

ASTI – PALAZZO MAZZETTI Until May 20th ALEPPO. COME E’ STATA UCCISA UNA CITTA The exhibition curated by the journalist Domenico Quirico is dedicated to the drama of the inhabitants of Aleppo from 2011 to 2016. Visitors, while walking through city spaces recreated with multimedia installations, will meet the student, the sniper and the migrant. Until July 15th ALIGHIERO BOETTI. PERFILOEPERSEGNO Alighiero Boetti is one of the most important and creative authors of the 20th century. The theme of the exhibition is inspired by the artist's phrase: “the pen represents for Westerners what the embroidery represents for Afghans: an over-individual memory containing parts of the collective biography”. The aim is to examine the relationship between the West and the East thanks to written and embroidery works. Opening times: Tue-Sun 10am-7pm (last admission at 6pm) Info: ASTI – FONDAZIONE GUGLIELMINETTI Until April 29th OMAGGIO A SERGIO ALBANO (Torino 1939-2008). DIPINTI Exhibition dedicated to Sergio Albano, ten years after his death. MUSEO EUGENIO GUGLIELMINETTI Located in the basement of Palazzo Alfieri (Corso Alfieri 375), the museum dedicated to Eugenio Guglielminetti can be visited on Saturdays from 4.30pm to 6.30pm and on Sundays from 3.30pm to 6.30pm; guided tours by the young people of the Eugenio Guglielminetti Foundation. Last admission at 5.30pm without reservation. Info: [email protected]; ASTI – MUSEO DIOCESANO Until April 15th IL CODICE DELL’ANGELO. DIALOGANDO CON L’INVISIBILE Exhibition dedicated to the painter Isabella Böhlen-Distretti and Pierluigi Ugazzi, artist from Milan, curated by the art critic C. Orlando and by S. Zecchino, the director of the Museo Diocesano; the paintings and sculptures made with Raku, an ancient technique, will make the visitor think of the angels, spiritual beings recognized by the Church as servants and messengers of God. Messages and communication code will be the leitmotif. Opening times: Fri 4pm-7pm, Sat-Sun 9.30am-1pm/4pm-7pm: upon reservation on the remaining days. Info: ASTI Until April 22nd ASTI RITROVATA – LA DECORAZIONE BAROCCA NELLE CHIESE CONVENTUALI ASTIGIANE At the ex Chiesa del Gesù (Complex of Michelerio, Corso Alfieri 381) exhibition of the seven frescoes painted by Salvatore Bianchi, taken in 1907 from the Church of Sant’Anastasio which was demolished and replaced by a school building. The exhibition offers visitors a real museum of Baroque decoration in Asti. Opening times: Mo-Thur 10am-4pm; Sat, Sun and Holidays 10am-1pm/4pm-7pm. Info:; MONCALVO April 7th - July 1st PIETRO DOMENICO OLIVERO, NARRATORE DI VITA POPOLARE E ILLUSTRATORE POETICO DEL SUO TEMPO The Civic Museum reopens on April 7th with an important exhibition dedicated to Pietro Domenico Olivero: the 25 paintings make us appreciate his indisputable storyteller role of


