC 2016 is the seventh regional biennial

    lung cancer conference, and it has returned

     back after 12 years to its origin in Chiang

    Mai, Thailand where rst APLCC was held.

    “APLCC 2016 has come back to the host

    city of rst APLCC which was organized

     by us in 2004” said Professor (Dr) Sumitra

    Thongprasert, Chairperson of APLCC 2016,who was also the chairperson of rst

    APLCC. Feeling the urgent need to galvanize

    more action on lung cancer in Asia Pacic

    region, Prof Sumitra Thongprasert had

     played a key role in setting up APLCC

    Lung Cancer Group which helped organize

    this regional scientic meet biennially.

    Presently, Prof Thongprasert is the Emeritus

    Professor, Chiang Mai University, Chiang

    Mai, Thailand and Senior Director, Oncology

    Unit, Bangkok Chiangmai Hospital, Chiang

    Mai, Thailand.

    The venue of the conference shifted around

    the region every two years:

      • 2nd APLCC was held in Guangzhou,


    • 3rd APLCC in Hyderabad, India;

    • 4th APLCC in Seoul, South Korea;

    • 5th APLCC in Fukuoka, Japan;

    • 6th APLCC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;


    • 7th  APLCC is back to the host city of

    1st APLCC: Chiang Mai, Thailand.

     APLCC helps lung cancer expertsstay on top of latest scientic updates

    The regional lung cancer conference has

     provided an important platform for latest

    scientic exchanges and academic

    networking for a range of experts playing

    a crucial role in lung cancer research,

    diagnosis, treatment and care. “The main

    highlights of APLCC 2016 are the latest

    advances in lung cancer especially basic

    and clinical research, immunotherapy,

    multidisciplinary practices in Asia Pacic,

     practical clinical management, and also

    expert ideas and knowledge sharing from

    outside the region from dierent parts of the

    world including the Americas and European

    region. We have several invited speakers

    in key sessions on issues varying from

     pathology, surgery, early lung cancer

    detection, and cancer treatment aspects

    including radiation, surgery, chemotherapy,

    immunotherapy, among others. The delegates

    will get an opportunity to learn and

    share in several thematic oral and poster presentations daily at APLCC 2016” shared

    Prof Thongprasert.

     Spotlight on plenary sessions at APLCC 2016 

    Plenary sessions on second day of APLCC

    2016 focusses on how to choose 1st, 2nd and

    3rd  line therapy in Non Small Cell Lung

    Cancer (NSCLC) and immunotherapy

    for NSCLC. Luminary speakers include

    Dr Tony Mok, past President of IASLC andDr David Carbone, President IASLC.

    Last but not the least, concluding day of

    APLCC 2016 will feature plenaries on

    clinical implications of TNM staging 8th 

    edition and therapy for driver mutation

     positive in Asian NSCLC patients.

    Distinguished speakers will be Dr Masahiro

    Tsuboi, Chief and Director, Division of

    Thoracic Surgery and Oncology, National

    Cancer Center Hospital East, Japan and

    Dr Tetsuya Mitsudomi, Professor at the

    Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department

    of Surgery, Kinki University Faculty of

    Medicine, Osaka, Japan. Dr Mitsudomi is al

    so the Board Member of Japan Clinical

    Research Organization (JCRO).

     APLCC 2016 venue city gets 720 years old this year!

    The old city of Chiang Mai completes its 720

    years in 2016. Welcome to this northern Thai

    city and apart from dwelling into scientic

    deliberations do steal a moment to indulgein traditional richness and warmth of Chiang





     Dr Sumitra Thongprasert 

    “  In addition to scientic sessions, there are important sessions on

    related and compelling public health aspects such as tobacco

    control. Lung cancer is the most preventable form of cancer death in the

    world. That is why APLCC 2016 features tobacco control sessions

     prominently on the scientic agenda. Preventing lung cancer is a top

     public health imperative!

    ”said Prof Sumitra Thongprasert.

