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  • 8/14/2019 AS IT WAS FINAL



    This is a work of fiction. It is the story of some African

    leaders who lived in the nineteenth century; it is about

    Oloja, the generalissimo of Alele land, who was a loyal

    subject to his king, Ale. Oloja was sent on exile by Ale

    the supreme head in order to cover his secret

    atrocities that were exposed to Oloja.

    He went on exile but Ale did not remain the sameagain and according to Oloja, Arewa there is only one

    person I am afraid of in this life and that person is a

    man the gods are fighting his battle, if the gods are

    my defense, do I need to bother my head about Ales

    hatred, suspicion and misplaced anger. I am working

    towards the peaceful reunion of Aleles indigenes in

    diasporas, strange land cannot become sweet home.

    Alele indigenes are scattered all over because home is

    no longer home. I came happily with my car and I

    cannot even drive it out for people to behold,

    everybody carries long face. Love is lost in Alele

    He returned as a triumphant man but met an empty

    town; the story is still the same till today.

    Olutosin Oladosu-Adebowale presents infiction the life

    history of the indigenous Yoruba people of the

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    Western region in the Western part of Africa,

    imagination let loose.

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    Arewa walked into the hall where all the chiefs were

    silently seated, she wore a black blouse and tied a

    cream color woven wrapper around her chest, she has

    black and kinky hair, parted at the middle into two

    equal parts closely looking at her ankle, one can easily

    notice that a chain dangles on her ankle and there is

    also a beautiful brown bead on both ankles too, a tiny

    beads hung around her neck. She held her head high

    and was undaunted as she walked into the midst of

    the seated chiefs. She is very tall for a woman

    because she is taller than every man in the hall.

    Oloja cleared his throat, immediately he saw her

    approaching his seat and began to address her;

    Arewa, are you ready? She looked down at Oloja on

    his seat, and directed his question to him, I learnt

    that you sent my parents to the local prison, how

    would you feel after all I mean when all these is over?,

    you incarcerate me and now my parents because of

    forceful marriage, with which face will you see my

    parents I mean this would be in laws when I agree to

    marry you, Oloja? This was her sharp response.

    Are you ready now? Oloja inquired from her as he

    directed the Kings guards to set her free from the

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    chains in her ankle, Akoda release the chain, Akoda

    moved towards her, but she shouted leave my ankle

    I am not ready, I will be ready when my parents are

    back in their house, the dowry paid and a formal

    apology sent to them through your emissary who are

    all ears but no good advice to you.

    She walked slowly, as a result of the golden chain tied

    on her ankle, it is painful because of both

    psychological and emotional trauma she has gone

    through, she has suffered humiliation in the hands of

    men she had been betrothed to in the past, by force or

    by trick she has found herself in the hands of men she

    has no iota of love for, always married against her

    wish from the first Oloja who asked for her hand in

    marriage to the second one who inherited her at all


    She managed through the tiny passage to the small

    hall as she grope with hands into the inner room in

    front of Olojas main room, it was a dark passage,

    short walk hall-way that led to another self contained

    chamber with a square hall conference. She walked

    into the dark room and slammed the door behind her.

    Oloja cleared his throat again it is a habit that has

    been with him for ages,

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    Alase should be ready by now, he said to no one in


    Alase is the beautiful wife that cooks for Oloja, she

    comes out on few occasions whenever it is

    compulsory, Alase is Olojas favorite wife, she cooks

    naked because no woman must wear cloth in Olojas

    kitchen. It is her turn to supervise the food meant for

    the chiefs who are in the meeting with Oloja.

    Akoda stepped backward towards the entrance of the

    hall that leads to the wives hall and beckoned to one

    of the slaves sitting on the stage at the largest

    conference hall; it is on the left hand side of the

    access road that leads to the kitchen. The kitchen is

    out of bound to everybody except to the selected

    Alase who is normally the favorite of elected Oloja.

    One of the slaves came in with a short wrapper tied

    around her waist, Akoda sent her on an errand and in

    minutes she was back with Olojas youngest wife

    Ologe, she is about sixteen years of age beautifully

    dressed in a woven traditional dress, she painted her

    legs with the traditional dye locally called laali, there

    are different types of shapes ranging from animals

    such as, rat, snakes to flowers all drawn from her

    palms to her arms and legs, closer looks gives the

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    impression that she has no other works than to

    decorate her body, or her main interest is body

    decoration she walked towards Oloja and knelt down

    in front of him my Lord, I answer your call this is the

    tradition of Alele land, the women are expected to

    kneel down fold both hands at the back as a sign of


    Oloja did not lift his head to behold this young

    beautiful girl before he sent her on errands, go into

    the kitchen and tell Alase that her attention is needed

    here Ologe as she is popularly called due to her

    penchant for fashion walked backwards, thoughts ran

    through her mind, how can she please Oloja? but must

    she please a man? if not for her father who is really on

    her neck, forcing her to marry Oloja against her wish

    because he wants her to bear children for the highchief, there are many men outside who are striving to

    speak to her, some have even asked for her hand in

    marriage but her father will never respond to those

    young men.

    There must be other reasons behind his forcing her to

    marry Oloja who unfortunately is not interested in her

    couple with the fact that she has waited in vain night

    and day for Oloja who has never knocked her door

    since she has been given to him in marriage. She

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    cannot reconcile her fathers desperation for this

    marriage and his gains from the forceful union.

    She sighed and moved back towards the door which

    leads to the hall, it is the same door that leads

    through to Olojas room then into the kitchen. Alase is

    naked except for the beads, cooking Olojas food

    because according to the tradition, any woman

    preparing Olojas meal must be naked with the

    exception of beads used to cover the lower parts and

    the chest, it is called Ukpolo, she dreads when her

    time would come, if it ever will and it will be expected

    of her to cook naked for Oloja.

    She moved towards Alase mother my Lord is calling


    Alase left all she was doing and moved into an innerroom where she applied Tiro the black eye pencil and

    she powdered her face with the brown local powder

    known as alagodo, in actual fact, painting her face is

    not her usual traits but one cannot but try to look

    good in the presence of Oloja.

    She walked briefly towards the conference room when

    he reached his presence she greeted all the chiefs and

    wished then happy deliberations and knelt in front of


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    My Lord Ologe delivered your message.

    Oloja did not look up, what are you doing Alase? he


    Your food is ready my lord she answered

    give my food to Arewa he said, Ologe moved

    backward and turn toward the big door that led to the

    main hall, several slaves sat on the stage, the men on

    the right side and the women on the left side she

    walked towards one of the palace rooms to meet the

    first wife called Iyale, she is not the oldest but the first

    wife of Oloja, Alase entered the inner room where

    Iyale laid on a pavement doubled as a bed, she

    greeted her before lodging her complaint.

    iya wa my lord rejected his meal again, he said that I

    should give it to Arewa, this is the fifth day and I

    cannot see what is in Arewa that we do not possess,

    he has been living on egg yolk and he speaks little

    even to his younger chiefs and high chiefs, wont you

    talk to him?

    Iyale smiled before she responded, you are still

    young, with time you will understand him but Ologe

    now, I cannot confront his anger, go and do his wish,

    she concluded.

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    Alase moved to the next room, it is Ajike room, she is

    one of Olojas several wives, she sat on the mat

    singing lullaby, to her youngest son, Alase knocked

    with sounds to indicate that there is someone at the

    door although there is no door but a small wooden

    gate, she said Ajike how is Oba? is he eating? Is he

    drinking? Thank you Alase, she answered before

    asking her question;

    Are you here again because of your meal Alase?,

    please spare me all that information, Oloja has his life

    to live. I singlehandedly cater for four boys with the

    exception of his miserable tubers of yam, just

    according to the tradition and here you are always

    complaining about Olojas comfort, what I think about

    is more than his stomach, my children eat like ants,

    every moons tubers of yam, which no one has everinquired how I prepare soup or do you think that they

    eat it with ordinary water and salt?

    She continued ranting and complaining, even many

    children who are from poor homes are in school with

    their books but my children do not have any, please

    there is more to life than Olojas tubers of yam and his

    refusal to eat your food.

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    Alase turned back without opening the wooden gate

    which is meant to debar pets from entering rooms, she

    passed through a narrow room like corridor across the

    palace, it is directly opposite Ajikes room, she went

    straight into the inner chamber which has the

    entrance that led to the kitchen she hung her woven

    wrappers on a nail on the wall revealing a beaded

    blouse she continued with the preparation of meal.

