Page 1: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Applying participant observation to the practice of sports:  the body of the

researcher as “instrument of cognition”

Aleksey Zinovyev

19.09.2012 Glasgow, Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies

Page 2: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,


Participant observation as a «way to cognize»

Example 1. Parkour. Project of Center for Youth Studies – “New youth solidarity".

Example 2. Fighting Club. Project of Center for Youth Studies – “Innovative Potential of Russia's Young People: solidarities, activism and civic responsibility”.

Page 3: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Three levels in researches of sports.

Level 1. Beginning of involving in sport. Interest for researcher: an influence of various social features on involvement in sports activities; sports preferences in different social groups.

Level 2. Analysis of sports` influence. Interest for researcher: positive or negative effects related to sports.

Level 3. Specifics of different sports practices. “Black Box”.

Page 4: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Inside the "Black Box"Sports practice as a specific “body technique” (M. Moss)

Knowledge, that exists only in activity

Interest for researcher: “habitus of a sportsman” (P. Bourdieu)

“Social sense in sport” and “sports routine”

“Using body as an instrument of cognition”: passing a “way of a beginner”

Page 5: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Case “Parkour in St. Petersburg”.

Parkour as an example of “lifestyle sports”

The main purpose of my research: to analyze a process of developing Parkour in St. Petersburg

Method of research: participant observation (participation in street training) and semi-structured interviews

Page 6: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Case “Fight Club in St. Petersburg”.

Four Fight Clubs: Russian Fighting Club (RFC), “Palahniuk”, Female Fight Club (FFC) and fight club analyzed by me.

Specific characteristics: free of charge trainings, rules of fight agreed among participants, group’s fight.

Method of research: participant observation (participation in training and group’s fight) and semi-structured interviews

Page 7: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Construction of a body in Parkour: flexible and powerful

Main task: to create a “universal body”.

Stages of construction a body:

- re-socialization of standard techniques

- socialization of a body

- training combining elements

Page 8: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Constructing a body in Fight club: battle-hardened

Main task: to gain an experience of real fight

Close as possible to “street fight”

Page 9: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Street as a «teacher»: new vision, new norms

Specificity of urban space: - not prepared for parkour`s practices- space of power- public space

“Vision of Parkour”

Idea of one's own uniqueness

Traceur’s norms of movement

Page 10: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Fight Club: between street and ring

Social regulation of violence:- formal norms- informal norms

Specific habitus of fight club`s member: case of the group fight with football hooligans

Page 11: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Fight Club: Men's Club

“Real men's club”: case of girl-fighter

Fight club that protects traditional masculinity

This idea of protection as a basis of the club: protect ones you love, protect brothers from club, protect norms and values

Page 12: Applying participant observation to the practice of sports: the body of the researcher as “instrument of cognition” Aleksey Zinovyev 19.09.2012 Glasgow,

Conclusion: using body for cognizing

Difficulties:- high degree of risk for the researcher- risk of immersion in the field

Returning a body in the sociology of sport