  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    Six BiBle Study leSSonS

    or Group diScipleShip

    MggG M



  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    MggG M

    Six BiBle Study leSSonSor Group diScipleShip

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    ManaGinG Gods Money

    cg 2013 b e na ps

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  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    hw us

    s MaaIn Victory, the primary venue for discipleship

    happens in a small group. It is called a Victory group.

    We strongly encourage everyone to be involved since

    these grups are speccall desged t help dscples

    grow spiritually.

    A Victory group meeting has three sections: Cc,

    W, and P, and ideally lasts from forty to

    sixty minutes.

    ConneCt (5-10 ms)

    Victory group meetings begin with a time to relate with

    one another. Depending on the people who comprise

    the group, this can be done through a variety of ways:

    Fusuch as a cebreaker actvt

    Aswered praerssharg f testes

    and updates Questssuch as thse prvded the

    material, learning each others personal stories,

    ad sharg feedback fr the weekl essage

    Eective Questions During the Connect Portion:

    Are delberatel fredl t rst-ters

    Ask fr p r epereces Requre Bble kwledge

    Have rght r wrg aswer

    Are t ctrversal

    Are preferabl cected t the eetgs tpc

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    Word (20-30 ms)

    Teach the truth and relevance of Gods Word for life application. The

    Vctr grup eetg s t prarl a Bble stud. Althugh teachg

    and explanation of Scripture is involved, the goal is to minister, not

    sh a ateral.

    There is no need teach all the points in a material.

    Wth ths sect, we lk at what the Bble sas, ts relevace t us

    today, and its application in our lives.

    Wh: What does the Bible say?

    Communicate and impart biblical truth clearly and concisely

    16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,

    correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God

    may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.2 TimoTHy 3:16,17

    Tips for Sharing the Word Eectively

    Let the Bble speak fr tself.

    Use llustrats ad tell stres t epla Bble verses.

    Whe etertag clarcats, be watchful t t allw the

    dscuss t g -taget.

    The prar gal s t ster t the eeds f the peple, t t

    sh a Bble less. Be led b the Sprt whe usg the ateral.

    s Wh: What is the relevance of the Word to my life?

    Give participants the opportunity to discuss how the Word impacts

    the way they live.

    Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but betransformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test

    and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will.

    RomAnS 12:2

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    nw Wh: How do I apply the Word to my life?

    our prar reas fr sharg the Bble s s that peple wll kw

    wh Gd s ad what He has de. i dg s, the partcpats wll

    begin to discover who they are and what they should do.

    If it is a promise, teach them to claim it. If it is a command or a

    principle, encourage them to put it to action by Gods grace. If it is a

    truth, let them embrace it willingly and not under compulsion. Allow

    Gods grace and love to win them by the way

    you teach Gods Word.

    Ecurage specc, easurable act steps that are csstetwith the life change that the Scripture is bringing about. We do not

    command people, but we spur them on toward love and good deeds.

    Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.

    Do what it says.JAmES 1:22

    Tips for Life-Changing Application yu a chse e f the S What ad nw What quests

    or you may add your own.

    A eectve stadb applcat quest s: What e act

    step are u gg t take as a result f what u heard tda?

    Desgate wh wll be the rst t aswer the quest asked.

    D t allw see t argue r be crtcal f thers.

    Red evere t appl the less t ther w lves, t tsomeone elses.

    Ask Gd fr wsd t kw whe t balace r crrect strage

    or unbiblical applications. Insensitive correction or criticism can

    kll the grup, as ca uchecked heres.

    Red evere that trasfrat s Gds wrk, t urs, ad

    ur bedece s a respse t wh He s ad Hs lve fr us. it s

    Gds grace that eables us t appl ad be Hs Wrd.

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    Pray(15-20 ms)

    Praer s the st prtat part f the Vctr grup eetg. make

    sure you have plenty of time left so your prayer time is not rushed. This

    s t a clsg praer, but a te fr evere the grup t take

    specc requests t Gd. Ths s where the act s. The gal s t createa venue where people will see God move on their behalf.

    Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you

    ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.mATTHEW 18:19

    Tips for Powerful Prayer

    Lste t the Hl Sprt carefull durg the Cect ad Wrdsections for things that may need prayer.

    Sped ur te prag fr e ather, t sharg ad

    dscussg praer requests.

    Keep ur praers sple, scere, ad shrt. mst -belevers

    have ever heard a rdar Chrsta just talk t Gd ad wll

    be touched by the sincerity and simplicity of the prayer.

    Pra, dt preach. Pra sple ad shrt seteces, t lgser praers.

    Use cversatal praer, t cplcated r prfud,

    intercessory prayer.

    Epect Gd t aswer ur praers.

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    M: ha w ca ............... 1

    Bba ps ps ...... 7

    s tgs s ..............................11

    raa Gs ..........................15

    Wa a Wsm .......................19

    t ps ps .............23








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    M: ha

    w ca


    If you were given a million dollars to spend

    a da, hw wuld u d t? Wh?

    In school, whats one of the toughest tests

    uve had t take? What happeed?

    Wh r what d u alwas take

    care f? Wh?

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    M gu.9People who want to get rich fall into temptation and

    a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that

    plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of

    money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager

    for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced

    themselves with many griefs. 1 TimoTHy 6:9,10

    In these two verses, notice all the dangerous words

    used t descrbe e ad thse eager fr t. Hwever,

    just because something is dangerous does not meant s -lts fr Chrstas. Cars ca be dagerus

    thousands die from automobile accidents every year.

    That does not mean we should not drive a car; it simply

    means we should drive with caution.


    19Do not store up for yourselves treasures on

    earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where

    thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for

    yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and

    rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not

    break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is,

    there your heart will be also.mATTHEW 6:1921

    Money is much more than an economic issue; it is a

    heart ssue. Jesus sad, Where ur treasure s, there

    ur heart wll be als. Tw-thrds f Jesus parables

    addressed e. There are ver 700 drect refereces

    t e the Bble. Wh s e such a ppular

    subject the Bble? Because e s a wdw t

    the heart. Hw we hadle e epses the values

    ad prrtes f ur hearts. i ths less, we wll lk atthe wargs the Bble gves us ccerg e.


    2 MaaggGs M


  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    M cul c chk h W.But the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth

    and the desires for other things come in and choke the

    word, making it unfruitful.mARK 4:19(SEE ALSo PRoVERBS 11:48 AnD 1 TimoTHy 6:1719.)

    me s decetfult verprses but uderdelvers.

    It promises happiness, but cannot deliver. It promises

    security, but cannot deliver.

    M G vl.No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the

    one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one

    and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and

    Money.LUKE 16:13

    The Bble ddt sa, u cat serve bth Gd ad self,God and power, God and career, God and immorality. As

    true as these statements are, they were never stated.

    Perhaps the were t bvus t et. But sce

    money is deceitful, many people actually believe they

    can serve God and money at the same time.

    What are some

    dangerous things

    that can also be

    useful if used with

    caution? What does

    root of all kinds of

    evil mean?

    M: ha w ca 3


    It promises

    peace, but cannot

    deliver. How have

    you seen this to

    be true?


  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    What does it mean

    to serve God?

    What does it mean

    to serve money?

    Why is money

    Gods rival?

    4 MaaggGs M


    M pul pm.10Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be

    trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very

    little will also be dishonest with much. 11So if you havenot been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who

    will trust you with true riches?12And if you have not been

    trustworthy with someone elses property, who will give

    you property of your own?LUKE 16:1012

    What happens when we are trustworthy in handling

    e? What f we are utrustwrth?

    What are

    true riches?

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    so WhAtWhat des t ea t lve e? Hw des

    ur vew f e der fr what the Bble sas

    abut t?

    Wh d s a trust e re tha Gd? Hwelse des e verprse ad uderdelver?

    Wh s t pssble t serve bth Gd ad e?

    Wh d u thk the Bble s s specc abut ths?

    Thak Gd fr Hs prvs ad blessgs.

    Pra fr Hs had up what u are gg thrugh.

    Beleve that wth H, all thgs are pssble.

