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TOPIC: Impact of vocational education on economic

growth of Pakistan

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Vocation education improves the productivity and enhances

the efficiency of the labour for better participation in economic development. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of vocational education on economic growth of Pakistan and also find the impact of investment in vocational education and the enrollment of teachers in vocational education. The findings of the study show that there is a positive relationship between vocational education and economic growth. And it suggests that existing vocational education system should be upgrade.


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Introduction: Vocational education refers to the education that’s prepares people

for job and makes them more productive and enhance human potentials and diversifies peoples’ choices in order to promote self-employment. It is considered an important measure for the development of trained labour force required for the development of country. Vocational education and training are indispensable instruments for improving labour mobility, adaptability and productivity. Vocational education is different from general education effects the economic growth and helps to reduce the unemployment. The skilled worker enhances the quality and efficiency of production. The level of technological capacity in a society is linked with its system of mass education and technical and vocational education.

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The better the training and education the more refined the skills of workers which lead to a higher income and better living standard. It enables the worker to earn themselves and create self satisfaction. It protects people to become unemployed. It is necessary that young man should be trained in different profession of their choice. Young people with experience were able to find a job easier. They will be able to start a business. This can be possible only vocational education and training.

Because of globalization and technological skills requirement are growing .Vocational education and training program could serve the purpose by providing the marketable skills to individual.

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Literature Review:

No # Writer Year Findings

1 Kazmi.S.W 2007 It was founded that pakistan need to improve the vocational education. system. Pakistan workforce describe as low skilled and poorly prepared to compete in globalized world.

2 Inamullah.H.M, Husain .I

2009 The study showed that the facilities of laboratory and computer are sufficient in the institutions of technical education.

3 Shah.I.H , Rehman. F

2011 It was also found that the outgoing students were not ready for job market. Teacher faced the problems of housing and lack of incentives for better performance and lack of physical resources.

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4 Khilji .B.A ,kaker.Z.k , Subhan .S

2012 And it founded that vocational education need to b refocused so labour force contribute towards growth. And providing vocational education is necessary for the development of the country

5 Mustafa.U , Abbas.K , Saeed.A

2005 There is need to train the people to make workers more productive. Pakistan need to upgrade the technical education and must plan some strategies

6 Agrawal .T 2013 And this study indicates that the VET system has not responded very well in the South Asian region. The VET stream is quite small.

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7 Ajmal .N , Shah.H.I

2011 It was found that the dual system of vocational training did not work well in Pakistan as compared to UK and Germany.

8 Ansari .B , Xueping Wu

2013 The study shows that numerous efforts made to promote technical education but no such tangible progress was recorded as compared to other developing countries. Pakistan’s development sector faces serious skills gap

9 Mohammad.M 2006 He was founded that technical and vocational education system is not being felt in developing countries because of the limitation that this sector is facing

10 Javied.Z , Hyder.A

2009 This study shows that training is not significant in the determination of wages, its shows the poor quality of training in the overall economy. Training institutes should develop.

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Problem statement:

Vocational education effect the productivity of workers. And Investment and trained teachers enrolment in vocational institutions also effect the economic growth of a country.

Objective : The main objective of this study is To find the impact of vocational education on the economic

growth of Pakistan. To find out the relationship between investment in vocational

intuitions and economic growth.

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Ho: Vocation education has not significant impact on economic growthH1: Vocational education has a significant impact on economic


Ho: There is no relationship between investment in vocational education

H1: There is relationship between investment in vocational

and economic growth.

education and economic growth.

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Theoretical framework:

Vocational education and training support by government and company, that individual chose to take are based on human capital theory (HTC). The human capital theory (Becker, 1981) asserts that additional education or training increase individual’s useful knowledge and technology level so that it eventually increase individual’s productivity and lifelong income. The effect of training may differ from gender, age, duration, and cost of training. Human Capital Theory refers to both the mental and physical abilities (skills, acquired knowledge and dexterity) of the human component of a society which can enhance productivity. Human capital theory (Becker, 1993) which assumes the positive relationship between education and training and workers productivity tries to explain and establish a relationship between the development of human resources and growth in national productivity.

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And showed that individual’s education and training has

positive impact on economic growth. Only practical education is the tool which can lead our

country towards success. Hiring of trained teachers, providing basic facilities to the students, good attendance rates, timely progression through grades, and mastery of basic cognitive skills are few of the elements, we need to consider. We must enhance the quality of schooling and ensure they are able to achieve their full potential.

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This study is based on yearly and secondary time series data. Data used in this study has been obtained from the Economic Survey of Pakistan (Education). The main objective of this study is to see the impact of vocational education on the economic growth of Pakistan and to identify the how investment and enrolment of teachers in vocational institutional effect the economic growth.

Functional equation:

Economic growth = f (Investment in vocational education + Teachers enrollment)

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Investment in vocational education

Teachers enrollment in institutions



Economic Growth

Independent Variables Dependent variable

Description of variables:

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This study supports the null hypotheses. There is positive relationship between investment and enrolment of trained teachers in vocational education and economic growth. If there is increase in the expenditure of vocational education it will maintain infrastructure it will provide facilities to the teachers as well as students to learn in more productive ways. It also leads to the technological advancement which is very necessary for a country. Enrolment and Teachers also play a significant role in determining the output growth. Because teachers are the key actors in maintaining and improving the quality of education and training systems .

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Conclusion: Vocational education is an essential determinant of economic

growth. It enhances the efficiency of people. It can help individuals to generate income and contribute towards economic growth. This study aims to see the impact of vocational education on economic growth of Pakistan. Education with training is a prime ingredient not only in the process of creating job but also helps in increasing the economic growth.. The results show that there is a positive relationship between vocational education and economic growth. Better standards of vocational education improve the efficiency and productivity of labour force and effect the economic development. But in Pakistan there is lack of investment in vocational education and there is a lack of experience holder’s teachers.

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Recommendations:  Government must plan some strategies to fulfill the gap of

skilled and unskilled workforce by investing in vocational education.

Teachers at training institute should be provided training. The shortage of teachers at institutions should be fulfilled by

filling the sanctioned posts of teacher who have latest skills. Upgrade the existing vocational education system in term if

syllabus and facilities to meet the modern challenges

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References:  Khilji .B.A , kaker .Z.k , Subhan .S (2012) , Impact of vocational training and

skill development on economic growth in Pakistan, World Applied Sciences

Journal 17 (10): 1298-1302

Mustafa.U , Abbas.K , Saeed.A (2005) Enhancing vocational training for

economic growth in pakistan , The Pakistan Development Review 44 : 4 Part II

pp. 567–584

Agrawal .T (2013)Vocational education and training programs (VET): An

Asian perspective Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 14(1), 15-26

Inamullah.H.M, Husain .I Shah. I (2009) The development of technical

education in Pakistan , International Business & Economics Research Journal,

Volume 8, Number 1

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Ansari. B , Xueping Wu (2013), Development of Pakistan technical and

vocational education and training : as an analyses of skilling Pakistan

reforms, Journal of Technical Education and Training, Vol. 5, No.2

Javied.Z , Hyder.A (2009) , impact of training on earning (evidence

from Pakistan industries) , Asian Social Science, vol.5 No.11

Mohammad.M, wahba. M (2006) , Technical and vocational education

challenges and priorities in developing countries

Shah.I.H, Rehman. F , Ajmal.M , Hamidullah.H.M (2011), Situation

analysis of technical education training a case study from Pakistan, Vol.

3, No.1

Kazmi.S.W (2007) vocational education and skill development a case

of Pakistan, SAARC Journal of Human Resource Development

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