
Sunrise Presbyterian Church Monthly Newsletter

The Beacon

August 2015

Rally Day is for Everyone!

Breakfast  will  include  all  the  wonderful  food  you  think  of  when  the  word  "breakfast"  dances  through  your  mind  and  across  your  taste  buds!  

Come  early  or  late,  we'll  have  your  favorites  ready  to  eat!


Rally  DaySunday,  August  23

Theme:    We  Are  the  Hands  of  Christ

EVERYONE  IS  INVITED  to  join  us  on  this  very  special  day  as  we  kick-­‐off  our  new  school  year  in  Christian  Education.    On  this  Sunday  our  children  and  youth  will  “move  up”  to  their  new  Sunday  school  classes  and  the  Sunday  school  teachers  will  be  dedicated.  The  schedule  for  this  Rally  Day  morning  is  as  follows:

9:00  am     Worship

9:45  am  –  10:45  am   Breakfast  for  everyone  (no         Fellowship  after  the  11:00  am         service).

During  this  hour  everyone  is  invited  to  help  create  a  “Sunrise  Hands  of  Christ”  mural.    This  activity  will  take  place  in  the  Fellowship  Hall.

At  10:15,  classrooms  will  be  open  for  students  and  their  parents  to  drop  in  and  meet  the  teachers.

11:00  am     Worship       Teachers  will  be  dedicated.

Rally Day

We  Are  the  Hands  of  Christ

Let  love  be  genuine;  hate  what  is  evil,  hold  fast  to  what  is  good;  love  one  another  with  mutual  affection;  outdo  one  another  in  showing  honor.    Do  not  lag  in  zeal,  be  ardent  in  spirit,  serve  the  Lord.    Rejoice  in  hope,  be  patient  in  suffering,  persevere  in  prayer.    Contribute  to  the  needs  of  the  saints;  extend  hospitality  to  strangers.        

Romans  12:9-­‐13

From the Pastor’s Desk Rev. Vance Polley

O sing to the LORD a new song;Sing to the LORD all the earth! (Psalm 98)

At Sunrise, we celebrate a wide variety of musical expressions in worshipping God. In the last year, we have worshipped using Barbershop Style Harmony, Jazz, Bluegrass, African-American Spirituals, Gospel, Taizé, Praise, Traditional, Classical and combinations of musical traditions. Guest musicians have been instrumentalists and vocalists.

We are incredibly fortunate to have the creative leadership of Matthew Parker. His enthusiasm for all musical styles has made this wide variety of musical expression possible. Matthew and I are nurturing a vision of Sunrise as a place where you will always find a rich cross-section of music praising God.

On July 26th, we experienced an unique worship service. In 2007, Mathew’s good friend Nacio Barcia suggested that the range of emotions contained in Chick Corea’s Children’s Songs had a deep spiritual connection. Eight years ago, we crafted a worship service that tapped these spiritual roots. It was a joy and privilege for us to bring this service back to Sunrise.

The heart of this service was allowing music itself to move us into a nonverbal conversation with God. The joy of Children’s Songs 14, 1, and 3 expressed our joy and confidence in God. Moving into reflective self-examination, Children’s Song 19 opened us up to a God that knows us better than we know ourselves. There were words in the bulletin to guide us on this journey, but they were for silent reflection and remained unspoken. The spoken Assurance of Forgiveness was punctuated by Children’s Song 14. This song formed bookends, so to speak, from Expressing Our Joy to the Assurance of God’s Forgiveness!

Children’s Songs were also used in a conversation with the scriptures. The mood of each passage was mirrored in the musical expression. In this way, we explored the scriptures on a nonverbal level that taps into our emotional responses. The theme of the meditation was Beyond Words.

Matthew and I firmly believe that exploring a variety of musical expressions opens each one of us up to a greater appreciation of our own familiar musical traditions. The wonder and joy of a Hymn Sing is participating in the rich variety of hymns and songs of praise available. I like to think we get to see the joy in other people’s faces as they sing a hymn that reconnects them with important memories and moments in their lives.

Looking ahead, there are wonderful musical experiences planned. We will keep you posted and describe the purpose behind the variety of expressions. As the psalmist so aptly puts it: O sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD all the earth!

