Download pdf - Autumn Newsletter 2012



Thursday 8th November was a very exciting 'Olympic Day' at Burley Oaks. The children were

given opportunities to find out about the Olympics from those who were directly involved.

In the morning, we were joined by Team GB gymnast, Matthew

Firth. The children completed a sponsored fitness circuit

with him. Money raised (an outstanding £1700) was split

between the charity 'Action for Children', funding for Team

GB athletes and our school. After

the circuits, Matthew wowed

everyone with his gymnastic skills

including an amazing diving forward

roll over five very worried teachers! At the end there was a

chance to ask Matthew some questions about his inspiration and

the commitment and dedication it takes to become an international

gymnast and to maintain such a high standard of performance.

In the afternoon, we were joined by six more professional athletes. They gave the children

an inspirational snapshot of their lives, talking about the single-minded approach they have to

their careers, as well as explaining the life style choices that they have to make.

Bradford City Players:

Nakhi Wells, Kyle Reid, Will

Atkinson, Ritchie Jones

International Sprinter:

Umah Hameed

Team GB Diver:

Matti Lee

We were also joined by three other guests who had important roles to play within the


Opening Ceremony Organiser:

Andy Flood

Olympic Torch

Bearer: Margaret


Games Maker:

Emily Corbett


War broke out in Year 3/4 - well not quite but the

pupils have thoroughly embraced their Autumn

topic: Life in Britain during WW2. A highlight of

this project was a visit to Murton Park, York.

The children arrived as evacuees and were greeted

by the evacuation coordinator from the local

branch of the WVS. During the day the children

carried out a range of activities including baking on

a ration and „make-do-and-mend‟ tasks. They

discovered first hand just how much work was

involved on wash day and helped the local farmer by cleaning tack. They also learnt from the

local ARP warden the dos and don‟ts of air raid precautions,

gas mask drill and how to deal with a fire bomb in a range of

practical activities.

The role play, craft activities and scenarios helped create a

realistic and unforgettable experience for our children.


In September we held another of our fantastic 'Shine' afternoons. It offers the chance for

children from across the year groups to work together. There is a wide variety of different

opportunities ranging from the sporting, to the creative to the unusual! This year the options


Muffin Making

Cross Stitch


'Wicked' Singing


Well done to our year 6 pupils Bethany, Rhiannon, Megan and Lucy who

spent a morning at the Parish Centre helping run a cake stall on behalf on

Burley Rotary Club. They worked extremely hard to raise £444 for

Children in Need.


Two Harvest assemblies were held in a packed school hall with the children

sharing their harvest work and entertaining the parents with their singing. A

huge collection of food was brought in and this was distributed to Bradford

Soup Run, Keighley Salvation Army and St George's Crypt, Leeds.


In October our Year 6 pupils experienced the immensely popular and

action-packed three day residential trip at Robinwood, Todmorden. The

children stay in the fabulous buildings and grounds of Dobroyd Castle. As

the timetable shows below it is a non-stop, fulfilling and challenging

experience from the moment of arrival until the children leave.

A firm favourite with the children is “Piranha Pool” which resembles a

scene from the Crystal Maze. The children enter a room and the door

is locked and the key posted through a box. The children have 40

minutes to solve the problems which lead to the key being released. If

the door is still locked after 40 minutes, guess what is released into the

pool of water?! And it is perhaps no surprise that the children are left

on the wrong side!

We all returned (despite being very tired!) with new-found skills, increased confidence,

stronger relationships and new friendships. All of the children threw themselves into the

activities and challenged themselves in testing situations. These experiences also develop

many vital “Learn to Learn” skills: communication, teamwork, perseverance and independence.


Arrive 10:20am

Walk to Centre

Welcome Meeting &


Raft Building 1:00pm




Caving 2:40 pm

Night Line 3:50 pm

Crate Challenge 4:50pm







Team Challenge

Review of the Day

In Bed 10pm

Breakfast 7:40am

Obstacle Course 9:00am

Giant Swing


Lunch 11:50am

Quest 1:00pm

Zipwire 2:10pm

Canoeing 3:40pm




l 5


Piranha Pool 6:10pm




Trapeze 7:40pm

Review of the Day

In Bed 10pm

Breakfast 7:40am

Climbing 9:00am

Dungeon of Doom 10:10am

Archery 11:20am

Lunch 12:30pm

Departure Meeting and walk to coach

Depart 2:00pm


We are very committed to the 'Walk Once a

Week' (WoW) National Initiative which

encourages our children to walk to school. Each

day the children record who has walked to

school. At the end of the week the class with

the most pedestrians wins the 'Golden Wellie'!

On a monthly basis, every child that has walked

at least once each week is rewarded with a

collectable WoW badge.

