Page 1: Apply These Diabetes Tips To Your Life

Years ago, diabetes seemed like a very mysterious and sometimes terrifying disease. It almost seemed like a death sentence. You couldn\'t eat any sugar and you

would be tied to insulin injections for the rest of your life. However, as we have learned more about the disease

there are many steps you can follow to make life with this disease much more livable. Check these hints out:

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If you have diabetes and still crave sweets, just remember to eat them in moderation. It\'s a myth that diabetics can\'t eat any sugar at all --but it is true that diabetes

means you need to consume sugar with care. If you eat sweets, eat small amounts, and remember that the sweets

count toward your carbohydrate tally for that meal.

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It is imperative to make sure that you take the medication that your doctor prescribed for your diabetes on a regular basis as outlined. Failure to take medication, or frequently skipping doses, can lead to grave complications regarding

your diabetes that can be difficult, if not impossible, to reverse.

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Pay attention to warning signs when exercising. Exercise is an important part of your diabetic health plan, but pay

attention to any warning signs. Your body may be telling you that your blood sugar levels are dropping. If shortness

of breath, chest pain, or dizziness occur, stop exercising immediately. Discuss any symptoms with your health care provider to see if you need to alter your levels of activity.

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Be sure you have a bedtime snack. This will help to make sure you have enough glucose to get you through the night and that your glucose is stable while you sleep. It will also

help to make sure you don\'t feel the need to get up at night and raid your fridge.

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To tackle your diabetes head-on, assemble a medical team. In addition to your primary care provider, you should see other doctors like a ophthalmologist, an

ophthalmologist, and even a registered dietitian. Make sure your team communicates with one another so that you can get the best possible care. If you\'re concerned your insurance won\'t cover other types of doctors, ask

your general practitioner to give you a referral.

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Taking care of your feet is even more important in Gestational Diabetes than it is in the traditional syndrome. You\'ll be far heavier than normal in a very short amount of time, so your feet won\'t be able to keep up with the

changes. Ensure that you wear comfortable footwear that allows your skin to breathe.

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Exercising could help drop your blood glucose levels. Depending on what exercise you are doing and the

duration, you could burn glucose for up to twenty four hours after you finish exercising. You will use the glucose that you have stored in your liver as fuel after a long and

hard exercise.

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To make sure you don\'t suffer from diabetes-related complications, always get plenty of sleep. Studies have show that people suffering from sleep deprivation eat

much more food, which will make it difficult to keep your diabetes under control. A good night\'s rest will also help

your body to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

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Eating fresh, non-processed foods is an easy way for a diabetic to keep his or her weight in check and blood sugar stable. By shopping only the outside aisles of the grocery store you will find you\'re not exposed to the processed

sugary or carbohydrate-laden treats, that can lead to temptation.

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Body Weight

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It is important that you drink plenty of water each day if you have diabetes. Becoming dehydrated when you are diabetic can cause your blood sugar levels to go through

the roof. The general rule of thumb is that you should drink one ounce of water for every 2.5 pounds of your

body weight, each day.

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Diabetics should constantly work to avoid dehydration. There are many things to keep in mind to prevent from

getting dehydrated. Such things to keep in mind are: avoid beverages filled with caffeine, drink plenty of water when exercising and drink 1 ounce of water for every 2.5 pounds

of your body weight. Working to keep yourself hydrated keeps you healthy as a diabetic and as an individual.

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If you are diabetic, lose that extra weight. Scientific studies have shown that losing about two pounds of body weight can decrease the risks related to diabetes by about

sixteen percent. A few dietary changes and some moderate exercise can get you well on the way to reaching your optimum weight. You\'ll be doing your health a favor

by making the effort to get the pounds off.

Page 15: Apply These Diabetes Tips To Your Life

If you are diabetic, lose that extra weight. Scientific studies have shown that losing about two pounds of body weight can decrease the risks related to diabetes by about

sixteen percent. A few dietary changes and some moderate exercise can get you well on the way to reaching your optimum weight. You\'ll be doing your health a favor

by making the effort to get the pounds off.

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Here is a tip that benefits not only someone with diabetes, but anyone else. Regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy body weight, as exercise burns off excess body

fat. Aerobic exercises such as jogging and cycling are good for increasing the heart rate to burn off fat.

Page 17: Apply These Diabetes Tips To Your Life

As you have just read via the tips provided in this article, there are many things you can do to help control your diabetes. The important thing here is that you act now

and never put off controlling this disease, not even for a day. The quicker you start, the quicker you will get a

handle on it.

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