
Association des Propriétaires du Lac Louisa

Web: Courriel: [email protected]

Lake Louisa Property Owners Association

Web: Email: [email protected]

CP 2966 Brownsburg-Chatham QC J8G 1A0

Présidente Gail Turnbull President Vice-président Guy Deneault Vice President Secrétaire Elfriede Gebhard Secretary Trésorier Brian Turnbull Treasurer Directeurs Sue Bomok, Jay Brothers, Jack Davis, Jane Nelson, Directors

Hélène Richer, Barb McCullough Scales, Doreen Spillane

MINUTES OF THE LLPOA DIRECTORS’ MEETING – Saturday, January 8, 2005 Held at the Turnbull’s – 20 Mosley Present: Brian and Gail Turnbull, Guy Deneault, Jane Nelson, Elfriede Gebhard, Sue Bomok, Jay Brothers, Doreen Spillane, Lawrence Irany (honorary member) Absent: Hélène Richer, Barb McCullough Scales, Jack Davis 1. Call to Order: 9:30 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of minutes of meeting of October 30, 2004 except: 3a. general – notes more summarized, less detailed 3b. 4.a4 – language too strong, should read ‘difference of opinion 3c. 4b. Bart Lake should read ‘Bark Lake 3d. 6d. to add that Lawrence said that at Lac St-Victor the property owners’ association with a 50% cooperation of the Nature Conservany of Canada have bought a large tract of land to protect against development 3e. 8k. plan to lobby city council to be dealt with at a future meeting 4. President’s report 4a. Wentworth council meeting: will not be attended on a regular basis as in the past 4b. Gate for Lake access: the municipality should deal with the issue more professionally or LLPOA withdrawals its participation. The citizens need proper notice and information regarding access. 4c. August 14, 2005: Annual general meeting will be held the second Sunday of August at 13:00 at the LL Social Club 4d. Elections: We will need to elect a new president as Gail has served two terms. 4e. Advisory Committee for new directors will be made up of the Past President, Stewart Cook and Guy and Elfriede. Jay will not renew for a new term. 5. Treasurer’s report 5a. The finances are in good shape. 5b. Membership fees will be maintained at the present level. Efforts to increase membership should provide additional funds. 5c. The hydrant issue for Wentworth has not yet been resolved – location, approval by Minister of Environment, right of way. 6. Wentworth North activity Wentworth North is making more progress with the hydrant issue. 7. Environmental issues Doreen presented an example of an educational game for children. It could be a pull-out in our Booklet. Scheduling activities with children may be a problem due to busy schedules at the Club and timing of summer vacations. Activities may need to be available in French & English. Adult

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& parent participation must also be planned. A project for the children could be presented at the Annual meeting. 8. Municipal Bi-laws 8a. The bi-laws were passed without a referendum. We now have bi-laws in place. We can monitor their application. 8b. We should be concerned that the Minor derogation committee does not allow major derogations from the bi-laws as it sets a precedent. 8c. The Municipal inspector needs the citizens to report violations of the bi-laws. She cannot be everywhere. 9. Fish & Boat Safety 9a. Fish were put into the lake at a cost of 1300$ for 700 in August 2004. Fish will be put in every two years. 9b. Guy has made considerable progress with the boat safety issue and the participation of the authorities. It requires a grant from the government. It may only be possible for next summer. It was suggested that Guy have approval to speak for LLPOA. 10. Planting 2005 The planting is planned for the week-end before Labour Day – August 27, 2005 The application form will be distributed with the booklet or newsletter 11. Booklet The Spring Booklet will be replaced by a Newsletter because Barbara cannot play as active a role as previously in producing a booklet, and we can no longer have it produced free and do not wish to spend 2000$ to publish it. LLPOA does not wish to publish jointly with the LL Social Club. Each director should prepare a contribution. 12. Distribution Sue will be responsible for distribution of the Newsletter 13. Neighbourhood watch. It appears that Christmas decorations have been stolen. 14. Other business 14a. Working with other associations: Although efforts in the past have not been productive, we may again consider approaching associations such as Dunany and Bixley. We may consider semi-annual joint meetings. A joint group representing more citizens may get more attention at the local & provincial or federal level. 14b. Lawrence distributed copies of this letter to the Municipality and the response which he considered inadequate. The subjects were the maximum size of wharves, shoreline protection (replacing cut trees), snowmobiles & all-terrain vehicles. 15. Adjournment: 12:17 Next meeting: To be announced 2005-04-09

