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Page 1: Audience feedback
Page 2: Audience feedback

“Star image needs to be represented more clearly as quirky and

down to earth. Use aspects of mise-en-scene to further develop


Using this feedback we developed our portrayal of the star image

and constructed this through the costume, makeup and hair of the

star image in the music video.

Page 3: Audience feedback

“Emphasise narrative more clearly. Have more subjective point of

view shots from the artists perspective. For example Eye line


I added in more eye-line matches prior to this feedback. This

presented a challenge to the conventional use of voyeurism as

rather than having the star image is the subject of the voyeurism

we instead have the couple in the video as the subject. This goes

with the „Indie‟ genre which generally opposes the mainstream. c

Page 4: Audience feedback

We used this feedback and went back to our filming location and filmed

more close up shots of the star and some tracking shots.

Page 5: Audience feedback

One of the people from our focus group, Raimonda in her

response stated that the narrative could have been made clearer.

For this reason we made some narrative more clear through our

footage. Such as when the artist says the lines “I saw you the

other day” we used an eye-line match of the artist looking at the

couple through her binoculars to emphasise the lyrics and that

she likes the guy in the video.

Page 6: Audience feedback

In our focus group all 3 people we asked said that our star image is very

quirky, easy to relate to, down to earth and natural in the music video.

This was the response I was looking for therefore in my ancillary texts I

chose to emulate the representation of my star image in a similar way in

order to further develop my star image.

Page 7: Audience feedback

Other than the feedback mentioned above the rest of our focus group

feedback is all positive and everyone watching said that they thought

the video was very interesting, funny and enjoyable and in terms of

narrative found that it was easy to follow. They also said that they

found it conformed to conventions of the genre and correctly identified

the genre of the song.