In God’s grace,

Hands  of  Christ  distributions  have  begun.    This  summer  there  will  be  20  distributions  that  started  on  July  25th  and  will  end  on  August  15th.    Some  of  our  distribution  sites  have  enough  volunteers  from  their  own  congregations;  therefore  they  do  not  need  additional  help.    Therefore,  Sunrise  is  targeting  the  sites  that  really  need  our  help.    They  are:

• Sunrise  will  be  partnered  with  Park  Circle,  so  we  will  need  pleanty  of  help  all  three  days,  on  August  6,  7  and  8.    On  the  6th,  Sunrise  will  be  providing  the  meal;  so  in  addition  to  shoppers  to  pick  up  the  pizzas,  we  need  help  with  serving  the  meal.  

• Bethel  in  Walterboro  on  August  1st

• Yeaman's  Park  on  August  3rd

•  Second  Presbyterian  on  August  10th  and  11th

• New  Wapetaw  in  McCellanville  on  the  12th,  will  also  need  a  few  folks.

•  Westminster  Presbyterian  on  August  13th-­‐15th    

I  hope  you  can  find  room  in  your  heart  and  in  your  schedule  to  help  out  at  one  or  more  of  these  sites.  You  will  never  regret  volunteering.  Along  with  helping  children  get  their  clothing  and  supplies,  you  will  meet  other  wonderful  Presbyterians  from  all  over  the  area.  This  is  a  way  to  truly  see  how  we  can  make  a  difference;  and  how  we  are  the  HANDS  OF  CHRIST  IN  OUR  COMMUNITY.  Please  come  share  your  love  and  encouragement  with  these  children.  Education  is  the  key  to  their  success,  and  you  can  share  that  knowledge  along  with  a  hug  and  some  kindness.

The  mission  committee  is  signing-­‐up  volunteers  during  both  fellowship  times  following  the  services  and  will  continue  until  August  9th.    I  look  forward  to  another  summer  of  sharing  God's  love  with  all  of  you  and  with  those  in  our  area  that  need  a  little  extra  help  getting  their  children  ready  for  school.  You  can  contact  Rebecca  or  Lee  Sigmon  at  284-­‐8239.

by  Rebecca  Sigmon  

The next Beach Service is Sunday, September 20

at 9:00am.

Mark your calendar...

Saturday, August 29Mount Pleasant

Presbyterian Church

This event is for ALL youth and adults who desire to grow

in their faith.Brochures  and  registration  forms  are  available  in  the    workroom  or  at:

S.T.E.P.S.:    Studying  +  Teaching  +  Equipping  +  Praying  +  Serving    

This  presbytery-­‐wide  event  is  a  wonderful  opportunity  for  youth  and  adult  church  members,  teachers,  ministry  teams,  musicians,  officers  and  staffs  to  enrich  their  faith  and  understanding  of  the  church.    S.T.E.P.S.  will  take  place  Saturday,  August  29th  at  the  Mount  Pleasant  Presbyterian  Church.    Check-­‐in  begins  at  8:15  a.m.  and  the  day  will  conclude  at  4:15  p.m.  with  a  closing  worship  service.    ParKcipants  have  an  opportunity  to  take  three  workshops,  worship  and  fellowship  with  others  in  our  presbytery;  as  well  as  visit  displays  from  various  insKtuKons  and  organizaKons  and  shop  at  the  CongregaKonal  Ministries  Publishing  bookstore.    Pre-­‐registraKon  deadline  is  August  10th  and  the  registraKon  fee  is  $35.    Register  by  July  15th  and  you  can  take  advantage  of  the  early  registraKon  fee  of  $25.    No  pre-­‐registraKons  will  be  taken  aTer  August  10th.    We  encourage  you  to  pre-­‐register,  but  if  your  plans  change  and  you  can  aVend  at  the  last  minute,  you  may  register  at  the  event  ($40).    RegistraKon  informaKon  is  on  the  presbytery  website  (  and  printed  brochures  have  been  mailed  to  your  church.    We  hope  to  see  you  at  S.T.E.P.S.  2015  as  we  gather  around  the  table!

Family  Ministry  Happenings                                                                                                                                     by Laurie Snyder

by  Donna  Draughn

August  brings  our  traditional  “back  to  school  day,”  when  the  children  choose  their  book  bag  from  the  large  assortment  at  Target.  Then  off  to  Barnes  and  Noble  for  a  book  of  their  own.  Next  we  will  have  lunch,  and  then  back  to  One80  Place  to  fill  the  book  bags  with  supplies  provided  by  Hands  of  Christ.

We  had  to  cancel  a  trip  at  the  end  of  July,  because  for  various  reasons,  no  children  were  able  to  go.  I'm  waiting  for  definite  dates  to  reschedule,  but  please  get  in  touch  with  me  if  you  are  interested  in  helping  or  want  more  information.  Thank  you  Sunrise  members,  for  your  help  in  giving  these  children  some  time  of  joy.    You  can  contact  Donna  at  886-­‐8158  or  [email protected].