Association des Propriétaires du Lac Louisa

Web: Courriel: [email protected]

Lake Louisa Property Owners Association

Web: Email: [email protected]

CP 2966 Brownsburg-Chatham QC J8G 1A0

Présidente Gail Turnbull President Vice-président Guy Deneault Vice President Secrétaire Elfriede Gebhard Secretary Trésorier Brian Turnbull Treasurer Directeurs Sue Bomok, Jay Brothers, Jack Davis, Jane Nelson, Directors

Hélène Richer, Barb McCullough Scales, Doreen Spillane

MINUTES OF THE LLPOA DIRECTORS’ MEETING – Saturday, April 30, 2005 Held at the Turnbull’s – 20 Mosley Present: Gail Turnbull, Guy Deneault, Elfriede Gebhard, Brian Turnbull, Susan Bomok, Jay Brothers, Jane Nelson, Barb Scales, Doreen Spillane, Lawrence Irany Absent: Jack Davis, Hélène Richer Item 1 Call to order 9:45 a.m. Item 2 Approval of Agenda Barb, Jay Item 3 Approval of minutes of January 8, 2005 Brian, Guy Item 4 President’s report: Council – NW and Monitor, Environment Committee, Booklet/Newsletter, The Gate Issue, Annual Meeting – Saturday, July 18, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. 4.a. Council of Wentworth presented with a letter requested financial help with the boat monitor for the boat safety project. Council says it cannot approve it as it is not in the budget. 4.b. the gate issue should be made clear by Council. It was mentioned in the annual pamphlet 4.c. the Annual meeting will be at the Lake Louisa Club, Saturday, July 18, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. 4.d. we should request that the Municipality purchase the land around the spring. It is too complex an issue for LLPOA. Item 5 Treasurer’s report – Dry Hydrants – follow up 5.a. The financial position is tight. We cannot afford translation & printing of a booklet, translation is expensive, we must keep money on reserve for the dry hydrant commitment & we may wish to do water testing. Planting now costs approximately 45$ per property and we ask only 30$ 5.b. we voted an increase in membership to 25$ (proposed Guy, seconded Jay) Item 6 Wentworth North Activities – Follow up- Boat Monitor 6.a. debate & discussion of Council & LLPOA views on defraying the costs for the boat safety program and the type of program needed 6.b. Guy was invited to a meeting of the Fishing Club. They appear to have the same boat safety interests as we do. The contract is for fishing only. Any other activity can cause the member to be suspended for two years. Hélène is concerned that keys are lent to others by members. It is questionable whether the contract between the Fishing Club and the property owner is legal – does the owner have a right that he can sell. The contract says they must was their boats – note regarding boat washing – the Lake supposedly will not support zebra muscles Item 7 Update on Children’s Fun Fish activities & Young ladies’ presentation 7.a. Katelin Bomok & Hannah Wokner made a presentation. They brought samples of some types of Fun Fish projects and requested funds for prizes – possibly 10$ per participant. The LLPOA approved 10$ a person to a total of 300$ to 400$ (proposed Barb, seconded Jane). There will be a booth set up on Club opening day. Item 8 Environmental Issues