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    “I would like to welcome all delegates

    who are working on lung cancer –

    fellows, residents, students who are

    exploring their interest in pursuing

    lung cancer management, nurses,

     pharmacists, all experts from diverse

    specialties including prevention, early

    detection, molecular and clinical

    research, multidisciplinary treatment,

     palliative care, tobacco control, etc to

    APLCC 2016.

    We are very happy that APLCC has

    come back to its host city again, as

    1st APLCC was initiated and held in

    Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2004.

    The city of Chiang Mai completes its

    720 years in 2016. Welcome to this

    northern Thai city and apart from

    dwelling into scientic deliberations

    do steal a moment to indulge in

    traditional richness and warmth of

    Chiang Mai.”

     Dr Sumitra Thongprasert 

      • Chair of APLCC 2016 and former

    member of Board of Directors


      • Special Content Editor, Journal of

    Thoracic Oncology (JTO)

      • Emeritus Professor, Chiang Mai

    University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

      • Senior Director, Oncology Unit,

    Bangkok Chiangmai Hospital,

    Chiang Mai, Thailand

    “As President of IASLC and practicinglung cancer physician and researcher Iwould like to welcome the delegates tothe APLCC 2016. I hope this meeting will bring together researchers from withinthe Asia-Pacic region and around theworld to discuss current ndings in thisregion to improve the quality and quantityof life for lung cancer patients.

    These are exciting times where we havenew agents and we are trying to learn onhow to best combine them with targetedtherapy, chemotherapy, radiation, orsurgery and meetings like the APLCC2016 are perfect place to allowinvestigators to gather and share thelatest data available on these therapiesand their combination. This will help

    lead delivery of these state-of-the-arttherapies to patients throughout the worldand IASLC is proud to be supportingconferences around the world to assist inthis process.”

     Dr David Carbone  • President of the International

    Association for the Study of LungCancer (IASLC)

      • Professor in the Division of MedicalOncology, leads thoracic oncologycenter in Ohio State University, USA

    “It is good to have regional conferenceslike APLCC 2016 as they can providegreat support on a global level. We willalso learn from the Asian experience. InAsia we have a lot of patients with EGFRmutations of the disease. So it will beinteresting to know how these patientsare being treated. I do not have muchexperience of this as there are far morefrequent cases of this type in Asia ascompared to Central Europe.

    APLCC 2016 is of major importance aslung cancer is a very complex disease.This makes education and scienticexchange very important, more so because of the rapid advances in theeld of diagnosis and treatment of lungcancer. It is not easy to keep oneself

    updated, as a lot many new things areongoing. So conferences are a goodtime to learn from others and get up todate knowledge about diagnostic andtherapeutic advances in lung cancer”

     Dr Robert Pirker   • President of 17th IASLC World

    Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC2016) in Vienna, Austria

      • Professor of Medicine and ProgramDirector for Lung Cancer, Departmentof Medicine, Medical University ofVienna, Austria

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    DAY-1 OF APLCC 2016

    PS=Plenary Session IS=Invited Session AS=Abstract Session ISS=Industry Supported Symposium

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    The survival rate for lung cancer is strongly

    related to the stage of the disease. The

    earlier is its detection, better is the survival

    rate. “Currently, low-dose computerized

    tomography (LDCT) is the standard

    technique for lung cancer screening. The

     National Lung Screening Trial (NLST),

    launched in 2002, found that screening with

    LDCT resulted in a 15% - 20% lower lung

    cancer-specic mortality and 6.7% lower

    all-cause mortality relative to chest

    radiography (X-ray) over a median of

    6.5 years of follow-up” said Dr Natthaya

    Triphuridet, Pulmonologist and Assistant

    Director for Medical Aairs at Chulabhorn

    Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr Natthaya isamong the faculty members for IASLC Asia

    Pacic Lung Cancer Conference (APLCC



    Dr Natthaya added: “Since the release of the

     NLST data, many guidelines have endorsed

    the use of LDCT screening for high-risk

    individuals. In 2013, United States

    Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)

    recommended ‘annual screening for lung

    cancer with LDCT in adults aged 55-80 years

    who have a 30 pack-year tobacco smoking

    history and currently smoke or have quit

    within the past 15 years. The numbers needed

    to screen (NNS) to prevent 1 lung cancer

    death was 320 among participants who

    completed 1 screening and was 219 to

     prevent 1 death overall over 6.5 years.