Friends  *  Eating  *  And  *  Sharing  *  Together!

It's  that  time  again.  No...not  Tax  time,  not  Christmas,  but  time  to  sign  up  for  FEAST!    If  you  are  wondering  what  FEAST  is,  it’s  worth  your  time  to  read  further.  

FEAST  is  a  church  social  gathering  meeting  in  small  groups  of  6  to  10  people.  Meetings  take  place  in  homes,  restaurants  and  at  church.  Pastor  Vance  always  recommends  an  inspiring  book  for  a  short  discussion.  

Home  events  typically  follow  a  pot  luck  format  so  there  is  no  financial  burden.  The  groups  are  attended  by  both  singles  and  couples  of  all  ages.  The  simple  goal  of  FEAST  is  to  meet  your  fellow  church  members.  Kellie  and  I  can  attest  to  meeting  great  people  who  will  be  life-­‐long  friends.  Last  year  over  50  Sunrise  members  were  involved  and  the  feedback  has  been  uplifting!    Don't  be  shy...please  ask  any  questions  that  you  might  have  as  the  reward  is  well  worth  the  effort.  Questions  may  be  sent  to  Victor  Apat  at  VApat6604@gmail.  com  or  feel  free  to  ask  Judy  and  Wally  Collins;  or  Kellie  and  me  at  church.  

RegistraKon  2015-­‐2016

Name(s):          ________________________________________________________

Phone:                ________________________________________________________

Address:          ________________________________________________________

Email:                  ________________________________________________________

Which  night(s)  of  the  week  can  you  gather  for  FEAST?  (Please  circle  as  many  as  apply)

Monday            Tuesday            Wednesday            Thursday            Friday            Saturday            Sunday

Where  do  you  prefer  to  gather  for  FEAST?    (Please  circle  as  many  as  apply)

In  homes  only                                          In  restaurants  only                                        In  Homes  and  Restaurants

Would  you  prefer  to  stay  in  the  same  group  as  last  year?          YES                    NO

AddiKonal  Comments:  


by  Vic  Apat

A  sign  up  sheet  will  be  available  in  the  Fellowship  Hall.    Enrollment  continues  all  year  long  so  it's  never  too  late  to  join.  



with  Pot-Luck Sandwich Luncheon and Ice Cream Sundaes!

Matthew  asked  us  to  send  him  our  favorite  

hymns  and  we  sang  them  all!    

The  food  and  fellowship  fell  in  with  the  traditional  

flavor  of  the  event...enjoyed  by  all!

See  below  and  meet  our  new  members,  the  Heckart’s!

Meet  Sunrise’s  Newest  MembersSteve  Heckart  was  born  in  Middleton,  Connecticut.    Stephanie  Heckart  was  born  and  raised  in  Columbia,  SC.    She  graduated  from  USC  and  has  fond  memories  of  visiting  the  Charleston  area  while  growing  up.    

Steve  and  Stephanie  met  at  work,  at  an  insurance  provider.    They  are  both  nurses.    They  own  a  second  home  in  Mt.  Pleasant  and  plan  to  retire  here.    They  currently  attend  church  at  North  Eastern  Presbyterian  Church  in  Columbia.    They  decided  to  

join  Sunrise  after  attending  a  number  of  other  churches  in  the  area.    Steve  previously  has  served  as  a  Deacon.  

They  have  two  children,  a  daughter,  Heather  (shown  in  picture  above),  16  years;  and  a  son,  20  years.  

Stephanie’s  family  connection  to  Charleston  is  that  they  lived  here  until  the  time  of  the  Civil  War.    They  feared  that  Charleston  would  be  attacked  and  burned,  so  they  relocated  to  Columbia  as  a  safe  haven!  

What are YOUth

up to?

“Sunrise Gothic”

by  Mattie  Smith  and  Campbell  Long

The  Youth  trip  to  the  Thornwell  Home  was  full  of  fellowship  and  fun.    Being  a  leader  on  the  trip  helped  us  to  see  youth  ministry  in  a  new  light.    As  we  studied  the  Book  of  Acts  and  did  yard  work  for  the  home,  Campbell  and  I  grew  closer  to  the  Youth  in  ways  we  didn't  expect  we  would.    Andy  helped  us  hone  our  leadership  skills  in  many  ways  throughout  the  trip.    He  taught  us  how  to  contribute  to  a  group  discussion  in  a  way  that  encouraged  the  younger  members  of  the  group  to  form  their  own  opinions.    He  also  taught  us  that  the  best  leader  isn't  always  the  most  well  liked  leader.  The  Thornwell  trip  helped  us  grow  as  leaders  in  innumerable  ways  and  we  hope  to  have  opportunities  to  lead  the  Youth  in  the  future.