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8.a. Wentworth has set up an Environmental Committee made up of 6 persons. Jane has accepted to participate in the Committee. Item 9.1 Fish Stocking 9.1.a. in 2005 approximately 1000 fish were put into the lake on June 18th or 25th 9.1.b. the types of fish available for seeding is controlled by the hatchery/government Item 9.2 Boat Safety 9.2.a There is a possibility that we may be able to have a boat monitor this year but we require some government funding & a boat 9.2.b. we are asking the Council to cover the operating costs for the boat monitoring ex. Gasoline 9.2.c. we understand that requesting government funding is a long process and often the amount given falls short of the amount requested Item 10 Planting 2005 – date 10.a. planting is scheduled for August 27 & 28, 2005 10.b. the amount requested has been raised to 30$ 10.c. we may invite some of the Junior Club to help plant 10.d. this year’s planting will include a ‘Tree for Life’ addition – an offer for bulk purchases at 15$ or 20$ per tree. The issue was voted on – Elfriede abstained – opposed in principal to decisions being implemented without discussion Item 11 Booklet/Newsletters 2005 11.a. Barb requested submissions for inclusion in Newsletter 11.b. the Newsletter will have a new look 11.c. the Newsletter will not be mailed electronically due to the forms for membership, planting, and tree for life Item 12 Printing and Distribution 12.a. The finished Newsletter will be given to Sue for printing & distribution Item 13 Neighbourhood Watch 13.a. we will request an explanation regarding the note in the Wentworth annual pamphlet that presents a new group as responsible for neighbourhood watch Item 14 Other Business 14.a. we need to discuss elections & vote on new executive 14.b. Next meeting: Saturday, May 14, 2005 Item 15 Adjournment 12:30 (noon)

Association des Propriétaires du Lac Louisa

Web: Courriel: [email protected]

Lake Louisa Property Owners Association

Web: Email: [email protected]

CP 2966 Brownsburg-Chatham QC J8G 1A0

Présidente Gail Turnbull President Vice-président Guy Deneault Vice President Secrétaire Elfriede Gebhard Secretary Trésorier Brian Turnbull Treasurer Directeurs Sue Bomok, Jay Brothers, Jack Davis, Jane Nelson, Directors

Hélène Richer, Barb McCullough Scales, Doreen Spillane

MINUTES OF THE LLPOA DIRECTORS’ MEETING – Saturday, May 14, 2005 Held at the Turnbull’s – 20 Mosley Present: Gail Turnbull, Guy Deneault, Elfriede Gebhard, Brian Turnbull, Susan Bomok, Jane Nelson, Doreen Spillane Absent: Jay Brothers, Jack Davis, Hélène Richer, Barb Scales, Lawrence Irany Item 1 Call to order: 9:30 a.m. Item 2 Approval of Agenda Approved: Elfriede, Jane Item 3 Approval of minutes of April 30, 2005 not available Item 4 President’s report: Council – Annual Meeting – July 17th at 1:00 p.m. 4.a. Annual meeting to be held Saturday, July 18, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. 4.b. Guy had a discussion with the mayor of Wentworth – boat safety – no money – not in the budget 4.c. the request to Wentworth for 500$ to help cover the costs for the boat monitor was refused 4.d. Lawrence requested and received from Wentworth 500$ for replanting along the rock wall on the north side of the Lake – problem created by the road construction – money was in the budget three years ago 4.e. the dry hydrant project should advance soon – still searching for ideal location – will be situated for a 20-minute turnaround Item 5 Treasurer’s report – Dry Hydrants – follow up 5.a. the money offered for the two dry hydrants is available 5.b. the annual fees will be increased by 5$ 5.c. our net cash flow is close to zero, there are no funds available for new programs 5.d. the moneys reserved for specific purposes is being spent ex. Of the 2300$ set aside for fish, 2000$ was spent Item 6 Follow up – Boat Monitor – Discussion with the Mayor of Wentworth 6.a. Council says it cannot grant the 2000$ requested to help cover the costs of the boat monitor on the Lake – it is said not to be in the budget. Guy argued that there is always a discretionary portion in any budget and the Wentworth North has already granted 500$. It is not so much the amount as a symbolic gesture of support for the boat safety which Council & 80% of our survey respondents consider important. Councillors Jay & Debbie are particularly opposed to the project proposed by LLPOA. Jay favours a different type of safety program.

