
Guru Peyarchi Palangal - Jupiter Transit - (May 30, 2013 to Jun 19, 2014) Predictions

FROM : A.V.PARAM SHAH ALAM [email protected]

Guru Peyarchi (Jupiter Transit) is happening on Wednesday May 30, 2013 at 8:32:07 PM IST as per Krishamurti Panchangam. Guru Peyarchi is happening on Thursday May 31, 2013 at 6:46:34 am IST as per Lahiri Panchangam.There would always be little time difference between various panchangam like Thiru Kanidha Panchangam, Lahiri Panchangam, Vakya Panchangam. Jupiter is entering from Rishabha (Taurus) Rasi to Midhuna (Gemini) Rasi.

Saturn Transits during Jupiter in Midhuna Rashi is given below:

Saturn (Rx) continues in Thula Rasi on May 30, 2013Saturn (Rx) goes direct in Thula Rasi on Jul 08, 2013Saturn goes Retrograde in Thula Rasi on March 02, 2014Saturn (Rx) continues in Thula Rasi on Jun 19, 2014How Jupiter transits in Midhuna Rasi in different stars is given below:May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 Jupiter in Mrigasheersham Star Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 Jupiter in Thiruvathirai Star Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 Jupiter in Punarpoosam Star Nov 7, 2013 to Jan 17, 2014 Jupiter Rx in Punarpoosam Star Jan 17, 2014 to Mar 06, 2014 Jupiter Rx in Thiruvathirai Star Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 Jupiter in Thiruvathirai Star April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 Jupiter in Punarpoosam Star Jupiter is going Retrograde on Nov 07, 2013 and then going direct on Mar 06, 2014. This guru peyrachi will be excellent time for the following 5 rasis: 1. Kumbham (Aquarius)2. Dhanushu (Sagittarius)3. Thulam (Libra)4. Rishabam (Taurus)5. Simham (Leo). This guru peyarchi would be very bad the following rasis:1. Makaram (Capricorn)2. Virchigam (Scorpio) 3. Midhunam (Gemini)4. Mesham (Aries)5. Kanni (Virgo)Meenam (Pisces) and Katagam (Cancer) will have mixed results during this transit. Jupiter transit is considered as very important in astrology since major events do happen only when ruling planets are favorable. Jupiter is completely a subha graha and Jupiter strength is very important to achieve success in life especially in marriage, birth of a new child, change in Job, buying new home, success in education or career, foreign travel, etc. Kumba rasi people is the most fortunate people with this transit. Finally their good time have started after a gap of 7 years. Dhanushu rasi people might have had sudden collapse in the recent past and that will get corrected with this transit. Thula rasi people will have big break but they have to understand that still they are under Janma Sani. Even then thula rasi will enjoy the benefic effect of the Jupiter transit. Simham and Rishabam will have very good time. Even though you are running weak maha dasa and bukthi period, if Jupiter is favorable, it will minimize the malefic impacts during its transit and try to do good things on your life. If Jupiter is not good position, it is better to stay away from speculative investments and making any hasty decisions. Especially for makara and viruchiga rasis, it is going to be very hectic time for the next 12 months. They have to be more careful since they just crossed a benefic Jupiter aspect in the last one year. Midhunam and Mesham are already in bad shape somewhat and they will continue to have more problems. Kanni rasi people does not have to get afraid as they will face problems only in the Job front other than that things would be smooth. Overall this is time for Dhanushu, Rishabam and Simha Rasi people since all major planets Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are favorable for the next one year. Now click on the following link to access how Guru Peyarchi will impact you in the coming year from May 30 2013 - Jun 19, 2014.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Mesha Rashi (Aries) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions


For your rasi, Guru was in labha Sthanam so far. It should have given you lots of relief especially on your heath, finance and career. Now Guru Bhagawan is moving onto your 3rd house that can affect you adversely during this transit. Guru in 3rd house is aspecting your 7th, 9th and 11th house. You may expect to have problems with your spouse, parents, and immigration and visa issues in general. Your finance situation will get affected adversely and any hasty decision you take would end up in destruction of your wealth. Your health would get affected because of kantaga sani besides absence of Jupiter Support. You will have problems within your family and that can give many sleepless nights. Having a very good diet and exercise is very important for you currently. The family and financial stress are the ones would affect your health more than physical problems. For some people, problems with your eye might show up. If you are planning for subha karyas and it is better you postpone it for another one year at least. If you are in a hurry, then you have to check with your natal chart before making such decisions. Since ruling planets does not support engagements and weddings for another one year. You may also expect to have problems with your children that can give you more stress than usual.The work life balance will also get affected for the next one year. Your managers would not be happy no matter how much effort you put in. Your managers will always pinpoint the work which has not been done so far by ignoring your hard work you put in. It will also affect your performance review and bonus. Promotions may not happen for you this year. If you are working in temporary visa in a foreign land, you may be asked to go back to your homeland. Even through you see so many problems with your work environment, your job would not be at risk in general. You will continue to have job with more problems. The main thing you have to worry about with 3rd house Jupiter is your finance. Jupiter will amplify your debt level slowly and create Small Mountain of debt that can make you enter into panic situation. Any loans you take you have to pay excessive interest. Even if you take 0% credit card loans, you will forget to make one default payment and will end up paying 15% interest rate or more. Overdraft and borrowing money would be part of the life with this transit, any kind of speculative income you make will know only one direction which is down south. If you plan to buy a home, it is a perfect wrong time. Either you will be paying more for the property or there will be many problems associated with the property. The people involved in business will have worst turn over during this period. Stay protective and reduce the expenses. Also avoid expanding any joint ventures / partnership and business expansion. Students need to put lot of efforts to get pass marks on their exams. Politicians and Movie stars will have hard time in keeping their name and fame in the society. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Mixed Results (50 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You may experience mixed results both good bad during this period. It is a time for you to get prepare for the upcoming worst situation. Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Severe Testing Period (30 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star would be an adverse testing period for you! Any thing you do would not be favorable to you. The problems with your spouse and other family members will go much deeper during this period. Do not plan any suba karya's during this period. The problems at you work environment will shoot up during this period. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Moderate Results (70 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star would be a very big break for you. You will recover from the recent collapse psychologically. Anything important you need to do that cannot postponed can be done during this done. Situation would be little favorable for you in general. But it is not a time to start anything new. If you happen to have any suba karyas such as your son's or daughter's wedding, it can be done during this period as long as they have Jupiter support. Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Long wait (50 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. You have to stay in wait mode for everything you do. Any thing you do will get stuck during this period and you have to keep waiting on the results. Things will move very slowly during this period. Overall this Guru Peyarchi is going to be a real testing period for you! Pariharam: 1. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Thursdays and Saturdays2. Keep praying Guru Dakshinamoorthy, Saneeswaran and Rahu Bhagawan.3. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.4. Do prayers and meditation.