S!ndscapesGreetings congregation of Sunrise!

We  have  some  truly  great  music  to  inspire  worship  this  month  at  Sunrise.    Please  note  the  two  drop-­‐in  Sunday's  listed  below  and  consider  adding  your  voice  to  the  choir  on  one  or  both  of  those  Sunday's.  August  2:      Drop-­‐in  Choir  :  Eat  This  Bread  (Green  Songbook  No.  254)    August  9:    Barbershop  Quartet  Sunday!    The  Joyful  Noise  Quartet    (consisting  of  Ed  Croft,  Bob  Veitch  ,  Brantly  Cox,  John  Sippell)  will  sing:  This  Little  Light  of  Mine,  It  Is  Well  With  My  Soul,  and  The  Lords  Prayer.

August  16:    Sunrise  Vocal  Trio  (Chris  Lang,  Susan  &  Ray  Dickinson) August  23:    Soprano  soloist  Pat  Benzien

 August  30:    Drop-­‐in  Choir:    River  in  Judea

September  12  is  the  Choir  Retreat,  from  8am  to  12pm.    Breakfast  treats  will  be  served.    If  you  are  interested  in  joining  the  Choir  or  want  to  see  if  it  is  something  you  have  been  looking  for  and  missing,  please  join  us!


Matthew Parker

Welcome  the  First  United  Presbyterian  Church  Youth  Group.    

They  are  coming  for  their  second  visit  with  Sunrise  on  Saturday,  August  1  -­‐  Saturday,  August  8.    They  stayed  with  us  for  a  week  in  the  summer  of  2012,  their  purpose  for  coming,  once  again,  is  to  volunteer  for  service  work  in  the  community.  When  they  are  at  Sunrise,  they  will  be  in  the  Fellowship  Hall  and  on  the  2nd  floor.  When  you  see  them  around  the  church,  please  welcome  them.

Youth  Summer  Bible  Study

This  summer  the  Youth  are  having  a  Bible  Study  at  Andy  and  Margaret’s  house,  and  going  through  the  book  "Law  and  Gospel:  A  Theology  for  Sinners  and  Saints".    The  Study  will  be  Thursday  evenings  from  6:30  -­‐  8:00  p.m.  We  will  eat  a  meal  and  dive  into  the  book.  

If  you  need  more  details,  contact  Andy  at  814-­‐0885  or  [email protected].


STOP! The September

Beacon DEADLINE is August 23


Will  not  meet  in  August

We  will  resume  meeting  in  September,  and  will  continue  to  meet  on  the  second  Thursday  of  every  month.    

Thursday,  September  10,  at  6:15  pm,  LNO  will  meet  again...So  mark  it  on  your  calendar  and  save  the  date!

Check  in  your  September  Beacon  for  the  location!

Ladies Night Out!

 Join  the  Women's  Evening  Bible  Study  group  on  Tuesday,  

August  18,  at  5:30  p.m.  in  the  library  to  discuss  

Chapter  7  of  our  curriculum  on  the  Book  of  

Romans  from  the  Interpretation  Bible  Study  series.    If  you  need  a  study  

book,  call  Reece  at  224-­‐8630,  or  email  her  at:  [email protected].  

Come  join  the  fun,  fellowship  and  studying  

God's  word!

The Women's Evening

Bible Study

Led  by  Reece  Smith

The  Miriam-­‐Naomi  Circle  will  begin  their  new  study  year  next  month,  at  

10:00  am  on  Tuesday,  September  8th.    We  welcome  participants  for  a  single  session  or  for  the  

entire  study  year.    We  are  excited  about  using  another  Kerygma  study,  Parables:    

Stories  for  Life  in  God's  World.      The  author,  Richard  J.  Henderson  tells  us  that  "A  parable  can  help  us  comprehend  God  better,  know  ourselves  more  realistically,  change  what  we  value,  and  deal  with  people  in  healthier  relationships.    Parables  show  us  what  it  means  to  forgive,  or  fail  to  forgive;  to  show  compassion  or  withhold  it;  to  act  decisively  or  allow  the  moment  to  pass.  These  are  potentially  life-­‐changing  stories."    Copies  of  the  study  guide  are  already  

available  for  $8.00  from  the  Church  Office.  Please  bring  a  check  or  exact  change.    We  look  

forward  to  starting  this  new  study  in  September.