Domenico Olivero: the 25 paintings make us appreciate his indisputable storyteller role of popular and everyday life scenes (farmers, celebrations, bowlers, beggars, drinkers) dating back three centuries ago. Pietro Domenico Olivero was an appreciated painter by the court and the most important Piedmont families. His works of art are kept in Palazzo Reale, Galleria Sabauda and in the Museo Civico of Palazzo Madama. During Golosaria, from 9.00 pm, the Museum will propose after dinner a visit, a tasting and a concert performed by the duo "Senza Espressione". Opening times: on Saturdays and Sundays 10am-6pm; on working days, upon reservation for groups with at least 10 people. Info: +39 327 7841338 PIEA Until May 1st IL NARCISO INCANTATO – 9th Edition Fifty thousand ornamental bulbous plants in the centuries-old park of the castle in Piea: narcissus, tulips, hyacinths, fritillaries, muscari armeniacum… await you. Among the news, exhibition of the paintings by Giacomo Grosso. On April 8th, medieval lunch and visit; on 15th, theatrical representation of Dejeuner sur l’herbe and on 22nd, Cenacolo dei Templari day. Opening times: Mon-Fri 2.30pm-6pm; Sat, Sun, holidays 10.30am-7pm Info: +39 0141 901641; +39 392 6194165;; [email protected] ASTI – TEATRO ALFIERI Until April 14th THEATRE SEASON On April 6th, the comedy “Parenti Serpenti” with Lello Arena; on 11th, the show performed by Tullio Solenghi and Massimo Lopez; on 14th, MM Contemporary Dance Company revisiting “Le silfidi” e “Pulcinella”, two ballets of the '900s. Not included in the seasonal ticket, on April 21st “1942-2018: La Tridentina vive”: an evening organized by the A.N.A., Section of Asti to remember the presence of the Tridentine Alpine division in Piedmont in 1941 and 1942. April 24th PAROLE D‘ARTISTA Valter Malosti in “Shakespeare – I sonetti”, a show made of words, movement and music with sonnets interpreted as a drama. Info: +39 0141 399057-399040; ASTI – SPAZIO KOR Until April 22nd STAGIONE PUBLIC Many events, meetings and theatre shows: on April 7th at 9pm, the monologue “Nothing compares 2 Prince”, followed, at 10pm, by the musical evening “Omaggio a Prince”; on 20th, “E’ bello vivere liberi”, a civil theatre project for an actress, five marionettes and a puppet, a show dedicated to the Italian Resistance Movement. Info: +39 0141 399057-399040; Spazio Kor +39 349 1781140; COSTIGLIOLE D’ASTI April 20th MEZZA STAGIONE The theatre season in Costigliole d’Asti ends at 10am (Teatro Scuola) with “Carlo, Ettore, Maria e la Repubblica – Storia d’Italia dal 1945 a oggi”, a plot with invented biographies and historical events. Info:; [email protected] FONTANILE April 21st U NOS TEATRO 20 The vernacular theatre at Teatro San Giuseppe ends with the company La Brenta performing “Per amur e per…” Info:; [email protected] MONCALVO Until April 14th THEATRE SEASON – PROSE Municipal Theatre The original comedy “L’incauta Ebe”, on April 7th, and the classic by Goldoni “La Locandiera”, on 14th , close the theatre season in Moncalvo. Info: +39 0141 1720695; +39 373 8695116; [email protected]


NIZZA MONFERRATO Until April 21st THEATRE SEASON - TEATRO SOCIALE On Thursday 12th, the comedy by Massimo Cotto “Tutti i colori del bianco”; on Saturday 21st, at Foro Boario, on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Liberation of Italy “Carlo, Ettore, Maria e la Repubblica – Storia d’Italia dal 1945 a oggi”, invented biographies intertwined with historic events. Info: +39 0141 1720695; +39 373 8695116; [email protected] SAN DAMIANO D’ASTI Until May 10th THEATRE SEASON - TEATRO D’ARGENTO At the new venue at Foro Boario, on April 19th at 9pm, “Luci del varietà” performed by the Neapolitan company La Melannurca. Info: +39 0141 1720695; +39 373 8695116; [email protected] ASTI – TEATRO ALFIERI April 12th ASTI IN CONCERTO The concert season of the Circolo Filarmonico ends with “Sinfonia”: musics by Hendel, Mozart and Mercadante performed by the flute player Mario Carbotta and the Slovak Sinfonietta, a Chamber Orchestra of the Zilina State in Slovacchia. Info and reservations: +39 0141 538057; +39 346 5761400; ASTI – SALA PASTRONE April 6th IL TE’ DELLE CINQUE - BORN IN THE U.S.A. IL CINEMA, GLI EROI, LE CHIMERE The fortnightly film exhibition (on Friday afternoons at 3pm and at 5.30pm accompanied by tea and bisquits) ends with the film “Manchester by the Sea”. Until May 9th IL CINEMA RITROVATO AL CINEMA Regarding the film exhibition dedicated to the great restored films, on April 25th, “Novecento”, the masterpiece by Bernardo Bertolucci. Until May 30th PASSEPARTOUT CINEMA On April 4th at 6pm, “Victor Victoria” by Blake Edwards presented by Francesco Visconti. On April 18th at 6pm, “Una giornata particolare” by Ettore Scola presented by Nicoletta Fasano. Info: +39 0141 399057; [email protected] ASTI – FONDAZIONE GUGLIELMINETTI April 7th APPUNTI DI LETTERATURA At 5pm, Professor Aldo Gamba will talk about “Asti in some classics of Italian literature”. April 28th APPUNTI DI FILOSOFIA ESTETICA At 5pm , conversations on “the philosophical idea of Beauty”, curated by Claudio Cavalla, teacher, essayist and scholar. Info: [email protected] ASTI Until May 17th CONFERENZE SOCIETA’ STUDI ASTESI On Thursday, April 12th at 5pm, at the Conference Hall of Palazzo Mazzetti (Corso Alfieri 357), Nicoletta Fasano will talk about the subject “the Catholics in Asti and the great war”. Bartolo Gariglio of the Donat Cattin foundation of Turin will present the book “Pace o Guerra? La stampa cattolica nelle diocesi piemontesi 1914-1915”. Info: [email protected]; ASTI April 24th – May 6th ASTI WALKING TOUR Coinciding with the patronal celebrations of San Secondo…… free city tours in English and Italian for Spring tourists Info: AstiTurismo +39 0141 530357;



