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Page 2: Author's personal copy · 2013. 11. 27. · Author's personal copy Thermodynamic properties of aqueous MgSO4 to 800 MPa at temperatures from 20 to 100 C and concentrations to 2.5

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Thermodynamic properties of aqueous MgSO4 to 800 MPaat temperatures from �20 to 100 �C and concentrations

to 2.5 mol kg�1 from sound speeds, with applications to icyworld oceans

Steve Vance ⇑, J. Michael Brown

Planetary Chemistry and Astrobiology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech, United States

Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, United States

Received 4 May 2012; accepted in revised form 29 January 2013; Available online 11 February 2013


Thermodynamic properties of aqueous magnesium sulfate solutions (MgSO4 concentrations to 2.5 mol kg�1) are reportedin a previously unexplored regime of pressure and temperature. Solution densities (to a few hundred parts-per-million), spe-cifics heats (to a few percent), and volumetric mixing parameters were determined to 800 MPa in the temperature range from�20 to 100 �C from sound speeds measurements. Equilibrium data extrapolate smoothly to temperatures below which liquidsare stable, providing a basis for equilibrium freezing calculations. In more compressed water at high pressure, where electro-strictive effects are smaller, the partial molal volume at infinite dilution is positive and changes less with pressure, while thenon-ideal contribution to the apparent molal volume is reduced. Ion–solvent and ion-ion contributions are small under allconditions, while solvent contributions to non-ideality show greater variation with pressure and temperature. In applicationto Ganymede, Callisto, and Titan, the current results suggest that concentrations of aqueous MgSO4 would be exist thatwould be denser than overlying ice and thus buoyantly stable at the ice VI-rock interface, or between overlying layers ofice VI–V or V–III. More generally, the current data and analysis provide a comprehensive framework that can guide inves-tigations of other single and multi-component aqueous systems.� 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1.1. Background

The thermodynamic properties of aqueous MgSO4 havebeen extensively investigated (Abdulagatov et al., 2007, andreferences therein). The conceptual framework developedby Pitzer (1973) for the general theory of aqueous solutionswas originally explored using MgSO4 in a set of monova-lent and divalent ionic compositions. In combination withother common species, this chemical system is relevant for

terrestrial studies ranging from the chemistry of seawaterto chemical processes in hydrothermal systems. Anunderstanding of processes occuring in icy moons in theouter solar system also requires knowledge of MgSO4

thermodynamic properties (Vance and Goodman, 2009;Goodman and Lenferink, 2012). Missing in prior studieshas been sufficient high pressure data to constrain thisaqueous system under pressures relevant to planetary inte-riors (e.g., Marion et al., 2005).

Relevant pressures for oceans in large icy worlds, asshown in Fig. 1, range to 1000 MPa and higher if fluids pen-etrate into the lithosphere. The upper temperature range isrelevant to hydrothermal systems and to ionic oceans in theinteriors of Neptune and Uranus, and exoplanets of similarsize and composition. Liquid water oceans inferred to exist

0016-7037/$ - see front matter � 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author. Address: MS 183-401, 4800 Oak GroveDrive, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States.

E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Vance).

Available online at

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 110 (2013) 176–189

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currently in Jupiter’s icy moons Europa, Callisto, and, byinference, Ganymede (Khurana et al., 1998; Kivelsonet al., 2009), and also in Saturn’s moon Titan (Beghinet al., 2009, 2010; Iess et al., 2012) motivate further studyof solution chemistry for plausible ocean compositions.

As documented in Fig. 1, densities for aqueous systemsare scarce or non-existent at concentrations, temperaturesand pressures relevant to subsurface aqueous reservoirs inicy worlds. There is a particular need for more work inthe range of high salinity (concentrations greater than1 mol kg�1 in the MgSO4 system) and in multi-componentsystems. Studies have partially addressed this problem(Hogenboom et al., 1995; Motin, 2004; Abdulagatovet al., 2007) but, until now, measurements at simultaneouslylow temperature and pressures above 100 MPa were non-existent.

We report thermodynamic properties for the aqueousmagnesium sulfate (MgSO4) system to 800 MPa, coveringthe majority of the range of liquid stability (area markedin Fig. 1) studied by Hogenboom et al. (1995), Grassetet al. (2001), and Nakamura and Ohtani (2011). Soundspeeds as a function of pressure, temperature, and compo-sition were measured by the method of impulsive stimulatedscattering (Abramson et al., 1999; Abramson and Brown,2004; Vance and Brown, 2010). From sound speed mea-surements, densities and specific heats were determined athigh pressure. Volumes of mixing with respect to propertiesof water were determined using methods employed in previ-ous studies (Abdulagatov et al., 2007).