FROM : A.V.PARAM SHAH ALAM [email protected]

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Rishaba Rashi (Taurus) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in Janma Sthanam so far. It should have made your life miserable especially from Feb 2013. It should have created many problems related to your family and work environment. Financial situation might have not have been good shape from Feb 2013. Now Guru is entering onto your labha sthanam is a wonderful news for you. Guru in 2nd house is aspecting your 6th, 8th and 10th house. You will regain your sound health back. You will win over your enemies and will see success on everything you do. In general you will see all around happiness. You will regain your sound health back with the strength of Jupiter and Saturn. Let it be any serious health problems, it would get resolved with simple medications. Your cholesterol level wound come under your control and will start involving yourself into outdoor sports activities and workouts. You will be very health to enjoy all the benefits provided by Jupiter and Saturn. Are you looking for a match? This is the perfect time to get engaged and married. A suitable horoscope will knock your door. Since all major planets are in very good position, you can utilize this time period to settle down in your life. Expecting a child for long time? It may also very well happen for eligible couples. You are non-stoppable on your success during this period. Any conflicts with your spouse will come to an end and couples will have wonderful time for sure. Any temporary separation occurred in the past will come to an end. If you are looking a change in your career, here you go! You will get the best offer ever you have seen in the past with this Jupiter transit. Your work pressure will almost be null and you will enjoy high salary package, bonus and stock options. You will get promotion and will also get closer to upper management. If eligible, you may travel abroad and will settle down in a foreign land with long term contract. Expecting green card for long time? No more waiting! It may also very well happen. Besides any short term trip to foreign land will also yield high profit for you! Another big advantage of having Jupiter in the 2nd house is you finance. Jupiter will amplify your savings like anything. This positive energy will give ample amount of money to buy a new home and / or car that will increase your living standard. You will reach a good position in the society. It is a good time for you to invest money to real estate. Your loans will approved without any delays. Documents and signing contracts are favorable during this Jupiter transit. Most of the middle aged rishaba rasi people will have house warming function during this transit. The people involved in business will have windfall profits during this year. Joint ventures and partnership business will become successful. However if you are entering into partnership deal, check your natal chart. It may be favorable for the next one year but may cause problems in the future. Business expansion is also very much possible. Traders will file excellent profits and get great incentives. Students will set great records on the examinations and they will get admitted into great schools and colleges. Politicians will shine very well and regain their name and fame. The people involved in musics, arts, movies will see their best part of their life. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Excellent Time (80 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You may see very good results during this time. Your growth will sky rocket. First thing is you will recover your health and you will have deep sleep which you are wanting for! Success is indicated whatever you do and wherever you go! Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Very Good Time (70 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. You will see good results during this period. However some people with weak natal chart will have problems during this period. If you have a good natal chart with dasa / bukthi, you will continue to go up during this time. Check your natal chart before making any important life changing decisions. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Wonderful Time (95 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star will show you the sky during this period. You will reach a much elevated peak on your career, finance and family. This is a perfect time for any celebrations - weddings, new home pooja, foreign travel, taking new Job, vacation, etc. Success and happiness is indicated for you in each and every corner. Investments will yield great profits, however avoid speculative trading since it always does require natal chart support. Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Mixed Note (55 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. This is a mixed note for you! By first week of Nov 2013, you should have enjoyed 50% benefits of Jupiter effects. Now is the time to take pause! You will not go down from the level you reached so far. But at the same time, you may also not go up. You have wait until first week of March 2014 to see accelerated growth and happiness on your life. Overall this Guru Peyarchi is going to be excellent and you will enjoy the most across all other rasis. Pariharam: 1. No Pariharam is necessary since all major planets are in good position.2. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.

FROM : A.V.PARAM SHAH ALAM [email protected]

FROM : A.V.PARAM SHAH ALAM [email protected] Peyarchi Palangal For Midhuna Rashi (Gemini) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in Viraya Sthanam so far. It should have put your life miserable state along with many expenses. The only good thing was expenses made have been for your happiness and enjoyments including vacations, travels, etc. But along with Saturn in 5th house, you might be facing a very hard time in your family situation so far in the recent past. So it is clear that things are now bad for you! Now Jupiter moving on to your Janma Sthanam will make your situation from bad to worst. It is not a happy news for you but it is true.Guru in 1st house would be aspecting your 5th, 7th and 9th house. You will have major setback on your health and finance affecting your work and family life. Right now you have enough pressure and mental stress provided by Saturn for the last one year. Since Jupiter moved on to your Janma Sthanam will affect your physical body. Now you have to take bitter pills from both Jupiter and Saturn simultaneously. Your cholesterol level will shoot up and reach elevated high level will force you take medications. You may also have dizziness and hence you need to take enough vitamins and other nutrition. Besides you need to do regular exercise to maintain your body under your control. This is not the time for you to look for a match, if you are single. If you do, separation and serious conflicts in love affairs would occur. So it is safe to stay away from love affairs since 5th house Saturn and 1st Jupiter is the one of the worst combination for love affairs. If you are married, no doubt that you will have problems with your spouse. If your spouse is receiving benefic Jupiter aspect, then you can relax and your problems focus will switch into other areas such as your health, career and finance. Besides you will have problems with other close family members and any suba karyas planned will get postponed beyond your control. Your work life will also have major problems. Especially if you are designated higher (like vice president, director or senior managers, etc), then you have step down at no fault of yours. However if you are working as individual contributor and not managing any people, you will have problems but you can keep your Job safe with your hard work. Any name and fame you earned in the past years will start vanish during this transit. Your health will not cooperate to do your duties mainly. You have to take couple of trips / travel, which end up in yielding nothing. Your immigration benefits will get delayed during this transit. You may not get a visa to travel abroad.Wealth destruction is clearly indicated on the cards and so you have to be very careful. Often many times, you will have to pay from your pocket for the fault of others. Especially if you are assuring another person loan, it will become your responsibility for sure. Avoid signing contracts for others and do not get into any legal issues. Besides you will have enough medical expenses and so medical insurance is mandatory for you this year! Interested in trading in stock market? Just wait for 18 months because it can reduce your financial problems. Any investments you do will give you negative yield. The people involved in business will have worst turn over during this period. Stay protective and reduce the expenses. Also avoid expanding any joint ventures / partnership and business expansion. Students need to put lot of efforts to get pass marks on their exams. Politicians and Movie stars will have hard time in keeping their name and fame in the society. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.