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6.b. important consideration: if we do not get a Federal government grant for the salary of the student, we cannot go ahead with the project for lack of funds. 6.c. Some Councillors and LLPOA members feel there is no boat safety issue and/or that there are no laws to apply. It was argued that laws evolve with the need for them. Item 7 Update on Children’s Fun Fish activities 7.a. Doreen reported that there is opposition from some parent(s) to their child(ren)’s participation in the Fun Fish project. She fears it may become generalized. 7.b. Kaitlin has asked if 300$ could be made available for prizes. Prizes could be gift certificates, coloring books with an environmental theme (Jane has a supply), hats & T-shirts (Wal-Mart is half committed), trees to plant 7.c. proposed judges for the Fun Fish competition: Lawrence, Herb Montgomery & Barbara Item 8 Booklet/Newsletters 2005 8.a. Newsletter translated & ready for copying 8.b. the French version does not include the ‘Did You Know’ – lack of space 8.c. the cost is approximately the same as for a Booklet 8.d. the Newsletter is planned to be released four times a year, with July being shorter 8.e. completed version given to Sue for copying 8.f. approximate cost to translate is 600$, he is the cheapest at 10 cents a word Item 9 Printing and Distribution 9.a. Newsletter will be copied today & mailings as soon as possible Item 10 Other Business 10.a. Next meeting Saturday, June 18, 2005 9:30 a.m. 10.b. Club opening Saturday, July 02, 2005 1:00 p.m. Will have table with membership applications, 2004 Booklets 10.c. Neighbourhood Watch Council has created a second Neighbourhood Watch, seems to be a problem of co-ordination, LLPOA requested to be present for next meeting with the SQ (police) 10.d. next meeting to discuss election of executive & directors, two new directors will be invited 11. Adjournment: 11:45 a.m.

Association des Propriétaires du Lac Louisa

Web: Courriel: [email protected]

Lake Louisa Property Owners Association

Web: Email: [email protected]

CP 2966 Brownsburg-Chatham QC J8G 1A0

Président Guy Deneault President Vice-président Jane Nelson Vice President Secrétaire Elfriede Gebhard Secretary Trésorier Brian Turnbull Treasurer Directeurs Sue Bomok, Jay Brothers, Jack Davis, Hélène Richer, Directors

Barb McCullough Scales, Doreen Spillane, Gail Turnbull

MINUTES OF THE LLPOA DIRECTORS’ MEETING – Saturday, June 25, 2005 Held at the Turnbull’s – 20 Mosley Present: Gail Turnbull, Guy Deneault, Elfriede Gebhard, Brian Turnbull, Susan Bomok, Jane Nelson, Doreen Spillane, Lawrence Irany Absent: Jay Brothers, Jack Davis, Hélène Richer, Barb Scales Item 1 Call to order 9:40 Item 2 Approval of Agenda Item 3 Approval of minutes of April 30, 2005 and May 14, 2005 Item 4 President’s report: Summary – June Council Meeting – Update new directors – Display for July 23rd 150th Anniversary 4.1. Wentworth Council voted 500$ for the shoreline planting on the north road 4.2. the dry hydrants are scheduled to go in mid-July. 4.3. There will be a meeting at the Municipality on Saturday for Neighbourhood Watch to which we are not invited. 4.4 There will be a kiosk at the 150th Anniversary celebration. We may consider bringing some previous newsletters and booklets. 4.5 We need some new directors – Jay has resigned. 4.6 There is a presentation at the MRC in Lachute – 430 rue Grace regarding a study of lakes in the Laurentians. Guy & Elfriede will attend. 4.7 We will invite the mayor to our Annual meeting. 4.8 The Municipality is setting up a long term project to inspect septic systems. It will target one area at a time starting with Grace Park. It prefers targeting an area as opposed to random sampling. Item 5 Treasurer’s report and finances The finances are tight. We have not received as many membership renewals as usual by this date. The translation costs for a newsletter is approximately 550$ and there are distribution costs. Item 6 Boat Safety Monitor update 6.1 The boat safety monitoring may not be possible for this year. The cooperation of the SQ has been excellent, we have been approved 2413$ from the government and Wentworth North has approved 500$ but the schedule is tight and the money is not sufficient. Bombardier said they may be able to provide a boat for next year. There was disagreement whether LLPOA should be an employer and if the responsibilities and costs would be too great. Guy pointed out that in order to get funding it must be done by a non profit organization and not a municipality. 6.2. The gate and the lock at the landing are still a problem.