    Ask Gd t gve u a bblcal perspectve ad

    uderstadg f e. Chse t trust H re

    than anything else.


    noW WhAtD u thk u are hadlg e a wa thathrs Gd? Are u free fr the lve f e?

    What ca u d ths week t serve Gd ver e?

    Have u ever bee deceved b rches? Hw ca u

    lve free fr that decept?

    Are u trustwrth hadlg e? Are u

    gvg ur tthe? Are u pag ur debts? D

    u pa ur blls te?

    M: ha w ca 5

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money






    ps ps


    What are se f the -egtable parts

    f ur dal schedule? Wh?

    Whats one of the hardest things you have

    ever had t d? What dd u lear fr t?

    Tell us abut ur rst jb. What was t lke?

    What dd u d?

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    th Pcpl Gvg rcvg/swg rpgGive, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed

    down, shaken together and running over, will be poured

    into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be

    measured to you.LUKE 6:38 (SEE ALSo 2 CoRinTHiAnS 9:611.)

    What happes f we gve? What happes f we dt

    gve? What deteres hw uch s gve back t us?

    What happes t what we sw?


    Then the LORD your God will make you most

    prosperous in all the work of your hands and

    in the fruit of your womb, the young of your

    livestock and the crops of your land. The

    LORD will again delight in you and make you

    prosperous, just as he delighted in your fathers.

    DEUTERonomy 30:9

    The quest s t, Wll Gd prvde? The Bble

    s clear abut that. nuerus Scrptures teach that

    Gd t l prses t prvde, but He delghts

    ur prspert. The real quest s, What wll we d

    wth Hs prvs? The cdt f ur hearts wll

    determine if money will be a trap to pull us away from

    Gd r a tl t advace Hs kgd. Ather quest

    that ces up abut e s, Wh d se peplesee t receve Gds prvs ad thers dt?

    What is

    the purpose

    of riches?


    8 MaaggGs M


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    th Pcpl Pp P31So do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or What

    shall we drink? or What shall we wear?32For the pagans

    run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows

    that you need them. 33But seek rst his kingdom and hisrighteousness, and all these things will be given to you as

    well.mATTHEW 6:3133

    th Pcpl H WkLazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring

    wealth. PRoVERBS 10:4

    All hard work brings a prot, but mere talk leads only to

    poverty. PRoVERBS 14:23

    What are we not to

    worry about? Why?

    What does seek

    rst mean? What

    will God do if we

    seek Him rst?


    Bba ps ps 9


    What is hard

    work? How

    has hard work

    producedprosperity in the

    life of someone

    you know?

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    so WhAtHw s t pssble that we receve re whe we gve?

    Hw des ths challege the wa we vew e?

    What shuld be ur tp prrt? Hw des a pers

    seek Gd?Wh d u thk Gd blesses hard wrk ad

    dlgece? Hw des ths ake u feel?

    Trust God that as you sow, you will reap. Pray that you

    will be a blessing and a channel of Gods provision to

    a. Ask Gd t ake u sestve t Hs Sprt s

    u a kw whe, hw, ad t wh t gve.

    Ask Gd fr Hs wsd ad grace t put ur

    prrtes rder. Trust that as u seek H rst, He

    wll take care f everthg else ur lfe.

    Beleve that as u be Gd, Hs truth s at wrk

    ur lfe ad u wll eperece Hs prspert,

    verw, ad abudace.prAyer

    noW WhAtD u gve? D u have dcult gvg large

    easures? What ca u d t crease ur easuref gvg?

    Are u seekg Gds kgd rst? Are ur

    prrtes rder? What prrt adjustets d u

    eed t ake?

    What ca u d t be re dlget ur wrk

    ever da?

    10 MaaggGs M

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    tgs s


    D u ted t stck t a budget r are u

    a sptaeus speder? Gve a eaple.

    Whats the most recent gift youve ever

    gve? Wh dd u gve t t?

    When you were a child, did you ever steal

    athg? Dd u get caught? Tell us

    about it.