1.2. Chemical thermodynamics of solutions

Given the specific volume of a solution, Vsp (equal to theinverse of the solution density, qsol), the volume that con-tains a kilogram of water is

V s ¼ ð1þ 0:001mW ÞV sp ð1Þ

where m is the molal concentration in mol kg�1 and W isthe molecular weight of the solute in g mol�1. Specific vol-umes are given here in mL kg�1 and densities in kg m�3.The solution volume, Vs can be separated into the contribu-tion from water plus ideal and excess volumes as

V s ¼ V water þ mV� þ V excess ð2Þ

where Vo is the partial molal volume at infinite dilution andthe specific volume of water Vwater has been well-studied.As a starting point, we use the equation of state from theInternational Association for the Properties of Water andSteam (Wagner and Pruss 2002) (hereafter referred to asIAPWS95) which reproduces a wide set of critically evalu-ated data (with fully characterized uncertainties) in therange of pressures and temperatures studied here. Our re-sults include a slight modification of IAPWS95 at pressuresabove 500 MPa.

The framework for aqueous solution thermodynamics,using the partial molal volume for component X,

�V /;X ¼@V s


This Study

Earth Europa

Ganymede Callisto Titan



0 200 400 600 800 1000











Pressure (MPa)






Fig. 1. Aqueous phase eqsuilibria, and a comparison between planetary regimes and experimentally accessible regimes of pressure andtemperature. The darkly shaded region at the bottom denotes the range for the aqueous MgSO4 system where no liquids exist, based oneutectic studies by Hogenboom et al. (1995) for P < 400 MPa; and Grasset et al. (2001), and Nakamura and Ohtani (2011) for higherpressures. The currently accessible range for laboratory studies is indicated. Plotted symbols are pressures and temperatures from priordeterminations of densities in the aqueous magnesium sulfate system: (* Abdulagotov et al. (2007), + Hogenboom et al. (1995), five pointedstar Phutela and Pitzer (1986a), six pointed star Phutela and Pitzer (1986b), triangle left Motin (2004), triangle up Chen et al. (1977), triangleleft Chen et al. (1980)).

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expressed in a succinct form by Pitzer (1973) and further de-scribed elsewhere (e.g., Krumgalz et al., 2000), uses thedielectric properties of water to describe ion-water andion-ion interactions in a manner that is consistent amongdifferent ions. This approach has been used to reproducecomplex multi-species behavior in regimes of pressure, tem-perature, and concentration where experimental data aretraditionally available (e.g., Wolery 1992; Marion andGrant 1994; Bethke 2008). The formulation of FREZ-CHEM described by Marion et al. (2005), which includesa linearized approximation to pressure behavior (furtherdiscussed below) and is optimized for subzero tempera-tures, is used herein as a basis of comparison with the cur-rent work and the relevant literature.

A quantity reported in experiments, the apparent molalvolume /v, is defined as:

/V ¼ðV s � V waterÞ


where /v has units of mL mol�1. Following standard solu-tion chemistry analysis (e.g. Abdulagatov et al., 2007), /v ateach pressure and temperature can be represented as thesum of ideal and excess terms:

/v ¼ V 0 þ m1=2V dh þ mV b þ m3=2V d ð5Þ

where the excess contribution includes the infinite dilutionlimiting slope of the Debye-Huckle contribution (with coef-ficient Vdh) and two additional terms (coefficients Vb andVd) that are proportional to higher powers in concentra-tion. Within the solution chemistry framework (Krumgalzet al., 2000; Marion et al., 2012) Vb is often associated withion–solvent interactions and Vd represents ion-ioninteractions.


2.1. Laboratory experiments

Using previously described instrumentation (Vance andBrown 2008; Vance and Brown 2010) sound speeds weremeasured (with a nominal reproducibility of about 0.2%)as a function of pressure (absolute accuracy of 0.7 MPa)and temperature (controlled to 0.1 �C) by impulsive stimu-lated scattering (Abramson et al., 1999). Fluid samples ofvarying composition were prepared by measuring high pur-ity de-ionized water (de-aerated by vacuum) into large vol-umetric graduated (to 1 mL) flasks. Masses (measured to a0.1 mg) of ultra-pure (HPLC-grade) hydrated magnesiumsulfate (MgSO4�7H2O), the stable phase under standardconditions, were added, accounting for stoichiometricwater in the hydrated solid. The uncertainty of resultingfluid concentrations is estimated to be better than0.001 mol kg�1.

Measured sound speeds in de-ionized water (previouslyreported in Vance and Brown, 2010 and included in theSupplemental materials for convenience) and in aqueousMgSO4 at concentrations of 0.080, 0.510, 0.997, 1.506and 2.014 mol kg�1 are given in the Supplemental tables.Measurements are consistent with literature values (Milleroand Chen 1985; Millero et al., 1987) at low pressure for all

temperatures. Sound speeds measured in separate runs werereproducible within experimental limits despite a varyinghistory of pressure and temperature cycling for individualsample loads.