May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Mixed Results (55 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You may see very much mixed results during this time. It is a time for you to get prepare for the upcoming worst situation. Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Severe Testing Period (40/ 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. Any thing you do would not be favorable to you. The problems with your spouse and other family members will go much deeper during this period. Do not plan any suba karya's during this period. The problems at you work environment will shoot up during this period. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Health and Family Problems (30 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star will show you the bottom during this period. Your problems with your spouse will shoot up and temporary separation is also indicated. Better to be calm and avoid arguments since the time is not favorable for you during this time. Your health will also get affected. Somehow you will manage to Keep your job is the only good thing! Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Good Recovery (65 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. This time period would be the reasonable for you and best part of this Guru Peyarchi. You will not go up but at least you will not have any new problems during this period. But the existing problems will continue to put you under stress. Overall this Guru Peyarchi is going to be a severe testing period for you! Be brave enough to face the obstacles and you will have excellent time only from June 2014. Pariharam: 1. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Thursdays and Saturdays2. Keep praying Guru Dakshinamoorthy, Saneeswaran and Rahu Bhagawan.3. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.4. Do prayers and meditation.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Kataga Rashi (Cancer) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 11th house so far. It should have made your life enjoyable at least from Feb 2013 in full strength. You should have had good times at your work environment and family situation might have got much better. Your ailing health should have recovered a lot. Now things are changing since Guru Bhagawan is entering onto your Viraya sthanam. You will have problems mainly with respect to your finance. But you will face much more obstacles apart from finance since you are also going through the worst part of Ardhastama Sani. Jupiter in 12th house is aspecting your 4th, 6th and 8th house. Jupiter cannot give his support since he is hidden on your 12th house. At the same time, 12th house Jupiter is not much destructive. But the problems will come to you from Sani Bhagawan without any protection from Guru Bhagawan is the worst thing during this transit. Your health should have recovered a lot from Feb 2013 onwards. You would be happy with the progress on your health. Now Saturn aspecting your rasi will create more problems by affecting your physical body. You will have to take hectic mental stress as well as physical pain from Saturn. You need to have good diet and regular exercise to maintain your body. You may also need to do yoga to keep your mind stable. This is not the time for you to look for a match, if you are single. With Saturn in the 4th house, you may lose interest in searching for a match. Even if your parents are looking for match, you would not be happy with the proposal. In general, you will not be happy in relationship. Existing relationship will have serious conflicts. Chances of separation is also indicated on the cards. You are going to have a very challenging work life going forward. Chances of job risk is also there. If you lose your Job, it is difficult for you to get it again at least until end of next year. So stay defensive and try to adjust the work environment otherwise you have sit in your home for significant amount of time. Your managers would not be happy no matter how much effort you put in. Your managers will always pinpoint the work which has not been done so far by ignoring your hard work you put in. It will also affect your performance review and bonus. Promotions may not happen for you this year. If you are working in temporary visa in a foreign land, you may be asked to go back to your homeland. Wealth destruction is clearly indicated on the cards and so you have to be very careful. You will have both suba Viraya and unwanted expenses like parking / speeding ticket, home expenses, etc. This is a worst time for you to invest in real estate. Chances are there may even get cheated in the transactions. You may have to experience legal issues. Stay away from any kind of investments and trading since clearly the time is not favorable for your growth.The people involved in business will have worst turn over during this period. Stay protective and reduce the expenses. Also avoid expanding any joint ventures / partnership and business expansion. Students need to put lot of efforts to get just pass marks on their exams. Politicians, musicians, artist and movie stars will have hard time in keeping their name and fame in the society. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Good Time (65 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You may experience good results during this time. However do not get fooled by taking hasty decisions since sudden debacle can be seen.Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Severe Testing Period (35/ 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. Any thing you do would not be favorable to you. The problems in family member and work environment will go much deeper during this period. Your health will also get affected adversely. Do not plan any suba karya's during this period. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Some recovery (50 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star in forward motion during this period. You will some recovery from the problems you have faced in the recent past. Only intensity of the problems will go down but still it should not be considered as good time.Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Stale Mate (55 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. You will continue to experience the effects of Saturn and Jupiter with somewhat low intensity. Overall this Guru Peyarchi is going to be a severe testing period for you! Be brave enough to face the obstacles and you will have excellent time only from June 2014. Pariharam: 1. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Thursdays and Saturdays2. Keep praying Guru Dakshinamoorthy, Saneeswaran and Rahu Bhagawan.3. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.4. Do prayers and meditation.