    Arewa started singing her voice rings like a bell,

    A ee oni me oja, ola me oja

    Ola me oja, ola me oja

    A ee oni me oja, ola me oja ogho o

    She sang repeatedly, singing about her departed

    husbands, their praises and how they were

    undefeated warriors, she is so conversant with the

    oriki and it was so fluent that Olojas hair stood on

    edge. Oloja immediately stood from his stool and

    moved towards the dark corridor that leads to his

    chamber; the more he moved closer the more Arewas

    song became more penetrating. He continued walking

    towards where the melodious song and oriki came

    from, it was the small room by the left side of the dark

    corridor where she was kept. It was Olojas late

    mothers former room.

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    Oloja knocked and waited for an answer, within few

    seconds Arewa answered come in and the noise of

    the local key being opened from behind, Oloja moved

    into the room where Arewa was under chain and lock,

    the room was dark, it has a very small window if it is

    opened, anyone can watch the wives hall where each

    woman has her room but the window is perpetually

    under lock.

    Oloja instructed Arewa as he came into the room;

    light the lamp, there is a palm oil light behind the

    door he concluded, Arewa answered him sharply no

    lamp Oloja, if you cannot talk without the light you are

    free to suspend your discussion or is it mandatory that

    you must see your mouth before you talk? if you are

    afraid of darkness, you are free to move outside I will

    follow you and we can discuss outside the room whereyou can see your mouth.

    Oloja kept quiet for a while and it took him some

    minutes before he responded to her sharp remark, he

    felt the room with his hands before he got to the

    pavement-like-bed that Arewa sat on, then he began

    his speech. Arewa you are the only woman who talk

    to me the way you like, what is the reason for all these

    insults and why is it I cannot keep my passion from

    you? He asked rhetorically.

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    Arewa did not utter a word, Oloja moved closer to

    Arewa and continued If I have offended you in any

    way, can you forgive me?

    Arewa hissed before she responded,

    Oloja, you have not offended, how can you? My

    parents are in the local prison courtesy of your

    Lordships verdict, do you see people who come back

    from the court to continue friendship?

    Oloja was listening but could not see the face of who

    he is conversing with, yet he continued his speech

    Arewa they are well taken care of, their three square

    meals are taken to them daily, Oloja explained

    Come to think of it Oloja, have you ever seen a

    husband and wife happily dining in their prison room?She queried

    I only did that to force you to love me and I can see

    that it does not change you but I come to beg you to

    forgive and forget. I have not been able to eat or drink

    and the more I see you the more I feel it is unlike me

    to beg a woman for so long a time there are women in

    the palace, and the only place where you can find

    more women is in the Kings palace, these women

    though I am no longer interested in them again, and I

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    continue to wonder, you are not a virgin but a woman

    with two children, what I feel for you has not changed

    all these years. Arewa kindly accept my proposal and

    a befitting wedding will be arranged.

    Oloja unrelentingly continued when I was coming

    into this room, I had made up my mind to release you

    and forget about you but I know my mind is not

    releasing you.

    There was a strange silence in the room after Olojas

    address but Arewa broke the long silence, Oloja I

    have married two Olojas before you and I have two

    children, why you are belaboring me with another

    marriage is not clear at all, I am not beautiful than

    these young ones you have here, you piled up women

    as if you are in a race of women life, other said you

    were a eunuch when you came into the world the first

    time and now what you were starved of then you now

    seize your second coming to make a glutton of, the

    problem of Olojas wife is wearisome and I have been

    a widow twice, lately people have been calling me a

    witch, if I marry you and olojo (death) comes knocking

    your people will stone me to death, and I am not ready

    to die because I have seen several corpses they are

    hardly beautiful to behold, Come to think of it, how

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    many husband and wife have you met in the prison

    enjoying their dinner?

    Oloja cleared his throat as usual, this has been the

    first time when Arewa and himself will have a genuine

    heart to heart talk, he was so joyful at least he heard a

    genuine and good enough reason from Arewa

    although people have even told him so.

    Oloja replied her gently Oloja the first died at the ageof eighty two, he left you when you were very young

    with a daughter. His cousin inherited you, had a child

    before he died at seventy four before I became Oloja

    the third. In age, I am the youngest Oloja to reign in

    the history of this land but I am older than you, yes,

    more than a decade older than you, your wisdom

    makes you feel aged, you are not more than twenty

    six years whether there is date of birth or not. Oloja

    paused but Arewa made no attempt to respond and

    Oloja continued

    Arewa death is in the hands of the gods ,it cannot be

    determined by age, the affection I have for you must

    not be mistaken for stupidity, I have gone too far now

    to back out at this stage Arewa ,think twice, it is not

    my intention to marry you, but my mother made me

    to promise her at her dying bed, she said you are the

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    only Alase around because you are a very loyal wife,

    she took time to study the ones I married before she

    told me to fight for your love. I take my leave.

    Oloja maneuvered his way grouping in darkness till he

    came out of the room. He did not lock the door

    behind; neither did he leave the door ajar.

    The chiefs in the hall have started munching their food

    which Alase had supervised its preparation and servedby some slaves and freeborn, it was egidi, a special

    pounded corn; it is so hard that people believe that it

    can block the anus but it is a delicious meal that is

    useful when one is ready for a hard days job.

    Egidi has a peculiar odour, and it is a general opinion

    that no man can finish two wraps, with the exception

    of Yoyo, the rest of the chiefs were munching withokro, Yoyo does not eat okro, he sings whenever he is

    coming in to Olojas palace, yoyo does not eat okro

    and it is everyone that knows that he must be served

    with okotogho, which is made from melon seed,

    Yoyo broke the silence, thank you my lord for this

    meal , this is delicious may your purse never run dry,

    you are the green snake that hunt anaconda due to

    comfortability, you share five children with their

    parents, you took three out of the children and handed

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    over the remaining two to their parents, if they are not

    pleased with the method of sharing they should hand

    over that two to make five on your side. A snake that

    crawls into a gourd cannot be killed, If you add smoke

    to the calabash you are in danger.

    He was about to continue his praise singing when one

    of the High chiefs cut him off.

    It is enough Yoyo, you finished egidi you arebabbling, what if you were served palm kernel wine?

    said one of the lower chiefs,

    Everybody washed hands intermittently in a big pot,

    Akowa moved closer to Oloja he made a signal to him

    signifying that he would love to have a word with

    Oloja, and Oloja accepted, he moved a small stool

    meant for the slaves towards oloja and began hiswords of advice.

    My lord, if you accept me as a friend, accept my

    chastisement, the way you go about Arewas case is

    bringing out the woman in you, she is not the most

    beautiful woman in this town, I handed my young

    daughter to you last moon, till now she is yet to be

    filled up, she parades here day and night and you do

    not show any concern, the next yam festival will make

    the third that you have been working towards Arewa

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    He continued nonstop and Oloja did not reply.

    There are thirty women in this palace, you sleep and

    wake alone, no woman on this stool beside you,

    whereas it is meant for the woman you love most or

    the one you can confide in, how can the queens stool

    be continually remain vacant when you are not

    married to only one woman who is on a journey?

    Oloja cleared his throat, Akowa , what a child loves toeat will eventually kill the child, Arewa is a poison to

    my vein, I have never search in vain Arewa will not

    escape, she will eventually swallow her pride. I have


    Akowa stood from the stool and walked back to his


    Arewa remained silent in her tiny and dark prison, her

    mind was befuddled with roaring thoughts, does it

    mean that Oloja has no love lost for her? Is just a

    marriage to satisfy a dead mothers wish? What could

    have made the woman enforced her son through such

    a rigid and unrealistic vow, what lies ahead that made

    her a sought after bride, a woman loved by warriors,

    but is beheading the antidote of migraine? Will she

    continue to shut the door of her heart to a man she

    secretly admire, the first young Oloja. She resolved to

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    take a walk through the garden of her future as she

    lay on the pavement-like-bed and was overpowered by



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    The meeting continued, the chiefs have proceeded to

    the session of case settling Oloja usually divides the

    duties among the high chiefs present and all the

    Baales of all the villages under Oloja, the Baales are

    the village heads, they are like kings in their

    respective villages but they report to high authority, in

    Ale there are six High class chiefs who are higher than

    all the high chiefs. Oloja divided case but jots down

    points from one group to the other; this makes caseseasier to handle in his own jurisdiction, only serious

    cases that are life threatening is passed to Oloja.

