Page 1: Appendix VEG1 1994... · 2016. 10. 22. · Appendix Report VEG1 Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage Eric Miller 11 July 1994 In researching the grazing history

Appendix Report VEG1

Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage

Eric Miller

11 July 1994

In researching the of South Fork McKenzie Ive divided the watershedgrazing thehistory

into divisions which experienced similar activity North South West Rebel and

My recordsrationale was ofto provide continuity from one period to the nextChucksney

despite changes in record format allotment herders boundaries names and the of stocktype

grazed at each

This of several Ive transcribed the boundriesapproximatereport is composed parts

of the allotments as theyve changed timethrough on uniform map Figures 1-7 These

boundaries from the maps dating between 1921-1955 contained in the annualare grazing

summaries located at the Supervisors Office in Eugene OR Ive also provided plastic

ofoutlining my five divisions used in this summary of thedescription historyoverlay

each division follows while Tables 1-5 list in order the datachronological was able to find

These the theallotment descriptions list year the and of stocktype number grazed permittee

the areas listed on the cards andpermit my comments These data were collected from the

summaries and maps located in the Willamette Nation Forest Office andSupervisorsgrazing

from the records located in Cabinetgrazing 14 at the Forest Service Warehouse in Eugene

see Johnson 1985

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becausebeThe numbers of stock cannotgrazed compared from year to the stock wereyear

often on allotments and the allotment boundaries periodically change to suitgrazed multiple

these numbers ofneeds Moreover often stockrepresent the numberthe current range

similarand not the numbers theseactually grazed though numbers areusually very


General Grazing History for the Cascades Grazing of sheep in the Western Cascades

did not until about 1880 1898 inCoville Rakestraw 1993 Herders drove their sheepbegin

theof 1500-2500 from ranges in eastern overbands Oregon the Cascade crest duringusually

meadows In the fall about mid-usuallyandspring into the west-side subalpine and montane

September they would track their sheep back over the Cascades along driveways to

Few herders lived west of the Cascade Crest Oneoverwinter in eastern Oregon


the creation of the Cascade theForest Reserve in 1893 driving feeding grazing pasturing or

of cattle prohibitedsheep or other livestock was in the forest reserves It appearsherding

continued 1898 when the forests werethe policy was not untilstrict and trespass grazing

of recommended by Covilleunder after hissystemagain opened to permitsgrazing

reconnaissance of the Cascade forest Reserve in 1897 After 1906 fees were levied for

The of in the Cascade Mountains occurred about the turnallotment use peak sheep grazing

and Pecor 1977 1909-1910 1993 Rakestrawof the centuryca 1900

describes harmonious relations between the Forest Service and herders from 1905-generally

in conflict with recreationall933 In the the 1930s sheep grazing became increasingly

demand The Forest Service to thegenerally gave recreationalists as farof the forests priority

as possible though most of the conflict seems to have centered on the meadowssubalpine

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recreationnear the Three Sisters and the many montane lakes In 1939 closure was effected

for the McKenzie River basin from Rainbow to McKenzie Pass and along the South Fork

McKenzie from Rainbow to Frissel of the ElkCrossing and most way up Creek After World

War II sheep grazing became unprofitable in the Cascades Sheep products became cheaper

from Australia and New Zealand Moreover records as early as the turn of the century report

gradual encroachment by trees into meadows Cattle grazing in the Grasshopper/Chucksney

allotments continued until 1976

Descriptions of Divisiofl Histories

North Sheep were trailed into the North division along driveway through the Wickiup

Plains south of South Sister to the Horse Lake Ranger Station and then to the Olallie Guard

Station along the present trail 3530 The Lowder Ridge was generally grazed from the west

end Yankee Mountain to the east end Horsepasture Mountain Kuhns 1917 Kuhns

mentions in this but ofslight pocket gopher activity region no mention rodents at Lowder

Mountain where pocket gopher action today is extraordinary Sheep were grazed primarily

thealong the ridgetops where best forage was The StatementGrazing Policy for the period

