
AquAthlonSwim + Run

21 February 2016

Palawan Beach,Sentosa

Athletes’ Guide


Welcome to the

metASprint SerieS!I hope your training has gone according to plan and you are ready to tackle this event in fine style. The MetaSprint Aquathlon set on Singapore’s tropical beach paradise, Sentosa, is a perfect way to ease into a season of multi-sport races, especially if it is your first!

To everyone for whom this is the first time taking part in a multi-sport race, I would like to say thank you for trusting us to introduce you to this wonderful sport. We have designed the series of progressive multi-sport races for athletes like you. We look forward to helping you achieve the ultimate goal of finishing a triathlon and having lots of fun on the way!

Although perfectly suited for beginners, this race series has always been super-competitive as well. We are proud to have all Singapore’s biggest triathlon stars on our list of Series Champions. This year we have added an extra twist to the competition; the fastest women of the circuit will start in the first wave of the Sprint distance, and get a head start over their male competitors. The first athlete to cross the line will be crowned ‘The Champion of Champions’. Just another excuse to race your heart out!

I hope you have also joined our club, school or corporate challenge and earn points for your club’s, school’s or company’s total ranking for the MetaSprint Series. Every finisher counts. I can’t wait to see the triathlon community come together again, show great spirit and camaraderie and have a fabulous time on the course and finish line.


Nathalie MarquetChief Executive OfficerMetaSport

contentS 1 Welcome Message

2 Getting There

3 Event Schedule

4 Categories

5 Get ready to race!

7 Swim

8 Run

9 Transition & Finish

10 Venue Map

11 Other Information

12 Medical Emergencies

13 Prizes & Rankings

14 Our Sponsors


GettinG to therAce VenuePalawan Beach, Sentosa, near the Beach Station: From the Beach Station is a 200m walk to the venue.

Parking available at the Beach Station Car Park.

Alight at the Beach Station taxi stop.

Take the Sentosa Express from Vivocity (Level 3, Lobby L) to the Beach Station at Sentosa. This service starts at 7am and takes 5-10min.

The North East Line MRT and buses no. 65, 80, 93, 188, 855, 10, 30, 97, 100, 131, 143, 145, 166 stop at Harbour Front Bus Interchange / Telok Blangah Road.

Sentosa entry and parking rates

Sentosa entry and parking fees favour people who take public transport or taxi/car-pool. For more information visit:

Be on time!

Advise: arrive at the venue 1 hour before race start.


eVent ScheduleSundAy, 21 FebruAry 2016

Start Wave Race Category Race Number Swim Cap

7:15 Event Open

SPRINT DISTANCE: 750m Swim - 5km Run

8:22 1 Sprint Elite Women Various Yellow

8:25 2 Sprint Elite Men Various Blue

8:30 3 Sprint Women (40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60+) 1130 - 1176, 1638 - 1691 White

8:35 4 Sprint Women (30-34, 35-39) 1084 - 1129, 1593 - 1637 Pink

8:40 5 Sprint Women (16-19, 20-24, 25-29) 1067 - 1083, 1548 - 1592 Green

8:45 6 Sprint Men (50-54, 55-59, 60+) 1017 - 1066, 1516 - 1547 Red

8:50 7 Sprint Men (45-49) 938 - 1005, 1472 - 1483 Orange

8:55 8 Sprint Men (45-49, 40-44) 831 - 882, 1006 - 1016, 1485 - 1515 Yellow

9:00 9 Sprint Men (40-44) 883 - 937, 1422 - 1471 White

9:05 10 Sprint Men (35-39) 722 - 797 Pink

9:15 11 Sprint Men (35-39) 798 - 830, 1370 - 1421 Green

9:20 12 Sprint Men (30-34) 656 - 718 Red

9:25 13 Sprint Men (30-34) 1314 - 1369 Orange

9:35 14 Sprint Men (25-29) 622 - 655, 1259 - 1308 Yellow

9:40 15 Sprint Men (16-19, 20-24), Teams 601 - 621, 1201 - 1258 White

YOUTH & DISCOVERY DISTANCE: 250m Swim - 2.5km Run

10:10 16 Youth Boys (12-13, 14-15) 232 - 326 Blue

10:15 17 Youth Girls (12-13, 14-15) 202 - 322 Pink

10:20 18 Discovery Men (16-39) 435 - 598 Green

10:25 19 Discovery Men (40+) 420 - 434, 532 - 547 Red

10:30 20 Discovery Women (16-39) 411 - 419, 490 - 531 Orange

10:35 21 Discovery Women (40+) 401 - 410, 481 - 489 Yellow

KIDS DISTANCE: 150m Swim - 1.5km Run

10:50 22 Kids Boys (10-11) 36 - 57, 115 - 130 Blue

10:55 23 Kids Girls (10-11) 22 - 35, 103-114 White

11:00 24 Kids Boys (8-9) 10 - 21, 88 - 102 Green

11:05 25 Kids Girls (8-9), Relay 1 - 9, 71 - 87 Pink

10:00 Awards Ceremony - Sprint Women

10:30 Awards Ceremony - Sprint Men

11:15 Awards Ceremony - Youth & Discovery

11:30 Awards Ceremony - Kids

12:00 Event Closed


pArticipAnt liStThe participant list of the Aquathlon is now available on the event website. (Race registration is closed)Please check your name, race category and start wave number and contact us if you notice any mistake.