Miriam ~ Naomi Circle

will not meet during August.


Remembrance Garden  has  

been  completed  for  this  summer.    Please  spend  

Kme  to  enjoy  it’s  beauty  when  you  visit  Sunrise.    


Remembrance Garden would  not  have  beenpossible  without  the  graciousness  and  generosity  of  members  and  visitors  to  Sunrise.

Flowers  or  donationsfor  the

Remembrance Garden are given  to  the  glory  of  God  by:

Betty  Blanchard  Imsande  in      memory  of  her  mother,  Grace      Blanchard,  who  started  and          maintained  the  garden  across          the  street  (in  the  “vee”  of  the      road)  for  the  Sullivan’s  Island      Garden  Club.The  Miriam  Naomi  Circle  in  memory  of  Faye  Blair.Ross  Heaton  in  memory  of  Susan  Watier.Paul  and  Bev  Boucher  in  memory  of  Jeffrey  S.  Boucher.Bill  and  June  Dawson  in  memory  of  their  parents  and  siblings.Chris  and  Bonny  Luthy  in  memory  of  Art  and  Marion  Luthy.Linda  and  Gary  Frank  in  memory  of  Bud  Herms.Bill  and  June  Dawson  in  memory  of  Carl  Godfrey,  Frances    Bell  and        Rix  Martin.  Paul  and  Bev  Boucher  in  memory  of  Frances  Drew.Bob  and  Nancy  Waller  in  memory  of  Eli  Waller  on  his  fifth  birthday.Roberta  Blanchard  in  memory  of  her  parents.John  and  Kathy  Myatt  in  memory  of  Buddy  Gwinn.Jean  Campbell  in  memory  of  Larry  Campbell.The  Nelson’s  in  memory  of  Emma  Nelson.Linda  Frank  in  memory  of  her  sister,  Eleanor.Ethel  S.  Swartz  in  memory  of  Daniel  and        Ethel  Smith.

These  dedications  will  appear  in  the  Beacon  for  three  consecutive  months.    After  that,  Betty  Jane  Dillon  has  graciously  offered  her  beautiful  talent  of  calligraphy  and  will  be  entering  them  permanently  into  the  Remembrance  Book  kept  in  the  Narthex.    

Remembrance Garden

Donation  envelopes  and  dedication  forms  are  available  in  the  Narthex.    

Please  be  sure  to  write  legibly  on  the  dedication  forms.    We  have  received  some  forms  that  we  are  unable  to  read,  but  would  like  to  acknowledge  them.    If  you  filled  one  out  and  it  is  not  appearing  here,  please  contact  Jeanne  in  the  church  office  at:  [email protected]  or  843-­‐883-­‐3888.    

   Holy  Yoga


Holy Yoga: For the rest of the summer, the class will be held on the beach at 36th Street on the Isle of Palms. It will be every Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome, the cost is $5 per class. You can contact the instructor, Ellen Wilson at [email protected]. For more information about Holy Yoga, visit their website at

The New Picture

Directory is NOW Being


Have  you  requested  your  copy  yet?

You  may  request  your  copy  by  emailing  Jeanne  at:  [email protected].

Once  you  have  requested  a  copy,  you  can  pick  it  up  during  office  hours  the  following  week  or  the  next  Sunday.  You  will  find  it  in  the  workroom  on  top  of  the  two-­‐drawer  gray  filing  cabinet  with  your  name  on  a  Post-­‐It  note.

 It’s  never  too  late!  

You  may  still  submit  or  update  your  own  pictures  or  make  an  appointment  with  Ross  Heaton  at:  [email protected]  to  have  it  taken.  If  you  wish  to  provide  a  photo  from  your  own  collection,  please  email  it  to  Jeanne.


We  meet  in  Pastor  Vance's  study  from  9:00  a.m.  until  noon  on  a  Saturday  and  talk  about  the  history  of  the  reformed  faith,  the  history  of  our  congregation  here  on  Sullivan's  Island,  and  review  the  groups  and  activities  at  Sunrise  Presbyterian  Church.

Childcare  can  be  provided  if  needed;  please  let  us  know.    You  are  invited  to  dress  casually  because  it  is  a  relaxed  environment,  and  we  will  also  tour  the  church  facilities.

If  you  are  interested  in  becoming  a  member  or  would  like  to  know  more  about  Sunrise,  please  contact  Jeanne  Haid  at  the  Sunrise  Presbyterian  Church  office:  883-­‐3888;  [email protected]  or  Ross  Heaton  at  860-­‐3027;  [email protected].    

The  next  class  will  be  scheduled  in  September,  so  please  let  us  know  you  are  interested.    