FROM : A.V.PARAM SHAH ALAM [email protected]

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Simha Rashi (Leo) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 10th house so far. It should have made your life miserable at least from Feb 2013 in full strength. Rahu on your 3rd house would have provided some energy to face the problems. But clearly right now things are not in good shape for you! You might have had relationship issues from Feb 2013 onwards. Now things are changing in your direction. Simha Rasi is one the rasis will have excellent time with this Guru Peyarchi. Jupiter in 11th house is aspecting your 3rd, 5th and 7th house. You can expect to have great relief from the family problems you facing so far. Besides it is time for your finance also. In general, you will see all around happiness during this Guru Peyarchi. Your health should have suffered a lot from Feb 2013 onwards. Now you will regain your sound health back. Since all major planets including Saturn and Rahu are favorable along with Jupiter, you will come out any kind of mental stress you have been facing so far. Your health would be very much supportive to enjoy the good results provided by Jupiter and Saturn. Let it be any serious health problems, it would get resolved with simple medications. Your cholesterol level wound come under your control and will start involving yourself into outdoor sports activities and workouts. Are you looking for a match? This is the perfect time to get engaged and married. A suitable horoscope will knock your door. Since all major planets are in very good position, you can utilize this time period to settle down in your life. Expecting a child for long time? It may also very well happen for eligible couples. You are non-stoppable on your success during this period. Any conflicts with your spouse will come to an end and couples will have wonderful time for sure. Any temporary separation occurred in the past will come to an end. If you are looking a change in your career, here you go! You will get the best offer ever you have seen in the past with this Jupiter transit. Your work pressure will almost be null and you will enjoy high salary package, bonus and stock options. You will get promotion and will also get closer to upper management. If eligible, you may travel abroad and will settle down in a foreign land with long term contract. Expecting green card for long time? No more waiting! It may also very well happen. Besides any short term trip to foreign land will also yield high profit for you! Your finance situation would improve a lot. Jupiter will amplify your savings like anything. This positive energy will give ample amount of money to buy a new home and / or car that will increase your living standard. You will reach a good position in the society. It is a good time for you to invest money to real estate. Your loans will approved without any delays. Documents and signing contracts are favorable during this Jupiter transit. Most of the middle aged Simha rasi people will have house warming function during this transit. The people involved in business will have windfall profits during this year. Joint ventures and partnership business will become successful. However if you are entering into partnership deal, check your natal chart. It may be favorable for the next one year but may cause problems in the future. Business expansion is also very much possible. Traders will file excellent profits and get great incentives. Students will set great records on the examinations and they will get admitted into great schools and colleges. Politicians will shine very well and regain their name and fame. The people involved in musics, arts, movies will see their best part of their life. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Mixed Results (55 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You will experience both good and bad results during this time. Since it is the start of Guru Peyarchi, you need to gain more energy on your mind and body to see the accelerated growth, Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Very Good Time (75 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. Any thing you do would go in your favor. It is a good time to apply for Job and taking new positions. Your savings will go up and expense will keep going down. You would reach a very good position during this time. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Excellent Time (95 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star in forward motion during this period. This is time you will enjoy the most benefits of Guru Peyarchi. If you do not see any good results by end of Oct 2013, there is something seriously going wrong on your natal chart and you need to contact your local astrologer for more details. This is the time all ruling planets want you to go up in life in each and every aspect. Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Slow and Steady Growth (55 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. This is a mixed note for you! You will not go down from the level you reached so far. But at the same time, you may also not go up. You have wait until first week of March 2014 to see accelerated growth and happiness on your life. Overall this Guru Peyarchi is going to be excellent and you will enjoy the most across all other rasis. Note that once you cross this Guru Peyarchi, you would be placed under a severe testing period for two years from July 2014. So you need to utilize the next 12 months to settle down in your life well to protect your health, wealth and family. Pariharam: 1. No Pariharam is necessary since all major planets are in good position.2. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Kanni Rashi (Virgo) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 9th house so far. It should have made your enjoyable and would have given you many life changing events in the last one year. The benefic effect of 9th house Jupiter might have been reduced with the last part of Sade Sani for some people running with weak maha dasa. People who have not experienced the actual benefit of Jupiter in the 9th house need to wait for one more year. By July 2013, you would have come out Sade sani even though Saturn transit is taking place by end of next year. The effect of Saturn can be seen at least before 6 months. Overall the next one year is going to be another testing period for you! Jupiter in 10th house is aspecting your 2nd, 4th and 6th houses. You can expect to have more problems on your career front. Saturn in the 2nd house will aspect your 4th and 11th house indicating that you will have problems on any tangible property for sure and income will also go down. Your health should be doing fine so far. Even though you would have faced mental stress with recent transit of Mars and Rahu. Now Jupiter is taking away its support, you will have some bitter pills on your health. However I do not foresee any major setback on your health since the worst part has been passed already with Janma Sani and Asthama Jupiter. During this transit, you will have problems but at low intensity. Mostly it will affect your work life and finance and rest will be secured. Are you looking for a match? If you are running favorable dasa or bukthi, you may continue to proceed. Since you are at the last phase of Sade Sani, problems with family life would be very less. Your relationship with your spouse and other family members would continue to be good. I do not see any major conflicts. When it comes to your work environment, of course, you will take serious bitter pills. You may get demotion or reduced salary package. Your work pressure would be more or you will be asked to do a work which you do not like it at all. You need to pass this hard time at your workplace. The good news is things should not be too bad compared to early part of 2012. Now you know how to handle the problems at your work place. Your immigration benefits may get delayed for no reason and your foreign trip will get postponed. Your finance is the one which gets mainly affected with this transit. Since Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter are teaming up to collapse your savings and so you have to be very careful on your finance. Any real estate transactions you do will end up in loss and you may regret that you should have waited some more time to see high profit. Expenses will skyrocket since Saturn and Rahu are free to do things since Jupiter is not supporting you! The people involved in business will have very difficult time this year. Joint ventures and partnership business will not be successful. You need to avoid business expansion and control the unwanted expenses. Traders will have worst time with respect to finance. Students will get good marks on their examinations. Politicians will also shine very well and regain their name and fame. The people involved in musics, arts, movies will have good time. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Hectic Work Environment (50 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You will have very hectic work environment. You will also develop conflicts and friction with upper management. It is a period to stay caution. Take care of your finance! Avoid any kind of real estate transactions during this period. Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Mixed Results (60 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. Avoid changing Job until otherwise you are forced to do so. Try to manage the problems at your work place. Your health and family problems may come up but the intensity will be very low. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Severe Testing Period (35 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star in forward motion during this period. This is time you need to be very careful on everything you do. As long as you can keep everything on the same state with no growth, that is the great success for you! Some people with weak maha dasa will have problems with their spouse. But it will not occur to people with strong maha dasa. Expenses will skyrocket during this period. Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Good Recovery (65 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. This time period would be the reasonable for you and best part of this Guru Peyarchi. You will not go up but at least you will not have any new problems with respect to your career and finance. Overall this Guru Peyarchi is going to be target your job and finance. The other aspects of your life will continue to shine since you have crossed the worst part already. Pariharam: 1. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Thursdays and Saturdays2. Keep praying Guru Dakshinamoorthy, Saneeswaran and Ketu Bhagawan.3. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.4. Do prayers and meditation.