    During this meeting, Oloja moves from one corner to

    the other, it is a very large conference room, he is

    very fortunate to be educated; he is the only educated

    high chief in his district.

    His main duty is to report all important cases to theking. The only case he has not reported to the king is

    Arewas case which is threatening his own existence

    and causing unexpected sleeplessness it has been a

    source of gossip in Ale for years, he knew it is stale

    news to the king and he is already a laughing stock

    among his people. Every strong man in Alele wants

    Arewa for keep.

    Oloja stopped what he was writing immediately

    Arewas case came to mind, he felt a pang of anger

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    and he moved smartly through the dark corridor and

    knocked the room wherein Arewas was locked and

    walked in without waiting for any response.

    He instructed in a very sharp tone Arewa have your

    bath and sit beside me before the end of the case

    session check the boxes, they belong to mother they

    are now yours, it is a taboo to divide our inheritance

    among her children.

    He removed the bunch of key from the door and threw

    it on the bed, that is the key, loose your padlock He

    wanted to walk into the room but restricted himself.

    Arewa unlocked the padlock, removed the chain and

    stood up like a hypnotized woman walked through the

    small inner palace into the kitchen where Alase was

    busy singing, immediately she heard the faint sound

    of footsteps, she looked back and was shocked at

    Arewas presence because she comes out only at

    night to have her bath and arrange whatever she kept

    in a small bag, though she refused to greet or interact

    with anyone. Arewa greeted Alase which is the first

    time she will utter a word to anyone in the compound

    except Oloja, she has become a subject of gossip

    among the freeborn and the slaves in the palace. A

    child that will grow tall will be blessed with long legs

    and the sound of noise will never kill a bell, popularity

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    will never kill stop the moon from shining, Arewa is

    used to gossips.

    Arewa went straight into a small bathroom that is

    adjacent to the kitchen in few minutes she was

    outside and within thirty minutes, Arewa was gaily

    dressed in beads and a cream color woven traditional

    wrapper which she got from the one of the boxes

    belonging to Olojas mother, she opened the tine

    window and was watching at Alase who had left what

    she was doing in the sacred kitchen and walked very

    fast into Iyales room and after some minutes Iyale

    was outside walking towards the large conference hall

    meant for Oloja and his chiefs.

    Arewa smiled, Oloja is living among his enemies, it is a

    taboo, Alase must not come outside the chamber to

    reveal whatever Oloja is engaged in, that is why she

    must be naked, but this is another type of Alase, who

    was not trained on how to manage Oloja or refused to

    accept the mandatory initial training before becoming

    the Alase.

    After gaily being dressed she stepped barefooted into

    the largest palace extension hall where the case

    session was going on.

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    Arewa greeted the chiefs, may you all live long loyal

    chiefs they all muttered greetings, no one said

    another word or make a cynical comment but they

    were stupefied as Arewa knelt before Oloja and began

    to praise him; big eyeball, may you reign longer that

    your ancestors Oloja was very proud, he fought back

    tears and reminded himself that he is a man. Have

    your sit Arewa, he incoherently said.

    He stopped jotting in his note and walked back to his

    seat .She was taller than every man in Olojas palace,

    very dark and well built like a man, she sat beside

    Oloja. For the first time in years, Oloja felt like a

    complete Oloja because his mother was always sitting

    beside him till her death, although it is not an

    acceptable tradition but their closeness was


    The session continued till late in the evening, some

    cases were settled while others were adjourned. The

    cases involving boundary were assigned to junior

    chiefs, they are to travel to the villages and share the

    land among the villagers. At the end of the day, and

    they all left one after the other till only Arewa and

    Oloja were in the Hall.

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    Oloja broke the peace, Arewa, today is my happiest

    day on the throne, I have always dreamt of a day you

    will sit beside me amongst my people, Arewa smiled

    and answered him, it is alright my Lord, my parents

    are still in the prison, oh no replied Oloja, they

    have been released immediately I left your room, I

    sent an emissary to them.

    She continued, my patients are still there, it is an

    issue we will have to jointly agree on, Oloja sighed,

    Arewa, you cater for people so selflessly, it is unusual

    to cater for mad women and you are too young for

    that Arewa.

    Arewa did not allow him to conclude the sentence

    when she replied, Oloja that is what people say, but

    my reward is the satisfaction, inner peace and

    contentment, you know our belief, if you receive a

    dime in this village because you cared for someone

    with mental sickness, one of your children will suffer

    mental sickness, whatever stone thrown at the palm

    tree will be sent back to the sender, why disturbing

    myself, collecting from paupers God has blessed me,

    the more I help them the more I am helped by others,

    the issue at hand is where to keep them, do not forget

    that it is not every generation that breed a healer.

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    Oloja answered her after a prolonged silence, Arewa

    keep those sick people at the favored peoples hall it

    was a matter of fact statement; he knew that Arewa

    will not be favored with that and she snapped back

    the favored hall is the cemetery for strangers and

    slaves in your territory my Lord. yes Arewa, that is

    where I can afford to let go, the delivery room for the

    mothers can be one of those room at the backyard

    that is the best I can release for you, every woman inmy palace is entitled to an inner and outer room,

    thank you Oloja may you continue to watch over us

    with the right eye, Arewa stood up, I want to relax,

    Oloja, it was a long session, Oloja followed Arewa.

    Arewa settled comfortably in Olojas palace after her

    marriage to Oloja, she had never experienced such

    manner of love in her marriages; she was given out toher husband when she was fifteen years and the man

    was closer to the grave than to being a bridegroom.

    He died and she was inherited by his brother who was

    very old, she made up her mind to take care of the

    children and her patients since she believed she was

    unfortunate with marriage.

    Her parents were well settled by Oloja and in addition

    to allowing her patients to live in the favours hall in

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    his palace. She became an enviable and happy wife

    for the first time in her existence.


    Arewa was singing in the backyard, beside her were

    post natal women with their babies on their laps, somewere sleeping while others were sucking breast.

    Arewas normal routines include visits to the women

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    who are pregnant or in delivery rooms but in the

    favored hall she treats the sick and mentally

    disordered patients but every market day during the

    case session Oloja does not allow her to leave his

    presence, until all the high chiefs have left; she is the

    only woman who is allowed to contribute to their

    deliberation. It is surprising because it came as normal

    to all chiefs, though it has never happened in the

    history of Oloja that a queen not Olojas mothercontributes to case session.

    She had married two Oloja, but has never been

    privileged to sit among the high chiefs although she

    was married as a teenager but now she is growing to

    adulthood but with richer and better experience than

    women of her age, she has paid her sacrifice,

    engaging in what the elders do and she is allowedamong the council of elders. Arewa has slaves that

    attend to her as errand ladies, she is known to all in

    Ale as the midwife.

    Kiki, the first daughter of Arewa to the late Oloja, she

    is light in complexion unlike her ebony black mother,

    Arewa made sure she understands leaves, herbs and

    roots, she will not leave those for slaves but Kiki must

    run errands when it comes to plucking leaves and

    uprooting shrubs. Kiki came into the backyard where

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    Arewa attends to babies she refused to pluck the

    leaves for me, that all leaves have gone back to the

    farm, she rattled on as she finds a small stood to sit

    on; is that your greeting kiki? Arewa responded oh I

    am sorry, Good morning ma, I greeted you in the

    morning now, she explained; Arewa stood erect, I

    have told you to always greet everybody, whenever

    you arrive home from on errand, it is expected of a

    well brought up girl, tomorrow make sure you leavevery early in the morning, some leaves loose their

    potency and return to the farm so early, such is

    degbe leaf but it is good for conclusion in children, you

    can grind the crab , I have roasted them, tomorrow

    you can add degbe leaf then.

    Arewa is a very knowledgeable woman when it comes

    to traditional medicine and she has accepted that asher role in the community, she commands equal

    respect with men but this is subtle as nobody utters

    such words in the setting.