rAce cAteGorieS

cAteGory ruleS• Relay teams consist of two members, each doing one discipline.• Participants for the Kids Distance must be 8 to 11 years old*• Participants for a Kids Relay Team must be 7 to 11 years old*• Participants for the Youth Distance must be 12 to 15 years old*• Participants for the Discovery Distance, Sprint Distance Individual and Sprint Distance Relay must be 16 years old*

*Age on 31 December 2016



16-19 16-19

20-24 20-24

25-29 25-29

30-34 30-34

35-39 35-39

40-44 40-44

45-49 45-49

50-54 50-54

55-59 55-59

60+ 60+

Sprint Relay Team



Under 40 Under 40

40+ 40+



12-13 12-13

14-15 14-15



8-9 8-9

10-11 10-11

Kids Relay Team

chAmpion oF chAmpionS (equAlizer)This year only one athlete will be able to call him/herself Champion of Champions for each of the MetaSprint Series races! Based on the fastest women’s and men’s results of the past three years, the women’s elite wave will get a head start on the men. The first man or woman across the finish line will be the Champion of Champions! The handicap for the men for this year’s MetaSprint Series will be as follows:

Aquathlon ~ 3:02 • Duathlon ~ 8:31 • Triathlon ~ 6:19

Who quAliFieS For the elite WAVe?

These athletes will be ranked in their respective age groups but will start and compete in the 1st wave with athletes of similar abilities regardless of age group.

*We have a limited number of wild cards for the Elite wave. If you believe you should be in the elite wave, please email us at [email protected] with your best recent triathlon or aquathlon result before Wednesday 17 February. (Information provided should include event name, distance, year, time and placing.)

2015 Results Top 20 Overall


Wild Card


2015 Results Overall Top 20


Elite Wave 1 (Women)

Elite Wave 2 (Men)

2015 Results Overall Top 20



StepS reAdy to rAce

WhAt to WeAr?

WhAt cAn be Found in your

AquAthlon rAce kit?

Essential Gearq Swim Suitq Swim Capq Running Shoes

Optionalq Race belt (for your race bib) q Sunglassesq Goggles q Towelq Cap or Hat q Socksq Sunblock

Timing chip to strap around your left ankle

Safety bracelet to wrap around your wrist

Race bib to wear on the front of your apparel on the run(Not on the swim)

Swim Cap to be worn throughout the swim

Arrive at least 1 hour before your

race start time.

Enjoy the Race. Remember to smile

and have fun!

Put on your Wristband &

Timing chip on left ankle

Enter Start Pen 5min before your

race start time.

Set up your Transition. (Race

bib, shoes & towel…etc)

Go to start area, and warm up!

Pack all items you don’t need

and drop your bag at the Bag Drop


Get Body Marked!


SWimReport at the start area 5 minutes before your wave start and ensure that you pass the timing mat as you enter the start area.

Important Swim Rules• Swimsuits must be worn• All swimmers must wear the swim caps provided by the Organizers.• Fins, paddles, pool buoys, snorkels or any other swimming aids are not allowed.• Wetsuits are not allowed (Speed suits are allowed).• Swimmers in difficulty shall signal by raising an arm to the escorting boats/canoes for assistance.• Once assistance is rendered, the competitor must retire from competition.


run• Keep left on the course at all times! • Note that the roads are not closed from pedestrian traffic. Be considerate to pedestrians/the public.• Pere Ocean Mineral Water and PURE Electrolyte Drinks are available at the drink stations on the

run course & at the finish line. • Alert a marshall if you see an athlete in difficulty.

run courSe mApS

Important Run Rules • Runners must wear their race numbers, clearly visibly at the front of their adorned apparel at all times.• Support vehicles or pacers are not allowed.• Runners must run on designated paths for the entire route.• No bare torso is allowed at all times.• Wearing headphones is not allowed at all times.


trAnSitionOnly participants wearing their race bracelet are allowed in transition.

1. Look for your allocated spot (bib number)

2. Prepare the gear that you will need for your run

3. Clear all other belongings (bag drop servce is available)

FiniSh AreA• Smile for the cameras! • Receive your well-earned finisher’s medal. • Re-hydrate at the finish drink station.• Check your preliminary race times at the live results booth.• Relax at the event festival area.