Coming  in  October  ...

Sunday, October 11Kindergarten through 5th graders

Second Sunday

Summer Sunday SchoolSunrise offers Sunday School for all ages! Join us during the 10:00 a.m. hour for a time of study, reflection, prayer, and community.

Sunday school for Preschool through Elementary ages uses the Grow, Proclaim, Serve! and the Faith Alive, Walk with Me curriculum. This kid-friendly, biblically based curriculum is designed to help our children grow in faith, build community, and have fun!

The Middle School and Senior High classes use Youth Ministry Architects’ curriculum, Spice Rack, which offers weekly studies on a variety of biblical and theological topics.

The Adult Sunday School class: Dr. Polley is leading a study of the newly published book Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power - And How They Can Be Restored by Marcus Borg. Adults are invited to drop-in any Sunday and join this engaging class.

Class Location TeachersPreschool First floor Jeanne Haid, Lindsey HaidK – 5th Grade Upstairs Reece Smith, Mary Frazier, Dennis Frazier, Neila Cary, Robin Feerst6th – 12th Grade Upstairs Eric Lavender, Andy Whitfield Adult Downstairs, Library Dr. Vance Polley

The Sunrise Crib Room, Nursery/Preschool: We are ready to care for your young children while you attend the worship services. If you have not already visited these areas, please sign in at the door.

 Flower  Donations  

The  2015  Flower  Chart  is  posted  in  the  Fellowship  Hall.    You  may  choose  a  Sunday  to  donate  flowers  to  the  glory  of  God  to  decorate  the  sanctuary  or  narthex  for  the  Sunday  worship  services.      Sign  up  on  the  chart  and  fill  out  the  purple  form  you  will  find  to  the  right  of  the  flower  chart.    You  may  leave  the  form  by  the  flower  chart,  or  put  it  in  Jeanne  Haid’s  box  in  the  workroom.

Pastoral CareWhen  you  donate  flowers  to  decorate  the  sanctuary  on  Sunday  mornings,  you  may  dedicate  them  in  honor  of  or  in  memory  of  a  loved  one.    After  the  service,  you  may  bless  someone  who  

is  a  shut-­‐in  or  not  feeling  well  by  letting  the  Pastoral  Care  Ministry  Team  deliver  the  flowers.    They  will  make  smaller  bouquets  and  cheer  several  

people  with  your  gift!(Be  sure  to  indicate  on  the  purple  form  

whether  we  may  deliver  them  toshut-­‐ins!)

Two-Cents-A-Meal Offering Collected  in  the  bowl  in  the  Narthex  on  Sunday,  August  9.  The  Two-­‐Cents-­‐A-­‐Meal  Offering  continues  to  grow  thanks  to  the  generosity  of  the  Sunrise  Congregation.

The  Mission  Committee  has  given  $500  of  the  offering  to  The  Lowcountry  Food  Bank.    The  mission  of  the  Lowcountry  Food  Bank  is  to  feed  the  poor  and  hungry  of  the  ten  coastal  counties  of  South  Carolina  by  soliciting  and  distributing  healthy  food  and  grocery  products  to  nonprofit  agencies  serving  the  poor  and  to  educate  the  public  about  the  problems  of  and  solutions  to  domestic  hunger.    Every  $1.00  donated  provides  food  for  6  meals  for  hungry  children,  families  and  seniors.  

Please  continue  to  give  at  least  two  cents  per  person  per  meal  in  the  bowl  in  the  Narthex  on  the  2nd  Sunday  of  each  month.            

Sunrise  Pastoral  Care  MinistryIf  you  are  in  need  of  medical  equipment,  or  have  a  family  member  or  loved  one  who  is  in  need,  we  would  like  you  to  be  aware  that  we  have  the  following  items  available  to  borrow:

These  items  can  be  very  useful  when  having  elderly  family  members  visit  from  out-­‐of-­‐town.    Please  feel  welcome  to  borrow  whatever  is  needed;  all  we  ask  is  that  you  sign  it  out  at  the  office  when  you  pick  it  up.    

Contact  Bobbie  Miller,  Elder  of  Pastoral  Care  at  388-­‐1917  or  the  Church  Office  at  883-­‐3888.  

The Mission Committee is Looking for Volunteers

to Serve Meals at TriCounty Ministries

Sunrise has begun a new service project! We are serving a meal the second Monday of every month at TriCounty Family Ministries. This is a midday meal, and we will only set up and serve, no cooking is involved. We need six or seven volunteers each month, who will arrive at 9:00 a.m. and finish around 12:30 p.m. If you would like to volunteer for a future month, contact John Myatt at 225-3720 or sign-up on the sheet in the Fellowship Hall.