The true acoustic absorption in these experiments wassmaller than our ability to quantify it. Either slow struc-tural relaxation in water or slow relaxation of ion-pairingequilibrium would introduce error in the analysis. Therelaxation frequencies of simple diffusion-controlled reac-tions are, however, in these concentrated solutions, ex-pected to be larger than the experimental frequencies. Itseems likely that an equilibrium sound speed is measured.

2.2. Determining the thermodynamic state surface

A description spanning a broad range of thermody-namic states is needed of the Gibbs energy surface (andproperties based on derivatives of Gibbs energy includingspecific heat, volume/density, thermal expansivity, andsound speed). Researchers seeking to accurately representthese surfaces have used increasingly sophisticated formula-tions (see Span 2000). In the case of water, an adequate rep-resentation (IAPWS95) required 58 analytic and non-analytic functions that were manually selected from a li-brary of several hundred possible terms. Key in this workwas the inclusion of basis functions that contribute in a re-stricted range of pressure and temperature. The resulting(more localized) description is thus less weighted by datafar from a specified point.

Here, distinct from other equation of state formulations,in which a complex equation is adapted to suit features of aspecific data set or may contain theoretical assumptionsabout how the surface should behave, we describe the ther-modynamic state surface as values on a grid in pressure,temperature and composition. The grids are sufficientlydense to allow interpolation. All reported thermodynamicproperties are internally consistent; derivatives and inte-grals based on interpolation of the tables obey fundamentalthermodynamic cross relationships.

Earlier work by Wiryana et al. (1998), Abramson et al.(2001), Abramson and Brown (2004), Vance and Brown(2010), Lin and Trusler (2012) shows that solutions to anumerical forward problem, based on measured soundspeeds at pressure and temperature, give accurate densitiesat high pressure. The coupled equations in this calculationare:


� �T

¼ 1

v2þ Ta2




� �T

¼ �T@2V sp

@T 2

� �P


where m are the sound speeds, a is thermal expansivity, Cp isspecific heat, and density q = 1/Vsp where Vsp is the specificvolume. The constants of integration are given by values ofdensity and specific heat at one pressure (typically0.1 MPa).

The specific volume (as a function of pressure, tempera-ture and composition) is found in an inverse calculationsuch that resulting sound speeds, determined through the

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appropriate derivatives of that surface, match measure-ments. The surface is parameterized using splines as de-scribed by de Boor (2001) so that values and derivativesof the surface are evaluated analytically. Using regularized(Tikhonov) inversion (Aster et al., 2012), a smooth surfaceis found that adequately fits measurements. The trade-offbetween data misfit and surface smoothness is adjustedsuch that mistfit is consistent with expectations based onexperimental uncertainties and observed trends of data withrespect to pressure, temperature and concentrations areadequately reproduced by the fit.

Using standard inverse techniques (Aster et al., 2012),uncertainties due to random experimental errors weredetermined on the basis of an ensemble of 100 inversionsusing synthetic data. Sound speeds were calculated at thepressure–temperature-composition points of the actual dataand random noise with a variance of 0.25% was added.Each synthetic data set was inverted (changing the randomnoise with each attempt) to give the state surfaces and allsolution chemistry properties. 3r deviations of the ensembleresults for the properties are reported as maps of uncer-tainty in pressure and temperature.

Several advantages are associated with the current ap-proach. Values and their uncertainties are determined usingwidely adopted and standardized inverse techniques. Arbi-trary numerical precision is obtained through appropriatechoices for grid spacing and spline order. Other data, inaddition to sound speeds, can be straightforwardly assimi-lated within this inversion framework. The task to find orrevise the state surface in the face of new or revised datais easily accomplished.

In terms of application in geochemical modeling, com-plex analytic formulations (or those not parameterized withpressure as an independent variable) are often pre-pro-cessed into look-up tables to speed calculations. Computerimplementation of our results is straightforward since weprovide tables that can be directly interpolated. More gen-erally, since digital database implementations and tools arenow universal, we see no disadvantage associated witheither a digital representation that contains more parame-ters than does a traditional equation, or the need for com-puter-based tools to access this representation.

