Page 1: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester)

Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On

3rd Class

Page 2: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 1 What’s the Story Activity 1 Listen to the story and take notes in the space provided

below. Do not try to write down every word! Only write down important points.

Page 3: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 1 What’s the Story Activity 2 Listen to the story again and answer the following questions with

the help of your notes. 1. What were the names of the animals in the

story? 2. Why was Lester mean? 3. Why did the animals like Leo? 4. What could Lester do very well? 5. What did Lester challenge Leo to? 6. What did Leo do when Lester challenged him? 7. What did Lester do along the way? 8. What did Leo tell Lester at the end of the


Page 4: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 1 What’s the Story

Activity 3 With your partner, take turns retelling the story. Use your notes from Activity 1 and the answers to the questions in Activity 2.

A tortoise is a turtle. A hare is a rabbit. A fable is a fictional story that has a moral. Aesop was a man who lived in ancient Greece and was known for his wisdom.

Page 5: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 1 What’s the Story (Script for Reference)

There once was selfish and mean hare named Lester. He thought he was the best animal in all of the animal kingdom and was always teasing the other animals. He was very proud of how fast he could run and how high he could jump. In the animal kingdom there also lived a nice, friendly tortoise named Leo. All the animals liked Leo because he always had something good and kind to say and was always thinking of ways to help others. Leo, however, was very slow, and it took him a long time to do anything.

Page 6: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 1 What’s the Story (Script for Reference)

One day Lester and Leo met on the road. Lester was arrogant, and he said to Leo, “You are so slow! I bet it takes you a whole day just to get to the other end of this road! I can get to the end of this road in just half an hour. Let’s have a race and see who can get to the end of this road first!” Before Leo could respond, Lester sped away. Leo continued to walk slowly down the road at his usual pace.

Soon Lester was far ahead of Leo and very close to the end of the road. So he said to himself, “Since Leo is far behind, I’ll just sit down here and take a nap. I’ll be awake in plenty of time to beat Leo to the end.” So Lester sat down and quickly fell asleep. Several hours passed and Lester continued to sleep. At last, he woke up and when he opened his eyes he saw that Leo was only a few feet from the end of the road. Lester jumped up and began bouncing to the end of the road, but Leo, even though he was slow, was too close to the end of the road for Lester to catch up. Out of breath and angry, Lester moaned, “It wasn’t a fair race! We should do it over again!” but Leo only responded, “Slow and steady wins the race.

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Section 2 A Film ClippingReal-life Crucifixion

A Philippines man pays for a blessing with his own flesh and blood: subjecting himself to an actual crucifixion with nails pounded to his hands.

The Philippines, a country of 75 million people, the vast majority, Catholic. Signs of faith are everywhere, especially during Easter Week, which commemorates the crucifixion and ___1___ of Jesus Christ. In the village of San Pedro Cutud, Rolando Ocampo is a local carpenter, who has made ___2___ to God. Twelve years ago, his wife was giving birth to their youngest daughter, Cindy, but there were complications, and both ___3___ death. Rolando began to pray.

Page 8: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 2 A Film ClippingReal-life Crucifixion

I told the Lord that if my wife would have a safe delivery, I would have myself crucified on Good Friday. Rolando’s wife and daughter both recovered, and now every year, he pays for this blessing with his own flesh and blood through ___4___and crucifixion.

I use what you called "barb wire" for my ___5___. I use this material because it’s durable and won’t break easily. These are the kinds of nails I use. These are the nails that I’ve driven into my hands.

It is Good Friday in the Philippines. The day that Jesus was crucified. The village of San Pedro Cutud prepares for an estimated 10,000 visitors who’ll come to watch 15 crucifixions. Rolando’s chosen to be crucified last, in hopes of avoiding the crowds. ________6________

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Section 2 A Film ClippingReal-life Crucifixion

From the time I undress and I lie on the Cross, it’s like Christ sticks over my body. Each nail must be precisely placed, a miscalculation could cause permanent ___7___ in the hands. The nails go through his hands and into the wood.

After several minutes of agony, Rolando was lowered. Exhausted, his ___8___, he and his daughter returned home. It has cost him dearly, but Rolando has kept his promise. Within the hour, the wounds have begun to heal.

I could feel that the Lord has heard my prayers, because my family and loved ones are no longer having troubles and are kept away from harm.

Rolando believes today’s success means a brighter future for his family.

Page 10: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 2 A Film ClippingReal-life Crucifixion

From the time I undress and I lie on the Cross, it’s like Christ sticks over my body. Each nail must be precisely placed, a miscalculation could cause permanent ___7___ in the hands. The nails go through his hands and into the wood.

After several minutes of agony, Rolando was lowered. Exhausted, his ___8___, he and his daughter returned home. It has cost him dearly, but Rolando has kept his promise. Within the hour, the wounds have begun to heal.

I could feel that the Lord has heard my prayers, because my family and loved ones are no longer having troubles and are kept away from harm.

Rolando believes today’s success means a brighter future for his family.

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Section 2 A Film ClippingReal-life Crucifixion

1. Resurrection2. an oath3. hovered near4. self-flagellation5. crown of thorns6. With his nails, hammer, crown of thorns and faith, the carpenter heads for the hill.7. paralysis8. hands throbbing

Page 12: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 3 Quiz

look pale and worried the coming World Cup世界杯足球赛 annoyed damaged be held up in the traffic It’s very well saying you are sorry zero to one If only … blame fault be hard on oneself If it had not been for you,…

Page 13: Audio-Visual English Course (2008-2009 1st Semester) Unit 10 A Shoulder to Cry On 3 rd Class

Section 3 Quiz

generous慷慨的 , 大方的 generosity curiosity be in trouble arrest care about beggar liar scholar burglar pedlar behave badly charge sb with an offense: accuse sb. of sth lecture sb on the importance of good behavior tears roll down her face wallet look up at sb purse athlete运动员 , 运动选手 Special Olympics Paralymp

ic Games

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Section 3 Quiz

Keys for reference ABCAB BABCC modeled / mentally /

The celebration, the music, and the excitement are nearly as impressive as the regular Olympics / gathered at the starting line / with all their heart / they were on their feet shouting and cheering / In the next moment, another child stopped running and reached down and helped the fallen child stand up