    When she finished instructing Kiki, a slave walked in

    and knelt before her; iya wa, (our mother) Oloja wants

    to see you, she left what she was doing washed her

    hands; walked into the main hall that led to the stage ,

    Oloja was outside with some children, it is too early for

    folktales she wonders as she knelt down,

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    May you live long, My Lord, I hear your call, yes

    Arewa , sit beside me, every child returns to their

    mothers abode

    Oloja began, I received a telegram from the Queens

    country that I should visit queens land along with the

    king of Ale, it is so strange because the king has

    visited them severally and I have sent tones of kernel

    but nothing has been paid through the king, and I

    begin to wonder whether the king has been paid or

    the whites people have been buying on credit, the way

    we kill a layman is not the way an expert should be

    slaughtered. You will have to take care of my district

    till I return, Akowa will assist you

    Arewa was surprised, she has never heard of any

    woman assuming the responsibility of Oloja, even with

    his intelligent he still consult elders on issues, my

    lord, I am sorry but it is not possible ,I am expecting

    our child and I will not be able to sit down for a very

    long time with Akowa but I promise to always assist

    whenever possible, but as regards the issue of going

    on a journey, have you inquired about the safety of

    the journey, I do not trust the king, because he has

    always being envious of your position and affection to

    the populace.

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    Oloja laughed, can a king be jealous of a chief? A

    chief can only be jealous of God, he may want to be

    like one of our gods, have you forgotten the proverb; a

    king that is search of a charm for making money

    should just look for a charm for becoming a god. He is

    educated, he also helped with my mandatory

    education at catechism class, I respect him as if he is

    my fathers age mate and his children are my

    contemporaries, why will he be jealous of me? Olojaexplained to her

    Arewa sighed before she began, you are a chief that

    is higher than a king, to Ale, you are a threat, and a

    running mate, Oloja smiled, Arewa, my lineage can

    never become a king, it is forbidden! You have thirty

    wives, he has forty aside this, he is always trying to

    outdo you, all I have to say is be careful and do notallow those white people to confuse you Arewa

    concluded and left abruptly.

    Arewa walked towards the door that leads to the

    backyard when she turned back, Oloja was looking

    into the space, when Arewa came back,

    Oloja, be at alert, I will visit Baba Iroko this evening,

    whatever he says will determine whether you will

    travel or not, he knows the final decisions through

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    divination, also my Lord I will call a meeting of the

    wives and discuss the journey with them she

    informed him, and before she turned her back Oloja


    come back here if I need a town crier, I know where

    to get one, I did not send you on emissary of

    revelation, you are sending message to witches and

    wizards Oloja continued, severally have I told you,

    you are not my wife but a companion, did I not see

    those ones before I called you? Arewa you are

    offending me, you are the new wife but my life is in

    your hands, we have discussed this over and over

    again, I hate dwelling on trivial issues. Arewa smiled,

    Oloja, this is not a trivial issue, how can you leave this

    land and the whole of Ale will not know your

    whereabouts talk less of your household, the life of aman is in the hands of his creator, you are not going to

    the next own or the state capital, you are going to the

    queen land, you are spending months not days, the

    king will soon blow it open, to full proportion, we will

    only apply wisdom and caution but all the wives must

    be aware before they hear from outsiders.

    Arewa left Olojas presence but there is one thing she

    is aware of, all Olojas wives are one while Arewa is on

    her own.

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    She has refused to take over the cooking of Olojas

    food because of her patients and passion for healing

    but Oloja eats from her pot. This is not the normal

    practice, it is an aberration but no one has challenged

    either of them, because it is discreetly done, it is

    either Alase is unconcerned or ignorant, she cooks,

    serves and pack the remnants though does not really

    care who eats the food.

    Oloja has a walking stick specially carved for him it is I

    form of a snake, it is brown and shining, although he is

    a young man but he carries it about, it has become a

    habit just like the way he clears his throat at the

    beginning of a conversation. May you go older than

    your ancestors Arewa looked back it was one of the

    kings emissary that climbed the pavement while the

    remaining two were kneeling on the open groundcarrying the beaded stick ah how are you, the Lions

    husband of all mountains, it is nice to see you, hope

    the king is well?

    Yes he is reigning replied the kings emissary, e

    wants to consult with you urgently concluded the

    emissary Oloja instructed the emissary to inform the

    king that he would be with him in a jiffy and they


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    Oloja went into his inner room and when he came out,

    he was in a woven white buba and sokoto (mens local

    blouse and trousers)and he also wrapped himself with

    a white woven wrapper which he ended and tied at his

    shoulder, he wore a shoe made of beads, with beaded

    neck and arms, he called Arewa and two slaves ran to

    the backyard to deliver the message, Arewa followed

    the slaves into Olojas presence, I have left for the

    kings palace, Akowa is in the inner hall, stay in thehall till I come back the patients do not need you to

    eat their meal.

    Yes my Lord Arewa replied as she began to sing his

    praise, you killed the man that showed you the right

    path so that he will not direct your enemy through the

    right path too, your path will never be slippery

    thank you Arewa, Oloja thought about this woman

    who makes him feel that with her there wouldnt have

    been any need for a second wife, he realized why her

    mother made him promise her before death

    overpowered her.

    Oloja knew why he was being summoned to the

    presence of the king, the adage says he who knows

    his fault will not remain long on his knee begging, he

    walked out of his compound while his entourage

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    followed him, Oloja must not work alone, at least ten

    slaves will move whenever he moves, the crossed to

    the other side of the road because the kings palace is

    a walking distance adjacent to his palace.

    The main market which is opened daily is beside the

    kings palace but opposite Olojas palace, as he

    stepped out, women and men from the market

    community left their wares to greet him, they started

    praising him from his mothers house to his fathers,

    some gave gifts to his slaves while those who were

    singing his praise received coins, he sprayed their

    forehead with coins, those who were not on seat were

    called to come and behold the handsome Oloja who

    seldom come out of his palace except on very special

    occasions, but his wives are aware that there are

    times when he meets with the high chiefs in themiddle of the night.

    This is the usual attitude of his people which he has

    not made any attempt to stop because secretly he

    enjoys the popularity which had not waned in years.

    Oloja is a very respectable man, loved by the masses

    and easily accessible to his people, and he was the

    only man who had a credible relationship with the

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    white catechists, he is a loyal black man, assigned to

    the Catholic Church by the king.

    Oloja believed that at last the white mans language

    would be useful in reading the Bible, but after the

    Kings several trips to the white mans land, he was

    able to convince Oloja that the white mans language

    has several other benefits than reading the Bible and

    jotting case sessions. The white mans language can

    open doors of opportunities. And the whole clan know

    that Oloja understands the tongue of a white man

    although when they chose to speak through their nose

    while they decide to close their mouth.

    The Kings palace is larger and spacious than Olojas,

    it has several halls and conference chalets, it is

    painted in white, there is a very big but local museum

    of antiquities in front of the palace and it shares its

    wall with the only primary school in the town, and on

    the left side is the main market, it is a taboo to point

    to the kings palace, and it is the common belief that

    anyone that pointes to the kings palace will have

    leprosy, for this singular reason most people dread

    passing through the palace in case they mistakenly

    point to the palace.

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    The people believed that education is the cause of the

    kings unfriendliness but with Olojas behaviors has

    debunked such notion. Even with the white mans

    tongue, Oloja remains friendly and approachable

    The king was seated all alone in his personal living

    room, this is meant for him and his favorite wives,

    Oloja is privileged to share some of his privacy by the

    virtue of his rank.

    Oloja entered into the living room and greeted the


    Leeji wa gbo, (my king, you will live long)

    Leeji wa to, (long life)

    Wa joye ba e (you will reign on you fathers throne)

    Pe pe pe (many years)

    He knelt down in front of king, and the king prayed forOloja too before he started the discussion, Oloja, I

    saw a telegram from the queens land, the customers

    requested your presence, as I have already told you ,

    they refused to pay your money and I have decided

    that you accompany me on my next journey . it will

    take several days on the high sea but the gods are on

    the sea with us, the snake moves simply, no harm

    shall befall us, you have to make preparation towards

    the journey, save some money there are lots of

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    beautiful things to buy, no one else will accompany us

    on the journey but make sure you travel with thick

    clothing, the white mans land is very cold as I always

    say, we shall meet once again before we take off.

    Oloja as usual allowed the king to finish before he

    showed his excitement and surprise at the same time

    pretending he has not received the telegram but what

    he did not understand is whether the king is aware

    that he has received his own. I will make the

    necessary arrangements, Oloja replied, both men

    exchanged pleasantries before he left the kings


    The king sat on his arm chair, the palace did no justice

    to the beauty of the living room, it is so well decorated

    that one can easily conclude that the king cannot miss

    leaving the city to ascend his fathers throne. He wore

    a pair of eye glasses, he rarely read without his


    He opened five envelopes and read the content one

    after the other and smiled, he folded the envelopes

    and dropped them in his drawer. These are four

    scholarships opportunities in England only for the less

    privileged who have excelled in their academic

    pursuits, it is being sponsored from the kings alma

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    mater in England, he did it, he used his influence to

    obtain this, no one except his children has used any of

    the scholarship, not even his queens are aware of it,

    they all believed he single handedly sponsored the

    children abroad, this is what no man can do in Ale,

    where children are raised by their mothers.