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    Wh h?As soon as the order went out, the Israelites generously

    gave the rstfruits of their grain, new wine, oil and honey

    and all that the elds produced. They brought a great

    amount, a tithe of everything.2 CHRoniCLES 31:5

    9Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the rstfruits

    of all your crops;10then your barns will be lled to

    overowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.

    PRoVERBS 3:9,10

    The tthe s the rstfrut f all we prduce r ear. Whatdes rstfruts ea?

    shul i gv h vhg jum cm ( x xp)?30A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from

    the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD;

    it is holy to the LORD. . . . 32The entire tithe of the herd


    18Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out

    bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High,19and he blessed Abram . . . 20Then Abram gave

    him a tenth of everything. GEnESiS 14:1820

    Abraha was the rst tther recrded the Bble. He

    gave Gd e-teth (a tthe) f hs ce as a act

    f grateful wrshp. He gave hs tthe t Gd thrugh

    melchzedek the prest. i ths less, we wll lk t

    aswerg fur c quests abut the tthe.

    Why does God

    demand the rst

    part? What promise

    does God give if

    we give Him the

    rst tenth?


    12 MaaggGs M



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    and ockevery tenth animal that passes under the

    shepherds rodwill be holy to the LORD.LEViTiCUS 27:30,32

    Wh i l hull h?8Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, How

    do we rob you? In tithes and oerings.9

    You are undera cursethe whole nation of youbecause you are

    robbing me.mALACHi 3:8,9

    Wh hpp i hull gvm whl h?Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there

    may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD

    Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the oodgatesof heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not

    have room enough for it.mALACHi 3:10

    What des t ea t test Gd the tthe? What are

    se was Gd has peed the dgates f heave

    fr u?

    Why do you think

    Moses used the

    words everything,

    entire, and every

    when he referred to

    the tithe?


    s tgs s 13

    What is a

    robber? What is

    a curse?


    What are

    some ways

    He has poured

    out blessings

    on you?

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    so WhAtWh d u thk tthg s a dcult ssue fr se?

    Hw des Gds Wrd challege ur perspectve

    f tthg?

    What wuld t lk lke t fathfull gve the tthe?What are the blessgs f gvg the whle tthe?

    Wh d u thk Gd tells us t test H whe

    we tthe?

    Pray and commit to obey Gods Word even when

    stuats are dcult. Trust that Gd s ur prvder.

    Ask Gd fr specc thgs u are belevg H fr.

    As u hr H wth ur wealth ad gve H the

    rstfruts, beleve that He wll bless u ever wa

    accrdg t Hs wll.



    noW WhAt

    D u fathfull gve the whle tthe t Gd? if t,whats hldg u back fr beg? What ca u

    d t be Gds Wrd ths week?

    Have u bee fathfull gvg ur tthe but are

    curretl a dcult acal stuat? Are u

    read t test Gd ad see H pur ut s uch

    blessg ur lfe?

    14 MaaggGs M

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    Who is the most generous person you

    kw? Recall a specc stace

    explaining this.

    Whats e f ur favrte thgs t d?

    Wh d u ej ths s uch?

    Hw d u respd t pvert? Wh?

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    th gv wh vfwg j.Out of the most severe trial, their overowing joy and their

    extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.

    2 CoRinTHiAnS 8:2 (SEE ALSo 2 CoRinTHiAnS 9:7.)

    The combination of a most severe trial, extreme poverty,

    ad verwg j resulted rch geerst.

    th gv u h bh bl.For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and

    even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own . . .2 CoRinTHiAnS 8:3 (SEE ALSo LUKE 21:14.)

    Se peple gve what the ca ard t gve. others

    gve less tha the ca ard. These pr macedas

    gave out of their poverty and they gave beyond their

    ablt. Ths s called sacrcal gvg.


    1And now, brothers, we want you to know about

    the grace that God has given the Macedonian

    churches. 2Out of the most severe trial, their

    overowing joy and their extreme poverty welled

    up in rich generosity. 2 CoRinTHiAnS 8:1,2

    (SEE ALSo 2 CoRinTHiAnS 8:35.)

    Paul holds up the Macedonians as examples of people

    who properly managed Gods money. In this lesson, wewll lk at ther eaple f radcal geerst.


