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What have you learnt from audience


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Rough cut feedback I conducted a very short survey and showed 20 people (10 females and 10 males) from our target audience. They watched it and have us feedback on what areas were good and areas that needed improving. A majority mentioned that there should be more straight cuts that go with the beat in order to reinforce the up beat rhythm. And to add more of the artist herself singing (miming).

The rest of my rough cut feedback told me that a majority of edits I did /other straight cuts were extremely good and I had a good correlation of movement to the lyrics. Some audience members commented that we maybe need to add in more different angles, for example side shots of the artists etc.

However, the feedback from my final edit (music video) shows that they ‘re comments didn’t go unnoticed and that I incorporated their ideas and opinions to improve my video – as shown in the final product.

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Our main source of feedback was through video uploading websites such as YouTube and Facebook which allowed us to receive comments and ratings from our audience. This gave us a more in depth insight into the opinions and views of our target audience. In addition, we organised a small focus group which consisted both males and females target audience between the ages of 16-25 and provided them a set of questions which allowed their views and opinions to be heard. We gained an impressive 248 views through YouTube over a five day period and fives likes/zero dislikes.

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Social networking sites

In order to receive instant audience feedback, I promoted my video through promoting in on social networking sites such as Facebook. What was beneficial was that all of the people who commented or liked the video were within our target audience (males and females from 15-26 years of age).

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Feedback...• The research conducted by

YouTube itself showed us that the female to male audience ratio was pretty much equal with the female audience only having a 2% lead, this was exact to our predictions because what we were aiming for an even audience between the males and females. clothing. We did this by promoting the message of the song which was female independence which obviously attracted the female audience but then kept the male audience engaged and watching through highlighting key body areas of the singer and background dancers accompanied with seductive

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• The demographics from our music video also show the age ranges that our video was most popular with was the 18-24 and the 25-34 year olds which showed us that our predicted target audience of 16-24 year olds was correct but our music video also proved popular with older age groups which is a promising sign that our media product is gaining popularity within a wider age range than we had previously predicted. Nonetheless the feedback we received from YouTube was only quantitative due to insufficient comments so a focus group was much needed.

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• The results for our second question was excellent, not one person thought the music video did not match the dancehall genre which proved that we succeeded in matching the visuals of the music video with the genre of the song.

Do you think our video matches the real dancehall genre?

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• 80% of our focus group told us that they would watch our music video more than once which is a promising sign it will be successful, the 20% minority that said no told us it was due to the fact that the video got a bit repetitive after a while but due to the fact that we were trying to maintain the dancehall/reggae genre of the song, dancing was our main focus.

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• The first question we asked our focus group was whether or not our music video appealed to you, an astonishing 90% said yes whereas only 10% said no. The minority who said no told us that it was mostly down to the narrative of the actual song, due to the fact that it is a reggae song many words are not recognisable to an ordinary listener but this is something we cannot change. Having used fast straight cuts enhanced the rhythm and beat of song reinforcing dancehall video conventions of fast movements and cuts.

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• Whilst making my digipack drafts for my CD cover and magazine advert drafts, I asked for audience feedback from various different students in order to pick the best one and use for my final product. A lot of people liked the composition and effects on my final CD cover and the colour scheme.

First draft

Second Draft

Third Draft Final Cover

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My advert was also favoured by many because they liked (again) the composition and pose of the artists, the rep lips and Jamaican flag effect and how the writing is presented.

• Feedback is extremely helpful when one is unsure about something in terms of products.

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• Overall I’ve really appreciated the comments and feedback from our audience. I’ve taken onboard their feedback on the rough cut and tried to improve it for the final product. I’ve proved that I’ve targeted our initial target audience although with even more work and a different software we would’ve had colour edits.

• By getting audience feedback (for the rough cut) enabled me to find out more about what people liked about my video and why. 97% of people said that my video makes them want to get up and dance which reinforces music (videos) from the dancehall genre!