    Which father will not want to be the in law of the king,

    the white mans friend? He has never rejected a

    woman, no culture will favour any king that does that,

    he kept the envelopes in his drawer and walked into

    the inner chamber where only the invited can enter,

    even his queens cannot enter uninvited.

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    Oloja crossed from the kings palace into his own, he

    went straight into his inner chamber, when he came

    back, he has removed the woven wrapper he tied

    around his body, he was bare footed, he sent a slave

    girl to call Arewa, though she is aware that Arewa has

    left the palace immediately Oloja crossed to the kings

    palace but she could not face him to answer his next

    questions after such revelation. She ran to the

    backyard and came back to Oloja, father, she is not

    around, and there is no clue as to where she went to,

    Oloja sent for Iyale after the necessary greetings,

    Oloja started I want your children registered in

    school tomorrow, at the Local Authority Primary

    School, I have instructed you time without numbers

    but I am convinced that I am too small to giveinstruction in this palace but soon we shall know who

    is driving (controlling) who

    Oloja continued while Iyale listened attentively, a

    behavior Oloja has leant to live with it in his

    relationship with Iyale, she is ever attentive but will

    never follow the instructions. chastising a child will

    never snuff life out of the child and education is the

    bedrock of any economy and a time is coming when

    this farm work will not sustain the children, they will

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    want more because their friends are learning new

    innovation that will catapult those ones far away and

    render the uneducated vulnerable to all sorts of

    atrocities, they will be ashamed to queue wit their age

    mates when they come back from the cities, because

    they will have no contribution towards relevant

    discussions not because they are daft but because the

    y cannot speak the language of progress

    Oloja wished Iyale would understand and accept his


    Iyale thanked Oloja and was about to leave when Oloja

    said These children must learn to read and write, I

    have been speaking English for more than five years, I

    have not contracted any disease and the language has

    not blocked my nose.

    Iyale bent down and thanked Oloja Yes my lord, I

    have heard all you have to say my Lord

    Do not say yes my lord and do your own wish by

    packing your bag and baggage with your children to

    the farm, you did that twice, then I was lenient but if

    by tomorrow, I did not her that these children are

    registered, I will summon your parents to the palace

    here and you will be fined for disobedience Oloja

    concluded, they will be in school tomorrow she added.

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    Iyale stood up and was about leaving when Oloja

    asked her where is Arewa? se smilingly answered,

    she has left immediately you turned your back, she

    said she was going somewhere Oloja was angry but

    just trying to contain his anger everywhere is

    somewhere I want to know where everyone is, and

    which slave follows the women to wherever they go,

    always walking around the town like god of thunder

    Iyale volunteered she will explain the reason behindthe action, because she will soon introduce another

    culture in to the palace and the younger women will

    follow in her footstep too Oloja went into his inner

    room awaiting the arrival of Arewa.

    She did not return until late in the evening, everyone

    had hinted her at the main gate of the palace that

    Oloja has been waiting and shouting, she walkedslowly into her room, the room is adjacent to Olojas

    inner chamber, she changed her clothing and came

    into Olojas presence, he was eating in silence his

    dining stool is made of clay adjoining the passage

    between his chamber and the royal kitchen, his

    favorite meal, pounded yam and vegetable soup.

    Arewa greeted him but here was no response. Shewaited are you counting the number of bolus, do you

    need to hear me shout before you begin your

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    confession, I am greeting you my lord, answer first

    Arewa said. Olojas burst in anger, I give instruction

    and no one follows; now you are standing like a

    statute counting my food

    Arewa was smiling so my question has no answer

    Arewa, you are the white mother hen who does not

    know herself as the elder Oloja you are offending me

    again, I am a just woman, I told you that I will be

    visiting Baba Iroko today and you consented, it is all

    because of you to inquire about the journey, if your

    road is smooth or not and now look out how you are

    paying evil for good, always looking for trouble, when

    we agree on certain issues you will come back to

    change it, now I must not tell the women you are

    travelling but should tell them I will be visiting Baba

    Iroko, I know what is good and not eh kind of womanwho will wait for husband before paying for locust

    beans Oloja washed his hands with water and some

    ashes and rubbed the water in his hands on the two

    ankles and he cleared his throat.

    Super woman who will not wait for husband before

    building her house, you are trying to lord yourself over

    me in this house because of the preferential treatment

    I give you, it is not new, every polygamous man has

    his favorite Oloja continued do not forget that you

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    are like every other woman in this place, everyone has

    one complain or the other about me and the overt

    show of affection, who knows if it is true that you have

    cast a spell on me that makes me restless whenever

    you are not around.

    Oloja sat down again and looked at Arewa, I look for

    you as if you are a doll Arewa, I want to control

    myself, I have married numerous women before you

    and by now I should be able to control myself, please

    eat the leftover and pack the plate Arewa washed her

    hand, the left over is a chunk of meat and started

    eating it was prepared by Alase.

    Oloja continued, but you are not deaf, give me a

    reasonable answer to why I am always thinking about


    Arewa smiled as usual and swallowed the meat I her

    mouth, I will give you a credible answer when you tell

    me why I always run helter-skelter that you may live

    long, why I am always afraid that you will die and my

    joy will be short lived, release me from your spell, you

    are not my first husband either

    Oloja was looking at Arewa as if she was on a stage;

    he was convinced that the love is so different from

    what he felt for other women in his life.

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    He laid on his bed, he is the only person in the palace

    who sleeps on mattress, he bought it in the capital

    city, tough it is his intention to buy a new one for

    Arewa but it will spark jealousy in the palace, it is

    really expensive to buy more than thirty mattresses

    for different women, only the king can afford to do

    that. Arewa, packed the plates and let us discuss what

    you heard from Baba Iroko.

    Arewa smiled, this is the time she has been waiting

    for, after your allegations, you will have to dip your

    hand into my mouth to force those words out, you

    charmed me with some love potion and now you are

    accusing me of using charm on you, , but in a jiffy I

    swallowed my words, I vowed never to marry you for

    locking up my parents in the local jail you later down

    played it by giving them a piece of land at jugbe, but Iwant you to realize that all you are saying now are

    recorded on y left palm, will not use it to eat Although

    it was not funny but Oloja smiled, Arewa, you dont

    know your mates again, you are writing things on your

    left palm when you cannot even hold a chalk perfectly

    and do not know how to position a plate, or are you

    now the local letter writer? You refused to attend thelocal catechist class even your children are not in

    school, how come you know how to write utterances

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    Oloja laughed Arewa did not take the joke lightly, but

    she replied him, Kiki refused to enroll in school, her

    other sister followed too but by Gods grace, the new

    baby I am expecting will enroll immediately his feet

    touch the ground, Oloja laughed roaring again, the

    ones with legs on the ground refused enrolment, is it

    the one you have not seen that would be enrolled?

    Look at all of you here, you will press breast milk in a

    up for a five year old, please I do not want to bedragged into a meaningless discussion, what did Iroko

    tell you?