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Item 7a General Metting July 17th 1:00 p.m. Item 7b. Commitment of directors Guy has accepted to president and Jane will be vice president. Brian will resign as treasurer but will continue the function until he can train a new person. Elfriede will continue as secretary but will not have title – not permitted by her employer. Item 8 Fun Fish project – July 2nd 2005 The project is progressing. Its aim is to sensitize the young and motivate them to respect the lake. Unfortunately, some of the parents are not as enthusiastic as the children. Item 9 Fish Stocking 2005 The kick off of the Fun Fish project will be on Saturday, July 2m 2005 at the Social Club opening. The judging will be the last weekend of August at the Social Club Item 10 Planting 2005 The planting will be done August 27 and 28. We will need burlap to hold the soil so that the plants on the north road have a better chance of survival. Item 11 Next Newsletter The next publication will probably be at the end of August. Item 12 Newsletter Delivery – Costs – method of delivery Delivery will be as much as possible by hand to reduce cost. Item 13 Neighbourhood Watch - Update Neighbourhood watch is being taken over by the Municipality in coordination with the SQ. Item 14 Other Business 14.1 Saturday, July 2, 2005 – Social Club opening 14.2 Next meeting – Annual General Meeting - Sunday July 17th 2005 at 1:00 p.m. at the Social Club 14.3 Next meeting – Saturday, August 20, 2005 9:30 a.m. at the Turnbull’s Item 15 Adjournment 12:05 p.m. 2005-07-26 EG

Association des Propriétaires du Lac Louisa

Web: Courriel: [email protected]

Lake Louisa Property Owners Association

Web: Email: [email protected]

CP 2966 Brownsburg-Chatham QC J8G 1A0

Président Guy Deneault President Vice-président Jane Nelson Vice President Secrétaire Elfriede Gebhard Secretary Trésorier Brian Turnbull Treasurer Directeurs Sue Bomok, Jack Davis, Hélène Richer, Directors