1946-1950 describes the Lowder Mtn range as follows Formerly grazed as three individual

units namely Rebel Rock Lowder Mtn and allotments ConiferHorsepasture encroachment

made it necessary to reduce the ofcapacity these three allotment to the ofgrazing only

bands of sheep in 1939.. Elk herds estimated at two to three hundred head graze during the

summer season in this area and it has been given some weight in bothreducing capacity and

seasonal use The area liesgenerally to the west and is isolated from usedheavily

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intorecreational when the trailedareas except sheep are being the allotment particular care

should be exercised in Mirror the and Horserouting them by Sisters Meadows Skyline trail

Lake to arouse as little The last theobjection by recreationalists as possible sheep to graze

Lowder allotmentRidge/Horspasture was in 1942

At Mountain and Olallie Guard Station Kuhns makes referenceOlallie to invasion by

in 1916 Past records indicate that the Olallie Mountain has been inlodgepole pine range

thecondition as far back as 1909 andpoor probably overgrazing which is responsible for the

condition of of the took before Erosionplacepresent depleted parts range long that.. is also

to an important in the destruction of theis Inbeginning play part range 1909 artificial

reseeding was attempted here and one acre each was sown to timothy orchard grass

red and awniessbluegrass brome but the successtop experiment evidently was not

Sometime between Kuhns 1916 visit and 1921 the of Ollalievicinity Guard station was

closed to while Olallie Mountain was closed around 1929 However the region stillgrazing

supported sheep until the early 1940s

Rebel The Rebel Rock allotment has confusing history Early maps indicate cattle

allotment and use records indicate it 3-25 headvariously supported cattle from 1915-1922

probably along the lower and the McKenzie basin as the allotment is described inslopes 1922

as very forrough except narrow the alsostrip by river Ingrams 1922 G-Report

indicates that the allotment is better suited to sheep as there was no way to trail cattle into the

Mountain-Rebel Rock range However Ingram states that the Rebel Rock allotmentPyramid

was allotment before 1922 and was to be convertedsheep to cattle The grazing permit

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cards indicate the reverse there are records of cattle before 1922 on the allotment while in

1931 the records are of sheep no records were found between 1922 and 1931 Further

Ingrain states that there is no way to thereasonably trail cattle into allotment at present as the

trail from Frissel hasCrossing too many switchbacks and is inadvisable It seems plausible

that before 1922 the low country along the river was used for cattle while the high slopes of

Rebel Rock and Pyramid Mountain were used for sheep grazing Cattle were trailed into the

allotment the basin of the South whilealong Fork McKenzie sheep were trailed in along the

same route described above In 1938 the allotmentHorsepasture was combined with Rebel

Rock and the Lowder Ridge The last to the Rebelsheep graze Rock allotment was in 1947

South The ofgrazing the southhistory region is generally uncompliŁated The earliest

records of sheep grazing are in 1916 though it was beforeundoubtedly grazed this time and

the allotment bands ofsupported approximately sheep until the allotment was discontinued

in 1945 Kuhns reports no serious ofovergrazing the allotment in 1916 The Grazing Policy

Statement for the period 1946-1950 provides some into the laterinsight history of this region

Horse Lake-- This consisted offormerly two units known as Packsaddle and Wildcat

allotments and was grazed by preference permittee J.W Fisher with bands of 1200 head

each They were combined into one unit in 1940 and called the Horse Lake

allotment This action was andsuggested approved by the permittee In 1944 J.W Fisher

sold his sheep and abandoned his preference Reduction was due primarily to conifer

encroachment and resultant loss of net usable area In recent years an added emphasis has

been given to recreational use about the many lakes in the allotment.. The driveway via

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andand oneLake Burnt Top Mtn the west of Red Hill theparalleling Skyline trail toNash

with use theHorse Lake used recreationalshould be to conflict along Skyline trail


Lake Horse Lake.. They should not closer thanfrom Sisters Mirror graze 1/4 mile of

horseupper Lake Mink Lake or any of the other Lakes frequented by rereationalists

