Page 1: ART AND EXHIBITIONS - ASTI TURISMO · the Biennale di Venezia in 1930 to the 50s. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun 4pm-6pm. Info: +39 0141 095801; ASTI - CHIOSTRO PALAZZO MICHELERIO

ART AND EXHIBITIONS ASTI - PALAZZO MAZZETTI Until December 6th 100 ANNI DI GUERRE NEI REPORTAGE DEI CRONISTI DE LA STAMPA The narration of the main conflicts from those taking place in 1911 in Libia to the current wars through the words of the reporters on the front; an eye-catching exhibition that uses graphics, video and sound. Opening times: 9.30am-6.30pm (last entry 5.30pm). Info: +39 0141 530403; ASTI - PALAZZO MAZZETTI From October 17th to November 29th The exhibition, curated by Maria Federica Chiola, covers a very prolific period of Italian contemporary art: works of art from private collections of the city painted between the 40s and the 70s; a selection of 72 paintings, 50 painters among which Fontana, Capogrossi, Corpora, Santomaso, Schifano, Dorazio. Opening times: 9.30am-6.30pm (last entry 5.30pm). Info: +39 0141 530403; ASTI - FONDAZIONE GUGLIELMINETTI From October 3rd to 31st NATURA FOSSILE. MARIO BIONDA (Torino 1913 - Penango (AT) 1985). PAINTINGS Exhibition dedicated to Mario Bionda, protagonist of the European abstraction, from the Biennale di Venezia in 1930 to the 50s. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun 4pm-6pm. Info: +39 0141 095801; ASTI - CHIOSTRO PALAZZO MICHELERIO Until October 12th BOTTIGLIE D'ARTISTA 2015 Bottiglie d’Artista realized for the 2015 edition by street artists. Info: ASTI Until October 31st ORIGINAL PORTRAITS At the Art Gallery Art is Light in Via Bonzanigo, the portrait in contemporary art is analyzed through the works of international artists such as Tom Wesselman, James Brown and Shepard Fairey. Info and reservations: +39 335 5384984 BUBBIO Until October 31st VIGNETTE IN VIGNA - CARTOONS DI ROBY GIANNOTTI In San Grato cartoons about wine, vineyards and winemakers drawn by Roberto Giannotti, an artist from Savona: the works are exhibited in the vineyards. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun until setting. Info:; CASTAGNOLE LANZE Until October 31st PUNTI DI VISTA. LE COLLINE DI LANGHE ROERO MONFERRATO At the Ex Chiesa dei Battuti Bianchi exhibition with paintings by Giancarlo Ferraris and Beppe Gallo celebrating the “Vineyard Landscape of Piemonte: Langhe- Roero and Monferrato” and the Unesco acknowledgment. Info: Municipality +39 0141 875623; [email protected]

Page 2: ART AND EXHIBITIONS - ASTI TURISMO · the Biennale di Venezia in 1930 to the 50s. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun 4pm-6pm. Info: +39 0141 095801; ASTI - CHIOSTRO PALAZZO MICHELERIO