Barb McCullough Scales, Doreen Spillane, Gail Turnbull

Minutes of the meeting held August 20th,2005 The meeting was held at the home of Gail and Brian Turnbull 20 Chemin Moseley, Lac Louisa. Call to order was at 9:43 a.m. with President, Guy Deneault presiding. Present were: Brian and Gail Turnbull, Guy Deneault, Jane Nelson, Doreen Spillane, Barb McCullough Scales, Jack Davis and Lawrence Irany as an ex-officio director. Regrets were received from Sue Bomok, Elfriede Gebhard, and Helene Richer. Approval of the Agenda came from Brian and Jack seconded. Approval of Minutes –since Elfriede was not present June Minutes were tabled until next meeting. President’s welcome: Guy welcomed everyone and asked that we keep on doing what we are doing including visiting and delivery of newsletter. The Past President was asked to call potential new members for the committee and to speak. The response is attached and Guy thanked Gail for her four years of service and support for our activities. Treasurer’s report: Brian reported that we are down in membership this year and that is reflected in every area due to lack of personal canvassing which needs to be completed. Having the newsletter in hand will be a good tool to getting people to join. Jack is working with Brian in an attempt to be his replacement. Translation costs are high. Jane proposed and Jack seconded that we look into finding a new translator using a test case for each one looked at and making recommendations based on quality, high standard of French & timeliness. Guy, Jane and Jack will explore. The final part of the “Fun Fish” Project will take place next weekend, August 27th at the Club. Lawrence Irany and Herb Montgomery will be the judges. Doreen requested that the prizes be in five dollar amounts, placed in envelopes with fish stickers on them by the team. Brian will arrange to get the bills for her. The deadline for entries will be August 26th to Caitlin Bomok. Doreen requested that pictures be taken that then can be incorporated into a poster to enter in the N.A.L.M.S. contest next spring. The Newsletter is available for delivery to your areas. Barb had to have this issue reprinted because it had pictures that were black. A discussion was held concerning deadlines, number of issues (3 or 4), cost factor, message, format and size (4 pages max), balance in articles. Many people miss the booklet (telephone numbers!). Look at doing a “You Asked Us” column. The timetable for next newsletter would be November 1st deadline for end of November mailing. Guy attended the meeting concerning regroupement of Lake Associations to have one voice from all Associations in this area. On July 30 th,2005 a meeting was held to determine if the group would be possible and even move forward together. The main interests are similar i.e. environment, septic tanks, boats and unauthorized tree cutting. Three knowledgeable people will meet to “brainstorm” about how the group would look and function and report back to the larger group at a future meeting.

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Director Jane sits on the new municipal Environment Committee and advised us to send a representative to the meeting to be held in late September or early October to present our concerns (LLPOA). The Associations from Lake Bixley, Louisa and Dunany will present to the committee. Guy was named as our representative. Hopefully our recommendations will open a two way street to co-operation with council and citizens environmentally. CRE Program which is testing our Lake for Chlorophyll and Phosphates recommended that Dany continue his testing by doing at least one test this year because he has the history and the consistency. Jane will call Dany to ask him to. Several members of the committee had two hours of instruction for testing aqueous plants which we found very hard. If the program goes forward we will have the input further decisions concerning our future role concerning this group will be decided next year and so this part was tabled. We need to be taught scientific methodology in order to be able to assess our lake properly. Gail will move forward to find new directors with several names suggested for their youth and their interests at the Lake. Guy will be inviting Madame des Lauriers to a fall or December meeting and Jack will ask Pierre Laurin if he will return to sit on our committee. From those who have canvassed, they have received many concerns and ideas which are too numerous to mention but were requested to be sent to Barb for future answers and input. New committee will be included on Letterhead and resolution changing signatories at the bank needs to be done. Jack will explore a Welcome brochure idea from our committee for new citizens of the community. Planting will be done August 27th and 28th including the municipal road where rocks were placed and money was given by the municipality as well as the trees that were special ordered. We will meet at Seale’s farm at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday with tools and lunch to share and dressed appropriately for the weather Wine, water and soft drinks will be brought by some of us. Lawrence is overseeing all of this. Next meeting will be held on September 24th at 9:30 at Jane’s home at 69 Robinson Road. P.S. meeting changed to 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 8th 2005 same location. Respectfully submitted, Gail Turnbull for the Secretary

Association des Propriétaires du Lac Louisa

Web: Courriel: [email protected]

Lake Louisa Property Owners Association

Web: Email: [email protected]

CP 2966 Brownsburg-Chatham QC J8G 1A0

Président Guy Deneault President Vice-président Jane Nelson Vice President Secrétaire Elfriede Gebhard Secretary Trésorier Brian Turnbull Treasurer Directeurs Sue Bomok, Jack Davis, Hélène Richer, Directors

Barb McCullough Scales, Doreen Spillane, Gail Turnbull

Minutes of the meeting held October 8th, 2005 Meeting held 69 Chemin Robinson - Jane and Roy Nelson’s home. Call to order at 9:40 a.m. - President, Guy Deneault presiding. Present: Guy Deneault, Sue Bomok, Jane Nelson, Doreen Spillane, Barb McCullough Scales, Jack Davis, Brian and Gail Turnbull and Lawrence Irany reported in later about Shoreline planting Regrets: Elfriede Gebhard, Helene Richer. Approval of Agenda Barb & Jack Approval of Minutes –Elfriede absent June Minutes tabled. August 20th approved with changes:

• Guy asked that the Regroupement of Lake Associations be made clear that it is Wentworth North involved.