West The West is of three allotmentscomposed variously cattle used by local

allotment exist for the 1920-1928ranches Records for the South Fork McKenzie period

and 28 head of cattle The Indian Ridge allotment appears on the 1921supporting between

records of The allotment recordsGrasshopperallotment map but useonly found no its

estimatedthespan period from between and 100 head cattle The1915-1976 supporting

was 100 head and the allotment was deemed underused forof the allotmentcarrying capacity

were from the south the North Fork of themost of its Cattle trailed in along Middlehistory

Fork Willamette River The Statement for theGrazing Policy 5-year period 1946-1950

Conifer encroachment on the Grasshopper cattle allotment isdescribes the allotment taking

theits annual toll on this but it is believed with good management of stock on the


leastit will the number and season indicated for the next 5-year period atproviderange

ranchThis is used by local owners in the ofrange dependent vicinity Oakridge and should be

given preference for use of this kind in the future

Chucksney The andChucksney allotment was grazed by sheep cattle during

1946-1950different of its The Statement5-year period Grazing Policyperiods history

describes its history This allotment was grazed by cattle in its early history ca 1922-

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1929 and grazed by sheep for many years until 1944 when it was again reclassified to cattle

because of lack ofgrazing demand for andsheep range upon recommendation by Ranger

McFarland should be the ofStudy given to practicability tracking cattle to and from the

allotment via the Box Canyon Guard Station to prevent crossing and probable damage to the

Grasshopper Allotment Cattle should be Northkept away from the Fork Forest Camp and

Box Canyon Guard Station in trailing to and from the range 40 acres at the Box

Canyon Guard Station were closed to grazing in 1932

Cattle were trailed in from the south along the North Fork of the Middle Fork

Willamette River Sheep were trailed in to Box Canyon Guard station from the Taylor Burn

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Covile F.V 1898 Forest growth and sheep grazing in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon

USDA Division of BulletinForestry No 15

D.C 1922 ofReport Grazing Inspection on Cattle Ranges onIngram G-.Reports-Cascade

Cascade Forest

Johnson R.R 1985 Historical Records Inventory for the Willamette National Forest Forest

Grazing Permits

Kuhns J.C 1916 0-Reconnaissance-CasCade Letter to the Forest Supervisor

Minor and A.F NationalPecor 1977 WillametteCultural resource overview of the Forest

Western ofOregon University Oregon Anthropological Papers No 12

Rakestraw and Rakestraw 1991 ofHistory the Willamette National Forest USDA

Willamette National Forest Eugene OR

USDA Forest Service 1945 StatementGrazing Policy 5-year period 1946-1950 Willamette

National Forest Supplement to the Forest Grazing Plan Willamette National Forest

Supervisors Office Eugene OR

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_______ _________________________South Fork Mcenzie Iotments

North______ ______ ______________ __________________ ______________________________________________________________

Year SG CH Permittee Area Comment

1909 Kuhns 1917 reference to abuse at Olallie Guard Stationrange

______ ______ ______________ __________________

1909 Kuhns to Olallie Guard Station1917 reference reseeding experiments at

______ ______ ______________ __________________

1916 y__ Lowder_____ ________________________________________________________

1916 4200 Fisher Olallie ____________________________________________________________________

1916 10 Belknap Fork McKenzie _____________________________________________________________1917 Olallie 5000 on Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout

_____ y_1917 15 Belknap Fork McKenzie ________________________________________________________________

reference to conifer encroachment in Olallie Allbtment1917 Kuhns 1917

______ _____ ______________ __________________

1918 5000 Connolly _________________ Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____

Fork McKenzie1918 12 Belknap East or South

_____ _________________

1919 3600 Connolly Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________

1920 4200 ConnollT Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________

1921 4200 Connolly Probabyj-1orsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________Closed

1921 Olallie Guard Station to grazing______ ______ ______________ __________________

1922 4200 Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout______ Cy_ __________________