COSTIGLIOLE D’ASTI Until November 8th SCATTI D’AUTORE Third edition of the photography exhibition held at the castle that includes a section dedicated to Expo and another one dedicated to the Unesco Site “The Vineyard Landscape of Piemonte: Langhe- Roero and Monferrato”. Opening times: Sat 4pm-7pm, Sun 10.30am-12.30pm/4-7pm. Info:; [email protected] MOMBERCELLI - MUSARMO Until October 31st IMMAGINI E PAESAGGI DEL PIEMONTE, UN PATRIMONIO DI COLORI ACCENDE LE COLLINE The exhibition presents works by 40 important artists such as Paulucci, Soffiantino, Casorati and Manzone illustrating the landscape in Piedmont from 1900 to 2010, in particular the area inscribed in the Unesco World Heritage List. Opening times: 3.30pm-5.30pm. Info: +39 338 4246055; MONASTERO BORMIDA Until October 25th LENCI - LO STILE ITALIANO NELLA CERAMICA The exhibition held at the medieval castle of Monastero Bormida is dedicated to the artistic ceramics created by Lenci in Turin, one of the best pages of the 20th century Italian Art. Opening times: Sat & Sun 10am-1pm/3pm-8pm. By reservation for groups on weekdays +39 349 1214743; +39 0144 88012 Info:; [email protected] MONCALVO Until October 4th FLEUR-OSSERVARE PER AMARE At the Civic Museum in Moncalvo in Via Caccia 5, until Sunday, exhibitions of works of art by Giulio Vittorio Rasini di Mortigliengo. Opening times: Sat and Sun 10am-6pm, by reservation on weekdays (+39 0141917427). Until November CIVIC MUSEUM The museum located in the rooms of the 17th century building (the painter Guglielmo Caccia had it built in Via Caccia 5) and opened in May 2015, preserves the collection owned by the ambassador Francesco Montanari and donated in 1973 to the Municipality. The foundation includes works of Modigliani, De Chirico, Guttuso, Mafai and examples of eastern and african art. Opening times: Sat and Sun 10am-6pm, by reservation on weekdays (+39 0141 917427). Info: PIOVA’ MASSAIA Until November 8th IL CARDINAL MASSAIA - MISSIONARIO CAPPUCCINO IN ETIOPIA In the historic rooms of the ex-cinema exhibition of objects, documents and pictures showing Cardinal Massaia’s life and the places of his mission. Info: +39 349 4501408; ASTI October 31st INCANTO SACRO Second to last appointment of the festival held at the Chiesa di San Silvestro at 9pm with the choir “Organicantum”. Info and program: +39 0141 419908; ASTI - TEATRO ALFIERI SEASON 2015/2016 Preview of the theatre season (starting in November) with the show performed by Arturo Brachetti: “Brachetti che sorpresa”. Illusionism interpreted from a contemporary angle is the theme: an unexpected journey through a fantasy land. Info and reservation: +39 0141 399057; +39 0141 399040; ASTI October 11th OFELIA NON DEVE MORIRE At the Cascina del Racconto in Via Bonzanigo at 6pm “Ofelia non deve morire” performed by Patrizia Camatel and directed by Luciano Nattino; a half-serious dialogue between an actress and Shakespeare on “the tragedy of Hamlet”. For info and reservations: +39 333 1007557; +39 339 2532921;;



Page 3: ART AND EXHIBITIONS - ASTI TURISMO · the Biennale di Venezia in 1930 to the 50s. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun 4pm-6pm. Info: +39 0141 095801; ASTI - CHIOSTRO PALAZZO MICHELERIO

