


"Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” LK 24:46-47 5130 Wilson Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 Parish Office Hours Monday – Friday 8am - 4pm Phone: 314.771.1228 FAX: 314.771.0454

St. Ambrose School Phone: 314.772.1437


We, the members of St. Ambrose Parish, believe that,

through our faith and baptism, we have been called to give witness

to the values of Jesus as expressed in the Gospel

and teachings of our Church.


Msgr. Vincent Bommarito…...…..………..….Pastor Rev. Mr. Daniel Tracy ……….……………..Deacon Rev. Mr. Joseph Fragale…………………….Deacon Sharon Gambaro………………………..Bookkeeper Jenn Kelly………………………...……….Secretary Parish Office Directory: 771-1228, mailbox #: Msgr. Vincent Bommarito……..………….…… 1 ………………….…….……[email protected] Jenn Kelly………………………………………….2 ………………..…[email protected] Sharon Gambaro………………………………… 3 ………………[email protected]

Masses Monday - Friday…………………................6:30 am

School Masses

(While School is in Session) Tuesday & Friday ………………………….8:00 am

Weekend Masses Saturday………………...………………...…...5 pm Sunday…………………………...….7, 9 and 11 am

Communion Service Saturday ……………………………………7:30 am

Holy Day Mass Schedule 6:30 and 9 am, 12:00 noon


Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 pm

Adoration Each Friday 8:30 am-12 pm when school is in session.

St. Ambrose School 5110 Wilson Ave.

(314) 772-1437

Barbara Zipoli……………...……..…..Principal 114 ………………[email protected] Linda Gambaro ………...…….…...….Secretary 116


Call the pastor to discuss your wedding arrangements. You may have a wedding at

St. Ambrose if you have been an active member of the parish for at least six months.

RCIA—Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you are interested in learning more about the

Catholic faith, please speak with Deacon Joe Fragale at 314-282-0739. Classes are on Wednesday evenings,

beginning Oct. 18 and continuing until Easter.

Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors If you would like to volunteer to help with this

ministry, please call the rectory.

St. Vincent de Paul Society For more info please call 289-6101, ext 1131.


To join the Sunday choir, contact Gary Scott at the rectory.


Articles are due at least 8 days before distribution. E-mail articles to Jenn Kelly

[email protected]

PSR Contact the South City Deanery PSR Nancy Haselhorst at 314-773-3070.

Leave a message.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word This is a short worship service for children aged

3-10 years. The service is offered during each 9 am Sunday Mass during the school year.

Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 8 am - 4 pm

Use entrance located between rectory and school.

APRIL 21 & 22

5:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am

Lector: M. Devoti R. Zapf Students D. Carnaghi Eucharistic L. Berra J. McDermott A. Biondolino M. McKeever Ministers: S. Favazza C. Crowe J. Kelly J. Johnson L. Tomlinson C. Sanders A. Ehrhardt A. Danter M. Neri R. Winkler Servers: G. Kelly K. Crowe C. Hayes F. Winters E. Kelly B. Crowe A. Molli H. Winters A. Fuse A. Roy G. Fogarty J. Striler


Monday, April 16: 6-8pm St. Ambrose Society CH (pbj)

Wednesday, April 18: 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus CH

Friday, April 20: 8 am-12 pm Eucharistic Adoration 10 am-12 pm Crochet/Knitting

Saturday, April 21: ADA Pledges after 5pm Mass CH Sunday, April 22: SVDP Sunday ADA Pledges after 9 & 11am Masses CH

Sacrament of Baptism

Baptismal classes (for the first child only) will be held on the second Sunday of the month after the 9 am Mass. Baptisms will be scheduled after completion of baptismal classes.

For information and to schedule a class, please contact Deacon Joe Fragale at 314-282-0739 or by email [email protected].

Baptisms are performed on the first and third Sunday of the month at Noon, and at 12:30 pm for visiting priests/deacons.

Recent Baptisms

Lillian Lordo Tobben, Daughter of Michael & Katherina Tobben

I thank God every day for the love and support given by my family and friends. Being a member of this parish means everything to me because I know I can count on your love, support and prayers in every situation. My recent hospitalization is a perfect example. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all. Larry Tornetto

St. Ambrose Sacrificial Giving Summary

2017/18 Goal (July 1 – June 30) $520,000

Weekly information Week ending: 04/1/2018 Amount budgeted: $ 10,000.00 Amount collected: $ 12,800.00 Surplus (Shortfall): $ 2,800.00

Year-to-date information Amount budgeted: $ 400,000.00 Amount collected: $ 416,242.00 Surplus (Shortfall): $ 16,242.00

St. Vincent de Paul Sunday Is the weekend of

April 21 & 22, 2018. Please be generous. Thanks!