FROM : A.V.PARAM SHAH ALAM [email protected]

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Thula Rashi (Libra) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 8th house so far. Besides you were under Janma Sani and Janma Rahu. This is one of the worst combinations one might have. No doubt that you had suffered a lot in the last one year. Many of you might have lost your job and might be going under severe financial challenges. Besides you should have suffered heavily on relationship issues. Conflicts with spouse or close relations should have been very common for you in the last one year. Now you have good news. Jupiter is moving onto your 9th house. It is capable of destroying all your stress and can give you happiness. But still Saturn in Janma Sthanam is also equally powerful to limit your growth. Overall I could see that you will have wonderful time for the next one year compared to last one year, but still you will have some problems due to Janma Sani.Jupiter in 9th house is aspecting your 1st, 3rd and 5th houses. You will get relived from relationship issues and you may join again with your spouse, if separated. You may also get married and blessed with a child, if eligible. Your health condition will improve a lot. Guru Bhagawan will reduce your mental stress and strengthen your physical body. Besides Jupiter is aspecting Saturn, the malefic impact of Saturn will also come down. If you have any serious medical problems, you will get cured with simple medications. If you have any plans made for surgery in the past couple of months, then re-do the medical check and surgery may not be required this time. Overall you will have sound health but occasional problems may creep up with Janma Sani and Rahu.If you are single, you might have had very hard time in the last one year in finding for a match. You might have also experienced many painful things related to love affairs. Now things are changing. This is time for you to look for a suitable match. You may also very well get married and blessed with a child, if eligible. If you are separated from your family for any reasons, then chances are there you may rejoin with your family. However stay caution and avoid arguments with your spouse. The problems with your spouse may happen for people running with weak or bhadhaka maha dasa.There is no surprise if you are unemployed. If so, you will get a very good Job with good salary during this transit. Your work pressure will come down. You may also get promotion and bonus at your workplace. You will closer to upper management. You will see great success on everything you do. If eligible, you may travel abroad and will settle down in a foreign land with long term contract. Expecting green card for long time? No more waiting! It may also very well happen. Besides any short term trip to foreign land will also yield high profit for you! By now you may have a small mountain of debts. Jupiter in the 9th house will definitely help you to destroy it and put it under control. Since Saturn and Rahu are on your Janma Sthanam, you may not expect windfall profits from speculative trading and hence better avoid trading. If you are looking to buy a new home, you can consider doing that. However any hasty decisions must be avoided. Your loans will approve without any delays. You will reach a good position in the society.The people involved in business will see significant recovery compared to last year. Company takeover are possible during this transit. However avoid expanding your business for time being. You can do with your natal chart support. Also be careful on partnership deal and joint ventures. Traders will see their fortune is coming back. Students will set great records on the examinations and they will get admitted into great schools and colleges. Politicians can see only mixed results however they can regain their name and fame in society. The people involved in musics, arts; movies will see their best part of their life.Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Very Good Time (70 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You will have very good time during this period. If you are unemployed, you may very well a Job and settled down at your new work environment. Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Excellent Time (80 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. You will enjoy the most benefits of Guru Peyarchi during this time. Many subha karyas may happen and you will be very happy about your progress. You will get good respect from the society which you have lost in the last one year. Good time to invest in real estate. However know you limits and do not over do it! Always keep in mind, still Sani is with you on your rasi limit your growth.Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Mixed Results (50 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star in forward motion during this period. This is a time you need to be very careful on everything you do. Things may not go in your favor and Janma Sani & Rahu will try dominating with their malefic effects during this time. Jupiter can protect you from the worst and however its energy may not be sufficient for your growth.Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Good Recovery (50 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in Punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. This is a mixed note for you! You will not go down from the level you reached so far. But at the same time, you may also not go up. You have wait until first week of March 2014 to see accelerated growth and happiness on your life.Overall this Guru Peyarchi is excellent for you! However most of its energy will be spent of protecting you from Janma Sani and Rahu and the rest will be spent for your growth. Definitely you will have excellent time compared to last one year.Pariharam: 1. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Saturdays.2. Keep praying lord Saneeswaran.3. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can. Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Viruchiga Rashi (Scorpio) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 7th house so far. Besides you had started off with first phase Sade sani. You would have enjoyed many benefits including a job change on your career, buying a new home, marriage or birth of a new child, etc. Besides you might be facing the heat of Saturn for the last 6 months. Saturn might have given you some sleepiness nights along with problems on your finance, health and immigration issues. Saturn might not have been successful on its efforts since Jupiter was protecting you very well. Now Jupiter is moving onto your 8th house is going to be a very bad news for you! Saturn on 12th and Jupiter on 8th is one of the worst combinations one might experience. Jupiter in 8th house is aspecting your 12th, 2nd and 4th houses. You will see all around problems with this transit and you have to depend on your natal chart to protect yourself from the malefic effects of Jupiter and Saturn. Your health condition needs serious attention during this transit. You will see mental stress is affecting your physical body rather than you suffer physically. Jupiter on 8th house will amplify your mental stress and can give you serious bitter pills. Having a very good diet and exercise is very important for you currently. If you are looking for a match, then it is better you postpone it for another one year at least. If you are in a hurry, then you have to check with your natal chart before making such decisions. Since ruling planets does not support engagements and weddings for another one year. Love affairs will end up in serious conflicts. If you are married, you need to stay calm and avoid arguments with your spouse. A chance for temporary separation is indicated on the cards. If you can manage the family problems for the next one year, then you will have big relief with next Jupiter transit after June 19, 2014. The work life balance will also get affected for the next one year. Your managers would not be happy no matter how much effort you put in. Your managers will always pinpoint the work which has not been done so far by ignoring your hard work you put in. It will also affect your performance review and bonus. Promotions may not happen for you this year. If you are working in temporary visa in a foreign land, you may be asked to go back to your homeland. Job risk is also indicated with Jupiter is hidden on your 8th house. The main thing you have to worry is about your finance. Jupiter will amplify your debt level slowly and create Small Mountain of debt that can make you enter into panic situation. Any loans you take you have to pay excessive interest. Even if you take 0% credit card loans, you will forget to make one default payment and will end up paying 15% interest rate or more. Overdraft and borrowing money would be part of the life with this transit; any kind of speculative income you make will know only one direction which is down south. If you plan to buy a home, it is a perfect wrong time. Either you will be paying more for the property or there will be many problems associated with the property. The people involved in business will have worst turn over during this period. Stay protective and reduce the expenses. Also avoid expanding any joint ventures / partnership and business expansion. Students need to put lot of efforts to get pass marks on their exams. Politicians and Movie stars will have hard time in keeping their name and fame in the society. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - All around problems (40 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You will have very hard time and would be feeling real effect of Sade sani and asthama Jupiter. You will develop hidden enemies at your workplace and your savings will drain out like anything. You will start borrowing money to meet your financial needs. Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Severe Testing Period (20 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star would be an adverse testing period for you! Any thing you do would not be favorable to you. The problems with your spouse and other family members will go much deeper during this period. Do not plan any subha karyas during this period. The problems at you work environment will shoot up during this period. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Significant Recovery (60 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star in forward motion during this period. This is a time you can breathe normally with low intensity of the problems. This is a time for you to recover from the recent collapse and start preparing for the next phase. Any subha karyas that cannot be postponed can be done during this time. Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Moderate Results (50 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in Punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. The intensity of the problems will be less but the problems will be there! This is a time for you to think about how to come out of the problems you are facing with this transit. Overall this Guru Peyarchi is going to be severe testing period for you! Pariharam: 1. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Thursdays and Saturdays2. Keep praying Guru Dakshinamoorthy, Saneeswaran.3. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.4. Do prayers and meditation.