1923 3600 Connolly Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________

1923 Taylor Fork McKenzie______ ______________________________________________________________

1924 4200 Connolly Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________

1924 Taylor Fork McKenzie ____________________________________________________________________

1925 400 Connolly Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________

1925 Taylor Fork McKenzie_____ ___________________________________________________________

1926 4800 Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ Connolly _________________

1927 600 Connolly Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout______ _________________

1928 4200 Coiiiliy Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________

1929 4200 Connolly Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________

1929 Olallie Olallie Mtn closed to grazing______ ______ ______________

1930 4200 Connolly Probably Horsepasture/Olallie/Lookout_____ _________________

1931 4440 Connolly Olallie/Lowder Also grazed Rebel Rock_____1937 1200 Connolly Lowder

_____ ___________________________________________________________

1938 1200 Connolly Lowder_____ ___________________________________________________________

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1938 1200 Lowder Also grazed Rebel Rock_____ _____________

1939 1180 Lowder Also grazed Rebel Rock_____ _____________

1939 Lowder Mm allotment reduced to bands due to conifer encroachment______ ______ ______________ __________________

1940 2400 Connolly Horsepasture Also grazed Rebel Rock_____

1941 3600 Connolly Horsepasture Also grazed Rebel Rock_____

1942 3600 Connolly Also grazed Rebel Rock_____ oispasture

1942 Lowder/Horsepasture Authorized Non-Use no grazing_____ ____________1943 Lowder/Florsepasture Authorized Non-Use no grazing_________1944 Lowder Authorized Non-Use no grazing

_____ _____________

1945 Connolly Horsepasture Non-Use no grazing

1946 Lowder Non-Use no grazing_____ _____________

1948 Connolly Horsepasture Authorized Non-Use no grazing_____





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_______ ___________________SouthYork_Mckenzie rntmenLs

South _____ _____ _____________ _______________ _____________________________________________

Year SG CH Permittee Area Comment

1916 4200 Fisher Olallie Mtn Kuhns 1917_____1916 _____ Connolly Packsaddle_____ _____________________________________________

1917 2033 Fisher Wildcat Also grazed on Three Sisters allotment______

1917 1450 Jones Packsaddle_____ _____________________________________________

1918 4200 Fisher Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat_____

1919 4200 Fisher Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat_____

1920 4200 Fisher Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat_____

1920 800 Jones Packsaddle______ _______________________________________________

1921 1200 Breen Packsaddle_____ _____________________________________________

1921 4200 Fisher Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat______

1921 1200 Jones Packsaddle______ _______________________________________________

1922 Breen Packsaddle Also grazed on the Deschutes______ ______

1922 1200 Jones Packsaddle_____ _____________________________________________

1923 Breen Packsaddle______ ______ _______________________________________________

1923 2900 Fisher Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat_____

1924 1200 Breen Packsaddle Also grazed on the Deschutes______

of Rebel Rock1924 4200 Fisher Probably East Wildcat


of Rebel Rock1926 2800 Fisher Cascade N.F Probably East Wildcat

_____1927 2800 Fisher Cascade N.F Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat

_____1928 2800 Fisher Cascade N.F Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat


1929 2800 Fisher Cascade N.F Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat_____1930 2800 Fisher Cascade N.F Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat_____1931 2800 Fisher Cascade N.F Probably East of Rebel Rock Wildcat


1931 1000 Jones Packsaddle Also grazed on the Deschutes______

1932 3000 Fisher Wildcat/Packsaddle Also grazed Horse Lake______

1933 3000 Fisher Wildcat/Packsaddle Also grazed Horse Lake______

1934 3000 Fisher Probably Wildcat/Packsaddle______ ________________

1935 3000 Fisher Probably Wildcat/Packsaddle______ ________________

1936 3000 Fisher Probably Wildcat/Packsaddle______ ________________

1937 3000 Fisher Probably WildcatlPacksaddle______ ________________

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1938 3000 Fisher Probably Wildcat/Packsaddle_____ _______________

1938 1188 _____________ Packsaddle_____ _____________________________________________

1939 2000 Fisher Wilclcat/Packsaddle Also grazed Horse Lake______

1939 1177 Packsaddle ______________________________________________ ____________1940 1800 Fisher Wildcat/Packsaddle Also grazed Horse Lake