CISTERNA D’ASTI – CASTLE CITTATTIVA – DIRITTI VERSO IL 2018 On April 6th at 9pm, the historian, journalist and politician Gianni Oliva presents his book “Il caso Moro”. Introduction by Mario Renosio. Info and events on: FONTANILE – BIBLIOTECA CIVICA Until May 20th LIBERAMENTE – INCONTRI CON L’AUTORE – GIOVEDI’ DELLA CULTURA Each month, in the small municipality lying in the Unesco Hills, the library organizes conferences and book presentations: on Sunday, April 15th at 3.30pm, Roberta Bellesini presents “L’ultimo giorno di sole”, Giorgio Faletti’s posthumous book. On Thursday 19th, the painter Fiorenzo Bracco talks about the visual perception in the meeting entitled “L’occhio registra, la mente vede”. Info:; [email protected] GRAZZANO BADOGLIO April 7th,8th and 25th MUSEO BADOGLIO On Saturday 7th from 3pm to 5.30pm and on Sunday 8th from 10am to 6pm, chance to visit the Museum dedicated to Marshall Badoglio, a controversial protagonist of the Italian history for 50 years. On Wednesday 25th from 4pm to 6pm. For the upcoming events:; Info: +39 333 9253056 MONCALVO – BIBLIOTECA CIVICA April 21st CONVEGNO The meeting celebrates Theodore II, Marquess of Montferrat, who died on April 26th 1418 in Moncalvo, his favourite residence and was buried in the church of San Francesco. Info: +39 327 7841338; MONTIGLIO MONFERRATO Until April 21st MONCIRCO Last show for contemporary circus at Montexpo in Montiglio Monferrato: “Pesadilla”, a story in which the fantasies and ghosts of the protagonist gain the upper hand. Double show on Friday 20th and on Saturday 21st at 9pm. Info: +39 347 7670394; NIZZA MONFERRATO INCONTRI CON L’AUTORE ED EVENTI 2018 Erca, the most ancient association in Nizza Monferrato with headquarters at the ex Chiesa della Trinità, organizes several events during the course of the year. On April 19th, “La lebbra: una malattia non ancora sconfitta”, a conference on leprosy; on 20th, “Prigioniero Antonio Gramsci”, a multimedia theatrical story by Laurana Lajolo. Info: ASTI – PALAZZO MAZZETTI Until May 13th PALAZZO MAZZETTI FOR KIDS On Sunday, April 8th, children from 7 to 12 years of age will learn how to make a little fish tank taking inspiration from the painting “Pescatori a Bordighera”. Appointment at 3.30pm. Until May 19th PALAZZO MAZZETTI FAMILY FRENDLY For families with small children (1-3 years of age), on Saturday, April 28th at 4.30pm, “La Fatina racconta….”: a likeable little fairy will narrate wonderful tales to adults and children and will run a workshop “Crea con la fatina”. Info and programs:; reservations +39 0141 530403 ASTI – MUSEO PALEONTOLOGICO April 14th ROBOTICA FOR KIDS &TEENS The Museum hosts the workshops run by the young Valeria Cagnina during which robotics will be presented to children from 5 to 13 years of age with an amusing and