2.3. Integration constants

The required initial densities and specific heats at0.1 MPa at all temperatures for pure water are based onIAPWS95. Primary data sources for densities of the MgSO4

solutions at 0.1 MPa at all temperatures are reported andevaluated in several reports (e.g., Monnin 1989; Marionet al., 2005). Uncertainties for the data of Millero and Knox(1973), Chen et al. (1977), Lo Surdo et al. (1982), Milleroand Lampreia (1985), Phutela and Pitzer (1986a,b), andMillero et al. (1987) are reported to be a few tens of partsper million (ppm). Abdulagatov et al. (2007) reporteduncertainties of 600 ppm for data that extend to higher tem-peratures. The only experimental constraints on densities inthe sub-zero temperature range (Hogenboom et al.1995)have larger errors, estimated to be near 1000 ppm (0.1%).A smooth density surface in temperature and composition

was fit to selected data within the reported uncertainties.Specific heats of the solutions were estimated from ioniccontribution to the specific heat at infinite dilution usingthe slop92 database (Johnson et al., 1992). For tempera-tures below 0 �C, the ionic contribution was approximatedby extrapolation. We determined by calculation that largechanges in the approximations for specific heats of the solu-tions at 0.1 MPa have negligible impact on our results.

2.4. Surface state uncertainties

Since all thermodynamic properties derived in this workare anchored to literature data at 0.1 MPa, the contributionhere is in the determination of changes in those propertiesat elevated pressures. Uncertainties therefore increase withincreasing pressure. Based on uncertainty maps, 800 MPawas chosen as the highest pressure of our grid and2.5 mol kg�1 was chosen for the highest concentration.These relatively modest extrapolations from the range ofdata are justified by the relatively smooth and nearly con-stant derivatives of sound speed at the highest pressures,and for higher concentrations, which lead to slow growthin uncertainty even beyond the regime of measurement.

Experimental data are non-existent where water andMgSO4 (aq) are metastable relative to ice at low tempera-ture and high pressure. The sound speed surface in thismetastable range is an estimation based on a plausiblesmooth extrapolation from regimes sampled by measure-ment. In spite of the larger uncertainties in this regime,we report values (with well characterized uncertainties) inorder to provide a continuous thermodynamic surface thatis necessary to describe solution properties over the widestpossible range of concentration.

2.5. Determination of mixing properties

Apparent molal volumes were calculated as in Chenet al. (1977). Following common practice, (e.g., Motin2004) we determined the partial molal volume at infinitedilution, Vo, by extrapolation of /v to zero concentrationas a function of m1/2. The remaining parameters in Eq.(5) (Vdh, Vb and Vd) were determined by least-square fittingof the difference (/v � Vo) as a function of concentration ateach gridded point of pressure and temperature.


A surface for volume as a function of state variables isthe primary analysis product. Tables of values as a functionof pressure temperature and concentration are given in theSupplemental materials. State surface properties for specificheat, thermal expansivity, and sound speeds are inherent inthe shape of the volume surface. For convenience we reportderivative values in separate tables. Properties under non-tabulated conditions can be adequately determined byinterpolation of these tables. Separately, we report mixingcoefficients, based on Eq. (5), that presumes validity of aparticular framework for solution thermodynamics. In thediscussion section we present several graphical projectionsof the state surfaces to illustrate our findings.

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4.1. Experimental data

4.1.1. Sound speeds

Since sound speeds are the primary high pressure data,only in this case is it possible to make detailed comparisonsover the entire regime of pressure, temperature, and compo-sition between data and a thermodynamic state surface rep-resentation. In Fig. 2, the left panel shows measured soundspeeds and state surface isotherms versus pressure. In themiddle panel the same data and state surface isobars areplotted on the temperature axis. In the right panel devia-tions of sound speeds from the state surface representationof sound speeds are plotted versus pressure. The six compo-sitions are offset vertically in each panel.

The overall rms misfit between data and the sound speedstate surface of 0.25% was chosen in the inverse problemthrough adjustment of smoothing parameters. Smaller mis-fit (less smoothing) resulted in implausible structure of therepresentation to more closely follow data. With greatersmoothing, systematic misfit of data resulted. That misfitsof data show no clear systematic behavior and are consis-tent with laboratory estimates of experimental uncertaintyis evidence that this state surface representation issatisfactory.

Expected trends of sound speeds with respect to pres-sure, temperature and composition are apparent. Pressurederivatives decrease at high pressure. Temperature deriva-tives are modest and decrease with concentration and withpressure. The effect of increased concentration depends onthe pressure. Almost no dependence of sound speed withconcentration is observed at the highest pressures wherevalues converge on approximately 2.6 km s�1 at 800 MPa.

4.1.2. Density, thermal expansivity, and specific heat

Three projections in concentration of thermodynamicstate surfaces for densities (upper panels), thermal expan-sivity (middle panels) and specific heat (lower panels) areshown in Fig. 3. On the basis of Eq. (6) larger first and sec-ond derivatives of density with respect to temperature leadto larger changes of both thermal expansivity and the pres-sure dependence of the specific heat. General trends of theproperties displayed in the figure are as expected since thesound speed surface has larger temperature and pressuregradients at low pressure.