ASTI October 3rd INVITO A PALAZZO XIV Edition A precious opportunity to visit the buildings of the banks and their fantastic collections. Appointment at 10am and at 7pm in Asti to admire the splendid art collection of Palazzo Mazzetti, Corso Alfieri 357 and of the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio, Piazza Libertà 23. Info: Palazzo Mazzetti +39 0141 530403; [email protected]; Banca di Asti +39 0141 393258; [email protected] ASTI - ARCHIVIO DI STATO October 30th LA DOPPIA ANIMA DEL CAFFE’ LETTERARIO IN MUSICA Second appointment for the event organized by Associazione Musicale Alma that combines music with literature. The protagonist in the first part is the music composed by Franz Schubert; in the second part “La cuoca Milly, ricette segrete vegetariane del magico popolo di gnomi, elfi e streghe” (the female cook Milly, secret vegetarian recipes of the magic people composed of gnomes, elves and witches) by Giovanni Zavalloni. Info and reservations: +39 349 0940705;; [email protected] ALBUGNANO - VEZZOLANO October 3rd UN UMANO RINNOVATO PER ABITARE LA TERRA On the occasion of the 10th “Giornata per la custodia del creato” (day for the protection of the creation) an interesting conference moderated by Beppe Rovera, held at the Canonica di Vezzolano from 9am. Info and program: VARIOUS MUNICIPALITIES IN THE PROVINCE OF ASTI Until October 24th CANTANTIBUS ORGANIS 5th Edition Four appointments for the Festival Organistico Nazionale (National Pipe Organ Festival): at the Collegiata di San Secondo in Asti on October 3rd, at the Parish Church in San Martino Alfieri on 11th, in Mombercelli on 17th and on 24th in Villafranca d’Asti. Info and program: +39 0141 419908; CASTELL’ALFERO October 18th VISITE AL CASTELLO E AL MUSEO “L’CIAR” At 3pm and at 4pm guided tour of the Conti d’Amico Castle and of the Ethnographic Museum located in the wine cellars of the castle. Info: COSTIGLIOLE D’ASTI October 11th and 31st VISITE AL MUSEO “ARTE SACRA” Tours at 4pm and 6pm of the Confraternity of Saint Gerolamo restored church with its precious works of sacred art. On October 11th “Adotta un’opera d’arte” (Adopt a work of art). Info: +39 0141 966028; ASTI October 11th PALAZZO MAZZETTI FOR KIDS Domenica a Palazzo restarts with the programme dedicated to children: at 3.30pm “Caccia al ….dipinto” (6-12 year-old), engaging treasure hunt with an artistic theme. A workshop “Componi il quadro parlante” will follow. Info and reservations: +39 0141 530403;; [email protected]; [email protected] CASTELNUOVO BELBO October 18th FESTA DEI BAMBINI During the food festival “Pulenta e cunej” entertainment for children: Pompieropoli (game), jugglers, acrobats, magicians and donkey rides. Info: ASTI - PIAZZA STATUTO AND PIAZZA SAN SECONDO From October 2nd to 4th (Inauguration on October 1st at 8pm) MERCATO DELLE REGIONI The Muncipality of Asti in cooperation with Confesercenti organizes the “Mercato delle Regioni” (market of regions, a food festival involving many Italian regions that takes place in Piazza San Secondo and Piazza Statuto. Each stand proposes typical, local products and wine tastings. Notte Rosa on Saturday 3rd. Info: Confesercenti +39 0141 592640; [email protected]




Page 4: ART AND EXHIBITIONS - ASTI TURISMO · the Biennale di Venezia in 1930 to the 50s. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun 4pm-6pm. Info: +39 0141 095801; ASTI - CHIOSTRO PALAZZO MICHELERIO