interactive approach; moreover, workshops run by the space engineer Carlo Fiori with flight simulators. Harry up and book! Info and reservations: +39 335 6292697 Nadia and Roberta; [email protected] During the day dedicated to Robotics, “Bimbi al Museo”, guided tours for children to the Paleontological museum at 9.30am, 3.15pm and 4pm. Info and reservations: +39 0141 592091 April 29th TRACCE VICINE DI MARI LONTANI A day for families among the fossils of the Paleontological Museum and the Nature Reserve of Valle Andona and Valle Botto: learning while having fun with workshops and digging simulations. Info and reservation: +39 340 3506539;; [email protected] BUBBIO April 7th and 8th SERATA MAGICA NEL BORGO ANTICO E POLENTONE The event, originated from propitiatory ceremonies, is linked to the arrival at Bubbio of the so-called “magnin”, who tinned pots and were helped by the castellan, who donated maize flour to them. The magnin cooked a huge quantity of Polenta, which was eaten by the hungry inhabitants of the village, who were starving due to famine. This legend is re-enacted every year; on April 7th, during the Serata nel Borgo Antico, atmospheres and flavours of ancient times relive. Info and complete program: TONCO April 15th ANTICA GIOSTRA DEL PITU The tradition of this ancient rite has been resumed in 2015 with a turkey made of cloth. The program is: at 12noon distribution of tripe, sandwiches, pancakes and wine; historical parade at 2.45pm followed by the trial and the conviction of the “pitu” (turkey in dialect); tournament with horses at 4.30pm. Info: ASTI Until May 3rd GIOVEDÌ VINTAGE - ANTICHI VITIGNI, NUOVE EMOZIONI Freisa, Ruchè, Albugnano, Terre Alfieri, Grignolino: five local wines for five evenings dedicated to the discovery of less famous wines, which will be paired with dishes cooked by prestigious restaurants of the province of Asti. The next appointments are on April, Thursday 5th and 19th Info and programs:; ASTI April 13th – 15th STREET FOOD FESTIVAL SOLO TRUCK Event dedicated to street food with the Associazione Italiana Cuochi Itineranti. Appointment in Piazza Roma from 11am to Midnight. The motto? Quality street food…on wheel! Info: Aici Street Food Festival +39 329 8224865 ASTI – FRAZIONE VARIGLIE April 7th POLENTATA E CINGHIALE A typical dinner that will delight gourmets in search of authentic flavors Info: +39 0141 208173 (afternoon); +39 0141 208546 (lunch time) ALBUGNANO, ASTI, BUTTIGLIERA D’ASTI, CASORZO, CASTAGNOLE MONFERRATO, CASTELL’ALFERO, CASTELNUOVO DON BOSCO, PIEA, GRAZZANO BADOGLIO, MONCALVO, MONTECHIARO D’ASTI, MONTEMAGNO, MONTIGLIO, PORTACOMARO, VIARIGI April 7th and 8th GOLOSARIA 2018 Twelfth edition of the festival taking place among the castles and the hills of Monferrato with numerous food and wine events, but not only, that will enliven the weekend. To discover the detailed program:






ASTI – FRAZIONE CASTIGLIONE April 8th FRITTATA IN PASSEGGIATA The preparation of omelettes after Easter is the ritual end of “Cantè j’euv”, the collection of eggs accompanied by Easter songs, a tradition still alive in Castiglione d’Asti during the Lent period. The afternoon begins with a “long” walk in the woods towards Portacomaro or with a “short” one accompanied by herbalists explaining the properties of medicinal herbs. At 5pm, afternoon snack with omelettes made with wild herbs, spring onions and potatoes, and dance with folk music. Info: Pro Loco Association +39 0141 206061; +39 339 7815167; BUTTIGLIERA D’ASTI May 1st LE CONTRADE DEL FREISA – Antica Fiera dell’Alto Astigiano A Spring Fair dedicated to Freisa wine, a typical wine of the area, enlivened with food and wine events, tastings, shows and guided tours. Info: Municipality +39 011 9921812; MOMBARUZZO FRAZ. BAZZANA April 28th FRITTO MISTO “ALLA BAZZANESE” Appointment at 8pm with Fritto Misto, which includes a mixture of fried meat, vegetables, the apple and the unmissable Amaretto of Mombaruzzo. Info and reservations: +39 340 9010431; +39 0141 721908 VINCHIO April 29th and May 1st PICNIC NEI CASOTTI A pleasant opportunity to have lunch in the Unesco Vineyards with the basket of delicacies prepared by the cooks of the Pro Loco Association, to walk and go biking in the Valle Sarmassa Nature Reserve, travel in the hills on the little road train and taste excellent wines. Moreover, the donkeys of Ragliobus for children. Info: +39 0141 950903; QUARANTI April 29th SAGRA DEI CECI E COTECHINI E TORTA DELLE ROSE This traditional peasant’s feast is a rite that involves almost all the inhabitants of the village. In the morning, the cooks of the Pro Loco association start preparing over 5 quintals of chickpeas to be served with cotechino and a glass Barbera d’Asti, hot sandwiches and Cortese dell’Alto Monferrato wine. At 12.30pm rural lunch, and, in the afternoon, distribution of chickpeas, cotechino and Torta delle Rose: according to the tradition, the cake recipe was invented by a priest’s housekeeper, who, thanks to this dessert, cured the old and ill priest with no appetite. Info: Municipality +39 0141793939; ASTI April 8th FIERA DI PRIMAVERA As usual, on the 1st Sunday of April, the arrival of summer will be celebrated and market stalls will invade Piazza Alfieri and the surrounding streets. Info: CASTELL’ALFERO April 25th VIVIVERDE The festival dedicated to agriculture and country life is back to the village of Gianduja: the event is accompanied by the craft and typical produce market with food and wine stalls. Info: Municipality +39 0141 406611;; COCCONATO April 25th FIERA DI SAN MARCO At the end of April, new edition of the Ancient Fair of San Marco: a real promotion fair, different and wider in content. A market exhibition area dedicated to farm and pet animals will be set up in order to enhance an ancient local tradition. Info: Municipality +39 0141 907007;; [email protected]



CASTELNUOVO DON BOSCO April 25th MERCATINO DELL’ANTICO Traditional Spring event with the hobby and antique market held in the historic centre of Castelnuovo Don Bosco. Info: COSTIGLIOLE – FRAZIONE MOTTA April 6th -8th ORTOGIARDINOVINO&DISPENSA The ornamental flower and garden show is back: food and wine tastings, meetings, exhibitions, workshops, performances, dancing evenings and, on Sunday, festival of the artistic handicrafts and agri-food excellence; moreover, music with Sonia De Castelli and Fiordaliso, cooking competition with Diego Bongiovanni and much more. Info and program: +39 334 9091320; ISOLA D’ASTI April 21st and 22nd FIORI IN FIERA From 9am to 8pm the village centre will be invaded by numerous flower and plant stalls….a treat for gardening enthusiasts. The day will be enlivened by typical products, flag throwing performance and much more. Info: Municipality +39 0141 958134;; [email protected] NIZZA MONFERRATO April 20th and 21st FIERA DEL CRISTO The “Fiera del Santo Cristo” (St. Christ’s fair) is named after the statue of the risen Christ, carved by a German prisoner during World War I. The statue finds itself in the church of San Giovanni. The central Piazza Garibaldi hosts the Spring agricultural exhibition with farming and oenology machineries and devices. On Sunday, streets and squares of the historical centre will be invaded by the big market and the day will be dedicated to the so-called “torta verde”, a typical Easter dish. Guided tours to the most important art and historic sites are on schedule too. Info: Municipality +39 0141 720507 - Tourist Office +39 0141 727516 ; SAN DAMIANO D’ASTI April 29th MERCATINO DELL’ANTIQUARIATO From 7am to 7pm, spring edition of the street market in the municipality that has recently obtained the city status. Info: + 39 335 6176331 ALBUGNANO – MONTIGLIO MONFERRATO April 21st and 22nd ROMANIC RACE First edition of a splendid 20 km itinerary among the Romanesque churches of the Asti area. Info and program: GRAZZANO BADOGLIO April 25th CAMMINARE IL MONFERRATO Usual walk taking place on April 25th at 2.30pm in the hills around Grazzano. Info: MONCALVO April 22nd A CASCINA GRAZIELLA CON LIBERA Appointment at 2.30pm for an easy walk on country roads. Start in Moncalvo and arrival at Cascina Graziella in Regione Santa Maria, a farmhouse that was confiscated from the Mafia and renovated. Info: +39 380 6835571; TIGLIOLE – CENTRO LIPU April 13th NOTTE DA GUFI Activities and walks to learn about nocturnal animals. Departure at 9pm.