FROM : A.V.PARAM SHAH ALAM [email protected]

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Dhanushu Rashi (Sagittarius) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 6th house so far. You would have had many bitter pills from Jupiter affecting your health, finance and family. You might have faced many hidden enemies at your work environment. Your medical expenses might have gone up in the last one year. The problems would have been much severe for you from Feb 2013. Now you have wonderful news. Jupiter is aspecting your moon sign from 7th house. Besides you have Saturn and Rahu teamed up on your 11th house. This is one of the best combinations one might experience with ruling planets. Overall your rasi will dominate all other rasis (including rishabam and simham) based on the strength of transit planets. Rishabam and Simham will be the next ones to enjoy the best. You will see success in everything you do and you will see happiness throughout the year. You will regain your sound health back with the strength of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. Let it be any serious health problems, it would get resolved with simple medications. Your cholesterol level wound come under your control and will start involving yourself into outdoor sports activities and workouts. You will be very healthy to enjoy all the benefits provided by Jupiter and Saturn. Are you looking for a match? This is the perfect time to get engaged and married. A suitable horoscope will knock your door. Since all major planets are in very good position, you can utilize this time period to settle down in your life. Expecting a child for long time? It may also very well happen for eligible couples. You are non-stoppable on your success during this period. Any conflicts with your spouse will come to an end and couples will have wonderful time for sure. Any temporary separation occurred in the past will come to an end. If you have sons / daughters eligible for marriage, it may also very well happen. If you are looking a change in your career, here you go! You will get the best offer ever you have seen in the past with this Jupiter transit. Your work pressure will almost be null and you will enjoy high salary package, bonus and stock options. You will get promotion and will also get closer to upper management. If eligible, you may travel abroad and will settle down in a foreign land with long term contract. Expecting green card for long time? No more waiting! It may also very well happen. Besides any short term trip to foreign land will also yield high profit for you! Jupiter will amplify your savings like anything. This positive energy will give ample amount of money to buy a new home and / or car that will increase your living standard. You will reach a very good position in the society. It is a good time for you to invest money to real estate. Your loans will approved without any delays. Documents and signing contracts are favorable during this Jupiter transit. Most of the middle aged rishaba rasi people will have house warming function during this transit. The people involved in business will have windfall profits during this year. Joint ventures and partnership business will become successful. However if you are entering into partnership deal, check your natal chart. It may be favorable for the next one year but may cause problems in the future. Business expansion is also very much possible. Traders will file excellent profits and get great incentives. Students will set great records on the examinations and they will get admitted into great schools and colleges. Politicians will shine very well and regain their name and fame. The people involved in musics, arts, movies will see their best part of their life. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions. May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Excellent Time (90 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You may see very good results during this time. Your growth will sky rocket. First thing is you will recover your health and you will have deep sleep which you are wanting for! Success is indicated whatever you do and wherever you go! Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Very Good Time (80 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. You will see good results during this period. However some people with weak natal chart will have problems during this period. If you have a good natal chart with dasa / bukthi, you will continue to go up during this time. Check your natal chart before making any important life changing decisions. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Wonderful Time (100 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star will show you the sky during this period. You will reach a much elevated peak on your career, finance and family. This is a perfect time for any celebrations - weddings, new home pooja, foreign travel, taking new Job, vacation, etc. Success and happiness is indicated for you in each and every corner. Investments will yield great profits, however avoid speculative trading since it always does require natal chart support. Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Mixed Note (70 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. This is a mixed note for you! By first week of Nov 2013, you should have enjoyed 50% benefits of Jupiter effects. Now is the time to take pause! You will not go down from the level you reached so far. But at the same time, you may also not go up. You have wait until first week of March 2014 to see accelerated growth and happiness on your life. Pariharam: 1. No Pariharam is necessary since all major planets are in good position.2. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Makara Rashi (Capricorn) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 5th house so far. You would have had many wonderful events like wedding, birth of a child, and change in job, buying new job, foreign travel, etc. However Saturn in 10th house might have caused some problems on your career and you would overcome with Jupiter support for sure.Jupiter moving onto your 6th house called runa roga sathru sthanam. It is definitely not good news for you! Jupiter will target to collapse your health and finance. Saturn will target to collapse your Job. Hence you would have problems on each and every aspect of your life. Your health condition needs serious attention during this transit. You will see sufferings on physical body as well as mental stress. Any warning signs on your health should not be ignored. Having a very good diet and exercise is very important for you currently compared all other aspects. You may also need to do yoga and / or meditation to keep your mind stable. If you are looking for a match, then it is better you postpone it for another one year at least. Love affairs will have serious conflicts. If you are married, you need to stay calm and avoid arguments with your spouse. If you have any problems, try to solve yourself. Bringing in any mediators is the worst part of this transit. If you can manage the family problems for the next one year, then you will have excellent time with next Jupiter transit that is from June 19, 2014. The work life balance will also get affected for the next one year. Your managers would not be happy no matter how much effort you put in. Your managers will always pinpoint the work which has not been done so far by ignoring your hard work you put in. It will also affect your performance review and bonus. Promotions may not happen for you this year. If you are working in temporary visa in a foreign land, you may be asked to go back to your homeland. There is a possibility for losing your Job since Saturn in on your 10th house. If you lose your Job, then you may have to wait until June 2014 to get another one. The other main aspect for your to worry is your finance. Jupiter will amplify your debt level slowly and create Small Mountain of debt that can make you enter into panic situation. Any loans you take you have to pay excessive interest. Even if you take 0% credit card loans, you will forget to make one default payment and will end up paying 15% interest rate or more. Overdraft and borrowing money would be part of the life with this transit; any kind of speculative income you make will know only one direction which is down south. If you plan to buy a home, it is a perfect wrong time. Either you will be paying more for the property or there will be many problems associated with the property. The people involved in business will have worst turn over during this period. Stay protective and reduce the expenses. Also avoid expanding any joint ventures / partnership and business expansion. Students need to put lot of efforts to get pass marks on their exams. Politicians and Movie stars will have hard time in keeping their name and fame in the society. