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KSSR (Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah)

The KSSR will replace the existing primary school integrated curriculum (KBSR), which was first introduced in 1983, and reviewed in 2003. From several local newspaper articles I have read, the keywords are pupil centred, fun and interactive, less-exam orientation,project and activity based , creativity and innovation, communication, ICT literacy,holistic,critical thinking and reasoning skills,independent learning "The new curriculum is based on six key areas — communication, spiritual attitude and values, humanitarianism, literacy in science and technology, physical and personal development — to produce holistic individuals.

KSSR aims to strengthen the command of Bahasa Malaysia and English among primary school pupils.The lessons are different compared to KBSR.School Hours reduced by 120 minutes,No more Maths and Science in English,Malay periods increased to 10,Maths periods reduced from 10 to 6 (Previously it was 6 periods for Maths in Chinese and 4 periods for Maths in English. Now it will be 6 periods in Chinese only.),English periods increased from 2 to 5, Science is now "Dunia Sains dan Teknologi", and Mathematics is "Matematik" for SJKTamil language for Tamil schools.


Penmanship - Students are to be taught the right way to hold a pen or pencil properly Introduction of Sexual Education There is even a segment on bullying and how kids should handle thugs and

extortionists in schools Students will be given a file for assignments throughout the year which must be

checked, sign and return. Failure to do so will bring about "adverse consequences" and negatively impact his overall academic performance

Teachers have to do internal assessments and evaluations Less Exam Oriented.

Why was KSSR introduced?

 KSSR was introduced as an effort to restructure and improve the current curriculum to ensure that students have the relevant knowledge, skills and values to face the challenges of the 21st century.

What is meant by a Standard Curriculum? 

KSSR was formulated based on a statement of standards. The statement of standards comprise of content standards and learning standards which need to be achieved by a student in a specific period and level of schooling. The Content and Learning standards are defined as follows:• Contents Standards are specific statements on what the students must know and can do, within a specific period of schooling, covering the areas of knowledge, skills and values.• Learning Standards are set criteria or indicators of education quality and achievements which can be measured for each content standard.

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What is the difference between KSSR and KBSR?

Is there a change in subjects for Level 1 KSSR?

In Year 1 KSSR, a new subject is introduced, and all knowledge disciplines are reorganized within the form of Basic Core Modules, Thematic Core Modules, and Elective Modules, for more effective curriculum management. 

The Thematic Core Modules was introduced to reduce the number of subjects taken at Level One. This module comprises the themes of the World of Art and World of Science and Technology. In the World of Arts, two subjects are introduced, that is the Visual Arts and (Thematic) Music. Design, Science and Technology (DST) contains elements of science, information and communication technology, and Design and Technology. Science was not made the core basic module because a core module emphasizes literacy and numeracy, self-esteem and character and spiritual development. Science is introduced in the Thematic Core Module to provide basic knowledge on the discipline of Science.

Why has the time allocated for teaching Islamic Studies at SJK (C) and SJK (T) reduced compared to SK? 

At the SJK (C) and SJK (T), the allocated time for the teaching of Chinese and Tamil languages is 360 minutes each. If the allocation of time for Islamic studies is made to be in line with that in National schools, this would mean that the students will finish school late, as total hours will exceed 1380 minutes a week. All Year 1 pupils must learn basic ICT skills to enable them to utilise the skills in various disciplines. Cross-curricular elements need not be used for each session of T&L but need to be applied to the appropriate T&L. It is vital to teach basic ICT skills to Year 1 pupils and it is proposed that the skills are taught at the beginning of the year. These basic skills can also be taught within the Science elements using ICT. The ICT Elements can be fully mastered and therefore be reinforced through cross-curricular activities.

The teacher is required to carry out continuous follow up activities such as to conduct revision to ensure that the student eventually achieves the standard. Got text books for all the subjects except for the World of Musical and Visual Arts, where text books will not be given. However, there are guide books on this subject.

Student will use the ICT materials that are already available in schools such as computers, cd, internet, and others according to the suitability of topics. For teachers, the 3 approaches recommended to be applied for ICT are:• Students using laptop in class, computers at the access centres and at the computer labs

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for the purpose of finishing work as required.• Teachers using laptops with a LCD projector for the purpose of teaching using specific course software and digital materials• Teachers using laptops with a LCD projector in class, carrying out interactive activities with students, or teachers using the computer in computer labs for the purpose of T&L with students.

All schools are given internet access through the MOE School Net network, and not all topics in EMK-TMK (or CCE and ICT) will require internet access. If the school faces problems of internet access, the school can contact the person responsible or the State Department of Education. The school has been informed through KP.BTMK 1/044/01 Jld. 11 (11) dated 13 November 2008 that an alternative access can be used.

KSSR can help stimulate teachers’ and students’ creativity through the T&L (Teaching and Learning approach) such as (edutainment), and additional cross-curricular elements. Teachers are given for learning guidebooks to assist them in carrying out the T&L.