Comparisions are shown in Fig. 3 between data and pub-lished formulations (IAPWS95 for pure water and FREZ-CHEM for solutions). Although deviations in density aresmall, our results differ from IAPWS95 in a regime aboveabout 500 MPa where little data constrained that work.Deviations from FREZCHEM are larger at high pressure

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800








Pressure (MPa)


d Ve


ty (k

m s


-20 0 20 40 60 80 100







Temperature ( C)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800









- c

) /





d Ve


ty (k

m s





m = 0 mol kg

m = 0.080

m = 0.510

m = 0.997

m = 1.506

m = 2.014



Fig. 2. Speeds of sound in aqueous MgSO4 to 800 MPa from �20 to 100 �C for six compositions. Solid symbols are data and lines areprojections of the thermodynamic state surface. In the left panel, tick marks are separated by 0.5 km s�1 and each compositional set is plottedrelative to a sound speed marker at 1.5 km s�1. In the middle panel, tick marks are separated by 1 km s�1 and each compositional set is plottedrelative to a sound speed marker at 2 km s�1. In the right panel percentage residuals between measured sound speeds in aqueous MgSO4 andthe state surface are plotted versus pressure for the six concentrations. Dashed lines are ±0.5%.

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where assumptions made by Marion et al. (2005) are likely tofail (as discussed below). The limited and lower pressuredeterminations of solution densities reported by Hogenboomet al. (1995) and Abdulagatov et al. (2007) are in accord withour results within their reported uncertainties.

Uncertainty maps at the 3r level associated with statesurface projections in Fig. 3 are given in Fig. 4. The densityof water is determined to about 100 ppm to a pressure of800 MPa. Uncertainty for the more concentrated solutionsare about twice as large. Thermal expansivities and specific

Fig. 3. Projections of the thermodynamic state surfaces for density (upper), thermal expansivity (middle), and specific heat (lower), as afunction of pressure and temperature. Left panels: water. Middle panels: molal concentration of 1 mol kg�1. Right Panels: molalconcentration of 2 mol kg�1. Blue shaded surfaces are current results. Red shaded surfaces are IAPWS for water and FREZCHEM forsolutions. The lighter shadings represent regimes in which FREZCHEM (upper panel only) has been extrapolated well beyond the data thatunderly its formulation and in which fewer data constrained IAPWS.

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heats above 500 MPa are uncertain at the level of severalpercent. The temperature dependence of the uncertaintiesare generally small with the exception of the metastable re-gime near 800 MPa and �20 �C where results are based onextrapolation and the errors become significantly larger.

4.2. Interpretation of the results

4.2.1. Mixing coefficients, ideal and excess properties

The state surfaces described previously depend only onmeasurement. The discussion in this section depends on aparticular theoretical framework. In Fig. 5 the four mixing

coefficients (Vo, Vdh, Vb, and Vd) of Eq. (5) are shown as afunction of selected pressures (0.1, 100, 200, 400 and800 MPa) and at all temperatures. The ensembles of syn-thetic results are plotted in a lighter shade to provide a vi-sual indication of uncertainty (the spread of these estimatesis approximately equal to a 2r error estimate).

To the extent that the four parameters in Eq. (5) are asso-ciated with a fundamental theory (e.g., Krumgalz et al.,2000), the values have physical significance. In particular,the first term, Vo, gives the ideal contribution to the volumeof mixing. It is the largest term, shows the most variationwith pressure and temperature, and is further discussed be-



















200 400 500 600







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800−20






10 2550








2 mol kg−1

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800−20

































0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800−20




















4 10

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800−20




























10 20

Pressure (MPa)






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800−20




















Pressure (MPa)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800−20








Δα (%


p (%


Fig. 4. Projections of uncertainty maps at the 3r (99%) confidence level for density (upper), thermal expansivity (middle), and specific heat(lower), as a function of pressure and temperature. Left panels: water. Right panels: molal concentration of 2 mol kg�1.

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low. The second term, Vdh, the limiting slope of the Debye-Huckel contribution to the excess volume, is also large andhas clear trends that are not matched by standard estimates(dashed lines) as discused further below. In contrast, the lastterm, Vd, associated with ion-ion interactions, is small rela-tive to the other terms and exibits little dependence on pres-sure and temperature while Vb, the ion–solvent interactions,is slightly larger and has a pressure dependence larger thanuncertainty only at the higher temperatures.

In Fig. 6a apparent volumes for a concentration of1 mol kg�1 are compared with ideal and excess contribu-tions Eq. (2). The general trend is for the excess contribu-tion to decrease with pressure. At 800 MPa Vexcess givesabout 25% of the total apparent volume. A large tempera-ture dependence, exhibited at 0.1 MPa for all surfaces, is re-duced at high pressure except in the high pressuremetastable regime at the lowest temperatures.