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions.May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Severe Testing Period (20 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. Nothing will go in your favor during this time. You need to manage the first 4 weeks of Jupiter transit with caution. If there is any Job loss, then it will happen during this time. Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Significant Recovery (60 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion. This is a time you can breathe normally with low intensity of the problems. This is a time for you to recover from the recent collapse and start preparing for the next phase. Any subha karyas that cannot be postponed can be done during this time. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - All Around Problems (40 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star in forward motion during this period. This can give you many bitter pills and it will mainly affect your health and finance. Besides work pressure will also be there! You will develop many hidden enemies at your work environment during this time. You do not even know who is playing against you! Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Moderate Results (50 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in Punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. The intensity of the problems will be less but the problems will be there! This is a time for you to think about how to come out of the problems you are facing with this transit. Overall this Guru Peyarchi is going to be severe testing period for you! Pariharam: 1. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Thursdays and Saturdays2. Keep praying Guru Dakshinamoorthy, Saneeswaran and Ketu Bhagawan.3. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.4. Do prayers and meditation.

FROM : A.V.PARAM SHAH ALAM [email protected]

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 4th house so far. Things might be in stale mate and may not be moving in either direction for you in the recent past. The absense of Jupiter sight for the last seven years might have put your life in miserable state. Besides you would have come down in life a lot and waiting eagarly to catch up with other people. Now the waiting time is over. Jupiter moving onto your 5th house called poorva punya sthanam. Ketu is very well placed for you already and Saturn is not in a bad position for you! So there is no doubt on your growth will skyrcoket on each and every aspect of your life. You will regain your sound health back with the strength of Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu. Let it be any serious health problems, it would get resolved with simple medications. Your cholesterol level wound come under your control and will start involving yourself into outdoor sports activities and workouts. You will be very healthy to enjoy all the benefits provided by Jupiter and Saturn. Are you looking for a match? This is the perfect time to get engaged and married. Since all major planets are in very good position, you can utilize this time period to settle down in your life. Expecting a child for long time? It may also very well happen for eligible couples. Any conflicts with your spouse will come to an end and couples will have wonderful time for sure. If you are looking a change in your career, here you go! You will get the best offer ever you have seen in the past with this Jupiter transit. Your work pressure will almost be null and you will enjoy high salary package, bonus and stock options. You will get promotion and will also get closer to upper management. If eligible, you may travel abroad and will settle down in a foreign land with long term contract. Expecting green card for long time? No more waiting! It may also very well happen. Besides any short term trip to foreign land will also yield high profit for you! Jupiter will amplify your savings like anything. This positive energy will give ample amount of money to buy a new home and / or car that will increase your living standard. You will reach a very good position in the society. It is a good time for you to invest money to real estate. Your loans will approved without any delays. Documents and signing contracts are favorable during this Jupiter transit. Most of the middle aged rishaba rasi people will have house warming function during this transit. The people involved in business will have windfall profits during this year. Joint ventures and partnership business will become successful. However if you are entering into partnership deal, check your natal chart. It may be favorable for the next one year but may cause problems in the future. Business expansion is also very much possible. Traders will file excellent profits and get great incentives. Students will set great records on the examinations and they will get admitted into great schools and colleges. Politicians will shine very well and regain their name and fame. The people involved in musics, arts, movies will see their best part of their life. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions. May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Excellent Time (80 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You may see very good results during this time. Your growth will sky rocket. Success is indicated whatever you do and wherever you go! This period highly denotes job change. If you are not happy with your current place, this is the best time for you look for a change.Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Very Good Time (70 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. You will see good results during this period. However some people with weak natal chart will have problems during this period. If you have a good natal chart with dasa / bukthi, you will continue to go up during this time. Check your natal chart before making any important life changing decisions. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Wonderful Time (90 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star will show you the sky during this period. You will reach a much elevated peak on your career, finance and family. This is a perfect time for any celebrations - weddings, new home pooja, foreign travel, taking new Job, vacation, etc. Success and happiness is indicated for you in each and every corner. Investments will yield great profits, however avoid speculative trading since it always does require natal chart support. Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Mixed Note (70 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. This is a mixed note for you! By first week of Nov 2013, you should have enjoyed 50% benefits of Jupiter effects. Now is the time to take pause! You will not go down from the level you reached so far. But at the same time, you may also not go up. You have wait until first week of March 2014 to see accelerated growth and happiness on your life. Pariharam: 1. Ketu and Jupiter are placed well. 2. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Saturdays.3. Keep praying lord Saneeswaran and Rahu Bhagawan.4. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.5. Do prayers and meditation.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Meena Rashi (Pisces) - (May 30, 2013 to June 19, 2014) - Jupiter Transit Predictions