    16 MaaggGs M


    What is a severe

    trial? What is

    extreme poverty?

    What is rich



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    th c gvg b pvlg.. . . they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of

    sharing in this service to the saints.2 CoRinTHiAnS 8:4

    th gv m h m.And they did not do as we expected, but they gave

    themselves rst to the Lord and then to us in keeping with

    Gods will.2 CoRinTHiAnS 8:5

    What is

    a privilege?

    Why do you think

    they considered

    giving to be

    a privilege?


    raa Gs 17


    Have you ever

    given sacricially?

    Was it hard? Are

    you now glad you

    did it?

    What does

    it mean togive yourself to

    the Lord?

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    so WhAtHw ca pr peple destrate rch geerst?

    Ca rch peple als destrate rch geerst?

    Wh d u thk Chrstas are called t

    be geerus?Aside from money, what other resources can we be

    geerus wth?

    Thak Gd fr Hs fathfuless, Hs blessgs, ad Hs

    radical generosity towards you.

    Ask Gd t use u t be a chael f Hs blessg.

    yu are blessed t be a blessg.

    Pra that Gd wuld ake u re geerus ad

    that u wuld gve lke the macedas. Ask H t

    use whatever u have fr Hs hr ad wrk.


    noW WhAtAre u a cheerful gver? D u ej gvg?

    Ask Gd t use u t be a chael f Hs blessgstartg ths week.

    Is your current giving pattern according to your ability,

    less tha ur ablt, r re tha ur ablt? D

    u have a desre t crease ur gvg? Are u

    wllg t gve sacrcall at tes? What are u

    wllg t sacrce?

    Have u gve urself t the Lrd? Hw ca

    u gve urself re full t H ad Hs wrk

    ever da?

    18 MaaggGs M

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    a Wsm


    Whats one luxury youve always wished

    t have? Wh? What wuld u d f u

    had t?

    Do you believe in saving a part of your

    ce? Wh r wh t?

    Tell us what you were taught about money

    whe u were grwg up. Recall a

    specc stace eplag ths.

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    H Blg9Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the rstfruits

    of all your crops;10then your barns will be lled to

    overowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.

    PRoVERBS 3:9,10 (SEE ALSo PRoVERBS 10:22.)

    What des t ea t hr the Lrd wth wealth? What

    brgs wealth ad blessg?

    Huml F h LHumility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor

    and life.PRoVERBS 22:4

    What s hult? Wh des Gd wat us t be

    huble? What des t ea t fear the Lrd?


    King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom

    than all the other kings of the earth. 1 KinGS 10:23

    Sl, the wsest a wh ever lved, had qute a

    few things to say about money. Aside from his wisdom,

    one of the things he is most remembered by is his

    wealth. He culd t eve keep track f hw uch gld

    t tk t cstruct the teple ad hs palace. But he

    kew that wealth wuld t last frever; r was t the

    most important thing in his life. In this lesson, we willlk at se f Sls wse wrds abut e,

    wealth, and riches.

    Is God troubled

    by blessing us?


    20 MaaggGs M



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    H KHe who increases his wealth by exorbitant interest

    amasses it for another, who will be kind to the poor.

    PRoVERBS 28:8

    H t, G tmw4Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to

    show restraint. 5Cast but a glance at riches, and they are

    gone, for they will surely sprout wings and y o to the

    sky like an eagle. PRoVERBS 23:4,5

    Sl, hs wsd, kew that e wuld

    not last.

    Wa a Wsm 21



    What are the results

    of humility and the

    fear of God?

    Why do you think

    dishonest wealth will

    be given to others

    who are kind to the

    poor? How can you

    show kindness

    to the poor?

    What is restraint?

    How does Solomon

    describe riches?

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    so WhAtHw des ur perspectve f e der fr

    Sls? Wh d u thk Sl spke f

    wealth the wa he dd?

    Wh d u thk hult ad fear f the Lrd arewhat brg wealth, hr, ad lfe? Hw d u feel

    abut ths?

    Hw d u thk thgs wuld chage f peple

    uderstd that rches sprut wgs ad awa?

    Hw ca u have wsd t shw restrat ad t

    wear urself ut t get rch?