_____1941 1800 Fisher Wildcat/Packsaddle ljrazed Horse Lake

_____Horse Lake

1942 1800 Fisher Wildcat/Packsaddle Also grazed_____1943 Fisher Wildcat/Packsaddle Non-use no grazing

Lake1944 Wilshire Packsaddle Also grazed Horse

_____Horse Lake1945 Wilshire Packsaddle Also grazed_____

Flats closed to1946 Packsaddle Corral grazing

______ ______ ______________



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South Fork Mcenzie Iotments_______________ _________________________________________________________

West______ ______ _______________ _________________ ________________________________________________________________

Year SG CH Permittee Area Comment

1915 _____ 25 ____________ Grasshopper ____________________________________________________

1916 _____ 28_____________ Grasshopper ______________________________________________________

1917 _____ 35 ____________ Grasshopper ____________________________________________________1917

______27 Walker Grasshopper _________________________________________________________

1918 _____ 35 ____________ Grasshopper ____________________________________________________

1919 15 Belknap Fork McKenzie ___________________________________________________________1919 _____ ____________ Grasshopper __________________________________________________1920

______15 Belknap Fork McKenzie _________________________________________________________

1921 15 Belknap Fork McKenzie _______________________________________________________________


26 Humphrey _______________At Grasshopper/Sburgrass


15 Belknap Fork McKenzie _________________________________________________________


22 Humphrey _______________At Grasshopper/Sourgrass

1923 20 Belknap Fork McKenzie 1sgrazed on the Foley Ridge_____

1924 _____ 25 Belknap Fork McKenzie Also grazed on the Foley Ridge

1925 20 Belknap ______________ Probably Fork McKenzie_____

1926 15 Belkuap Fork McKenzie Also grazed on the Foley Ridge_____1927 20 Belknap Fork McKenzie Ridge


1928 Belknap Fork McKenzie Also grazed on the Foley Ridge______

1929 Brock Ranger Station closed to grazing______ ______ ______________ _______________

1929 Major Prairie closed to grazing______ ______ _______________ ________________

1931 _____ 50 McAtee Grasshopper ______________________________________________________

1932 50 McAtee Grasshopper______ __________________________________________________________


50 McAtee Grasshopper __________________________________________________________


50 McAtee Grasshopper _________________________________________________________

1935 88 McAtee Grasshopper______ ____________________________________________________________

1936 80 McAtee Grasshopper_____ ______________________________________________________


88 McAtee Grasshopper _________________________________________________________


85 McAtee Grasshopper _________________________________________________________

1939 75 McAtee Grasshopper______ _________________________________________________________

1940 _____ 70 Hayes Grasshopper ______________________________________________________

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70 McAtee Grasshopper

100 y__Grasshopper

75 McAtee GrasshoDner __________________________________________________________

1943 41 Grasshopper___________

1944 68 ________ Grasshopper

1949 30 Howard Grasshopper___1951 15 Halstead Grasshopper


_1951 15 McFarland Grasshopper

1951 25 Iurt Grasshopper

1952 3OBurt Grasshopper

1952 15 Halstead Grasshopper_____1952 20 McFarland

1952 Walker


Grasshopper Missing files for Grasshopper/ChuckSfleydate between 1952-976

1953 40 Burt Grasshqppr

1954 20 McFarland Grasshopper

1954 35 Burt Grasshopper_____

1954 25 McFarland Grasshopper

1956 Cockerill

1957 10 Cockenll19fl1976 Walker

Grasshopperoer_Grasshopper Missing files for Grasshopper/ChucksneY date between 1952-1976

______ ______


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South Fork Meenzie lotments_______________ __________________________________________________

Rebel_____ ______ _____________ ______________ _______________________________________________

Year SG CH Peimittee Area Comment

1915 25 First record of cattle on______ ______________ Grasshopper Grasshopper

1916 10 E.Fork McKenzie First record of cattle on the East Fork McKenzie allotment_____ Belknap

