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April Vacation Writing Assignment

Raymond’s Run

Choose One Prompt: Write an essay explaining how various characters in the text experience and think about


Think about Squeaky and how she takes so much pride in being the fastest runner, the toughest girl in Harlem, the best sister to Raymond. These qualities make her stand out in the crowd, and she loves all the attention, and she would like everyone to know who she is by her reputation and achievements. Write about a time when you were like Squeaky, the best in the crowd, known by everyone for being number one. Describe that time and what set you apart from everyone else. Let the reader see how it felt to be considered so special and unique. Show the reader your thoughts and how others around you reacted.

Imagine that Raymond is the narrator, and instead of hearing Squeaky’s thoughts and feelings,

share Raymond’s. Retell the same events (living in Harlem with your family, going to school, walking down Broadway and seeing the girls, the May Day races) from the point of view of Raymond and imagine how different the characters would be described, how events would happen in a new way, and what changes would be made to the setting through his lens.

At the end of the race, we learn that Squeaky wins and Gretchen comes in second place.

Rewrite the ending to the story in which Gretchen (or even another character) wins the race and Squeaky does not. Show the reader how this would change our feelings about Squeaky, Gretchen, Raymond...

Something we learn about Squeaky is she is fiercely devoted to her brother Raymond. Write

about a time when you had so much love and sense of protectiveness for another person. You are in charge of this person, and you need to watch out for this person to make sure nothing bad happens to him/her. Put yourself in this story as a character who looks out for someone who is important to you.

Scoring Guide:

Category 1­Novice 2­Developing 3­Effective 4­Highly Effective

Organization and


•Attempts some organization, but this occurs mostly within a single part of the text; overall organization is lacking.

•Uses paragraphs to group strengthening facts, details and/or examples. •It’s clear how most sections have been organized.

•Orders paragraphs in a structure that demonstrates some planning; may demonstrate least to most important, chronological order, or follow the flow of the text.

•Organizes facts, details and examples to strengthen the topic, creating cohesion among ideas and concepts. •Within supporting paragraphs, organizes facts, details and examples in an order that reads well and makes sense.

**Remember to write “CONTEST” on top of your writing assignment if you’d like for it to be considered for a chance to win TWO FREE MOVIE TICKETS!**