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Melissa, Elena, Brooke and Jordyn

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The concept of our app is for new parents, helping them with guidance, support and reassurance within the comfort

of their own home. Our target audience is new parents aged between 18 to 40

When ever our app user needs help, the app will respond,

offering 24 hour support.

This app has been produced because there is nothing like this on the market and according to our survey feedback

we know that it will come in helpful.

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Being a new parent can be tough, especially when you don’t feel as though you know what you’re doing. Not knowing why

they’re crying , how much food and sleep they need, not knowing whether they’re ill or not, and being unable to get

them to sleep can be scary for a first time parent. Particularly when there is no-one you can ask for help. Babies need a lot of attention and care, and rely on you to give it to

them, and being unsure on how to do this can be very significant. It is mainly the younger couples who feel as though they might need a little bit of a helping hand, and iMummy can

provide this.

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Firstly, users can choose from a selection how options and choose from a Varity of options these are, doctors advice, Skype and music. All of our key features can really help broaden your

knowledge on how to take perfect care of you baby, and what to do if you’re in doubt of anything.

From then you can receive reassurance, advice. Throughout the imummy logo and fonts will be used. We will ensure that imummy follows the rules of copyright, therefore uses know that their

personal information is safe.

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[How can I check that my baby is okay?]

(How can I make sure that I am a reliable parent?) (Is my baby healthy?)

(have you got all the information you need to ensure you know everything there is to know about bringing up a new born child.)

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The aim of iMummy is to help and support new parents through the first months of taking care of a child. Parents,

especially those without experience, will face numerous difficulties and challenges. iMummy is designed to help

overcome these problems with advice, tips and guidance.

The way we will offer this help is through doctor’s advice, other parents top tips and dos and don’ts for first time mums and dads. These will all be available on the app in a variety of ways. For example we will have an ‘Experience’

page, where other parents can submit their own stories and advice.

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Our research and surveys have shown that our users wouldn’t mind

paying for our app, however we have decided to have in app purchases instead. This is because it will appeal to a larger market

as the app will be free. Also, aster pitching our concept to a leading app design in the industry we now know that our app logo could be perfected such as the heart in the centre could be enlarged. Also, we know now that our app will appeal to a lot of people as the use

of technology is so large within the UK today and new parents need the support and reassurance as this early stage.

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On the market there are a couple of different parenting apps, however they do not have any of our exclusive features, which

makes ours really stand out. Yes, they include hints and tips, but for majority, this is all the include. Whereas our app offers lots of

unique pages. These include… •A social page to submit, share, and read stories about peoples own

experiences. •Doctor’s advice, and what they would recommend for different

illnesses. •A page where you can plan your own timetables to suit you and

your baby. •An alerts page, where you are able to set yourself reminders

revolving your child.

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Our app has more than one core feature. One of them is that we use Skype, as a form of a baby monitor. So that the parent can see and hear their baby when they’re in different rooms from one and other. Also we have a social page, which none of our competitors

have included in their app. This is where the app user will be able to share, submit, and read stories about personal experiences

involving being a new parent. Another core feature is that we offer the opportunity to create and personalize your very own timetables and alerts, this can be used for anything involving you

and your new born child. We feel as though these specific features are incredibly unique, which will attract lot of people to

download and use our app.

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Our app is exceptionally useful for those of us who don’t feel entirely confident or sure with what they’re doing with their baby. So iMummy is designed to give helpful hints and tips on what to do if you’re in doubt of anything. We offer doctors

advice, which can be very useful if you’re unsure on whether there is something bothering your child. We can help you

create timetables for your daily routines (eg when to feed, when to put them to sleep, when is best to have a nap). We have a social page were you can read about other parents

personal experiences and questions. You will also be given the chance whether or not you’d like to submit an entry. But there is an option to send it privately, so that just our team will be

ableto read your stories and questions.

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This is our sitemap. It shows how the app will flow and how you can get to different parts of the app. When we went to gather

feedback on our app we asked people from our target audience. The overall response was mostly positive with one claiming it to be

‘very original and creative’, and another saying ‘it has all the necessary ingredients needed for it to be a good app’

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We have learnt that collecting data in vital when making a new app because it allows you to ensure it is the best it can be and beat out competitors. Our app relies heavily on data because it must be able to remember and store information while using it to help the user. The content of our app is important as this is

what users use when using the app. Imummy also relies on technical feasibility to work. This is because the app uses other existing pieces of technology in order for users to

connect to people all over the world via Facebook, twitter or Instergram.

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Our business model is to in release imummy in 2015 and in the

future expand the concept and advance the app. We will work hard to improve and make sure that imummy is updated and fast for our users. On our app we will intend to use advertisements as this is

impersonal and can be distracting. We carried out 20 survey on the concept of imummy from the public. Our results showed that this

app idea is helpful, different and really useful when parents are at this vulnerable time. Also, we know from our surveys that parents would be willing to pay for the app but would like an overall price

rather than different prices along the way.

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iMummy’s marketing strategies are targeted to be as effective and cheap as

possible. As we don’t want to spend too much money on advertisements. Therefore we plan on putting posters up in shops that you are likely to find new parents (eg. Mammas and papas). We will make these posters eye catching and persuasive, and locate them where we know they will be seen. We also plan on advertising online on social networking sites. We have a Facebook, and twitter

page, therefore we can tell all our friends and families to check it out, and also share it so that there relatives and friends we be able to see it too. This way we

create a chain reaction with people viewing it, so that eventually iMummy will become recognized and more and more people with have an idea about the

concept on iMummy and what we do. This will really help us advertise iMummy with no cost at all. Finally, our last strategy for advertising is by promoting it ourselves.

By approaching people on the streets or even in baby shops who are either expecting a child, or with their new born baby. We could give them a leaflet which explains exactly what our app is and what we offer, and give them a little bit of an

insight of what they can expect from iMummy. This way we are advertising but with no major cost.

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App Design Mock-up

As a group we have all taken surveys with our families and friends about the concept of iMummy, and what we intend to do. As well as video chatting with experts in the app industry in both England and America. Overall we have received nothing but positive feedback

about our app. They all love the ideas we have, and think it’s amazingly creative and unique. Everybody has said that that think it would be incredibly useful and helpful to those who might need a

helping hand. Those of the people we surveyed that had already had children said that they would have definitely downloaded this app when their child was born, as we offer so many valuable things.

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This is our logo, its simple and effective. Representing the colour for girls and boys!