1920 Probably Rebel Rock_____ Rclknap ______________

1921 l3elknap Probably Rebel Rock_____ ______________

1922 10 Belknap Rebel Rock_____ _______________________________________________

1931 4440 Connolly Rebel Rock Also grazed Olallie/Lowder_____1932 3600 Rebel Rock Also Grazed Horsepasture_____ iiiilly

1933 3600 Connolly Rebel Rock Also Grazed Horsepasture_____1934 2400 Connolly Rebel Rock Also Grazed Horsepasture_____1937 1200 Rebel Rock_____ Connolly _______________________________________________

1938 1200 Connolly RebelRock_____ _______________________________________________

1938 Rebel Rock allotment combined with Horsepasture allotment_____ _____ _____________ ______________

1939 1180 Connolly Rebel Rock_____ ___________________________________________

1940 2400 Connolly Rebel Rock Also Grazed Horsepasture_____1941 3600 Rebel Rock Also Grazed Horsepasture_____ Connolly

1942 3600 Rebel Rock Also Grazed Horsepasture_____ Coirilly

1944 1200 Rebel Rock_____ Connolli______ _______________________________________________

1947 Connolly Rebel Rock_____ _______________________________________________

1948 Rebel Rock Authorized Non-Use grazing_____ _____ _____________

1949 Rebel Rock Authorized Non-Use no grazing_____ _____ _____________

1950 Rebel Rock Authorized Non-Use no grazing_____ _____ _____________

1951 Rebel Rock Authorized Non-Use no grazing_____ _____ _____________

1952 Rebel Rock Authorized Non-Use no grazing_____ _____ _____________1953 Rebel Rock Authorized Non-Use no grazing_____ _____ _____________

Li Li

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_L __ __ __________________South Fork McKenzie 9otments


Chucksney _____ ____________ _____________

Year SG CH Permittee Area Comment

1916 Blair Chucksney______

1916 25 Callison Chucksney______

1916 45 Walker Chucksney______

1917 70 Callison Chucksney_____

1917 80 Eastman Son Chucksney_____1918 95 Callison Chucksney

_____1918 70 Eastman Son Chucksney_____1918 35 Walker Chucksney


1919 115 Callison Chucksney

1920 115 Callison Chucksney______

1921 125 Callison Chucksney______

1922 125 Callisoir Chucksney_____

1929 700 Katzman_____ Chucksney

1929 1200 Katzman Chucksney



Chucksney 40 acres at Box Canyon Guard Station closed to grazing_____ _____ _____________

1931 1200 Katzman_____ Chucksney

1932 _____ Jones_____

Chucksney A1.spgrazed Blair

1933 _____ Jones_____ Chucksney Also grazed Blair

1934 _____ Jones_____ Chucksney Also grazed Blair

1935 Jones______ _______________ Probably Chucksney

1937 Jones Probably Chucksney______ _______________

1936 _____________ Chucksney______

1937 1250 _____________ Chucksney Also grazed on Blair

1938 1200 Jones Chucksney_____

1939 1187 Jones Chucksney _________________________________________________


_____Recreational closure of Fork McKenzie basin

______ ______________ _______________

1940 Jones______

Chucksney _________________________________________________________

1941 Jones Chucksney_____1942 Jones_____ Chucksney ______________________________________________________

1943 Jones______

Chucksney _________________________________________________________


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1944 48 McLane Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1945 60 McLane Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1946 60 McLane Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1947 50 McLane Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1948 66 McLane Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1949 60 McLane Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1950 40 McLane Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1952 10 MeLane Chucksney______ _________________________________________________________

1952 alker Chucksney Missing files for Grasshopper/Chucksney date between 1952 1976______ ______

1953 McLane Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1954 13 Walker Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1955 25 Morehouse Chucksney______ _________________________________________________________

1966 68 Long Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1968 60 Long Chucksney_____ ______________________________________________________

1971 Chucksney_____ _____ _____________ ______________________________________________________

1976 Walker Chucksney Missing files for Grasshopper/Chucksney date between 1952-1976______ ______






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Total sheep grazed in the Willamelte Minor and Pecor 1977


1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950


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1921 AllotmentsFigure

_.rlr -.


t._ RL6$Tf

_r_ -T-Iie

--_@c k-


.Rlve riJ -4 Foley

_i w-r- FDEAN rTh zr1tMt

r- IE ____4_

_L .j_.fl1RL1t 4O J---


00_T L__ri RT iL_

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l_clTive Corinolly Lowder/horsepasture

--- i_-

MtI4-j .-


jcIr A4 Lt

r- SI


hNBi_ ji41 --



--- n1bRock

.- _r VV V.