ASTI - FRAZIONE CASTIGLIONE October 3rd and 4th NON SOLO POLENTA Polenta and cheese, polenta and boar, polenta and mushrooms, roasted polenta, polenta and codfish….polenta for everybody, children and adults. Info and reservations: +39 0141 206169; +39 0141 206209; +39 0141 206076; AGLIANO TERME October 10th and 11th BARBERA FISH FESTIVAL Second edition for this event combining Barbera d’Asti and Atlantic Cod. The event is organized by the association Barbera Agliano that promotes the local excellence in cooperation with the Norwegian Seafood Council. Tourists and wine lovers can taste Barbera wines produced by local wineries and dishes cooked by chefs from Norway and Agliano Terme. Info and programme: CALOSSO October 17th and 18th FIERA DEL RAPULE’ TRA I COLORI D’AUTUNNO On Saturday at 5 pm the ancient “Crotin” (wine cellars carved in the tuff stone, also known as “Infernot”) open for food and wine tastings. On Sunday the following appointments are held: “Mercatino del Rapulè” (street market), the re-opening of the enogastronomic itinerary at noon and, in the afternoon, the grape-pressing of the so-called “rapulin”, the late grapes left in the vineyards. The village will be enlivened by street artists, music and theatrical performances. Moreover, a convenient shuttle bus with departure from Santo Stefano Belbo and Piana del Salto and arrival in Calosso (free of charge). Info and programme: Municipality +39 0141 853126;; CASTELNUOVO BELBO October 18th SAGRA PULENTA E CUNEJ and 5th EDITON OF RASSEGNA ENOLOGICA “VINI DI CASTELNUOVO BELBO E DELLA COMUNITA’ COLLINARE VIGNE &VINI” Castelnuovo presents the rite of “livrarò”, the local festival that used to be celebrated at the end of the grape harvest and the main specialty of which was polenta with rabbit (cünej), bred during the year for this purpose. The dish will be accompanied by local wine. Info: Municipality +39 0141 799155; Pro Loco Association +39 0141 799178 (Mr Robba); CASTAGNOLE MONFERRATO October 10th and 11th VENDEMMIA DEL NONNO This event recalls the ancient ways of harvesting the wine grapes, when also the wooden tub was drawn by oxen. The celebration of the Vendemmia del Nonno with the pressing “by hand” of wine grapes Info: Municipality + 39 0141 292123; CELLE ENOMONDO October 3rd and 4th PIZZA D’AUTUNNO From 7pm the Pizzas cooked by the cooks of Celle Enomondo are back accompanied by starters and craft beers. Info: CORTANZE October 3rd and 4th FIERA DELLA MELIGA E DELLA POLENTA Polenta with many side dishes in this beautiful village of Basso Monferrato; farmers’ market, maize shelling, visits to “crutin”, demonstration and practice of archery with “Arcieri Altoastigiano” and much more. Info: Pro Loco Association +39 333 5962209; +39 347 4597654; COSTIGLIOLE D’ASTI From October 30th to November 2nd BARBERA IL GUSTO DEL TERRITORIO Four unmissable days with wine tastings and meetings at the Cantina Comunale dei Vini and at the Castle of Costigliole d’Asti. Info: Municipality +39 0141 962202;


Page 5: ART AND EXHIBITIONS - ASTI TURISMO · the Biennale di Venezia in 1930 to the 50s. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun 4pm-6pm. Info: +39 0141 095801; ASTI - CHIOSTRO PALAZZO MICHELERIO



FERRERE October 18th FERRERE MIELE - FIERA DEL MIELE E PRODOTTI TIPICI 2nd EDITION The competition awards the best honey produced in the Piedmont Region. For experts and visitors many “sweet” opportunities to learn more about this important and healthy food. Salami and wine tastings, performances and guided tours. Info: Municipality +39 0141 932008; +39 349 2859844; GRANA October 10th /11th - 17th/18th - 24th/25th - November 7th/8th WEEKEND ENOGASTRONOMICI The thematic weekends organized by the Pro Loco Association are back. The first three are dedicated to “mushrooms and truffles” (with different menus of course) and the last one to “Bagna Cauda”. Info and reservations: +39 0141 92694; +39 333 5322908; +39 335 8131486; INCISA SCAPACCINO - BORGO GHIARE October 11th SAGRA DELLA BARBERA E DEL CARDO STORTO 42nd EDITION The crooked cardoon of Incisa Scapaccino (it grows crooked because it is partially buried and, in the attempt of searching for light, it bends upwards assuming the characteristic shape) is the protagonist of this event accompanied by Bagna Cauda (traditional hot garlic and anchovy dip) and the excellent Barbera wine. Locally grown products can be purchased on this occasion. Info: Municipality +39 0141 74040; Pro Loco Association +39 333 2887418; VALFENERA October 24th and 25th SAGRA DEL BOLLITO On the occasion of the fair of Sant’Orsola the traditional food festival with Piedmontese cattle breed meat is back. The Piedmont “Bollito misto” will be accompanied by local dishes. On Monday morning, 26th traditional appointment with the fair “del peperone e della nocciola”. Info and programme: Municipality +39 0141 939125; Pro Loco Association +39 339 4021010 VILLANOVA D’ASTI October 1st - 4 th ELOGIO DELLA BIONDA: FIERA DEL POLLO BIONDO PIEMONTESE 56th EDITION The "Bionda di Villanova e Crivelle" is a kind of hen from the western part of the province of Asti whose fine meat is appreciated by the best international chefs. To taste specialties prepared with this tasteful chicken and to take part in the numerous collateral events, all you have to do is to go to Villanova d’Asti on the first weekend of October. Info and program: Municipality +39 0141 946085; VILLA SAN SECONDO From October 9th to 11th 9th SAGRA DELL’AGNOLOTTO D’OCA, 12th SAGRA DEL” FRICEU” AND 18th EDITION OF THE ANTIQUE MARKET - REGIONAL FAIR The goose, protagonist of legends and much appreciated in France as well as in Italy, is used as “unusual” ingredient for the typical Agnolotti, the stuffing of which is usually made with veal, pig and rabbit. The exhibition market of Agriculture, Antiques, Crafts, Food and Wine is held as well as entertainment and the performance by the A.S.T.A. flag wavers. Info: Municipality +39 0141 905131; Pro Loco Association +39 349 1770233; +39 338 3100242;