    Arewa sat on the edge of the bed, you are playing

    upon my intelligence, you did not send me to Baba

    Iroko, and you are fond of exercising supreme

    authority over everyone under your roof. Oloja is

    losing his patience but he cannot force words out ofArewa, Thank god it is people under my roof, so as

    long as you are under my roof, you are under my care

    and my authority, Arewa why the lack of respect, you

    can look at me straight in the face and tell the fact, it

    is not done not in this house, it was only my mother,

    who could do that, you are not afraid of me Arewa

    was now confused but must explain reasons behindher actions. Oloja I was brought up to respect myself

    and others, the highest regard is for you that is why I

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    agreed to marry you, I have swore never to marry any

    Oloja again, I did not enjoy the first two marriages,

    they died too soon Oloja cut him do you think I will

    die very soon just like the ones you married? Is that

    why you are always afraid of my love advances? Oh

    no Oloja, you have a full house with more that n thirty

    wives and more to come, and you know how many

    pots of water you are fetching, they are not yet filled

    up and you are disturbing me. Arewa, it is not all potsthat are used to fetch water, some are for decoration

    those ones no water must spill in them, they are to be

    pampered and given out as a gift to other men who

    will value them, Arewa, you did not escape the first

    moon, soon you will put to bed while so many are out

    there I have not knocked there door and will not

    Arewa knows where the topic is leading to, shedecided to relay Baba Irokos message baba said that

    you should make some sacrifice to the mouth, that is

    all So that is all you spent five hours to hear Oloja

    asked before an unusual silence that covered the

    room as if an angel passed by, followed by a repeat of

    what she said by Oloja sacrifice to the mouth is that

    all, what sacrificial items are needed for that? Nothingreplied Arewa, just watch what you say nothing to

    buy but I add that you should also watch what you eat

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    on the journey, may the gods see us through, I will

    always visit him but next month is my month and my

    mother is old, there is not much assistance she can

    do. My suggestion is that you should move to your

    mothers house till I come, now that you are talking

    about your mothers age, do I remember that you

    might not be able to assist Akowa. I will always pray

    for you he concluded.

    Arewa left the room with the dirty plates.


    Arewa laid on a sack spread the floor, it was her time

    and with no assistance she started some incantation,

    mixed some herbs and pour it in her throat, she

    swallowed the mixture in a gulp, within a few minutes

    she gathered enough strength, removed a very tiny

    gourd that is tied with a rope from her wall, the gourd

    was filled with some liquid, Arewa poured the liquid

    mixture on the floor, she continued with the

    incantation and sat on the sack again, she pushed

    hard and in minutes the baby was out followed by a

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    the placenta. Arewa brought out a fraction of snail

    shell from a bag hung on the wall and cut the

    placenta; she called Kiki who was sitting in front of the

    room waiting for her mother.

    Arewa instructed Kiki to call Iyale, because the baby is

    here but not crying, Kiki ran outside to call her. Iyale

    followed her immediately, ah Arewa do you want to kill

    yourself? The baby is not crying, hit the floor three

    times, he will cry, I need some pap (corn flour), I am

    so weak You should not endanger your life, I saw you

    come in here less than an hour ago, after washing

    those cloths, you were tired already, why did you do

    this to yourself? Iyale hit the floor three times and the

    baby screamed, immediately Kiki came in with a big

    calabash cut like the shape of a basin, bring some

    palm oil too Iyale shouted, the room was filled withslaves and reborn immediately Kiki announced to the

    people, but Iyale turned them back. Arewa was served

    with hot pap congratulations, ah within a few minutes!

    You are a strong woman, nobody is aware of this in

    the conference hall; she said Arewa told her to bath

    for the baby in the small conference room. Kiki went

    out to bring in some hot water.

    Iyale poured some oil on her hand and rub it on the

    babys body from head to toe, before scrubbing him;

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    the child cried an Iyale said he must be scrubbed well

    because of body odour. Kiki assisted in giving her the

    needed items, Arewa had already sowed different

    types of cloth with her scarves and some pieces of her

    cloth and the baby was laid beside Arewa who had

    had her bath too with very hot water. Iyale instructed

    Kiki to boil some water for Arewa, she used a piece of

    cloth to mop her body Arewa screamed as Iyale

    pressed every corner of her body, it was hot water andpainful. She made some cotton seed soup immediately

    and forced Arewa to drink is like water, it has healing

    herbs too, Iyale confirmed. Iyale sang for the baby,

    omo mi o akurubete kube (my beautiful child)

    omo mi o akuru bte kube

    ku we ku ma raso fun (if you live, I will buy many

    dresses for you)ku we ku a ma ra ogba okun (if you live I will buy a

    beautiful belt)

    ogba okun yo mu so ma loja

    eru mbara ni o pon o pe o (my slave will strap you to

    her back)

    akurubete kube

    my Lord is not around to see his child, so much likehim, the lion will always give birth o a lion this is

    small lion, Iyale concluded before Arewa burst into

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    tears, stop the tears, the baby will suck tears in the

    breast and it is bad for his health corrected Iyale.

    Arewa continued but Iyale did not stop her again, it is

    tears of joy, let it flow, no woman deliver Olojas son

    and not cry, he is second to none said Iyale.

    Male or female, I am too tired to talk said Arewa, a boy

    replied Iyale, a child is a child in Olojas house, you did

    not even take a look at the child, Oloja is the only man

    in Ale who believes that a child is a child irrespective

    of the sex, no preference and the gods has blessed

    him with many beautiful and healthy ones, no sickness

    no disability and strangely, all the children work in the

    farm at the same time and same pace and our slogan

    is, a child is a child though most women still prefer to

    give birth to a son Iyale looked back to see that

    Arewa has faced the wall and slept off, she placed thewell fed baby beside her mother and tip toed out of

    the room.

    Kiki has already spread the news to all the people in

    the palace, but Iyale cautioned them not to disturb

    mother and child everyone was now seated in the

    biggest conference hall where Oloja entertains his

    chiefs, they know that if Oloja were to be around, he

    would have declared free food for all according to his

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    tradition. The people named her Bidemi because Oloja

    has travelled and a wife has given birth in his absence.

    Arewa is an unusual woman, this she exhibits in her

    character, although well respected but everyone is still

    in doubt because of the belief that she has some

    queer behaviors, what if she is a witch? That is the

    general song in other womens mouth; but nobody can

    slit her throat to know the source of the strange


    The journey to the white mans land took them three

    months, Arewa has two major duties to contend with:

    nursing of the new arrival and the day to day running

    of Olojas palace and these she performed to the best

    of her ability while Kiki took over the care of the less

    privileged, mentally ill and the nursing mothers in the

    palace. During conference on market days, Arewa

    settles disputes among the clans and villagers, the

    provision among clans and villages, the provision of

    comfort for her husbands households and the chiefs,

    this really gives her the opportunity to utilize her

    leadership skills and in no time people were coming

    from different cities to seek her assistance on how her

    leadership skills that in no time, people were coming

    from far and near to seek her assistance especially

    learning how to cook soup that cures barrenness, it is

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    on record that no barren woman eat the soup and not

    conceive except it is her destiny or the gods are angry

    and if it is the latter there are sacrifices to be made,

    appease the gods and she will be blessed with the

    fruit of the womb. Her special consultant has been

    Baba Iroko, if he does not want her to lay her hands on

    an issue, she always think of when Baba Iroko will rest

    with his ancestor because the vacuum will be hard to

    fill; potent herbalists are hard to come by becausethey have pitched their tents with strange beings in

    thick forests.

    Arewa walked through the large palace hall to the

    backyard where women who came for ante-natal were

    waiting for her, she greeted them and they were on

    their knees, she handed over Bidemi to Kiki who has

    become her small mother. She brought out someleaves and herbs from a sack, the soup will be for

    these three women, any woman from Ado must not

    eat from the soup, this is Nene, it grows under water

    hyacinth, it cools the womb, this is called cat fish, it is

    another coolant too, but these other seven leaves and

    roots will be set underneath the pot of soup, the local

    pot must be used and when you finish cooking, placethe hot pot directly in a cold water, the underneath

    must not touch the floor until you finish eating the

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    soup, add locust bean and salt as ingredients too, eat

    while standing and do not converse with anyone while

    eating the soup, make sure you offer silent prayers,

    the gods are interested in the intent of man. Lastly,

    stretch your hand to children and pregnant women

    during this period, may you come with your children

    this time next year. They all sat down and she

    prepared the soup; she is so skilled in her midwifery

    duties. Kiki sat beside her, watching, she could repeatall her mother said.

    This is a lecture she has listened to ever since she

    could hear and it has become her mothers daily


    Arewa moved to the section of nursing mothers, there

    were only two women and they exchanged

    pleasantries, the women sat down after greeting

    Arewa on both knees, Arewa prepared the cure for

    convulsion, it is a black powder, she uses the powder

    for almost every child, convulsion is of two types, she

    explained, the worst form is the crab convulsion, it

    causes midnight cries, degbe leaf and crab is the

    solution, roast the crab until it is crunchy black and

    pour degbe in to the pot do not stop stirring them

    after which you pour on the stone to grind, Kiki will

    pluck more degbe tomorrow morning and you should

    buy the local crab at the market, for it to be more

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    potent, gather the local maize cobs, break them into

    two equal parts and remove the foam-like white tissue

    in them dry it in the sun or by the fire side and add it

    to the ingredients make sure it is dry and grind also

    mix the powder with pap and force the child to drink

    it, children love sweet food but it is the bitter food in

    this world that is advantageous, always remember

    that the mouth loves sweet while the stomach wants

    bitter herbs Arewa concluded.