    These benets are comparable to NNS with

    mammography of 1339 to prevent 1 breast

    cancer death after 11-20 years of follow-up

    and NNS with exible sigmoidoscopy of

    817 to prevent 1 colon cancer death.”

     Major advancements in earlydiagnosis, but challenges remain

    Despite the pivotal results of LDCT, there

    are many concerns regarding high false

     positives (96%), over diagnosis, accumulation

    of radiation exposure, high cost of screening

    and generalization to practice.

    Tuberculosis and lung cancer:

     Sinister linkages?

    According to Dr Natthaya, generalization

    of lung cancer screening with LDCT in

    the TB endemic Southeast Asia region that

    accounts for 41% of the global TB

     burden is very challenging. “TB mimics l

    ung cancer. Pulmonary TB may present

    as an asymptomatic solitary pulmonary

    nodule, imitating early stage lung cancer.

    Symptoms of cough, hemoptysis, chest pains,

    weakness, weight loss, fever and night

    sweats are common in both active

     pulmonary TB and symptomatic lungcancer. The radiographic ndings of TB

    can mimic lung cancer, such as mass-like

    lesion, solitary/multiple pulmonary nodule(s),

    mediastinal lymph node enlargement, or

     pleural eusion. These ndings are also

    important in staging of non-small cell lung

    cancer in the TNM system: Size of primary

    tumour (T), Mediastinal lymph nodes (N),

    and metastasized (M) to other organs of the

     body” she said.

    “Furthermore, pre-existing TB increases

    risk of lung cancer and lung cancer may

     promote TB infection or reactivation of

    latent TB infection, or cause new exogenous

    infections. All this makes it dicult to

    manage screening, diagnosis, staging,

    treatment, monitoring and surveillance of

    lung cancer in TB endemic areas. No clear

    evidence of lung cancer screening benethas been established in high-risk populations

    in a TB endemic area”.

    Thailand’s Lung Cancer Screening


    Dr Natthaya Triphuridet who is also the

    Principal Investigator of Integrative Lung

    Cancer Screening Project in Thailand shared

    the ndings of a ve-year “Integrative Lung

    Cancer Screening” project using LDCT

    that was started at Chulabhorn Hospital in

    Thailand in 2012. The objectives of the study

    were to:

      (i) Determine the role of lung cancer

    screening using LDCT in a high-risk

     population residing in Thailand—a high

    TB-burden country; and to

      (ii) Study an alternative screening

    modality called chest digital tomosynthesis

    (DT) that is reported to be as sensitive as CT

    for the detection of actionable lung noduleswith a much lower radiation dose and lower

    cost compared with LDCT.

    (continued on page 7)

     Dr Natthaya Triphuridet 

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    Former and current heavy smokers (>30 pack-years) aged 50-70 years without a history

    of active TB within a recent year were included in the study. Out of the 634 high risk

    subjects (mostly males) investigated, 66% had lung nodule(s) in their initial LDCT

    screening (58% with multiple nodules). Nine out of these 634 cases (1.4%) were

    diagnosed to have lung cancer - 5 of stage I, 1 of stage II/III, and 2 of stage 4 lung

    cancer. All 6 cases of stage I and II had multiple lung nodules, while 3 cases of stage III

    and IV had single lung nodule.

    Dr Natthaya Triphuridet who had received the IASLC Global Mentorship Award 2013

    for “Screening of Lung Cancer by Low-Dose CT (LDCT), Digital Tomosynthesis (DT)

    and Chest Radiography (CR) in a High Risk Population” in Australia shared that thestudy showed: despite a high burden of TB in Thailand, LDCT screening in heavy

    smokers could yield a high rate of primary lung cancer in high risk population.

    However, high prevalence of lung nodules is one of the major problems in diagnosis and

    staging lung cancer in endemic area of TB.