Please Pray for those who have requested prayers:

Diane, Maggie, Ron, Liz, Kevin, Sue, Josephine, Leonard, Steve, Corey, Mindy, Ann, Martin,

Madeline, Luca, Maureen, Angela, Jacquelyn, Jane, Shirley, Barb, Mike, Paul, Tina, Kirby, Jane,

Jeff, Carol, Diane, Robyn, Rosemary, Tracey, Ramsie, Lisa, David, Diane, Jeff

If you have a prayer request, please contact Jenn Kelly at 771-1228 or e-mail her at [email protected]. Each prayer request will be honored for a month.


Monday, April 16 6:30 am Gregg Stocker

Tuesday, April 17 6:30 am Theresa Miriani 8:00 am Patricia Hayes

Wednesday, April 18 6:30 am Dominic Regalia

Thursday, April 19 6:30 am Lois Pisani

Friday, April 20 6:30 pm Victor Agnello 8:00 am Sara Freeman

Saturday, April 21 7:30 am Communion Service 5:00 pm Frank Borghi, Sr.

Sunday, April 22 7:00 am For the People 9:00 am Louis Bertani 11:00 am Ranzini & Coffey Families


If you are not currently registered in another parish and wish to join our parish, please complete this form and place it the collection basket or mail it to:

St. Ambrose Rectory, 5130 Wilson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110. We will see that you receive a registration form.

NAME: ______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ ZIP CODE: __________________________________________________________________ PHONE #: _______________________________E-MAIL_____________________________

Recent Deaths

Please pray for Sam Caputa. May his soul and all the souls of the

faithful departed rest in peace.

There are openings in the parish calendar book for Mass Intentions on weekdays as well as weekends. If you

have an intention you would like offered (even if you have already made two intentions for this calendar year), please contact Jenn Kelly in the rectory at 314-771-1228.

St. Ambrose Class of 1963 Mass Intention

The 5 PM Mass on Saturday, April 28th, will be offered in memory of the deceased members of the St. Ambrose Class of 1963. They are Robert Carnaghi, Diane (Cerutti) Hagedorn, JoAnn (Dombek) Mertzluft, Dennis Gruzeski, Sister Joan Krueger, ASCJ, and John Tapella. May their souls and the souls of all of the faithful  departed  rest  in  peace.    

RRaaffffllee!! !!!! Grand Prize- $3000

2nd Prize- $100 3rd Prize- $100

Raffle Tickets are available in the back of church on the radiators. Take an envelope and return the filled out tickets along with payment to the rectory or in the collection basket by May 6th.

The Bake Shop is in need of donations of

cookies, cakes, brownies, breads,

jams, jellies, and more!

If you are able to bake for the booth, please drop your donations off Friday, May 4th between 8am-4pm.

The Friday morning knitting/crocheting ladies are looking for crafters to join us to make and donate items for La Festa. If you don't have any crafty ideas, come join us anyway from 10:00 till noon -- and we will show you some easy, fun projects. Please join the "Lower Level Ladies" -- we have lots of fun.

CCoouunnttrryy SSttoorree && BBaakkee SShhoopp

VVoolluunntteeeerrss NNeeeeddeedd!!

We are looking for volunteers to help set up on Saturday May 5th from 10am-noon. On Sunday, May 6th, we need volunteers to help with the booths and especially with clean up beginning at 6pm. If you would like to volunteer, contact Jenn Kelly at 314-771-1228 or [email protected].

TThhaannkk yyoouu!!

St. Patrick Center Sandwich Program Monday, April 16, 6:00pm Make sandwiches for the homeless in the Church Hall.

Missionaries of Charity Soup Kitchen Saturday, April 28, 8:45-11:30am Work with St. Teresa of Calcutta’s Sisters at the Soup Kitchen.

Fr. Dempsey’s Home – Prep Wednesday, May 2, 6:00-8:00pm Make meal for homeless veterans in the Cafeteria.