In October Fairs, Days and Festivals are dedicated to this precious “hidden treasure”. Visitors can enjoy local produce markets and get unique sensations by tasting white truffles enhancing the local and typical recipes. The events begin always in the morning, followed by local produce markets, tastings, truffle-based lunches, truffle hunting, shows, art exhibitions, folk band performances and award ceremonies for the “biggest and most beautiful truffle” or for the best truffle-based dish. MONTIGLIO MONFERRATO October 4th and 11th FIERA REGIONALE DEL TARTUFO DI MONTIGLIO Info: Municipality +39 0141 994008; +39 0141 994667; Tourist Office +39 0141 994006;

Page 6: ART AND EXHIBITIONS - ASTI TURISMO · the Biennale di Venezia in 1930 to the 50s. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun 4pm-6pm. Info: +39 0141 095801; ASTI - CHIOSTRO PALAZZO MICHELERIO


MOMBERCELLI October 18th FIERA REGIONALE DEL TARTUFO Info: Municipality +39 0141 959610; MONCALVO October 18th and 25th 61st FIERA NAZIONALE DEL TARTUFO DI MONCALVO Info: Municipality +39 0141 917505; INCISA SCAPACCINO - Borgo Ghiare October 25th GIORNATA DEL TARTUFO Info: Municipality +39 0141 74040;

ASTI October 11th FIERA D’AUTUNNO The market stalls selling all kinds of goods and seasonal products will invade Piazza Alfieri, Piazza San Secondo and the nearby streets as usual. Entertainment and open shops will complete the program. Info: Municipality +39 0141 399870; BUBBIO October 25th FIERA DI SAN SIMONE In the beautiful village of Bubbio the over 100 year old Agricultural Fair takes place and pumpkins will be the colourful protagonists. Info: Municipality +39 0144 83502; CASTELLERO October 8th - 11th FIERA “CITTA’ DELLA NOCCIOLA” The “sweetest” village of the Northern part of the province of Asti celebrates the hazelnut with meetings, panel discussions, workshops, foot race among hazelnut trees and awards to the best producers. The fair takes place on Sunday together with the lunch cooked by the Pro Loco Association, guided visits, hikes, music and entertainment for children and adults. Tastings of hazelnut specialties and of sweets such as “fondants”, “croccante”(brittle) and roasted hazelnuts at the Pro Loco Association’s stand. Info: Municipality +39 0141 669180; +39 0141 942401; +39 0141 669192; CISTERNA D’ASTI October 4th MERCANDE’ - “PEDALA CHE TI PASSA” On the occasion of Madonna del Rosario celebrations and of the traditional fair, at the Castle of Cisterna d’Asti the workshops of the ethnographic museum “Museo Arti e Mestieri di un Tempo” come back to life with a bicycle-themed exhibition; moreover, vintage bicycle rides, mountain bike tour and much more. Info: +39 0141 979021;; MOMBALDONE October 3rd FIERA DEL MONTONE GRASSO This ancient fair (documented since the Middle Ages) was born spontaneously as an opportunity for negotiation and exchange of sheep and goats and it has remained one of the most authentic festivals in Piedmont. The Lunch at the Fair is not to be missed. Info: +39 0144 950680; ASTI October 4th SPORT IN PIAZZA In Piazza Alfieri and at the Parco della Resistenza chance for children and adults to try many sports all gathered in one place. Info: ASTI October 11th PASSI DA BALENA - TREKKING DAL CUORE DELLA STORICA CITTA’ DI ASTI VERSO LE SUE PERIFERIE E IL CONTADO A hike from Asti to frazione Valmontasca, a hamlet of Vigliano d’Asti, where in 1959 a fin whale was found: the whale is exhibited at the Museo Paleontologico (Palaenotological Museum) starting point of the walk. At the end Merenda Sinoira, a traditional Piedmont afternoon snack. Info and reservations: Davide +39 334 7670535;