For your rasi, Guru was in 3rd house so far. Besides you were under the pressure of Asthama Sani. One of the worst combination one might have in life. Nothing would have gone in your favor and you will have all around problems. Many of you might have lost your job and might be going under severe financial challenges. Besides you should have suffered heavily on relationship issues. Conflicts with spouse or close relations should have been very common for you in the last one year. Now you have some good news with Jupiter moving on to your 4th house. Your finance problems will come down and work pressure will ease somewhat. By this time, you would have seen your bottom. Going forward, you will see growth, but it would be very slow. The problems will be there but at a low intensity. So now you can be happy since you got some support from Jupiter that can put things under control whenever problems are peaking. You will start recovering your health slowly. However still you need to be careful on your health. Having a very good diet and exercise is still important for you. Since Jupiter is aspecting Saturn, the impact Asthama sani will come down somewhat. So people with strong maha dasa will see significant recovery on their health. Are you looking for a match? May be you should wait for another 12 months if you are not in a hurry. You would have had many issues on your relationship with your spouse and other close family members. Now is the time to stay calm and digest the recent past unpleasant events. The intensity of the problems with respect to the relationship will come down. You will get mentally prepared for next phase of your life is the only thing you can expect from this transit. Once Jupiter moves further on to Kataga Rasi on Jun 19, 2014, you will have excellent time and start moving up in your life. If you are looking a change in your career, it is a kind of mixed note. If you get laid off, then you are forced to search for a job. In this situation, you will get a Job with good package but may not be excellent. But you need to accept since you do not have any other option out on the table. If you have Job and then it is better to stick with the current Job for the next one year. Things will become ease at your work environment at least it should be much better than last one year. Promotion may not happen for you this year! It does require your natal chart support. You will reasonable amount of bonus. If you are working in abroad on a temporary visa, it will be extended for another year at least. If possible, avoid foreign travel as vacation since it can yield nothing. One big relief you can expect during this transit is on your finance. You will start recover from the sudden debacle happened in the recent past. You might have spent lot of money that can yield nothing. Your investments losses would be much more in the last one year. Some people might also be facing legal issues. Overall you would have created a big mountain of debt with high interest rate. Now with this transit, you will convert your bad debt to good debt so that your interest rate can be lowered. So majority of your payments will go towards paying the principal rather than interest. Slowly you will start paying off your debt and your debt will come under your control. But coming out of debt is unlikely since Saturn is on your 8th house. For that you need to wait for one more year. No speculative investments and new venture is advised during this transit also. The people involved in business will recover somewhat during this year. Still you need to control your expenses and Business expansion is not advised during this time also. Traders will still face hard time. Students can get some decent score on their exams. Politicians will continue to have very hard time in keeping their name and fame. The people involved in musics, arts, and movies will see some recovery but the movie producers will still have difficult times. Here is the breakup of the timeline based on Jupiter transit on different star and motions. May 30, 2013 to Jun 28, 2013 - Good Time (60 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Mrigasheersham Star in forward motion during this period. You may see very good results during this time. If you have lost your job, you may get a good Job during this period. This period would be much relaxing period for you compared to the last one year.Jun 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013 and Mar 06, 2014 to April 24, 2014 - Mixed Results (50 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Thiruvathirai Star in forward motion during this period. You will see very much mixed results during this period. It will not take you anywhere but you stay on the same line. Your natal chart will dominate the direction. This is the time you will have both malefic and benefic energies from the planets. Aug 31, 2013 to Nov 07, 2013 and April 24, 2014 to Jun 19, 2014 - Very Good Time (70 / 100)Jupiter would be traversing in Punarpoosam Star will show you the sky during this period. You will reach a good position during this time. But success would not be so easy. You have to put lots of efforts and you will succeed at the end. Hard work will get appreciated during this time. Nov 07, 2013 to March 06, 2014 - Testing Period (40 / 100)Jupiter is getting into backward motion during this period. Jupiter would be in punarpoosam star until Jan 17 and Thiruvathirai star until March 06, 2014. This period is going to problematic for you! But the intensity of the problems would be less compared to last one year.Pariharam: 1. Avoid taking non-vegetarian food at least on Thursdays and Saturdays2. Keep praying Guru Dakshinamoorthy, Saneeswaran and Rahu Bhagawan. 3. Help people who are in the need. Does not have to be in the form money. You can talk with them and give your advice to others, if you can.4. Do prayers and meditation

