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Avatar Within the space of a few minutes, what we first saw as an ancient, peaceful, beautiful jungle turned into the blazing depths of hell. Flames as tall as men licked the very tips of the Tautral leaves. The crackling sounds of the forest on fire only broken by the screams of the Navi people fleeing there once great home which is now being destroyed by the aliens with their crude and evil machines. Out of the smoke steps the tall blue form of Neytiri. As she staggers over to the fallen body of her proud father we can only make one thing she says: Sempul. Father. She kneels by him and amidst the roar of the fire she can hear the soft and steady breathing of Eytukan. The falling ash is as if snow is falling upon them on them during the great chiefs last moments of life. Slowly, a perfect drop of water falls from her eyes as she realizes that this is the end or rather a new beginning. Change is afoot. Neytiri clutches her fathers bow knowing it will be the last thing she has to remind her of her father. Peacefully amidst the chaos Eytukan welcome ewya. His soul leaves and his body stays. Neytiri sits beneath eyaye to say her last goodbyes before fleeing into the dense jungle to leave the burning mess behind her