In Fig. 6b the present partial molal volumes at infinitedilution are compared with predictions from Marionet al. (2005) and with the accumulated measurements at0.1 MPa presented by Abdulagatov et al. (2007). The broadrange of ambient pressure experimental values underscoresthe difficulty in accurately determining Vo for magnesiumsulfate. Phutela and Pitzer (1986b) noted that that the slopeof /v with concentration is much steeper for MgSO4 thanfor other electrolytes. They chose to infer Vo indirectlybased on measurements in other solutions, namely: V 0


V 0MgCl2

þ V 0Na2SO4

� V 0NaCl4

. Our determination of Vo at0.1 MPa follows the predictions of Marion et al. (2005) inthe low temperature regime and follows the trend of themore recent high temperature data found in the analysisby Abdulagotov et al. (2007). The large negative value ofVo is a result of a large electrostrictive effect of these ionson the structure of uncompressed water.

−20 0 20 40 60 80 100−40










100 MPa

0.1 MPa

Temperature (°C)





200 MPa

0.1 MPa


400 MPa

0.1 MPa


800 MPa

0.1 MPa


−20 0 20 40 60 80 100−40










Temperature (°C)



−1 (k

g m



Vdh0.1 MPa

Vdh0.1 MPa

Vdh0.1 MPa


800 MPa

0.1 MPa

−20 0 20 40 60 80 100−40










800 MPa

Temperature (°C)



−1 (k

g m




0.1 MPa

800 MPa


0.1 MPa

800 MPa


0.1 MPa

800 MPa


0.1 MPa

−20 0 20 40 60 80 100−40










800 MPa

Temperature (°C)



−1 (k

g m




0.1 MPa

800 MPa


0.1 MPa

800 MPa


0.1 MPa

800 MPa


0.1 MPa

Fig. 5. Mixing parameters (Vo, Vdh, Vb, and Vb) for MgSO4 as a function of temperature. In each panel, the solid black line are isobaricprojections. The lighter gray shading gives an estimate of uncertainty (2r) for each parameter. Dashed lines in the Vdh panel are theoreticalestimates for the limiting slope Debye-Huckel contribution.

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In past work on electrolyte chemistry (Krumgalz et al.,1999; Marion et al., 2005) for pressures below 100 MPa,partial molal volumes at infinite dilution were calculatedas Vo(P,T) = Vo(P = 0.1,T) � jo(T)D P, with the com-pressibility term jo assumed constant in pressure (Millero,1983). At pressures above 200 MPa our results indicate thatthe compressibility term becomes substantially smaller.This is expected since electrostrictive effects in more com-pressed water are reduced and the ions are relatively incom-pressible. The impact of an inappropriate linearextrapolations of Vo to higher pressures is clearly shownin Fig. 3, where FREZCHEM predictions for densityunphysically decrease with increasing pressure.

The dashed (isobaric) lines in the Vdh panel of Fig. 5,were calculated from the slope at infinite dilution of the De-bye-Huckel function (Fernandez et al., 1997). The dataunderlying the parameterization of the dielectric constant,needed to calculate the Debye-Huckel contribution, extendto only 500 MPa and at sub-zero temperatures were re-stricted to 0.1 MPa. To the extent that smooth extrapola-tions of the dielectric constant are appropriate, it wouldappear that our determination of Vdh follows theoreticalexpectations for the pressure dependence better at temper-atures above room temperature. At 0.1 MPa and for tem-peratures below room temperature, the deviation of Vdh

from the theory is a robust experimental feature requiredby the increasingly negative values of Vo. The pressuredependence of Vdh at low temperature is clearly inconsistentwith the estimate based on smoothly extrapolated behaviorof the dielectric constant.

The relationship between the fitted coefficient Vdh andDebye-Huckel behavior is complicated by ion-pairingbehavior as a function of pressure and temperature. Appli-cation of the standard expression for the Debye-Huckellimiting slope assumes that aqueous MgSO4 is dissassociat-ed (consisting predominantly of Mg+2 and SO�2

4 ions). Abody of experimental work based on both electrical conduc-

tivity measurements (Madekufamba and Tremaine, 2011and references therein) and on interpretation of Ramanscattering lines shapes (Frantz et al., 1994) has shown thatat relatively low pressures and at high temperatures,MgSO4 becomes increasingly associated. In the work ofFrantz et al. (1994), this sytem was reported to be nearlyfully associated at 500 �C and 1100 MPa. This outcome islikely caused by the decrease in the dielectric constant ofwater at high temperature. Based on changes in the dielec-tric constant with pressure and temperature (Fernandezet al., 1997), MgSO4 should be more fully ionized at highpressures and at low temperatures and should be moreassociated at high temperatures and low pressures. Devia-tions of the coefficient Vdh from the dashed curves inFig. 5 are not fully in accord with this interpretation.