• CRE is NOT testing for Chlorophyll or phosphates. • Change spelling of Caitlin to Katelin. • Jack only approved proposal for translator – Barbara is looking into this. • Gail proposed and Jane seconded.

President’s report: • Guy reported that David Whissell’s office gave us a grant of $500 • CRE test not done in rain Sept.29 completed Oct.7th in less rain. • CRE meeting Friday, Oct 21st at 7:00 p.m. MRC Bldg. Lachute - • ECC meetingOct.7th - 6 Associations presented to committee, Guy attended. • Plan - Regroupement Associations in this area – Committee -The Mayor, Deb Anderson,

and Revilla Sauvé (leaving). • Dry Hydrants in place at Boyd’s, Kelly’s, Terriault (paid by him) – cost $1,800 per hydrant

we pledged $1,000. Guy met Fire Chief for a tour of Fire Hall. • Helene Gagne –Wentworth North store no longer promoting fishing at Lac Louisa.

Treasurer’s report: • Brian - membership down this year in every area due to lack of personal canvassing. All • Reminder for delinquent dues required. Barbara • Translation costs are high. . Barbara will explore way to reduce.. Barbara • Banking Resolution signed, Brian appointed Secretary/Treasurer • Fund Raiser – needs to be a “not to be missed” event. Barb / Doreen

Newsletter Distribution and planning: • Sue reported that she has completed her area and Doreen’s and is prepared to mail

Fall/Winter newsletter. Brian to print labels for delinquents and members. Brian / Sue Newsletter:

• Too social – need more environment – balance – miss booklet for addresses. Barbara • Input from all for F/W - Deadline November 1st– Barbara and Doreen to meet. All • Establish dates for all newsletters. Barbara

“Fun Fish” Project: • Doreen expressed thanks - reasonable success – location did not justify the efforts of

children who were all winners - all received a prize. There were 34 submissions. • New idea for 2006 Katelin and Hannah involved but need summer director of Social Club

to be also • The poster was sent to N.A.L.M.S. for contest next spring. Article – Doreen Doreen

Projects: • Aquatic Plant CRE to teach novices to measure plants in spring Jane • Secchi dip team Focus Group – Jane, Anne Smyth, Summer Smyth, John Hale, Claire

Ropeleski Jane

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• Bulletin boards zero Jane • Welcome Brochure for new residents and renters Jack to write and ask for input by email Jack • Boat monitor plans – continue to pursue - Share with Other Lakes - Guy • Focus group boats – Issues - Gary Kat Jane

Website/ treasurer transfer: • slow – fix up website – communication – Mayor - Brian /Jack

New Directors: • Bruce Campbell - Gail - call - others. Guy - Madame des Lauriers to attend Nov. or Dec.

meeting Jack ask Pierre Laurin to return. Gail /Guy / Jack Director’s Issues:

• Septic tank testing – Grace Park 49 homes – 15 urgent- 20 concerned 720 homes over 4 yrs. by district

• Identify rocks – map on website Ed McFaul Jack • Zonolite/vermiculite contamination - Old cottages Jack info for this – website Jack • Absentee Directors not fulfilling job commitment Guy

Other Business - Shoreline planting: • Completed August 27th and 28th - hard work done by all over two days - good response –

more than 30,000 trees planted over years - Lawrence. Next meeting will be held on Sunday, November 13th at 9:30 at Jane’s home at 69 Robinson Road. All Christmas meeting - 4:00 p.m. Saturday, December 16th, 2005 at Phil and Barb Scales home, potluck supper with partners afterwards. Barb / All Adjournment 12:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gail Turnbull for the Secretary