We will be serving the next meal on Monday, August 10.

✦ wheel  chairs✦ crutches✦ walkers  with  seats✦ fold-­‐up  walkers✦ canes

✦ fold-­‐up  walkers  with  arms

✦ over-­‐the-­‐toilet  seats  with  arms

✦ shower  stools

More  than  just  a  Fair  Trade  Product  

Fair  Trade  is  a  good  start,  but  it’s  only  a  start.  The  real  profit  in  coffee  comes  from  roasting  the  beans,  not  growing  them.  By  keeping  farmers  in  the  process,  Just  Coffee  ensures  that  success  is  shared  equally.

Just  Coffee  is  a  cooperative  based  in  Salvador  Urbina,  Chiapas,  Mexico  and  makes  it  possible  for  the  people  of  these  communities  to  remain  with  their  families,  make  a  decent  living,  and  provide  an  education  and  healthcare  for  their  children.    The  price  of  regular  coffee  is  $9.00  and  the  price  of  decaf  $10.00.    We  thank  you  for  your  continued  support  of  this  worthwhile  mission.

Just  Coffee  will  be  available  for  you  to  purchase  in  the  Fellowship  Hall  on  the  first  Sunday  of  the  month.  Thanks  to  all  of  you  who  support  the  Just  Coffee  mission!    

 Worship  Tote  Bags  Are  available  for  Sunrise’s  

Elementary-­‐age  Children  in  the  Sanctuary

These  bags  are  located  in  the  narthex  

They  contain  items  to  enhance  your  child’s  worship  experience.  They  encourage  your  child  to  follow  along  with  the  service.They  are  refreshed  with  a  new  bible  story  theme  each  week.    They  are  designed  for  two  age  groups:  Grades  K-­‐2  and  3-­‐5

Nursery  CareAt  Sunrise,  children  are  always  welcome  in  worship.    However,  if  you  prefer,  childcare  is  

available  for  children  infant  through  kindergarten  age.  

News  from  the  Sunrise  Nurseryby  Jeanne  and  Lindsey  Haid

The  Sunrise  Nursery,  Toddler  and  Preschool  Rooms:  We  are  ready  to  care  for  your  young  children  while  you  aVend  services.    If  you  know  of  families  with  young  children,  please  extend  an  invitaKon  to  let  them  know  that  we  have  a  nursery  for  their  children  that  includes  a  structured  craT,  learning  Kme  with  a  Biblical  topic  taken  from  the  Preschool  Grow,  Proclaim,  Serve!  curriculum,  and  a  snack  and  playKme.    We  know  how  important  it  is  for  families  to  have  a  safe  and  caring  place  for  their  children.  

If  you  bring  your  baby  or  child  to  the  Nursery,  please  Sign-­‐In  &  Out  on  the  sheets  that  are  on  the  clipboard  near  the  door  of  each  room.  It  is  very  important  that  you  sign  your  child  in  and  provide  us  with  your  cell  phone  number.    While  you  are  in  the  sanctuary  during  worship  or  during  Sunday  School,  please  put  your  cell  phone  on  silent  but  vibrate.    If  we  need  to  contact  you,  we  will  call  your  cell  phone.  


The  structure  for  Work  Days  for  Apostles  Build  has  changed  in  2015              

Please  contact:  Trish Elise

Volunteer Coordinator at: 881-2600, ext. 205

[email protected] volunteer opportunities

Do  you  have  questions  about  your  contributions,  pledge,  offerings,  or  statements?

If  so,  Susan  Labrie,  our  Finance  Administrator,  has  an  email  address  where  you  can  send  your  questions    directly  to  her.

Susan’s  Sunrise  email  is:  [email protected]

Susan  works  in  the  office  every  Tuesday  from  9:00  a.m.  -­‐  2:00  p.m.;  she  may  be  reached  by  phone  at  883-­‐3888  during  these  hours.  

The  prayer  list  at  Sunrise  Church  is  divided  into  two  categories.  The  first  is  for  immediate  concerns  and  the  other  is  for  ongoing  concerns.  Those  on  the  immediate  list  will  be  removed  after  a  month,  unless  requested  to  be  kept  on.  Continuing  Prayer  Concerns  will  remain  on  the  list  for  three  months.  To  add  someone,  or  relist  a  name  on  either  prayer  list,  please  contact  the  church  office  at    [email protected]    or  (883-­‐3888)  or  Bobbie  Miller,  Pastoral  Care  Elder  at  388-­‐1917  or  [email protected].  When  adding  a  person  to  the  prayer  list,  please  provide  us  with  their  address  so  that  we  may  send  them  a  postcard  of  encouragement  letting  them  know  that  the  congregation  at  Sunrise  is  praying  for  them.  Please  remember  to  let  us  know  when  someone  may  be  removed  from  either  list.