Fr. Dempsey’s Home Thursday, May 3, 3:15-5:00pm Serve meal to homeless veterans at Fr. Dempsey’s Home.

Claver House, Read & Feed Brown Bag Lunches Late June, date & time TBD (will occur every 3 months) Assemble brown bag lunches for children in need.

Claver House, Read & Feed Summer Camp Lunches 4 weeks in July (125 meals per week will be served) Many volunteers and supplies will be needed. Watch for more details.

Monthly Meeting: No meeting in April!

New Brown Bag Lunch Program - Project Read and Feed “Filling Bellies & Minds” at the Claver House in the Ville Neighborhood!

The St. Ambrose Society has made a concerted effort to expand outreach activities to include opportunities to help children in need. We are happy to report that a brown bag lunch program has been established to support Project Read and Feed at the Claver House in the Ville Neighborhood in North St. Louis City.

The Claver House is located just down the street from St. Matthews Church which is run by Jesuit priests. The Claver House was established over 20 years ago to house college students from universities like SLU and Notre Dame who live and work in the neighborhood supporting revitalization efforts such as community gardens. The Claver House is named after Saint Peter Claver who was a Jesuit missionary in the 17th century and is the patron saint of slaves.

Project Read and Feed operates from the Claver House on Saturday mornings throughout the year. It provides neighborhood children ages 5-13 with a hot breakfast, mini-libraries, and STEM-related activities. Since many of the children will return to homes without adequate food, the St. Ambrose Society will provide brown bag lunches for them to take with them. In addition to Saturday brown bag lunches, we plan to provide daily lunches for a 4-week Summer Camp in July. Look for more information on the Summer Camp in the coming weeks.

St. Ambrose Society volunteers assembled 200 brown bag lunches this past Thursday in the Church Hall. The brown bag lunches were delivered on Saturday, April 7th. The next assembly and delivery will be scheduled in late June/early July.

How You Can Help! • Volunteer to assemble brown bag lunches (every 3 months, watch bulletin for dates) • Donate cases of food items (cases needed due to storage restrictions

Chips Ritz Bitz Crackers Granola/Protein Bars Fruit Roll Ups Fruit Snacks Beef Jerky Trail Mix Cookies Juice Boxes Capri Sun Pouches Gatorade (12 Oz) Little Debbie Type Snacks

• Make a financial donation for the purchase of supplies • Pray for the children in need and the success of this program!

To learn more about Project Read & Feed, see the St. Louis Review article –

Thanks for all your help with the St. Ambrose Society’s outreach ministries!

Contact To volunteer, please contact Deacon Joe at [email protected] or 314-282-0739. Visit SAS on Facebook at

St. Ambrose Society

SCHOOL NEWS St.  Ambrose  School’s  website  and  Facebook  pages  are  a  great  way  to  learn  

more  about  all  of  the  exciting  experiences  happening  in  our  school!  Check  them  out  at  

Congratulations to all of our students who received academic honors for their work during the third quarter!

First Honors:

4th Grade John Black Gabriella Brusatti Marco Campisi Brendan Crowe Francesco Curran Camila Drury Denis Gralike Nathaniel Keiser Aaron Knobbe Adam Molli Mia Sestric Gloria Stahl Lucy Warden

5th Grade Mary Corkery Cecilia Hines Joseph Jamerson Charlsie Longland Ethan Lutker Frances Winter

6th Grade Dominic Bartoni Ava Consiglio Gianna Fogarty Mia Gordon Owen Hackmann Isabella Lombardo Abigail Roy Audrey Sandhaus Abigail Scholbe

First Honors (cont):

7th Grade Jeffrey Michael Baur Olivia Brusatti Giada Catarinicchia Sean Corkery Marisa England Mary Stahl Virginia Steck Angelo Tucci Kyle Verzino

8th Grade Morgan Berkley Gianni Brusatti Grace Kelly Gaibrial Nugent Allison Ruggeri Kenneth Sanders Michael Weitz Amelia Wildhaber Victoria Scheers Anna Steck

Second Honors:

4th Grade Dominic Capizzi Samuel Fields Gracie Fogarty Brady Gordon Thomas Palmer