4.2.2. Extension to multi-component systems

The present work provides a data collection and analysisframework that serves as a guide for investigations of othersingle aqueous species and can be extended to considerationof multi-component systems. We report fitted mixing coef-ficients that are, within the solution chemistry framework,determined from appropriate sums of contributions of theindividual ion species (Mg+2 and SO�2

4 ). If the same coeffi-cients are determined for other aqueous solutions (NaCl,MgCl2, Na2SO4, and more) and if the theoretical frame-work remains valid over the entire thermodynamic space,determination of all individual anion and cation contribu-tions to the high pressure behavior should be possible(e.g., Millero and Chen, 1985; Badarayani et al., 2000;Krumgalz et al., 2000; Hu and Fan, 2001; Hu, 2001; Deni-sov et al., 2003, 2004, and Denisov, 2007). This will enable amore robust ability to predict high-pressure equilibriumchemical processes. The thermochemical data provided hereextrapolate smoothly below known liquidus temperatures,providing a basis for equilibrium freezing calculations.Marion et al. (2005) found that extrapolation of equilib-

Fig. 6. Surfaces in pressure and temperature of the apparent and partial molal volumes of aqueous MgSO4. Left panel: The apparent molalvolume at a concentration of 1 mol kg�1 and its ideal and excess components. Right panel: Partial molal volumes at infinite dilution. Data(circles) and 0.1 MPa curves are from Abdulagotov et al. (2007). Solid surface to 400 MPa and extended with transparancy to 800 MPa isbased on the pressure and temperature dependence given in FREZCHEM. The remaining surface (upper at low pressure and lower at highpressure) is the current result.

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rium volumetric properties for pure water below freezingprovided FREZCHEM with predictive capabilities for thefreezing of multicomponent solutions, more accurate thanmeasurements in supercooled fluids.

4.2.3. Applications to icy satellite geology and interior


Deep (100 km) subsurface oceans in icy satellites likeEuropa, Ganymede, Callisto, and Titan can occupy a sub-stantial portion of satellites volumes (e.g., Hussmann et al.,2006; Vance et al., 2007), constituting significant thermalmass. It has been suggested that water’s anomalous thermalexpansion properties (Melosh et al., 2004) or double-diffu-sive convection (Vance and Brown, 2005) might serve as ameans for storing heat in Europa’s ocean. The current setof thermodynamic properties can be used to accuratelymodel such activity.

The extremes of pressure explored in our laboratory areencountered in high-pressure ice layers at the bottoms ofoceans in the largest icy satellites, Ganymede, Callisto,

and Titan. Analogies to Earth’s seafloors are difficult todraw for these objects, as liquid–water hydrothermal activ-ity would seem to be largely precluded where the ocean issandwiched between ice layers. Densities for aqueous mag-nesium sulfate can, in principle, exceed those of high pres-sure ice phases owing to higher compressibility, asillustrated in Fig. 7 based on equations of state for icephases from Choukroun and Grasset (2010). There existsan intermediate range of concentrations for aqueousMgSO4, in which fluids are buoyant in the denser ice VIphase, but not in the less dense ice V phase that would lieabove the ice VI layer. Likewise, there exists a less saline re-gime of fluids that are buoyant relative to an ice V layerdenser than an overlying layer of ice III. One might envi-sion the existence, therefore, of a layered ocean–colloqui-ally, a “Dagwood sandwich” ocean–for these largersatellites, with distinct liquid water layers. An example isshown for Ganymede in Fig. 8, using mean H2O layerthickness from Anderson et al. (1996) and relative ice layerthicknesses from Barr et al. (2001). We note that the ice III

Fig. 7. Densities of concentrated MgSO4 solutions compared with those of ice I and high-pressure ice phases III, V, and VI in the range ofpressure and temperatures explored in this work. Ice III is less dense than ice V, which is less dense than ice VI. Ice I is less dense than liquidphases at all pressure and temperatures. All solid phases are less compressible than the fluids, which increase in density with increasingpressure and concentration.

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layer pictured therein can co-exist with the main ocean onlyin a narrow regime of heat flow (e.g., Sotin and Tobie,2004). Callisto and Titan, which are also thought to containliquid water, are similar in size and could also conceivablyhost multiple ocean layers. If present, such a feature mightbe observed in seismic and induced magnetic field signa-tures by future landed robotic exploration missions. Themechanical and thermodynamic evolution of putativeoceans underlying high-pressure ice layers has not been ex-plored; perched ocean layers would be transient unless stea-dy-state thermal profiles within the oceans lie near themelting phase boundaries. One previous study by Barret al. (2001) investigated pure water melt intrusion intoGanymede’s (upper) ocean by volcanism, but did not con-sider the effects of salinity on buoyancy.

