  • 1.Yoga in the modern era

2. Good, bad, or concocted

  • You should now be able to connect the extant yoga systems, modern yoga schools, and popular gurus to the philosophies and aspects of Vedanta they draw on.

3. Yoga Systems, contd (see list: 40 types of Yoga) Systems of Yoga (shastric) HathaRaja - Astanga Kundalini Mantra (japa) Siddha Buddhi AtmaNada Laya Samkya Kaula Shri Vidya Svara. 4. Yoga Systems, contd Schools of Yoga (modern) Astanga Hatha Sivananda Iyengar Viniyoga Integral Bikram Power Yoga Yin Yoga (Taoist Yoga: Slo-deep) 3H0 Kundalini Kripalu TM Kriya and many more 5. Yoga Systems, contd Gurus* Vivikananda Krishnamacharya Parmahamsa Yogananda Swami Rama Tirtha Krishnamurti Indra Devi Richard Hittleman Maharisis Mahesh Visnudevananda Yogi Bhajan Swami Rama Swami Satchitananda Indra Devi Desikachar 6. What is yoga meant to be today? 7. Yoga is universal

  • Yoga is
  • non sectarian,
  • non religious,
  • anti-classism,
  • anti-racism,
  • anti-sexism

8. Yoga belongs to no culture

  • All yoga (mystic or bhakti) is simply technology for altering consciousness
  • Yoga reflects the eternal nature of the soul as such it can be claimed by no sect or religion.
  • I n the light of modern science it will be possible for us to see sanatana-dharma as the main occupation of all the people of the world
  • There is no historic origin of sanatana-dharma because it eternally remains with the living entities. (ACBSP)

9. Spiritual practice is universal

  • Dharma is one and not many. Actually, the jva has but one dharma, known as the vaiava-dharma. Dharma may appear to be different according to the various languages, countries, and races, and this one jaiva-dharma, constitutional eternal function of the soul, may be referred to by the various peoples by many different names, but no one can artificially create a new jaiva-dharma. The unblemished pristine love for the Supreme Absolute Whole experienced by the minute particle of spiritual substancethe jvais defined as jaiva-dharma.
  • Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

10. Does yoga require a dress code?

  • My advice in this regard is that one should be dispassionate about ones outer dresstowards it practice neither attachment, nor hate. When the heart and consciousness become purified from within, the outer garments are also automatically rectified.
  • When too much stress is laid on dress codes and grooming external looks, then disciplining the consciousness within is neglected.
  • My opinion is that after inner cleansing, one is naturally inspired to conduct oneself in accordance with the behavior of saintly devotees, and thus ones outward appearancedress and so onwill be freed from blemishes in the natural course of events.
  • Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

11. Bhakti is universal

    • Prabhupada : I don't say that "You Christian, you become Hindu or you come to me." I simply say "You obey these commandments." That is my order. I make you better Christian. That is my mission.
    • I don't say that "God is not there, God is here," but I simply say that "You obey God." That is my mission.
    • I don't say that you have to come to this platform and accept Krishna as God and no other. No. I don't say.
    • I say, Please obey God. Please try to love God." That is my mission. And I give the way how to love God very easily. Provided you agree.

12. Bhakti yoga is cross cultural

  • If a person following a particular type of religious principle is developing love of Godhead, that is first-class spirituality.
  • But if one is developing love for the false ego or material life then where is the spirituality?

13. Bhakti yoga is cross cultural

  • St Augustine is one of my favorite examples of a Jnani being led into Bhakti.He wrote many volumes of intricatediscussion on religious thought, and his works constitute perhaps the largest single source of the dogma of the Catholic church today.
  • However, there came a point when he put down his pen and never picked it up again.It would seem (based on the reports of others) that he had had a massive, mystical, devotional experience towards the end of his life.Following this, he stated that all of his writings amounted to a "hill of straw."

14. Yoga is the science of hope that precedes celebration
