
Learning Session: How to Leverage Media as

a Powerful Tool for Social Justice Advocacy

Milla Impola, Camino Public Relations

Melissa White, Lucky Bloke

April 26-28, 2015

San Francisco, CA#YTHLive

Annual Conference on Youth + Tech + Health

Learning Session: How to Leverage Media as a Powerful Tool for Social

Justice Advocacy

Melissa White

Lucky BlokeFounder and



Milla Impola

Camino Public RelationsAccount Manager



Strategic communications

Case study: #Tweet4Condoms!

Tracking media narratives

New SHGN Website!

Emotional connection

Case study: #Tweet4Condoms

Condom education as a social justice issue.

"I totally hated condoms before. Now, I love using them. I can barely believe it.”

“The mission made me realize that there's a whole variety of condoms to choose from that added excitement to sex. It helped me have better communication with my partner when it comes to safe sex.”

Too sexy for Twitter?

Strategic Communications

The issue

Strategy &




Analysis & Restrategize


11Goals: What does success look like?


Audiences: Who am I talking to?

13Strong messages

Lead with


Authentic for



Relatable to



Lucky Bloke #Tweet4Condoms campaign

Main Message


By categorizing condoms as harmful content, ad networks promote stigma that decreases condom access and education.

Condoms are excluded from the most powerful ad networks — to the detriment of its millions of users.

Lucky Bloke teaches people how to use proper-fitting condoms, resulting in increased pleasure and condom usage — and thus increased protection (from STIs and unintended pregnancy).

Condoms save lives — & removing stigmatizing and harmful policies that inhibit condom education and access will save even more lives.

Communication process

Step 01 Step 02 Step 03




Intellectual connection


Emotional Connection

What is your story?

Personal stories in the mediaAmplifying messages, connecting with your audience.

Pitching & press release

“There’s still so much stigma and shame attached to using condoms,and policies like this from big corporations just perpetuate that even further.”

“I just think it’s interesting that corporations will censor you when you talk about pleasure in the context of sexual health. In fact, pleasure is how you’re going to get people to use condoms in the first place. If condoms are too small or too big, they’re not going to feel as good, and people won’t want to use them. So this education is really important.”

“If you prohibit content about condoms on such a global platform, you are restricting efforts to save lives.”

“When they say that a sponsored tweet can’t contain or link to sexual content, they place arestriction that is really a de facto ban on condom advertising. Because condoms are used for sex.” Melissa White, Lucky Bloke.

“There is nothing shameful or sinful about contraception,” said Debra Hauser of Advocates for Youth, adding that decoupling sex from condom use is both stigmatizing and counterproductive. “It’s impossible to do good sex ed or to help young people, or anybody, feel comfortable using contraception if you’re medicalizing it to such an extent that it’s only about disease prevention or pregnancy prevention. It’s really about healthy sexuality and intimacy and relationships. And those things are important if you’re trying to sell the idea of prevention.”

“Lucky Bloke’s ad was rejected because it violated our policy, not because they are a condom manufacturer,” a Twitter spokesperson told RH Reality Check over email, linking to the “adult or sexual products and services” policy page. “Condom manufacturers are allowed to advertise on Twitter, along with safer sex education and HIV/STD awareness campaigns. For example, Durex (@durexlovesex) and Bedsider (@bedsider) have bothadvertised on Twitter.”

Response from Twitter?


“Ads for non-prescription contraceptive products such as condoms and spermicides, and ads for personal lubricants, now fall under our health and pharmaceutical products and services policy,” the Twitter spokesperson said. (RH Reality Check; March 10, 2015)



Media advocacy changes the conversation

Letters to the editor (LTEs) & opinion editorials (op-eds)

Tracking Media

Media strategy takeaway: Reporters covering abortion

and reporters covering sex education may be different, and

it may be useful to keep the two conversations distinct

despite pressure from opponents of sex education.

Tweet Archivist:

Tag Sleuth:



Sign up:

April 26-28, 2015

San Francisco, CA#YTHLive

Annual Conference on Youth + Tech + Health

Melissa White

Lucky BlokeFounder and



Milla Impola

Camino Public RelationsAccount Manager


[email protected]