The current results for the aqueous MgSO4 systemshould allow better assessment of geophysical signaturesbetween highly saline and pure-water oceans that mightbe measured in future exploration missions, such as theGanymede orbiter planned by the European Space Agency(Dougherty et al., 2012). Sound speeds for concentratedMgSO4 approach shear velocities for water ice I (Gagnonet al., 1990), differing from sound speeds in pure water byas much as 30%. In evaluating seismic studies of Europa’sinterior, Lee et al. (2003) suggest that contrasts in seismicstructure on the order of 10% would be detectable by a sin-gle surface hydrophone. The absence of shear modes inaqueous MgSO4 would clearly dilineate trapped pocketsof concentrated fluid; the similarity in sound speeds in iceand brine would complicate location of relevant featuresbut would not make the problem intractable. Large-scaledensity variations in Europa’s ocean (or in that of Encela-

dus) due to upwelling hydrothermal features or downwel-ling intrusions from the ice shell, for example, can bemodeled in this context using the thermodynamic data pro-vided here.


Thermodynamic state surfaces (density, thermal expan-sivity, sound speeds, and specific heat) for concentratedaqueous solutions of MgSO4 are reported covering a previ-ously unexplored regime of pressure and temperature. Anew framework for sound speed data collection and analysisbased on the local representation of thermodynamic statesurfaces determined through standard inverse methodsshould be generally applicable in other studies of solutionproperties. The laboratory data extend to a concentrationof 2 mol kg�1 in a temperature range from �20 �C to100 �C and to a pressure of 700 MPa. Sound speeds are fitto a rms error of 0.25% which is consistent with estimatedlaboratory uncertainty. Based on the slow growth of uncer-tainties in an extrapolated regime (as a result of nearly linearbehavior for sound speeds at high pressure and for concen-trated solutions) thermodynamic properties are reported to800 MPa and for concentrations to 2.5 mol kg�1. Uncertain-ties in the reported properties increase with increasing pres-sure since results are anchored to literature values at0.1 MPa. Nominals density uncertainties at 800 MPa lie inthe range of several hundred parts per million. Uncertaintiesin thermal expansivities and specific heats at the highest pres-sures lie in the range of several percent.

Volumetric mixing parameters are determined usingconventional analysis. Partial molal volumes at infinite

liquid ocean layers, moresaline with depth





Ice I





Fig. 8. A hypothetical “Dagwood sandwich” structure for Ganymede or other large icy worlds. Gravitationally stable layers of ice areillustrated with intervening liquid saline layers separating the high pressure phases of ice. (Based on the density relationships in Fig. 7).

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dilution (the ideal mixing contribution) are large and nega-tive at low pressure where electrostrictive effects of ions onwater are largest. Partial molal volumes are large and posi-tive at higher pressures where electrostriction on alreadycompressed water is less effective. In this regime, the greaterincompressibility of ions results in a reduced pressuredependence for the partial molal volume. Non-ideal contri-butions to the volumes of mixing decrease with pressure. At800 MPa the excess volume is about 25% of the apparentvolume. The largest non-ideal contributor, the Debye-Huc-kel term is reduced at high pressure as a result of the increas-ing dielectric constant of water (e.g. Bradley and Pitzer,1979). Fitted coefficients, associated in theory with ion–sol-vent and ion-ion interactions, show less dependence on pres-sure and temperature and provide a small but non-negligiblecontribution to excess properties. The effect of changes in thedisassociation/association of ions as a function of tempera-ture and pressure on the solution chemistry framework,where full disassociation is presumed, remains to be resolved.

In application to Ganymede, Callisto, and Titan, thecurrent results suggest that, based on buoyancy relative toice, a MgSO4-dominated ocean layer would be gravitation-ally stable under ice VI layers or between overlying layers ofice VI–V or V–III.


This work was partially supported by NASA Outer Planets Re-search through grants NNG06GF81G and NNX08AQ51G, by theNational Science Foundation’s IGERT program, grant numberDGE-9870713, “IGERT: Astrobiology: Life in and beyond Earth’sSolar System,” by the Icy Worlds node of NASA’s AstrobiologyInstitute (08-NAI5-0021) and the NASA and Caltech postdoctoralprograms. Laboratory efforts benefited from substantial work byEvan Abramson, Nicholas Castle, Steven Domonkos, Kyle Stra-ughn, and Hoku West-Foyle. Discussions with Evan Abramsonare acknowledged and appreciated. Portions of this research werecarried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Instituteof Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration. Copyright statement must be added un-til copyright is transferred to publisher.


Supplementary data associated with this article can befound, in the online version, at


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Associate editor: Marc Norman

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