Principal’s List

4th Grade Shelby Ezell Annie Sestric

5th Grade Matteo Abbate Ellia Bartoni Sophia Nugent Brooke Tatum

6th Grade Lucas Andrews Emma Grana CatyJane Hayes Ava Molli Elizabeth Kelly

7th Grade Giuseppe Abbate Kathryn Llewellyn Regina Pancella Camila Torres

8th Grade Grace Bricker Grace Grana Corie Longland

Second Honors (cont):

5th Grade Nicholas Cissi Isabella Fischer Madison Ruggeri Thomas Steck Peyton Warren Cecilia Wilken

6th Grade Ben Begley Kylie Crowe Christopher Lawing Matthew Seib Kaytlin Terry Edward Walbaum

7th Grade Ainsley Armstrong Samuel Berra Audrey Bulin Gianni Gibbons Nathalie Henlon Brady Kimberlin Dominic Perotta Luke Will

8th Grade Luca Bartoni Braeden Bruggeman Daniel England Nathan Fischer Caroline Hayes MaryKate Stephens Abigail Walsh Alexis Warren

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Celebrate as an Easter couple this year, and find more for your relationship than you ever dreamt was possible from just one weekend together. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend as a celebration of your couple relationship. The next weekends are Apr. 20-22 or Aug 3-5, 2018 in St. Peters, MO. You can find out more by clicking on or calling at 314.649.7317.

FIAT WOMEN’S GROUP All women are invited to Kenrick-Glennon Seminary (5200 Glennon Drive, 63119) on the third Thursday of each month for prayer and a talk. The next meeting will be on April 19th, 2018. The speaker will be Father Paul Hoesing, Dean of Seminarians at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary. The Rosary will be prayed at 8 a.m., and Father Hoesing will speak from 8:15 a.m. until 9 a.m. Coffee will be offered afterwards in the Fireside Lounge until 9:30 a.m. For more information, see:

Archdiocese of St. Louis, Office of Ecumenical &

Interreligious Affairs

Women's Interfaith Conference Join us Thurs. April 19 @ 8:45 - 2pm for the annual Women's Interfaith Conference as we explore "Holy Days-What, Why and How." Congregation B'nai Amoona, 324 S Mason Rd, Creve Coeur, MO 63141


You are invited to join us for fun and to make new friends at the next meeting of the South County Separated, Divorced, Widowed and Remarried Catholics (SCDC) on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., at the Saint Catherine Laboure parish cafeteria, 9740 Sappington Road, Sunset Hills, Missouri. At this meeting Dotty Reynolds will speak on volunteering in the St. Louis area. SCDC is a support group for the separated, divorced, widowed and remarried of our community. SCDC offers social activities and a support group that provides the opportunity to share your story with caring people. For more information please call Pat Lynch at (314) 537-5930, Bill DeCoursey at (314) 894-0733, or Jan Inman at (314) 892-6933 for our support group.

Rosati-Kain Summer Camps Kougar Kamps offer your kamper the ultimate summer experience! R-K is offering four weeks of full or half-day summer camps from Monday through Thursday. Our camps are designed to be fun and inspiring, but also engage your daughter in a new interest or sport. Our camps are geared toward third through eighth-grade girls and R-K’s incoming freshmen. To learn more about our summer camp program, please visit

Cor Jesu Academy Offers Free Presentation on the New Tax


You are invited to Cor Jesu Academy for a free informational presentation, “The New Tax Law and How It Affects You,” on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Cor Jesu Academy. Financial experts will cover: 529’s Expansion and Funding Catholic Education, Charitable Giving, Estate Planning, and a Financial Advising Overview. To RSVP and for more information, visit:


Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in New Melle, MO will hold the spring Sausage Dinner on Sunday, April 29, 2018, serving from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. Whole hog pork sausage dinners include homemade bread and desserts. Express dining outside under the pavilion. Carry-outs available. Adult dinners - $12 ($11 if ordered and paid by April 26); children ages 6 to 12- $6; ages 5 and under eat free. Activities include craft bazaar, country store, pull tabs, quilt raffle, wine and beer garden, livers and gizzards, live music and two raffles: “The Bonanza Extravaganza” with an early bird $100 cash drawing on Tuesday, April 17 and “The BIG 50/50 Cash Drawing”. Handicap parking and free shuttle service on the premises will be available. For more information call 636-398-5270. We are at the intersection of Highways Z and D: 7 miles south of Hwy. 70 on Hwy. Z; 10 miles west of Hwy. 94 on Hwy. D.