Association des Propriétaires du Lac Louisa

Web: Courriel: [email protected]

Lake Louisa Property Owners Association

Web: Email: [email protected]

CP 2966 Brownsburg-Chatham QC J8G 1A0

Président Guy Deneault President Vice-président Jane Nelson Vice President Secrétaire Elfriede Gebhard Secretary Trésorier Brian Turnbull Treasurer Directeurs Sue Bomok, Jay Brothers, Jack Davis, Hélène Richer, Directors

Barb McCullough Scales, Doreen Spillane, Gail Turnbull

MINUTES OF THE LLPOA DIRECTORS’ MEETING Sunday, November 13, 2005 Held at 69 Chemin Robinson – Jane & Roy Nelson’s home Present: Guy Deneault, Elfriede Gebhard,, Susan Bomok, Jane Nelson, Barb McCullough Scales, Doreen Spillane Absent: Gail Turnbull, Brian Turnbull, Jack Davis 1 Call to order 9:40, Guy Deneault presiding 2 Approval of Agenda 3 Approval of minutes of October 8, 2005 except: (a) the tour was of the Dry Hydrants – the Fire Hall was interest only (b) the Dry Hydrants cost 700$ - we agreed to 1000$ for 2 – installation was to be provided by Tommy Seale – verbal agreement only with the Municipality 4 President’s report: (a) David Whissel gave LLPOA a cheque for 500$ for its general activities – it will be mentioned in a future newsletter (b) Elections in Wentworth North very interesting – Wentworth – all in by acclamation (c) Wentworth mayor asked we resubmit our request for funds for the Boat safety program (d) to write letter to Wentworth to say we support the gate at the boat landing (e) to write letter to ask that Septic system inspection on Lake be moved higher on list (f) some directors prefer member solicitation by mail – will set up a committee to discuss issue (g) Barb drafted a membership payment reminder letter to be sent by Sue (h) Doreen suggested that local businesses may provide funds for LLPOA activities (i) we need to raise more money – possibly consider fund raising event – be more visible (j) Hélène Richer officially resigned (k) we are not participating in a petition regarding bombshells in Lac St-Pierre (l) we will participate in a project by La société d’horticulture d’Argenteuil (m) Brian upgraded our Website (n) we will approach several people to become Directors (o) bank account transfer made to present executive (p) asked that Minutes be brief 5 Newsletter Progress (a) needs to go for translation (b) new banners for regular features – (c) continue to do profiles on local citizens

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(d) to do a history of the Association – started 1969 (e) Newsletter (more frequent publication) preferable to Booklet (more expensive) 6 Boat Safety Monitor Program - will again ask government grant of 2500$, Wentworth may give 500$ 7 ECC committee report – at moment no Wentworth councillor assigned to committee – next meeting January 2006 8 Plans for Junior Team (a) Doreen will meet with group after Christmas (b) next project will be chosen by the participants (c) will try to get more exposure of the exhibits before and after the judging & better visibility 9 Renters/Welcome letters revisions to be made to create a more positive message– 10 Canvassing needs (a) some Directors prefer to solicit membership & contributions by mail (b) committee to be formed to study the matter 11 Other Business (a) Lawrence – we will do our best to convince him to become a Director or decide if or not to make special provisions for him – will be discussed at next meeting (b) Mission – need to transmit more of what we do in our publications – also discussed at last meeting (c) Neighbourhood Watch – several break-ins of full time residents – some citizens vigilant & calling licence plates in to the Police (d) Christmas potluck at Barb & Phil’s on Seale Road, Friday, December 16, 2005, meeting 4-5pm – then other guest at 5:30 pm. 15 Adjournment 12:40 – Next meeting: December 16, 2005 prepared by Elfriede Gebhard, 2005-11-14