ASTITURISMO - Direction Piazza Alfieri 33 - 14100 Asti Tel. +39 0141 353034 Fax +39 0141 356140 ASTI - TOURIST OFFICE Piazza Alfieri 34 - 14100 Asti Tel. +39 0141 530357 Fax +39 0141 538200 Canelli Tourist Office Via G. B. Giuliani 29 - 14053 Canelli Tel. +39 0141 820280 Fax +39 0141 820255 Castell’Alfero Tourist Office Piazza Castello - 14033 Castell’Alfero Tel. +39 0141 406611 Fax +39 0141 406606

Castelnuovo Don Bosco Tourist Office Piazza Dante 54 - 14022 Castelnuovo Don Bosco Tel. +39 333 1365812 Cocconato Tourist Office Piazza Cavour 22 - 14023 Cocconato Tel. +39 0141 600076 Fax +39 0141 907677 Costigliole d’Asti Tourist Office Via Roma 13 - 14055 Costigliole d’Asti Tel. +39 0141 961850 Incisa Scapaccino Tourist Office Piazza Ferraro 10 - 14045 Incisa Scapaccino Tel. +39 3441114522

Moncalvo Tourist Office Piazza Antico Castello 1 - 14036 Moncalvo Tel. +39 0141 916467 Fax +39 0141 923677 Montiglio Monferrato Tourist Office Via Gianotti 9 - 14026 Montiglio Monferrato Cell. +39 391 7277165 Cell. +39 335 6915703 Nizza Monferrato Tourist Office Piazza Garibaldi 80 - 14049 Nizza Monferrato Tel/Fax +39 0141 727516 Villafranca d’Asti Tourist Office Via Roma 48 - 14018 Villafranca d’Asti Tel. +39 0141 943885


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Updated data on 30th March

April 22nd FESTA DELLE OASI LIPU Workshops and guided tours to enter the world of LIPU activities. Start at 3pm. Info and programs:; [email protected] On Saturday 28th, from 9.30pm, striking night ceremony with the historical procession (Piazza Cattedrale), the Oath taken by the Rectors (10pm in Piazza San Secondo) followed by the evaluation of the Palio. Celebration of Mass on Sunday 29th, and, on Monday 30th , fireworks over the river Tanaro. On Tuesday, May 1st, the charming medieval ceremony of the Offer of the Palio and the distribution of “the poor’s soup”. On Wednesday 2nd the great Fiera Carolingia. Info: ASTI – MUSEO DIOCESANO April 20th – May 20th LA TERRA DEI VIGNETI On Friday, April 20th at 6 pm, at the Diocesan Museum in via Natta 36, the exhibition "La terra dei vigneti" with paintings by Paolo Viola will be inaugurated. In the exhibition, curated by Raffaella Pischedda, the artist interprets the vineyard both as an expression of our hills included on the Unesco World Heritage list and as a symbolic element of the Old and New Testament. Opening times: Fri 4pm-7pm, Sat-Sun 9.30am-1pm/4pm-7pm. Upon reservation on the remaining days of the week. Info: [email protected];


Every Wednesday and Saturday

ANTIQUE MARKETS Moncalvo: April 1st Nizza Monferrato:

April 15th Asti: April 22nd