Page 7: ART AND EXHIBITIONS - ASTI TURISMO · the Biennale di Venezia in 1930 to the 50s. Opening times: Fri, Sat and Sun 4pm-6pm. Info: +39 0141 095801; ASTI - CHIOSTRO PALAZZO MICHELERIO

ASTITURISMO - Direction Piazza Alfieri 33 - 14100 Asti Tel. +39 0141 353034 Fax +39 0141 356140 ASTI - TOURIST OFFICE Piazza Alfieri 34 - 14100 Asti Tel. +39 0141 530357 Fax +39 0141 538200 Canelli Tourist Office Via G. B. Giuliani 29 - 14053 Canelli Tel. +39 0141 820280 Fax +39 0141 820255 Castell’Alfero Tourist Office Piazza Castello - 14033 Castell’Alfero Tel. +39 0141 406611 Fax +39 0141 406606

Castelnuovo Don Bosco Tourist Office Piazza Dante 54 - 14022 Castelnuovo Don Bosco Tel. +39 333 1365812 Cocconato Tourist Office Piazza Cavour 22 - 14023 Cocconato Tel. +39 0141 600076 Fax +39 0141 907677 Costigliole d’Asti Tourist Office Via Roma 13 - 14055 Costigliole d’Asti Tel. +39 0141 961850 Moncalvo Tourist Office Piazza Antico Castello 1 - 14036 Moncalvo Tel. +39 0141 916467 Fax +39 0141 923677

Montiglio Monferrato Tourist Office Via Gianotti 9 - 14026 Montiglio Monferrato Tel/Fax +39 0141 994006 Cell. +39 335 6915703 Nizza Monferrato Tourist Office Piazza Garibaldi 80 - 14049 Nizza Monferrato Tel/Fax +39 0141 727516 Villafranca d’Asti Tourist Office Via Roma 48 - 14018 Villafranca d’Asti Tel. +39 0141 943885


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ASTI October 24th and 25th THE RALLY ERA A car meetup to revive the energy of the rally: vintage cars from the 70s and the 80s exhibited in Piazza San Secondo, an evening at Teatro Alfieri with the most important protagonists of that period, the strong emotions of the numerous achievements and the car tour in the countryside on Sunday. Info: +39 011 5527310; CASTELNUOVO DON BOSCO October 11th GRANDE TRAVERSATA DEL NORD ASTIGIANO SUI SENTIERI DI DON BOSCO On the occasion of the Giornata Nazionale del Camminare a long walk starting from Vezzolano at 9am and ending at 4.30pm at Colle Don Bosco. Info and programme:; [email protected]; +39 011 9872463 FERRERE October 11th RADUNO MTB COLLINE DI FERRERE - 5th EDITION Appointment for mountain bike lovers with this mountain bike meetup in Ferrere. Info: MONTEMAGNO October 11th CAMMINATA DEL RUCHE’ On the occasion of the 4th Giornata del Camminare a pleasant walk in the hills of Ruchè, the local precious wine; start at 2.30pm. Reservations: +39 380 6835571; +39 349 7210715. Info:


ANTIQUE MARKETS Moncalvo: October 4th

Nizza Monferrato: October 11th Asti: October 25th