Transition Area

Parents of 8 & 9 year old children Parents of 8 & 9 year old children will find an extra parent bracelet in the race kit that will give them access to transition before the Kids races to help their child set up transition. Due to space constraints we do not allow any parents in the transition area during their child’s race. Our marshals will be there to help your children with their transition if required.

relAy pArticipAntS

Swimmer starts the race wearing the timing

chip on his/her left ankle

Swimmer looks for relay partner in the

“Relay Handover” Area in Transition

Swimmer passes the timing chip to the

runner, the runner must be wearing the

timing chip on the left ankle before leaving the

Relay Handover area


Venue mAp


other inFormAtion

timinG chip returnVolunteers are assigned to collect your timing chip after you cross the finish line.

3-in-1 Participants: Keep your (red strap) timing chip for the Duathlon and Triathlon. 3-in-1 Race Entry participants who accidentally return their chip after the Aquathlon will have to come to race kit collection again for the MetaSprint Duathlon to collect their timing chip.)

If you Did Not Start or Did Not Finish the race, please return your chip at the Information Booth.

Do not return your timing chip to volunteers or random officials. It will be considered not returned. If you miss this date, the automated fee charged to your nominated credit card for not returning your chip is $40 and $10 for not returning the strap.

liVe reSultS On site: go to the Live Results tent.On line:

photoSYour Finisherpix race action photos are available on the event website. You can now add your race photos on your Facebook timeline for FREE with the FinisherPix Facebook App. Signup!

inFormAtionQuestions? Go to the information counter or approach an official in a red MetaSport shirt.

loSt & FoundGo to the information counter or contact us post event.

contAct uSMetaSport10B Institution Hill Singapore 239665 Tel: 6464 5130Email: [email protected]


medicAl emerGencieSAlert the first marshal you can find, if you see an athlete in difficulty on the course. All our marshals and event staff have a medical emergency number with them.

medicAl SAFetyIllnessDo NOT race if:• you have had a fever with muscle aches in the

week before the event. • you have had a viral infection (such as the flu), food

poisoning or diarrhea within the last 7-10 days before the event, and have not fully recovered.

If you believe you have fully recovered and are fit enough to take part, please do start out cautiously, lower the intensity of your physical exertion, and stay well hydrated, as these illnesses may result in dehydration, salt imbalance, or disturbances to your heart function.

Heat InjuriesExercise in Singapore’s high heat and humidity places you at risk of developing a heat injury that could potentially be fatal. The best way to avoid such injuries is to:• ensure good physical conditioning prior to this race• participate within your fitness limits• hydrate properly before, during and after the

race. This should be a combination of water and electrolytes

SymptomsIf you experience any of the following symptoms during the event, please reduce your physical effort. And if you do not feel better, stop and seek medical attention:• Undue shortness of breath• Dizziness, giddiness, light-headedness• Chest pain• Undue tiredness, nausea• Disorientation, confusion

Medical conditions If you have a medical condition, please check with your doctor first whether it is safe for you to take part in this kind of event.

Medication You may leave medication such as auto-injectors and inhalers (related to your medical condition or allergies) with the medical team, so that it is on standby at the medical tent if needed. Place it in a Ziploc bag with your name & race number and give it to the medical team on race morning.

PAR-Q & YouPlease answer below PAR-Q questions and consult your doctor if you answer YES to any of them:1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity

recommended by a doctor?2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs for your blood pressure or heart condition?7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?For more information about taking part in sports safely, visit the Sport Singapore website



metASprint SerieS chAmpionShipHow does it work?• Every participant earns points for every race he finishes.• Points calculation: time category winner / your time x 100• The final Championship ranking is based on your Triathlon points total and your best points total

from the Aquathlon and Duathlon.


Your Time Winner’s Time Your Points

Aquathlon 50 mins 40 mins 80 points

Duathlon 1 hr 20 mins 1 hr 75 points

Triathlon 1 hr 40 mins 1 hr 10 mins 70 points

MetaSprint Series Total 150 points

School, club & corporAte chAllenGeEach participants’ score points for their school, club and/or company as per the table below. The school, club and company with the highest number of points at the end of the series will be crowned as respectively MetaSprint School, Club or Corporate Champion.

Important:Make sure you enter your School, Club and/or Company name when you register for a race. The name can be updated until race kit collection. Updates may only be requested by the participant in persons, and not by a teammate.

Rank Points

1 50

2 30

3 20

Finisher 10

Finisher medal Top-3 CategoryTrophy

Champion of Champions

Series Category Champions

Club, School &Corporate Trophy


our SponSorS

RegisteR now at

triAthlonSwim + Bike + Run

17 April 2016

Changi Beach Park

duAthlonRun + Bike + Run

20 March 2016

F1 Paddock

Have you registered for your next events?