    Pra that as u hr Gd wth ur wealth, He wll

    pur ut Hs blessgs up u ad ur fal.

    Ask Gd fr Hs grace s u ca be huble ad fear

    H, beg hest wth what u have ad wrkg

    dlgetl fr Hs hr.

    Commit to trust God over anything else in your life

    ad t lve fr eteral treasure ad Hs glr.



    noW WhAtAre u wse the wa u sped ur e?

    i what areas d u thk u eed t prve

    ths week?

    D u see e as a tl r a gal? D u put

    your trust in money or only on that which mattersfr etert? Hw d u thk Gd wats u

    t vew e?

    Hw ca u shw kdess t the pr?

    22 MaaggGs M

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    t ps



    Tell us about one of the best things that

    happeed t u ths past week.

    What is the best or worst thing you ever

    spet ur e ? Wh dd u bu t?

    Hw d u lke celebratg ur

    brthda? Wh?

  • 7/30/2019 As Book 4 Managing-Gods-Money


    M h ugh4So all the skilled craftsmen who were doing all the work

    on the sanctuary left their work5and said to Moses, The

    people are bringing more than enough for doing the work

    the LORD commanded to be done.ExoDUS 36:4,5

    (SEE ALSo ExoDUS 36:3,6,7.)

    Gd gave Hs peple re tha eugh s that the

    wrk wuld be cpleted. Ther eeds were prvded

    fr ad the had re tha eugh t gve t the wrk

    of the Tabernacle. Does God desire to meet the needs

    f Hs peple tda?

    B blg1The LORD had said to Abram, Leave your country, your

    people and your fathers household and go to the land

    I will show you. 2I will make you into a great nation and

    I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you

    will be a blessing. 3I will bless those who bless you, and


    Misfortune pursues the sinner, but prosperity is

    the reward of the righteous. PRoVERBS 1:21

    The Bble calls prspert a reward, t a curse, t a

    s. Gd desres t prvde fr Hs peple. ma seek

    Gods provision without understanding Gods purpose

    for the provision. The following verses show us the

    purpose of prosperity.

    Is there a limit

    to His provisionor does God

    have more

    than enough?


    24 MaaggGs M



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    whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth

    will be blessed through you.GEnESiS 12:13

    God blessed Abraham so he could be a blessing.

    Gu v ccYou will be made rich in every way so that you can be

    generous on every occasion.2 CoRinTHiAnS 9:11

    Wh wll we be ade rch?

    How was

    Abraham blessed

    to be a blessing?

    t ps ps 25


    What does it meanto be generous on

    every occasion?

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    so WhAtWh d u thk se peple prefer hardg tha

    beg geerus? Hw des Gds re tha eugh

    provision challenge your view of what you have and

    hw u ca be geerus?What des t ea t be a chael f the Lrds

    blessg? Hw ca u be a blessg t thers?

    Hw d u feel abut beg geerus ever

    ccas? What wuld ths lk lke ur lfe?

    Thak Gd fr Hs abudat prvs ad

    Hs blessgs.

    Pra that He wuld bless u t be a blessg

    ad that b Hs grace He wuld ake u geerus

    on every occasion.

    Pra fr thse u kw wh are curretl dcult

    stuats. Ask Gd t bless the ad use u t be achael f Hs blessgs.



    noW WhAtDo you believe God can give you more than enough

    ad wll prvde fr u? Hw ca u g deeper

    Hs Wrd t uderstad Hs prses f prvs

    ths week?

    Hw are u blessed t be a blessg? Hw ca u

    be a chael f Hs blessgs ths week?

    Are u sestve t the eeds f thers? What cau d t be geerus ever ccas?

    26 MaaggGs M

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    B mmb l G, s w gs ab wa, a s fmss a, w sw as, as s a.deuteronoMy 8:18

    Mgg G M s a ss s

    maas g ss sg

    ss swa w fas

    G as bss m w.

    topicS include:

    Money: Handle with Care

    Biblical Principles of Prosperity

    First Things First

    Radical Generosity Wealth and Wisdom

    The Purpose of Prosperity