We  have  an  active  prayer  chain  here  at  Sunrise  from  which  you  can  request  prayers  for  yourself  and  others.    Whether  it’s  a  loved  one  undergoing  surgery  or  someone  you  are  concerned  about,  you  may  call  and  ask  that  prayers  be  offered  on  that  person’s  behalf.    If  you  have  a  prayer  request,  you  may  call  Joyce  Gibbons  during  the  day  at  886-­‐8185.    In  the  evening,  please  call  Betty  Jane  Dillon  at  883-­‐9198.    

If  you  are  interested  in  becoming  part  of  the  prayer  chain  and  wish  to  pray  for  others,  please  call  either  Joyce  or  

Betty  Jane.  

Sunrise Prayer Chain

Immediate Prayer Concerns: (names  are  listed  for  a  month)

Gail  Mullis  ~  David  Bridwell’s  (from  Carolina  Air     Care)  friendMary  Ann  HeidenreichLinda  Frosch  ~  Jack  and  Mary  Ann  Heidenreich’s                    friendJack  Lash  ~  Sue  Wertz’s  brotherElizabeth  Kirby  ~  Ann  Cabot-­‐William’s  nieceGrace  Clemmer  ~  Jan  Harkey’s  aunt

Continuing Prayer Concerns: (names  are  listed  for  three  months)

Michael  Fullwood  ~  Josette  Storey’s  sonChuck  HernanskeyAnna  Lynch  ~  Nancy  Guss’  daughter  Hazel  Johnson  ~  Debbie  Polley’s  friendEddie  Waldrop  and  Jennifer  Sederstrom  ~    Shirley  Joyner’s  friendsGwen  Kilburn  ~  Shirley  Joyner’s  great-­‐granddaughterSherrie  Hyler  ~  Shirley  Joyner’s  nieceGladys  Lott ~  JoAnn  Penington’s  sisterAdam  Simon ~  Bonnie  Wells’  friendChuck  HarkeyJohn  ShoemakerJanet  Walin  ~  Betty  Dreimeyer’s  daughterLynn  Ziegler  

Sunrise Prays…

Did  You  Know?You  may  write  a  postcard  letting  someone  know  you  are  

praying  for  them  or  their  loved  one.    Postcards  are  provided  at  the  Prayer  Board  in  the  narthex  and  will  be  addressed  

and  mailed  by  the  office.

Please  put  your  completed  postcards  in  Jeanne’s  box  in  the  workroom  to  be  stamped,  addressed  and  mailed  

for  you.    

We  have  heard  some  very  heartfelt  gratitude  from  those  who  have  received  prayer  postcards.  


3222  Middle  Street

PO  Box  517

Sullivan’s  Island,  SC  29482

The  Rev.  Dr.  Vance  E.  PolleyPastor

[email protected]  of  Office:  Wednesday

Laurie  SnyderDirector  of  Family  Ministries

[email protected]  of  Office:  Wednesday  and  Friday

Jeanne  HaidChurch  Administrator

[email protected]  of  Office:  Tuesday

Matthew  ParkerDirector  of  Music  [email protected]

Reece  SmithParish  Elder

[email protected]

Andy  WhitfieldYouth  Director

[email protected]

Susan  LabrieFinance  Administrator

[email protected]  the  Office:  Tuesday

Church  Office  Hours:9:00  a.m.  -­‐  5:oo  p.m.  

Monday  through  Friday

Phone:  (843)  883-­‐

Sunrise  Staff

1 Kurt Polley

2 Joyce Petzold

Claudia Clissold

Dean Schmelter

3 Rick Nolte

Lorie Merryman

7 Olivia Floyd

9 Noah Parker

11 Cal McRae

Lynn Godfrey

13 Carl Wokasien

MaryAnne Crocker

14 Debbie Polley

Gloria Clarke

Maya Naylor

15 Justin Gern

16 Cameron Marcoux

19 Frank Godfrey

20 Betty Jane Dillon

Sarah Shackelford

22 Amber Brown

24 Ann Cabot-Williams

Thomas Kilpatrick

26 Jay Nelson

27 Bob Havelka

28 Rebecca Sigmon

29 Cindy Jourdain

31 Rachel Clark

Happy Birthday!