Indian Ridge

-H-rtLk qj t8



/i.% bAT_

Ccee ___SaSI -- iJ 1b


LowU1 SPfSç5

JV-r -I


Ske1pu% s-I--

LBufte.o Chucksney _d__

VV __ ..VV.-

J.___ Grasshopper

----V- -- l_

/-r _t _i_ -CY1\YQ

flA1 -iI _vF_ ç9 Breen Packsaddle

S_Vi_ _V\ft

.f /_t____ .-

_._1t CONrVflON1


Tm 74.- tV SK6O

9T-- Qh __jV .V --P.4



cV-tcl ._

.\rrsciIV._ -V


.- 4T Lr4LDis



VV-Vt V- fr1 -f i- .V

%I _- .__

____ VV-c


Page 20: Appendix VEG1 1994... · 2016. 10. 22. · Appendix Report VEG1 Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage Eric Miller 11 July 1994 In researching the grazing history


Figure ..1923 Allotments.SRICGE




-4 RLôsT





FDERHE -- _._41IVE S.. r1

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j- \.Nh__c A4

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_- .-

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I_i .FbU




o_ \-

------- __1 ---i. __.I

TT -rc---- -j _I Rebel Rock


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creek _l

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..- .. IF NIJ4- --c j4LOwI sps ELL

Fisher Wildcatjr ROSSING

IlVVV __


Mt -.r Chucksney 4r tMd1r --r--

Grasshopper r- ----VV

L1 VVj rrI




Breen Packsaddle

AA fr2 f_--.-CONSTITLJ7ON ..-


.V1___ VQ V___cr_ Lj-4PTjMmk


b1tu Lf..j Spang tfljsV py Ens -L

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Page 21: Appendix VEG1 1994... · 2016. 10. 22. · Appendix Report VEG1 Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage Eric Miller 11 July 1994 In researching the grazing history

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Figure __119351939 Allotments


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Page 22: Appendix VEG1 1994... · 2016. 10. 22. · Appendix Report VEG1 Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage Eric Miller 11 July 1994 In researching the grazing history


Figure -I .1-i1.t 1939-1943 Allotments _________________

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Page 23: Appendix VEG1 1994... · 2016. 10. 22. · Appendix Report VEG1 Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage Eric Miller 11 July 1994 In researching the grazing history



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Page 24: Appendix VEG1 1994... · 2016. 10. 22. · Appendix Report VEG1 Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage Eric Miller 11 July 1994 In researching the grazing history

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Page 25: Appendix VEG1 1994... · 2016. 10. 22. · Appendix Report VEG1 Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage Eric Miller 11 July 1994 In researching the grazing history

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Page 26: Appendix VEG1 1994... · 2016. 10. 22. · Appendix Report VEG1 Summary of Grazing for the South Fork McKenzie Drainage Eric Miller 11 July 1994 In researching the grazing history

AcresAppendix Table VEG2 Harvest by

Decade by Subwatershed


watersheds Decades Acres


1940 424.63

1950 26.24

1960 181.27

1970 92.61

1980 226.53

1990 136.88

13A 3119.19


1950 15.99

1960 163.11

1970 405.96

1980 534.88

1990 521.37

13B 12924.36


1950 2.91

1960 51.84

1970 32.7

13C 5378.39


1950 11.73

1960 36.5

1980 19.66

IZD 2860.94


1960 34.29

1970 43.07


13E 19892.63


1960 112.65

13F 5018.43