     Integration of smoking cessation in lung cancer screening 

    “All study participants were also made to realize the harmful eects of tobacco

    smoking and smoking cessation clinics were integrated with the lung cancer screening

     programme”, shared Dr Natthaya. “As per the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco

    Epidemic 2015, at present 19.9% adults in Thailand are tobacco smokers (39% males,and 2.1% females). There is data that shows a strong linkage between smoking

    cessation rate and cost-eectiveness of CT screening. For example, at smoking

    cessation rate of 3%, the annual screening for smokers aged 50-74 years (with 40 pack

    years) costs $110,000-$166,000/QALY (quality-adjusted life-years gained). But if

    cessation rate is doubled the cost is reduced to

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    “There is one topic in the plenary session

    titled — ‘Advanced lung cancer - it is time to

    cure’ - this is a very challenging and very boldstatement. Right now we are pretty condent that

    we can extend the lives of the patients. But now

    we can aim to challenge lung cancer up to the next

    level: cure! In certain lung cancer patients may be

    we can revert the prognosis from incurable and

    extending the life to the level of cure. It will

    give us a new direction on how to handle lung


     Dr Virote Sriuranpong, President of Thai Society of Clinical

    Oncology (TSCO) and Medical Oncologist and currently

    Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, ChulalongkornUniversity, Bangkok, Thailand

    “APLCC 2016 Chair Dr Sumitra Thongprasert

    has done a marvelous job in representing

    Thailand in IASLC, improving cancer care in

    Thailand and organizing the APLCC 2016.

    There have been lot many changes in lung

    cancer eld in a short period of time making

    it hard to keep up with them. Also in Thailand

    and many other countries medical oncologistshave to deal with multiple type of cancers. This

    highlights the importance of meetings like APLCC for lung cancer

    experts so that they are able to keep up with major advances occurring

    in lung cancer care. The importance of education cannot be


     Dr Paul A Bunn Jr,  Distinguished Professor, Division of Medical

    Oncology, University of Colorado and James Dudley Chair in Lung

    Cancer Research. Dr Bunn is also the former President of IASLC;

    former CEO of IASLC; Member APLCC 2016 International

    Committee (and 1st APLCC in 2004)

    “In East Asian nations about 40% of lung cancer

     patients had EGFR mutation who will benet

    from specic targeted therapy. We have large

    randomized controlled studies to show that

     patients with EGFR mutation need to start with

    one of such treatments. Initially patients had

    long duration response to these treatments but

    some of them developed resistance. Now we

    know that half of them had T790M or additionalmutation in the EGFR. There are new drugs that

    have entered clinical trials in recent years to target specic resistance

    mutations. There will be data of such new drugs targeting resistance

    mutations at APLCC 2016”

     Dr James CH Yang,  Deputy Director, Department of Medical

    Oncology and Director, National Cancer Research Centre,

     National Taiwan University Hospital; Member, APLCC 2016

    International Committee andAssociate Editor (Asia), Journal of Thoracic


    “Session on tobacco control is very important,

    especially in the context of Asia. Tobacco is the

    major cause of lung cancer and is responsible formost of the lung cancer globally. Immunotherapy

    session is another very interesting session and

     people need to understand this new treatment

    technique for lung cancer. All delegates of

    APLCC 2016 should take the opportunity of the

    conference to network and meet others and to

    learn from each other so that we are at the top of

    information and remain at the cutting edge of lung cancer treatment”

     Dr Michael Boyer, Member APLCC 2016 Committee and Member,

    Board of Directors, IASLC; Professor of Medicine at the Sydney

    Cancer Centre and Chief Clinical Ocer of Chris O’Brien Lifehouse,Australia

    Platinum: Gold: Silver:Hosted by Supported by Conference Secretariat

    APLCC 2016 Editor: Dr Suebpong TanasanvimonCNS Managing Editor: Shobha Shukla

    CNS Content lead: Bobby Ramakant 

    Design, layout lead: VNU Exhibitions

    CNS (Citizen News Service) managed the content generation for  APLCC 2016 Insights. 

    Follow CNS on, Twitter: @CNS_Health, &

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    APLCC 2016 Insights



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