    Arewa divided the little portion she has among the

    nursing mothers and advised them to buy more from

    the market; she is very different every other herbalist

    will only give the already made mixture in order to

    conceal the content. crab that moves in the bellies of

    these children will die immediately they swallow this

    mixture and the children will excrete the crab you will

    see them in hard substance when such children

    defecate, do not be afraid, the children have

    overcome the crab she explained.

    Kiki listened attentively but will not stop to wondering

    how those crabs enter into the childrens stomach, a

    mystery she will never unravel. She continued to

    learn with keen interest all the intricacies of midwifery

    from her mother with keen interest although it is rare

    in the town to see a child learning her mothers trade,

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    everyone believes that it comes naturally but Arewa is

    strange, Kiki knows that she must learn.

    Ironically, Arewa is admired and envied at the same

    time by all, especially her mates in the palace, this

    has turned to a rage of jealousy among the young

    wives but this has not changed her affection for them

    or their respect for her Oloja has always accused her

    of struggling to protect her rivals at her own expense

    Oloja always warn her that definitely a vulture willsnatch Arewas head while protecting her mates.

    Olojas journey created a vacuum that can only be

    filled by Oloja himself, it began to take its toll on

    Arewa, she has mixed feelings about the journey and

    will not stop telling everyone that cares that she is at

    alert, Oloja is not in the kings good book, his pretense

    is much still no one believe her, their relationship was

    not cordial but he taught Oloja the way forward, they

    are the only people who could read and write except

    the teachers and the Reverend fathers, then the

    young learners too, it is so strange , why is he doing

    good to Oloja and still envying the outcome of his own

    effort, she is always amazed about Alales character

    yet Baba Iroko assured her that Oloja will return


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    Alele and Oloja arrived safely but unceremoniously as

    they left, it must be the secrecy for fear of witches and

    wizard who would ride with them in the ship and

    waylaid them on the journey back home, Oloja

    entered his palace in the middle of the night,

    everyone was asleep when he entered her room,

    guards do not sleep at night because they must watch

    the seven entrants to Olojas palace, they were the

    first to welcome him though, When Arewa heard the

    knock, it was unusual, Oloja will never knock his wifes

    door, she jumped into his arm, My lord, oh Baba Iroko

    thank you, he said you will come back safely but that

    you refused to make the sacrifice to mouth that it will

    cost you years of suffering, but I told him that you will

    make the sacrifice, how was the journey? Oloja sat bythe edge of the bed, watching Bidemi, Oloja cleared

    his throat, he is a boy Arewa answered smilingly yes,

    he is asleep

    Oloja moved closer to Arewa and spoke into her

    earlobe as if someone was listening Arewa we must

    leave this night, to where? she asked you are just

    coming in, and now telling me that we must leave in

    the middle of the night where are we going? Who is

    pursuing us? Arewa there is no time for answers, Alele

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    accused me of treasonable felony, that I want to

    overthrown his kingdom Arewa stood up you are

    making a mistake, if that is his accusation then we

    must sit down and talk over the issue, invite all the

    kings in the Western region, we have equal right, even

    if it is a conflict it will be settled, we settled for others,

    how come the settlers are now the scatterers? Arewa

    it is so surprising because, it is a well now fact that my

    ancestors cannot contest for kingship talk less ofoverthrowing Alale yes Oloja, your lineage has ruled

    from the origin of Ale, Oloja stood from the edge of the

    bed and was about to walk out, Arewa, you are like a

    man, there is no time for deliberation but you must do

    as I say this middle of the night, move your valuables,

    call the women, inquire from the m, those who will like

    to follow me, it is not mandatory, they have freedom

    of choice and for those who will prefer to wait behind,

    the graves must be neatly kept and remind them to

    use cows dung to rub the graves every weekend most

    especially my fathers grave, I believe in the support

    of my ancestors, I will come back home, I will not be

    buried in a strange land, Arewa burst into tears, Oloja

    castigated her, so you were expecting my corpse

    because this should have been what to expect form

    you if Ale packed my corpse in a bag Oh no Oloja, I

    was expecting a situation whereby every indigene will

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    meet you at the capital city and we will sing and

    dance, with lots of gifts for everyone Oloja replied I

    am alive Arewa continued weeping and cursing Ale

    and the white men who she believed set up Oloja.

    Oloja was becoming impatient with Arewa, I want you

    to stop cursing Ale, it is an abomination, anywhere

    there is a wall Ale will hear whoever cursed him

    except there is no wall there, every wall works for Ale,

    please reverse the curse in this instant before thegods will send your curse aback to you and your

    children, the gods are the only ones who are

    permitted to judge Ale, be careful Arewa, Oloja


    Arewa handed Bidemi to Oloja he woke up while his

    mother r was crying, Oloja looked at him with

    fondness, an exact replica of his father, she walkedout of the room.

    Oloja wept.

    Arewa rang the gong it is an unusual method of calling

    everyones attention especially in the middle of the

    night, within minutes the news has spread like

    wildfire, the slaves cannot keep sealed lips when they

    saw Oloja entering his palace empty handed. Arewa

    addressed the wives, at the stage in the largest hall

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    she relayed Olojas message and the reason behind

    fleeing at night .

    Iyale was the first to talk, she climbed the stage and

    thanked the gods for bringing Oloja back but would

    not leave Ale because she was in charge of childrens

    enrolment in Olojas palace, Arewa was surprised by

    Iyales decision other women gave different reasons

    too but those who are still young agreed to

    accompany Oloja. At the end she laughed at her own

    foolishness when she was asked about the destination,

    she forgot to inquire form Oloja where in particular the

    whole family is heading to.

    It is hard to be faced with the problem of being

    banished from your land, migrating by force with

    immediate family-like a whole town like immediate

    family, leaving in the middle of the night means that

    she will not see her family members, will not bid her

    parents farewell and if they die, will not be privileged

    to close their eyes, witness the burial, or pour ashes

    on their coffin. she began to understand what she is

    faced with. Nine women decided to follow her; they

    separated themselves from the rest of the women and

    joined her on the stage.

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    Arewa dispersed the assembly, came down from the

    stage and whispered certain instructions into iyales

    ears, and instructed the nine women who volunteered

    to follow Oloja to pack their valuables and be ready in

    thirty minutes, she opened the stage door that led to

    her apartment, right behind the doorway is Oloja

    carrying the baby, he had been listening to all the

    women and the reasons, Arewa knelt in front of Oloja,

    it is a taboo my Lord, Oloja must not weep, I havelived with some Oloja, never see any one of them shed

    tears even on the death bed, Olojas are the strongest

    men on earth , be brave, be strong, may you never

    disappoint your ancestors, Oloja laid his hand on

    Arewa head, may you always find succor in me,

    Arewa and your child will reign in my stead Oloja

    drew her from the floor. She walked down into her

    room, we must pack immediately, all the children are

    awake now, Oloja entered his inner chamber, Arewa

    followed him immediately, she was afraid, my Lord,

    do not behave like a man today, do not come here

    unaccompanied, no not act like those brave men, we

    need you, your family is a town, rule over us, I cannot

    carry the burden Oloja looked at Arewa, I will never

    commit suicide, because of Ale, I am fighting a just

    battle exercise no fear about me, when I look back I

    see reason s why I must win the battle, without me the

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    battle is lost Arewa packed all Olojas valuables and

    he said My ancestors, I will continue the battle, but

    may Ale reap whatever he sows he came out and

    walked directly to the conference hall and passed

    through the small door that leads to the burial ground,

    he started reciting incantation like prayers whosoever

    says I will not return to reign on my fathers throne will

    be dead before I return he spat on the grave

    Oloja entered the largest conference, all his people

    have converged in the hall, his freeborn and slaves,

    for the first time, he greeted them but did not mention

    why and where they are migrating, three out of the

    nine wives have decided to stay behind, the youngest

    wife; Akowas daughter changed her mind, while the

    remaining two young girls left for their parents hone to

    bid them good bye but Oloja decided to leave thembehind.

    They moved en masse.