We used the launch of the new scheme as the

inspiration for our “Igniting Writing” days. For

three days, the whole school used “Walk Once a

Week” as the purpose for their writing.

Writing was produced to persuade people to walk, to

inform people on road safety, and to discuss

whether walking to school is a good idea. Poetry

beautifully illustrated what might be seen on the

walk to school.

As always the children were enthusiastic, engaged

and were able to produce fantastic work.


Our school choir helped the village celebrate the switch

on of the Burley lights. The choir entertained the

crowds with a number of festive songs. Every class

helped to make decorations for a Christmas tree in the

Methodist Church. It is one of 16 trees decorating the

church over Christmas.

As this edition is being written, the school is busy in the build up to Christmas. By the time

we have broken up on Thursday 20th December there will have been:

o Reception Nativity

o KS1 Christmas Performance

o KS2 Carol Concert

o Sing for Shelter

o Buddy Craft Afternoon

o Christmas Parties

o Christmas Charity Fund Raiser

o Year 4 carol performance to the Hockney Group

o School choir performance with Ilkley Choral Society


We had a very unusual visitor to our assembly in

October when we were joined by 'Cuddles the

Chicken' from West Yorkshire Animals in Need

Charity. Every child entered a painting

competition to help raise funds, 'Cuddles' was on

hand to give out the prizes. We raised a total of



This term we have set up some 'Family Meal Times'. 400 children eating their lunch in just

over an hour can be a very tricky task and due to this does not allow the full social element

that we would like. 'Family Meal Times' is an opportunity for the children to sit with their

class friends and adults, enjoy their meal and to enjoy each others‟ company. It is also the

opportunity for us to promote some of the values of a family meal, such as conversation,

helping to serve and clearing away, manners and politeness.


In September Year 5/6 went on a trip to Whitby. The aim was to discover Whitby in

preparation for the theme lessons on the town. It was a great day with the children seeing

the abbey, crabbing, going to the amusements, walking the 199 steps, strolling along the pier,

seeing the Captain Cook and Whale Arch momuments and not forgetting a fish and chip tea.


Our school has offered a wide range of clubs and tournaments in which the children have the

opportunity to participate during the term. Clubs available this term have been: yoga; cross

country; football; tennis; multiskills; dodgeball; choir; African drumming and art.

Another club available for the first time this term has been 'Code

Club'. Our club is run by a very talented computer programmer called

Jamie Van Dyke. He is a volunteer who gives up his free time to teach a

group of year 5/6 pupils the basics of coding. Coding is the language

used to create computer programs. Our pupils are using it to create

their own games – which will be available to play on our website later in

the year.

We have also taken part in a variety of inter-school tournaments competing in football,

dodgeball, handball, netball and cross country. A big “Well Done!” to all the children for the

skill, effort and team spirit they have shown in these events. Huge thanks also go to our

staff who regularly offer up their own free time to allow these clubs and events to take



As part of their 'New Beginnings' topic in RE, year 3/4 visited various

churches in our local community. In each church they were shown what

happens in a baptism to then compare the ceremonies. They visited the

Methodist Church, Salem Church, St Mary's Church

and St John Fisher and St Thomas More Catholic


Our School Choir also visited Bradford Cathedral to take part in a

gospel workshop to help celebrate Delius' 200th anniversary.


Year 2 invited their parents and grandparents into

school to share their work and learning about

Isambard Kingdom Brunel. They were able to see

writing, art work and design technology all linked to



Walk into our school on a Tuesday afternoon and you won't be met by silence! Our Year 5s

have been given a brilliant opportunity to further develop their musical skills. Currently we

offer lots of opportunities for children to learn 'classical' instruments in school. We are now

expanding our music curriculum in collaboration with „Learn to Rock‟, who brought some

secondary school students to showcase their skills by performing to our pupils as well as

offering an evening performance to parents.

Learn to Rock now runs for all our Year 5 children who by the end of the year will have

experienced electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboard and drum lessons. We now offer individual

lessons as well as group sessions in these instruments.


Magna Science and Adventure Centre was the

destination for a Year 1/2 trip. The trip helped to

enhance the teaching and learning of their 'Materials'

theme. Four areas

were visited by the

children: Earth, Air,

Water and Fire.

This interactive,

hands-on learning

was linked to

steelmaking and considered the environmental,

technological and industrial impacts humans have made.

Whilst at the centre the children watched the

interactive 'Kitchen Sink Show'. It took them on a journey around the kitchen where they

looked at the curious, messy, slimy world of the materials and objects of everyday life.


The fun and learning in Reception just never stops! Highlights have included planting bulbs

with Habitat Heroes, making dice to go with dice games made at home, creating Diwali pots

out of clay, apple bobbing and a 'Wellie Walk'.