

Ari Pregen

Here are some amazing advice for young lawyers:

5. Take Pride in Your Work Practicing law is a noble profession, so take pride in being part of the ranks of other incredible attorneys.

4. Know Thyself Dont try to become someone you arent through the practice of law. Any advice you take should be modified to fit your style and personality in order to allow you to thrive.

3. There is No Substitute for Hard Work Sometimes you have to just put in the hours. That being said, look for opportunities to create efficiency in your work to expedite processes. Work smart.

2. Find a Mentor I cant stress how important it is to find someone you can look up to in this profession. Find someone who can help look out for you even while still in law school. You cant force a mentor relationship, so find someone who you respect who respects you back that help propel your career forward.

1. Find Your Niche It is tempting to be a jack of all trades and a master of none, but this will not help you in your career as a lawyer. In order to find your niche, look for an area where there an unserved need where you can help. Sometimes this will mean taking extra classes in school, reading newsletters, and developing your knowledge.


Kevin MacLeod

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