Page 1: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means


Kingdom __________________________Phylum ___________________________Classes: ______________________


Arthropod means ________________ _______________. Parts of the animalthat are jointed include ______________, ______________, _____________,and ___________________. Also, the bodies of arthropods are segmented.Different types of arthropods have different numbers of body segments.

All arthropods have an _________________________ (the outside covering)which is made of a material called _________________. This does not growwith the animal, so when it becomes too small, the animal sheds its exoskeleton,which is called _________________. The animal replaces it with a new onewhich is ___________ at first and takes a while to harden. Most arthropodsmolt between _______ to ______ times before reaching adult size.



jointed footlegs antennae claws




4 7

Page 2: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

ArachnidsThe members of this class of arthropod include ________________,

___________, and ____________________.


ticks scorpions

Page 3: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

Arachnids have ___ body parts, ____ pairs of legs, _____ mandibles, and____ simple eyes. They have _____ antennae, but they do have __________________________, ______________, and ______________ to kill their prey.

2 4 no

8 no poisonglands stingers fangs

Spiders cannot chew their food. They use their ____________ to inject________________ into their prey which __________________ the prey andthen __________________ its internal organs. The spider then ____________ up the liquid. They breathe through ________________ whichallow oxygen in and out of ___________ ______________. Spiders alsoproduce ____________ which they use to make __________ or to make___________________ for their eggs.

fangspoison paralyzes

liquefiessucks spiracles

book lungssilk webs


Page 4: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

Ticks and mites are arachnids which are ____________________. Mites arevery tiny and feed on __________ __________ ____________. Ticks attach tothe skin of their host and feed on its __________________.

parasitesdead skin cells


Spider web Spinnerets

Page 5: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

Scorpions have a sharp stinger at the end of their ________________ thatinjects _______________ into their victims which _______________ them.

CENTIPEDES have _____________ bodies with ___________ segments.They have ________________, simple ___________, and _______ pair ofjointed legs per body segment. Centipedes are __________________ and eatother _______________. They are in the group _____________ because they havemany legs.

abdomenvenom paralyzes

antennaelong, flat many


animals myriopods

Page 6: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

MILLIPEDES are also __________________ because they have long bodieswith many body _________________ and legs. They have ___ pairs of legsper body segment, and they have ________________ bodies. They are not__________________ and eat _________________.

CRUSTACEANSExamples of Crustaceans include _____________, ________________,_______________, ________________, __________ ___________, and___________ ____________.

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Myriopodssegments 2

roundedpoisonous plants

crabs crayfishlobsters shrimp pill bugs

water fleas

Page 7: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

Crustaceans have many pairs of __________, the first of which are____________ used to hold prey. The other pairs are used for________________ and the swimmerets are used for __________________.Barnacles are a different kind of crustacean which have ________________shells and live attached to sea objects such as _______________ and______________. Most crustaceans live in ______________ and breathethrough ________________. They have ______ sets of ________________unlike other arthropods.



shipswhales water

gills 2 antennae

Page 8: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

INSECTSThis is the largest class of not just arthropods, but all complexinvertebrates (animals without ____________________). Insects have___ body parts and ___ pairs of jointed legs. The middle segment, calledthe __________________, may have 0, 1, or 2 pairs of ______________.They live most places on earth, including the _____________, __________,and _________. They have ____ pair of antennae.Their 3 body segments are the ____________,__________________, and_________________________.


3 3thorax wings

onewater land




Page 9: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means


Kingdom __________________________Phylum ___________________________Classes: ______________________


Arthropod means ________________ _______________. Parts of the animalthat are jointed include ______________, ______________, _____________,and ___________________. Also, the bodies of arthropods are segmented.Different types of arthropods have different numbers of body segments.

All arthropods have an _________________________ (the outside covering)which is made of a material called _________________. This does not growwith the animal, so when it becomes too small, the animal sheds its exoskeleton,which is called _________________. The animal replaces it with a new onewhich is ___________ at first and takes a while to harden. Most arthropodsmolt between _______ to ______ times before reaching adult size.

Page 10: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

ArachnidsThe members of this class of arthropod include ________________,

___________, and ____________________.

Page 11: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

Arachnids have ___ body parts, ____ pairs of legs, _____ mandibles, and____ simple eyes. They have _____ antennae, but they do have __________________________, ______________, and ______________ to kill their prey.

Spiders cannot chew their food. They use their ____________ to inject________________ into their prey which __________________ the prey andthen __________________ its internal organs. The spider then ____________ up the liquid. They breathe through ________________ whichallow oxygen in and out of ___________ ______________. Spiders alsoproduce ____________ which they use to make __________ or to make___________________ for their eggs.

Page 12: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

Ticks and mites are arachnids which are ____________________. Mites arevery tiny and feed on __________ __________ ____________. Ticks attach tothe skin of their host and feed on its __________________.

Spider webSpinnerets

Page 13: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

Scorpions have a sharp stinger at the end of their ________________ thatinjects _______________ into their victims which _______________ them.

CENTIPEDES have _____________ bodies with ___________ segments.They have ________________, simple ___________, and _______ pair ofjointed legs per body segment. Centipedes are __________________ and eatother ______________. They are in the group _____________ because they havemany legs.

Page 14: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

MILLIPEDES are also __________________ because they have long bodieswith many body _________________ and legs. They have ___ pairs of legsper body segment, and they have ________________ bodies. They are not__________________ and eat _________________.

CRUSTACEANSExamples of Crustaceans include _____________, ________________,_______________, ________________, __________ ___________, and___________ ____________.

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Page 15: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

Crustaceans have many pairs of __________, the first of which are____________ used to hold prey. The other pairs are used for________________ and the swimmerets are used for __________________.Barnacles are a different kind of crustacean which have ________________shells and live attached to sea objects such as _______________ and______________. Most crustaceans live in ______________ and breathethrough ________________. They have ______ sets of ________________unlike other arthropods.

Page 16: Arthropods Kingdom __________________________ Phylum ___________________________ Classes: ______________________ ______________________ Arthropod means

INSECTSThis is the largest class of not just arthropods, but all complexinvertebrates (animals without ____________________). Insects have___ body parts and ___ pairs of jointed legs. The middle segment, calledthe __________________, may have 0, 1, or 2 pairs of ______________.They live most places on earth, including the _____________, __________,and _________. They have ____ pair of antennae.The 3 body segments are the ______________,__________________, and_________________________.
