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Page 1: Audience research analysis

Audience Research Analysis

Page 2: Audience research analysis

This is a bar chart showing the gender of the participants in my survey. As you can see there is a greater ratio of female to male participants. A possible reason for this is the sample size was small so there was a lack in population validity. If there was more response it would probably even out the response.

Page 3: Audience research analysis

Here is another bar chart showing the age range in the sample. Between 18 – 24 is the highest and this would be the age range I will be aiming my magazine to. Therefore the answers in my survey are age appropriate to my magazine.

Page 4: Audience research analysis

This is a bar chart comparing the different reasons that make people want to buy the item. As you can see the design is the main reason why people want to buy something, therefore I will put a lot of input into the design of my magazine to maximize revenue stream.

Page 5: Audience research analysis

This is the results of what people would like to read about in a magazine, I will use these answers as the key areas I will be looking at. I will include band interviews and information on touring bands in the magazine.

Page 6: Audience research analysis

This graph shows how many people read magazines on line and due to this data it would probably be better to make hard copies rather than digital. However I will still use digital copies as sales for hard copies are decreasing to help maximise revenue stream.

Page 7: Audience research analysis

These are the colours most people would like to see used on a magazine and the reasons why they want to use them. Although some of these colours do not fit the genre of my magazine such as pink therefore they will not be used

Page 8: Audience research analysis

Here are the prices that people would usually pay for a magazine. This will have an affect on how much I will charge for my magazine. It will be around the £2-£3 area as this makes it affordable for people to buy weekly and help to maximize revenue streams.

Page 9: Audience research analysis

This graph shows how many magazines people usually buy a week. The most is 1-2 per week, therefore my magazine will need to stand out to attract the audience.

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This is the top responses of what people want to see or get in a magazine. So I will try and include these things to try and keep the audience happy. I will include competitions to win free things and try and include free gifts randomly.

Page 11: Audience research analysis

These are what people are most interested in reading in the magazine. To keep the audience interested I will try and incorporate as many of these as possible but not lower the quality of the articles.