    As they journeyed out of the town, Oloja was walking

    behind, Arewa strapped Bidemi on her back and

    walked beside Oloja, We are going to Ado, that is

    where my ancestors migrated from, we will be well

    received by the people of the land, I have never seen

    them before, but my father told me when he was alive

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    that, there is still a place to place a load whenever you

    are wearied, I will place it on my back and move on, it

    is called life.

    They journeyed towards Bini.

    The journey took several days and at every village

    they stopped to rest, the village head will entertain

    them, strangely, he refused to divulge the reason for

    his banishment, but he promised them of returning toAle in due course. Oloja settles conflicts among the

    people as he journeys towards his new town, he was

    presented with gifts, but at night, his men will sleep in

    turn while others watch over the rest. The more he

    rest along the road, the more the journey becomes

    cumbersome because village chiefs and villagers who

    know the worth of Oloja usually add to his loads.

    Arewa restrained herself from inquiring about the

    reasons for being excommunicated from and sent on

    exile Alele, the journey to the white man has caused

    untold hardship and unplanned journey out of their

    root. Queensland journey uprooted Oloja and his

    precious ones from the land learnt to cherish. They

    have succeeded in breaking the bond among her

    people, she feared confusion, the white man can

    never be understood, who can understand the white

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    mans language like a white man, they bite their

    tongue severally before they finish a conversation.

    Arewa believes that, Oloja trusts people too much,

    that is why he is suffering in silence, for years he has

    been exporting palm kernel, but there is no payment

    now that is ting palm kernel, this is his turn to collect

    his money that joined hands together to banish him

    from his roots and his people, pounded yam on credit

    is very delicious but to pay the debt is always another

    problem, pounded yam you cannot return, the money

    you cannot release. She was startled by Olojas call,

    he break into her thought, we are approaching Ado, it

    is the next village, we have been on our feet for more

    than two weeks, yet the children are not sick, the gods

    are with us, Arewa, do you promise to stand by me?

    Arewa was startled by the question; you have knownme these few years you can judge by your intuition

    Sit down Arewa, the entourage can move on

    unaccompanied now Arewa cut some Akintola leaves,

    removed the baby she strapped on her back and sat

    by the roadside with the baby on her lap, she begin to

    breast feed as she listens attentively to Oloja.

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    Oloja cleared his throat, we were on board in a

    mighty ship, I was at alert all through the journey

    because of Baba Irokos earlier warning

    Yes as long as you listen to his instructions, I know it

    will be well with you Arewa confirmed

    Oloja continued and according to Ales instruction

    too, that I must wear very thick cloth and many

    underclothes, it was true, the weather was very bad,and I had cold during those days, so it was easy to

    deceive the king with my layers of cloth like that of a

    cockroach, I secretly tied a bag of skin cloth, on my

    neck before wearing layers of cloth like a cockroach

    Oloja searched through the goatskin bag he was

    carrying across his shoulder and brought out a bottle

    like shape leather bag.

    it was a gift from my father, he used it as water bag

    when he was alive, I tied it on my neck with a twain

    and on one Sunday night there was an unplanned

    party for all the royal fathers and crew members

    Arewa cut him short ah! a party in the ship, so bad

    you have not been able tot narrate the events of this

    journey to us, thank god that your heart is lighter


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    Oloja smiled and continued there is no time to

    discuss actually I was afraid about our safety and now

    that we are in a safe distance from Ale, I can divulge

    some information about him and the journey

    Ale brought a special wine from his travelling bag

    during the party, the wine was new, sealed and

    handed it to me, I thanked him and collected it, it is

    not unusual of him but I was afraid, though it was

    sealed but Baba Irokos warning rang in my head, I

    will turn my back towards him whenever I want to sip

    the wine I was pretending to be high I did not use a

    cup either and I was moving from one location to the

    other, it is a very big ship, almost the size of a town

    Ah Arewa shouted, the white man is a witch, a ship

    as big as a town!

    Listen to me Arewa, Oloja warned and continued no

    one was able to detect that when I turn backwards, I

    will pour the wine in my skin bag hid underneath my

    chest, in no time, I poured all the wine from the bottle

    into the leather bottle and staggered into my cabin

    Arewa was watching him with rapt attention as he

    continued his narration, when I got to apartment tied

    the bag an hanged it on the wall, to my greatest

    surprise, Ale was the unusual visitor in the following

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    day, he has never entered my room during the journey

    until that morning, it was my duty to wake him every

    morning with praise but that day I could read the

    transparent fear in his face, we exchanged greetings

    and he left immediately, fear gripped me and I shut

    the door, ran to the bag I hung on the wall, I shook the

    bag there was no indication that there was any liquid

    in it , this was a bag in a room I consciously locked the

    door before going to bed because my intuition waswarning me, the wine had turned to needles for

    sowing clothes, it was like a dream.

    Arewa was astonished, and could not hide it; she burst

    into curse on Ale, and you kept this to yourself, ah

    Oloja you are a murderer for allowing a murderer to

    remain alive?

    Oloja held her hand, do not curse the king, the gods

    will curse you too, if I have revealed my experience

    you would have convinced me to change my plan, but

    I never believed that education has no impact on him,

    you know my mother told me a story about his father

    tortoise that he used to send on errand but my father

    refuted the claim and that is the past, Ale used to hear

    the voice of the tortoise but, he has never seen or

    heard its voice, now that we have an educated king, I

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    believe that his ideas are no longer parochial like men

    of old

    Arewa was dumbfounded at the story I heard that his

    ancestors were very brave but I thought his

    educational background would have erased all those

    barbaric acts from his memory but with all indications,

    Ale is worse that his father. He concluded.

    She held her son firmly and tried to conceal her anger,so all his visits to Reverend fathers and the Bible has

    no direct or indirect impact on his life

    Arewa, the Bible has not eroded the evil in his vein, he

    is as wicked as his fathers, he is equally a dangerous

    man because she wanted to hear the whole story,

    she kept calm and urged Oloja to continue.

    So what did you do when you found out? Arewa asked

    him, I was shaking like a jelly replied Oloja, all my

    bravery vamoosed and I kept wondering how I should

    have handled it till today, Ale is the second in

    command to all the gods we are serving, they can do

    him no harm unless had reached a consensus by then,

    ordinary man would have been planted six feet deep

    but they decided otherwise, I was afraid Arewa, I was

    with nothing except my Bible and the charm for

    immediate transfer to a safe place in case of

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    emergency, I did not use it because the last time I

    used the charm, it hung me on a tree, I was saved by

    my collar that suspended me on a tree, its branch

    almost pierced my navel, I only felt it is better to hang

    on a tree than to be fed to a shark, death is always

    death no one has a choice but we pray that god grant

    us a peaceful style of death

    That is the major disadvantage of that charm, no

    actual destination, it can even land you directly in the

    mouth of a shark, but it is better when used on land

    not on the sea or in thick forest explained Arewa and

    continued, so it is the case of the goat we rare and

    rely upon has given birth to a male, therefore

    procreation is impossible and what we have in surplus

    is its offensive odor Arewa concluded.

    Oloja continued his narration, as for the Bible, I do

    not really understand its effectiveness in the face of

    impending danger, it is a process in itself that does

    not understand emergency, you pray till Jesus decides

    to answer

    Arewa, I just do not understand anything about that

    religion and a savior you will call and not respond in

    the face of a deadly attack

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    Please do not talk about that religion, it is a clean

    spirit that moves everywhere, Oloja warned and


    I kept to my room throughout the journey, we were

    watchful of each other; I breathe a sigh of relief when

    we reached the harbor. It is a long story Arewa, Oloja


    Continue, I am all ears Arewa confirmed her interest

    We were welcomed by the royal emissary who took

    us to the hotel reserved for us, I was so much afraid

    that I began to suspect every move of Ale, as I kept

    watch over him, he kept on poke nosing into my affair,

    those men were good and honest, I made some friend,

    that is another side of the story, a friend I made is the

    Manager of the kernel company, he had alreadypurchased a building in my name the heart of

    Queensland, he refused to pay my money to Ale, he

    was skeptical of him from the beginning.

    Ah, so those people are good, I have offended their

    creator Arewa screamed

    He took me to the house, gave me all the necessary

    documents and I kept them in a vault in Bank of

    England, definitely the children can also travel abroad

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    to study or for holiday, my main concern is their lack

    of interest in education and the mothers over

    protectiveness Oloja said.

    Arewa cuts him short, it is the teachers fault, they

    will send our children to farm while parents will work

    alone yet their cane indicates the level at which the
